Source code for galsim.config.image

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

import numpy as np

from .util import LoggerWrapper, UpdateNProc, MultiProcess, SetupConfigRNG
from .input import SetupInput, SetupInputsForImage
from .value import ParseValue, GetAllParams
from .wcs import BuildWCS
from .sensor import BuildSensor
from .bandpass import BuildBandpass
from .stamp import BuildStamp, MakeStampTasks, ParseDType
from .stamp import stamp_image_keys
from ..errors import GalSimConfigError, GalSimConfigValueError
from ..position import PositionI, PositionD
from ..bounds import BoundsI
from ..celestial import CelestialCoord
from ..image import Image
from ..noise import VariableGaussianNoise

# This file handles the building of an image by parsing config['image'].
# This file includes the basic functionality, but it calls out to helper functions
# for parts of the process that are different for different image types.  It includes
# those helper functions for the simplest image type, Single.  See and
# for the implementation of the Tiled and Scattered image types.

# This module-level dict will store all the registered image types.
# See the RegisterImageType function at the end of this file.
# The keys are the (string) names of the image types, and the values will be builder objects
# that will perform the different stages of processing to build each full image.
valid_image_types = {}

[docs]def BuildImages(nimages, config, image_num=0, obj_num=0, logger=None): """ Build a number of postage stamp images as specified by the config dict. Parameters: nimages: How many images to build. config: The configuration dict. image_num: If given, the current image number. [default: 0] obj_num: If given, the first object number in the image. [default: 0] logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: a list of images """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) logger.debug('file %d: BuildImages nimages = %d: image, obj = %d,%d', config.get('file_num',0),nimages,image_num,obj_num) if nimages == 0: logger.warning('No images were built, since nimages == 0.') return [] # Figure out how many processes we will use for building the images. if 'image' not in config: config['image'] = {} image = config['image'] if nimages > 1 and 'nproc' in image: nproc = ParseValue(image, 'nproc', config, int)[0] # Update this in case the config value is -1 nproc = UpdateNProc(nproc, nimages, config, logger) else: nproc = 1 if 'timeout' in image: timeout = ParseValue(image, 'timeout', config, float)[0] else: timeout = 900 jobs = [] for k in range(nimages): kwargs = { 'image_num' : image_num, 'obj_num' : obj_num } jobs.append(kwargs) obj_num += GetNObjForImage(config, image_num, logger=logger) image_num += 1 def done_func(logger, proc, k, image, t): if image is not None: # Note: numpy shape is y,x ys, xs = image.array.shape if proc is None: s0 = '' else: s0 = '%s: '%proc image_num = jobs[k]['image_num'] + 'Image %d: size = %d x %d, time = %f sec', image_num, xs, ys, t) def except_func(logger, proc, k, e, tr): if proc is None: s0 = '' else: s0 = '%s: '%proc image_num = jobs[k]['image_num'] logger.error(s0 + 'Exception caught when building image %d', image_num) logger.debug('%s',tr) logger.error('Aborting the rest of this file') # Convert to the tasks structure we need for MultiProcess tasks = MakeImageTasks(config, jobs, logger) images = MultiProcess(nproc, config, BuildImage, tasks, 'image', logger=logger, timeout=timeout, done_func=done_func, except_func=except_func) logger.debug('file %d: Done making images',config.get('file_num',0)) if len(images) == 0: logger.warning('No images were built. All were either skipped or had errors.') return images
[docs]def SetupConfigImageNum(config, image_num, obj_num, logger=None): """Do the basic setup of the config dict at the image processing level. Includes: - Set config['image_num'] = image_num - Set config['obj_num'] = obj_num - Set config['index_key'] = 'image_num' - Make sure config['image'] exists - Set default config['image']['type'] to 'Single' if not specified - Check that the specified image type is valid. Parameters: config: The configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) config['image_num'] = image_num config['obj_num'] = obj_num config['index_key'] = 'image_num' # Make config['image'] exist if it doesn't yet. if 'image' not in config: config['image'] = {} image = config['image'] if not isinstance(image, dict): raise GalSimConfigError("config.image is not a dict.") if 'file_num' not in config: config['file_num'] = 0 if 'type' not in image: image['type'] = 'Single' image_type = image['type'] if image_type not in valid_image_types: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid image.type.", image_type, list(valid_image_types.keys())) # In case this hasn't been done yet. SetupInput(config, logger) # Build the rng to use at the image level. seed = SetupConfigRNG(config, logger=logger) logger.debug('image %d: seed = %d',image_num,seed)
