Source code for galsim.config.gsobject

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
import inspect

from .util import LoggerWrapper, GetIndex, GetRNG, get_cls_params, CleanConfig
from .value import ParseValue, GetCurrentValue, GetAllParams, CheckAllParams, SetDefaultIndex
from .input import RegisterInputConnectedType
from .sed import BuildSED
from ..errors import GalSimConfigError, GalSimConfigValueError
from ..position import PositionD
from ..sum import Add
from ..convolve import Convolve
from ..phase_psf import OpticalPSF
from ..shear import Shear
from ..angle import Angle
from ..gsobject import GSObject
from ..chromatic import ChromaticObject, ChromaticOpticalPSF
from ..gsparams import GSParams
from ..utilities import basestring
from ..chromatic import ChromaticAtmosphere
from ..celestial import CelestialCoord

# This file handles the building of GSObjects in the config['psf'] and config['gal'] fields.
# This file includes many of the simple object types.  Additional types are defined in
#,, and

# This module-level dict will store all the registered gsobject types.
# See the RegisterObjectType function at the end of this file.
# The keys will be the (string) names of the object types, and the values are the function
# to call to build an object of that type.
valid_gsobject_types = {}

[docs]class SkipThisObject(Exception): """ A class that a builder can throw to indicate that nothing went wrong, but for some reason, this particular object should be skipped and just move onto the next object. The constructor takes an optional message that will be output to the logger if logging is active. """ def __init__(self, message=None): # Using self.message gives a deprecation warning. Avoid this by using a different name. self.msg = message
[docs]def BuildGSObject(config, key, base=None, gsparams={}, logger=None): """Build a GSObject from the parameters in config[key]. Parameters: config: A dict with the configuration information. key: The key name in config indicating which object to build. base: The base dict of the configuration. [default: config] gsparams: Optionally, provide non-default GSParams items. Any ``gsparams`` specified at this level will be added to the list. This should be a dict with whatever kwargs should be used in constructing the GSParams object. [default: {}] logger: Optionally, provide a logger for logging debug statements. [default: None] Returns: the tuple (gsobject, safe), where ``gsobject`` is the built object, and ``safe`` is a bool that says whether it is safe to use this object again next time. """ from .. import __dict__ as galsim_dict logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) if base is None: base = config logger.debug('obj %d: Start BuildGSObject %s',base.get('obj_num',0),key) # If key isn't in config, then just return None. try: param = config[key] except KeyError: return None, True # Check what index key we want to use for this object. # Note: this call will also set base['index_key'] and base['rng'] to the right values index, index_key = GetIndex(param, base) # Get the type to be parsed. if not 'type' in param: raise GalSimConfigError("type attribute required in config.%s"%key) type_name = param['type'] # If we are repeating, then we get to use the current object for repeat times. if 'repeat' in param: repeat = ParseValue(param, 'repeat', base, int)[0] else: repeat = 1 # Check if we need to skip this object if 'skip' in param: skip = ParseValue(param, 'skip', base, bool)[0] if skip: logger.debug('obj %d: Skipping because field skip=True',base.get('obj_num',0)) raise SkipThisObject() # Check if we can use the current cached object if 'current' in param: # NB. "current" tuple is (obj, safe, None, index, index_type) cobj, csafe, cvalue_type, cindex, cindex_type = param['current'] if csafe or cindex//repeat == index//repeat: # If logging, explain why we are using the current object. if logger: if csafe: logger.debug('obj %d: current is safe',base.get('obj_num',0)) elif repeat > 1: logger.debug('obj %d: repeat = %d, index = %d, use current object', base.get('obj_num',0),repeat,index) else: logger.debug('obj %d: This object is already current', base.get('obj_num',0)) return cobj, csafe # Set up the initial default list of attributes to ignore while building the object: ignore = [ 'dilate', 'dilation', 'ellip', 'rotate', 'rotation', 'scale_flux', 'magnify', 'magnification', 'shear', 'lens', 'shift', 'sed', 'gsparams', 'skip', 'current', 'index_key', 'repeat' ] # There are a few more that are specific to which key