Surface Brightness Profiles

There are many possible ways to define a surface brightness profile of an astronomical object (stars, galaxies, etc.) in GalSim. We have classes for common PSF models (e.g. Moffat and Airy), analytic galaxy profiles (e.g. Exponential and Sersic), interpolation of an arbitrary input image (InterpolatedImage), some other more complicated models, and ways to combine models as sums or convolutions. Models can also be arbitrarily stretched, rotated, and dilated in various ways.

The classes for these various surface brightness profiles are all subclasses of the GSObject base class. See that section for details about most of the public API methods that are defined for all (or almost all) of these classes.

Next, we list the subclasses of GSObject organized by their intended use. These are the classes you would actually use when building the profile for an astronomical object.