[docs]def SetupConfigImageSize(config, xsize, ysize, logger=None): """Do some further setup of the config dict at the image processing level based on the provided image size. - Set config['image_xsize'], config['image_ysize'] to the size of the image - Set config['image_origin'] to the origin of the image - Set config['image_center'] to the center of the image - Set config['image_bounds'] to the bounds of the image - Build the WCS based on either config['image']['wcs'] or config['image']['pixel_scale'] - Set config['wcs'] to be the built wcs - If wcs.isPixelScale(), also set config['pixel_scale'] for convenience. - Set config['world_center'] to either a given value or based on wcs and image_center - Create a blank image if possible and store as config['current_image'] Parameters: config: The configuration dict. xsize: The size of the image in the x-dimension. ysize: The size of the image in the y-dimension. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) config['image_xsize'] = xsize config['image_ysize'] = ysize image = config['image'] origin = 1 # default if 'index_convention' in image: convention = ParseValue(image,'index_convention',config,str)[0] if convention.lower() in ('0', 'c', 'python'): origin = 0 elif convention.lower() in ('1', 'fortran', 'fits'): origin = 1 else: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Unknown index_convention", convention, ('0', 'c', 'python', '1', 'fortran', 'fits')) config['image_origin'] = PositionI(origin,origin) config['image_center'] = PositionD( origin + (xsize-1.)/2., origin + (ysize-1.)/2. ) bounds = BoundsI(origin, origin+xsize-1, origin, origin+ysize-1) config['image_bounds'] = bounds # Build the wcs wcs = BuildWCS(image, 'wcs', config, logger) config['wcs'] = wcs # If the WCS is a PixelScale or OffsetWCS, then store the pixel_scale in base. The # config apparatus does not use it -- we always use the wcs -- but we keep it in case # the user wants to use it for an Eval item. It's one of the variables they are allowed # to assume will be present for them. if wcs._isPixelScale: config['pixel_scale'] = wcs.scale # Set world_center if 'world_center' in image: config['world_center'] = ParseValue(image, 'world_center', config, CelestialCoord)[0] else: config['world_center'] = wcs.toWorld(config['image_center']) if bounds.isDefined(): dtype = ParseDType(image, config) config['current_image'] = Image(bounds=bounds, dtype=dtype, wcs=wcs, init_value=0) else: config['current_image'] = None
# Ignore these when parsing the parameters for specific Image types: image_ignore = [ 'random_seed', 'noise', 'pixel_scale', 'wcs', 'sky_level', 'sky_level_pixel', 'world_center', 'index_convention', 'nproc', 'timeout', 'bandpass', 'sensor', 'use_flux_sky_areas' ] + stamp_image_keys
[docs]def BuildImage(config, image_num=0, obj_num=0, logger=None): """ Build an Image according to the information in config. Parameters: config: The configuration dict. image_num: If given, the current image number. [default: 0] obj_num: If given, the first object number in the image. [default: 0] logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: the final image """ from .extra import SetupExtraOutputsForImage, ProcessExtraOutputsForImage logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) logger.debug('image %d: BuildImage: image, obj = %d,%d',image_num,image_num,obj_num) # Setup basic things in the top-level config dict that we will need. SetupConfigImageNum(config, image_num, obj_num, logger) cfg_image = config['image'] # Use cfg_image to avoid name confusion with the actual image # we will build later. image_type = cfg_image['type'] # Do the necessary initial setup for this image type. builder = valid_image_types[image_type] xsize, ysize = builder.setup(cfg_image, config, image_num, obj_num, image_ignore, logger) # Given this image size (which may be 0,0, in which case it will be set automatically later), # do some basic calculations SetupConfigImageSize(config, xsize, ysize, logger) logger.debug('image %d: image_size = %d, %d',image_num,xsize,ysize) logger.debug('image %d: image_origin = %s',image_num,config['image_origin']) logger.debug('image %d: image_center = %s',image_num,config['image_center']) # Sometimes an input field needs to do something special at the start of an image. SetupInputsForImage(config, logger) # Likewise for the extra output items. SetupExtraOutputsForImage(config, logger) # If there is a bandpass field, load it into config['bandpass'] bp = builder.buildBandpass(cfg_image, config, image_num, obj_num, logger) if bp is not None: config['bandpass'] = bp # If there is a sensor, build it now. sensor = builder.buildSensor(cfg_image, config, image_num, obj_num, logger) if sensor is not None: config['sensor'] = sensor # Actually build the image now. This is the main working part of this