we have. # Note: some custom stamp builders may have fields besides just gal and psf. # Using 'gal' in key rather than key == 'gal', we make it easier for them, since the # keys can be e.g. blue_gal, red_gal, or halo_gal, field_gal, etc. Anything with gal # somewhere in the name will be treated as a gal. Likewise ground_psf, space_psf or # similar will all be treated as psf. if isinstance(key, basestring) and 'gal' in key: ignore += [ 'resolution', 'signal_to_noise', 'redshift', 're_from_res' ] elif isinstance(key, basestring) and 'psf' in key: ignore += [ 'saved_re' ] else: # As long as key isn't psf, allow resolution. # Ideally, we'd like to check that it's something within the gal hierarchy, but # I don't know an easy way to do that. ignore += [ 'resolution' , 're_from_res' ] # Allow signal_to_noise for PSFs only if there is not also a galaxy. if 'gal' not in base and isinstance(key, basestring) and 'psf' in key: ignore += [ 'signal_to_noise'] # If we are specifying the size according to a resolution, then we # need to get the PSF's half_light_radius. if 'resolution' in param: if 'psf' not in base: raise GalSimConfigError("Cannot use gal.resolution if no psf is set.") if 'saved_re' not in base['psf']: raise GalSimConfigError( 'Cannot use gal.resolution with psf.type = %s'%base['psf']['type']) psf_re = base['psf']['saved_re'] resolution = ParseValue(param, 'resolution', base, float)[0] gal_re = resolution * psf_re if 're_from_res' not in param: # The first time, check that half_light_radius isn't also specified. if 'half_light_radius' in param: raise GalSimConfigError( 'Cannot specify both gal.resolution and gal.half_light_radius') param['re_from_res'] = True param['half_light_radius'] = gal_re if 'gsparams' in param: gsparams = UpdateGSParams(gsparams, param['gsparams'], base) # See if this type is registered as a valid type. if type_name in valid_gsobject_types: build_func = valid_gsobject_types[type_name] elif type_name in galsim_dict: gdict = globals().copy() exec('import galsim', gdict) build_func = eval("galsim."+type_name, gdict) else: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Unrecognised gsobject type", type_name) if inspect.isclass(build_func) and issubclass(build_func, (GSObject, ChromaticObject)): gsobject, safe = _BuildSimple(build_func, param, base, ignore, gsparams, logger) else: gsobject, safe = build_func(param, base, ignore, gsparams, logger) # Apply any SED and redshift that might be present. if 'redshift' in param: if 'sed' in param: from ..deprecated import depr depr('gal.redshift', '2.5.3', 'gal.sed.redshift', 'For chromatic objects, the redshift parameter should be given in the ' 'sed field.') param['sed']['redshift'] = param.pop('redshift') gsobject, safe1 = ApplySED(gsobject, param, base, logger) safe = safe and safe1 if 'redshift' in param: redshift, safe1 = ParseValue(param, 'redshift', base, float) safe = safe and safe1 if isinstance(gsobject, ChromaticObject): from ..deprecated import depr depr('gal.redshift', '2.5.3', 'gal.sed.redshift', 'For chromatic objects, the redshift parameter should be given in the ' 'sed field.') gsobject = gsobject._atRedshift(redshift) else: # If not chromatic, then redshift is just an attribute for reference. gsobject.redshift = redshift if 'flux' in param: flux, safe1 = ParseValue(param, 'flux', base, float) logger.debug('obj %d: flux == %f',base.get('obj_num',0),flux) if 'sed' in param and 'bandpass' in base: gsobject = gsobject.withFlux(flux, bandpass=base['bandpass']) else: gsobject = gsobject.withFlux(flux) safe = safe and safe1 # If this is a psf, try to save the half_light_radius in case gal uses resolution. if key == 'psf': try: param['saved_re'] = gsobject.half_light_radius except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError, TypeError): pass # Apply any dilation, ellip, shear, etc. modifications. gsobject, safe1 = TransformObject(gsobject, param, base, logger) safe = safe and safe1 # Re-get index and index_key in case something changed when building the object. # (cf. Roman PSF for an example of why this might be useful.) index, index_key = GetIndex(param, base) param['current'] = gsobject, safe, None, index, index_key return gsobject, safe
[docs]def UpdateGSParams(gsparams, config, base): """Add additional items to the ``gsparams`` dict based on config['gsparams']. Parameters: gsparams: A dict with whatever kwargs should be used in constructing the GSParams object. config: A dict with the configuration information. base: The base dict of the configuration. Returns: an updated gsparams dict """ opt = GSObject._gsparams_opt kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt) # When we update gsparams, we don't want to corrupt the original, so we need to # make a copy first, then update with kwargs. ret = {} ret.update(gsparams) ret.update(kwargs) return ret
def ApplySED(gsobject, config, base, logger): """Read and apply an SED to the base gsobject Parameters: gsobject: The base GSObject config: A dict with the configuration information. base: The base dict of the configuration. logger: A logger for logging debug statements. """ if 'sed' in config: sed, safe = BuildSED(config, 'sed', base, logger) return gsobject * sed, safe else: return gsobject, True # # The following are private functions to implement the simpler GSObject types. # These are not imported into galsim.config namespace. # def _BuildSimple(build_func, config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a simple GSObject (i.e. one without a specialized _Build function) or any other GalSim object that defines _req_params, _opt_params and _single_params. """ # Build the kwargs according to the various params objects in the class definition. type_name = config['type'] logger.debug('obj %d: BuildSimple for type = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),type_name) req, opt, single, takes_rng = get_cls_params(build_func) kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt, single=single, ignore=ignore) if gsparams: kwargs['gsparams'] = GSParams(**gsparams) if takes_rng: kwargs['rng'] = GetRNG(config, base, logger, type_name) safe = False logger.debug('obj %d: kwargs = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),kwargs) # Finally, after pulling together all the params, try making the GSObject. return build_func(**kwargs), safe def _BuildNone(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Special type=None returns None. """ return None, True
[docs]def _BuildAdd(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a Sum object. """ req = { 'items' : list } opt = { 'flux' : float } # Only Check, not Get. We need to handle items a bit differently, since it's a list. CheckAllParams(config, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore) gsobjects = [] items = config['items'] if not isinstance(items,list): raise GalSimConfigError("items entry for type=Add is not a list.") safe = True for i in range(len(items)): gsobject, safe1 = BuildGSObject(items, i, base, gsparams, logger) # Skip items with flux=0 if 'flux' in items[i] and GetCurrentValue('flux',items[i],float,base) == 0.: logger.debug('obj %d: Not including component with flux == 0',base.get('obj_num',0)) continue safe = safe and safe1 gsobjects.append(gsobject) if len(gsobjects) == 0: raise GalSimConfigError("No valid items for type=Add") elif len(gsobjects) == 1: gsobject = gsobjects[0] else: # Special: if the last item in a Sum doesn't specify a flux, we scale it # to bring the total flux up to 1. if ('flux' not in items[-1]) and all('flux' in item for item in items[0:-1]): sum_flux = 0 for item in items[0:-1]: sum_flux += GetCurrentValue('flux',item,float,base) f = 1. - sum_flux if (f < 0): logger.warning( "Warning: Automatic flux for the last item in Sum (to make the total flux=1) " "resulted in negative flux = %f for that item"%f) logger.debug('obj %d: Rescaling final object in sum to have flux = %f', base.get('obj_num',0), f) gsobjects[-1] = gsobjects[-1].withFlux(f) if gsparams: gsparams = GSParams(**gsparams) else: gsparams = None gsobject = Add(gsobjects,gsparams=gsparams) return gsobject, safe
[docs]def _BuildConvolve(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a Convolution object. """ req = { 'items' : list } opt = { 'flux' : float } # Only Check, not Get. We need to handle items a bit differently, since it's a list. CheckAllParams(config, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore) gsobjects = [] items = config['items'] if not isinstance(items,list): raise GalSimConfigError("items entry for type=Convolve is not a list.") safe = True for i in range(len(items)): gsobject, safe1 = BuildGSObject(items, i, base, gsparams, logger) safe = safe and safe1 gsobjects.append(gsobject) if len(gsobjects) == 0: raise GalSimConfigError("No valid items for type=Convolve") elif len(gsobjects) == 1: gsobject = gsobjects[0] else: if gsparams: gsparams = GSParams(**gsparams) else: gsparams = None gsobject = Convolve(gsobjects,gsparams=gsparams) return gsobject, safe
[docs]def _BuildList(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a GSObject selected from a List. """ req = { 'items' : list } opt = { 'index' : float , 'flux' : float } # Only Check, not Get. We need to handle items a bit differently, since it's a list. CheckAllParams(config, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore) items = config['items'] if not isinstance(items,list): raise GalSimConfigError("items entry for type=List is not a list.") # Setup the indexing sequence if it hasn't been specified using the length of items. SetDefaultIndex(config, len(items)) index, safe = ParseValue(config, 'index', base, int) if index < 0 or index >= len(items): raise GalSimConfigError("index %d out of bounds for List"%index) gsobject, safe1 = BuildGSObject(items, index, base, gsparams, logger) safe = safe and safe1 return gsobject, safe
def _BuildEval(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a GSObject from an Eval string """ from .value_eval import _GenerateFromEval req = { 'str': str } params, _ = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, ignore=ignore) gsobject, safe = _GenerateFromEval(params, base, None) if gsparams: gsobject = gsobject.withGSParams(**gsparams) return gsobject, safe def ParseAberrations(key, config, base, name): """Parse a possible aberrations list in config dict. Parameters: key: The key name with the aberrations list. config: A dict with the tranformation information for this object. base: The base dict of the configuration. name: The name of the source object being parsed (only used for error reporting). Returns: aberrations list or None """ if key in config: aber_list = [0.0] * 4 # Initial 4 values are ignored. aberrations = config[key] if not isinstance(aberrations,list): raise GalSimConfigError( "aberrations entry for config.%s entry is not a list."%(name)) safe = True for i in range(len(aberrations)): value, safe1 = ParseValue(aberrations, i, base, float) aber_list.append(value) safe = safe and safe1 return aber_list else: return None def _BuildJointOpticalPSF(cls, config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): req, opt, single, _ = get_cls_params(cls) kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req, opt, single, ignore = ['aberrations'] + ignore) if gsparams: kwargs['gsparams'] = GSParams(**gsparams) kwargs['aberrations'] = ParseAberrations('aberrations', config, base, cls.__name__) return cls(**kwargs), safe
[docs]def _BuildOpticalPSF(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build an OpticalPSF. """ return _BuildJointOpticalPSF(OpticalPSF, config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger)
def _BuildChromaticOpticalPSF(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a ChromaticOpticalPSF. """ # All the code for this is the same as for OpticalPSF, so use a shared implementation above. return _BuildJointOpticalPSF(ChromaticOpticalPSF, config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger) def _BuildChromaticAtmosphere(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger): """Build a ChromaticAtmosphere. """ req = {'base_wavelength' : float} opt = { 'alpha' : float, 'zenith_angle' : Angle, 'parallactic_angle' : Angle, 'zenith_coord' : CelestialCoord, 'HA' : Angle, 'latitude' : Angle, 'pressure' : float, 'temperature' : float, 'H2O_pressure' : float, } ignore = ['base_profile'] + ignore kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt, ignore=ignore) if 'base_profile' not in config: raise GalSimConfigError("Attribute base_profile is required for type=ChromaticAtmosphere") base_profile, safe1 = BuildGSObject(config, 'base_profile', base, gsparams, logger) safe = safe and safe1 if 'zenith_angle' not in kwargs: sky_pos = base.get('sky_pos', None) if sky_pos is None: raise GalSimConfigError("Using zenith_angle with type=ChromaticAtmosphere requires " "that sky_pos be available to use as the object coord.") kwargs['obj_coord'] = sky_pos safe = False psf = ChromaticAtmosphere(base_profile, **kwargs) return psf, safe # # Now the functions for performing transformations #
[docs]def TransformObject(gsobject, config, base, logger): """Applies ellipticity, rotation, gravitational shearing and centroid shifting to a supplied GSObject, in that order. Parameters: gsobject: The GSObject to be transformed. config: A dict with the tranformation information for this object. base: The base dict of the configuration. logger: A logger for logging debug statements. Returns: transformed GSObject. """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) # The transformations are applied in the following order: _transformation_list = [ ('dilate', _Dilate), ('dilation', _Dilate), ('ellip', _Shear), ('rotate', _Rotate), ('rotation', _Rotate), ('scale_flux', _ScaleFlux), ('lens', _Lens), ('shear', _Shear), ('magnify', _Magnify), ('magnification', _Magnify), ('shift', _Shift), ] safe = True for key, func in _transformation_list: if key in config: gsobject, safe1 = func(gsobject, config, key, base, logger) safe = safe and safe1 return gsobject, safe
def _Shear(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): shear, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, Shear) logger.debug('obj %d: shear = %f,%f',base.get('obj_num',0),shear.g1,shear.g2) gsobject = gsobject._shear(shear) return gsobject, safe def _Rotate(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): theta, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, Angle) logger.debug('obj %d: theta = %f rad',base.get('obj_num',0),theta.rad) gsobject = gsobject.rotate(theta) return gsobject, safe def _ScaleFlux(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): flux_ratio, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, float) logger.debug('obj %d: flux_ratio = %f',base.get('obj_num',0),flux_ratio) gsobject = gsobject * flux_ratio return gsobject, safe def _Dilate(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): scale, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, float) logger.debug('obj %d: scale = %f',base.get('obj_num',0),scale) gsobject = gsobject.dilate(scale) return gsobject, safe def _Lens(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): shear, safe = ParseValue(config[key], 'shear', base, Shear) mu, safe1 = ParseValue(config[key], 'mu', base, float) safe = safe and safe1 logger.debug('obj %d: shear = %f,%f',base.get('obj_num',0),shear.g1,shear.g2) logger.debug('obj %d: mu = %f',base.get('obj_num',0),mu) gsobject = gsobject._lens(shear.g1, shear.g2, mu) return gsobject, safe def _Magnify(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): mu, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, float) logger.debug('obj %d: mu = %f',base.get('obj_num',0),mu) gsobject = gsobject.magnify(mu) return gsobject, safe def _Shift(gsobject, config, key, base, logger): shift, safe = ParseValue(config, key, base, PositionD) logger.debug('obj %d: shift = %f,%f',base.get('obj_num',0),shift.x,shift.y) gsobject = gsobject._shift(shift.x, shift.y) return gsobject, safe
[docs]def RegisterObjectType(type_name, build_func, input_type=None): """Register an object type for use by the config apparatus. A few notes about the signature of the build functions: 1. The config parameter is the dict for the current object to be generated. So it should be the case that config['type'] == type_name. 2. The base parameter is the original config dict being processed. 3. The ignore parameter is a list of items that should be ignored in the config dict if they are present and not valid for the object being built. 4. The gsparams parameter is a dict of kwargs that should be used to build a GSParams object to use when building this object. 5. The logger parameter is a logging.Logger object to use for logging progress if desired. 6. The return value of build_func should be a tuple consisting of the object and a boolean, safe, which indicates whether the generated object is safe to use again rather than regenerate for subsequent postage stamps. e.g. if a PSF has all constant values, then it can be used for all the galaxies in a simulation, which lets it keep any FFTs that it has performed internally. OpticalPSF is a good example of where this can have a significant speed up. Parameters: type_name: The name of the 'type' specification in the config dict. build_func: A function to build a GSObject from the config information. The call signature is:: obj, safe = Build(config, base, ignore, gsparams, logger) input_type: If the type requires an input object, give the key name of the input type here. (If it uses more than one, this may be a list.) [default: None] """ valid_gsobject_types[type_name] = build_func RegisterInputConnectedType(input_type, type_name)
RegisterObjectType('None', _BuildNone) RegisterObjectType('Add', _BuildAdd) RegisterObjectType('Sum', _BuildAdd) RegisterObjectType('Convolve', _BuildConvolve) RegisterObjectType('Convolution', _BuildConvolve) RegisterObjectType('List', _BuildList) RegisterObjectType('OpticalPSF', _BuildOpticalPSF) RegisterObjectType('ChromaticOpticalPSF', _BuildChromaticOpticalPSF) RegisterObjectType('ChromaticAtmosphere', _BuildChromaticAtmosphere) RegisterObjectType('Eval', _BuildEval)