function. # It calls out to the appropriate build function for this image type. image, current_var = builder.buildImage(cfg_image, config, image_num, obj_num, logger) # Store the current image in the base-level config for reference config['current_image'] = image # Just in case these changed from their initial values, make sure they are correct now: if image is not None: config['image_origin'] = image.origin config['image_center'] = image.true_center config['image_bounds'] = image.bounds logger.debug('image %d: image_origin => %s',image_num,config['image_origin']) logger.debug('image %d: image_center => %s',image_num,config['image_center']) logger.debug('image %d: image_bounds => %s',image_num,config['image_bounds']) # Mark that we are no longer doing a single galaxy by deleting image_pos from config top # level, so it cannot be used for things like wcs.pixelArea(image_pos). config.pop('image_pos', None) # Go back to using image_num for any indexing. config['index_key'] = 'image_num' # Do whatever processing is required for the extra output items. ProcessExtraOutputsForImage(config,logger) builder.addNoise(image, cfg_image, config, image_num, obj_num, current_var, logger) return image
[docs]def GetNObjForImage(config, image_num, logger=None, approx=False): """ Get the number of objects that will be made for the image number image_num based on the information in the config dict. Parameters: config: The configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. approx: Whether an approximate/overestimate is ok [default: False] Returns: the number of objects """ image = config.get('image',{}) image_type = image.get('type','Single') if image_type not in valid_image_types: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid image.type.", image_type, list(valid_image_types.keys())) return valid_image_types[image_type].getNObj(image, config, image_num, logger=logger, approx=approx)
[docs]def FlattenNoiseVariance(config, full_image, stamps, current_vars, logger): """This is a helper function to bring the noise level up to a constant value across the image. If some of the galaxies are RealGalaxy objects and noise whitening (or symmetrizing) is turned on, then there will already be some noise in the stamps that get built. This function goes through and figures out what the maximum current variance is anywhere in the full image and adds noise to the other pixels to bring everything up to that level. Parameters: config: The configuration dict. full_image: The full image onto which the noise should be added. stamps: A list of the individual postage stamps. current_vars: A list of the current variance in each postage stamps. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: the final variance in the image """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) rng = config['image_num_rng'] nobjects = len(stamps) max_current_var = max(tuple(current_vars) + (0,)) # Include 0 in case current_vars is empty. if max_current_var > 0: logger.debug('image %d: maximum noise varance in any stamp is %f', config['image_num'], max_current_var) # Then there was whitening applied in the individual stamps. # But there could be a different variance in each postage stamp, so the first # thing we need to do is bring everything up to a common level. noise_image = Image(bounds=full_image.bounds, dtype=full_image.dtype) for k in range(nobjects): if stamps[k] is None: continue b = stamps[k].bounds & full_image.bounds if b.isDefined(): noise_image[b] += current_vars[k] # Update this, since overlapping postage stamps may have led to a larger # value in some pixels. max_current_var = np.max(noise_image.array) logger.debug('image %d: maximum noise varance in any pixel is %f', config['image_num'], max_current_var) # Figure out how much noise we need to add to each pixel. noise_image = max_current_var - noise_image # Add it. full_image.addNoise(VariableGaussianNoise(rng,noise_image)) # Now max_current_var is how much noise is in each pixel. return max_current_var
[docs]def MakeImageTasks(config, jobs, logger): """Turn a list of jobs into a list of tasks. See the doc string for galsim.config.MultiProcess for the meaning of this distinction. For most image types, there is just one job per task, so the tasks list is just: tasks = [ [ (job, k) ] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ] But some image types may need groups of jobs to be done sequentially by the same process. The image type=Single for instance uses whatever grouping is needed for the stamp type. Parameters: config: The configuration dict jobs: A list of jobs to split up into tasks. Each job in the list is a dict of parameters that includes 'image_num' and 'obj_num'. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: a list of tasks """ image = config.get('image', {}) image_type = image.get('type', 'Single') return valid_image_types[image_type].makeTasks(image, config, jobs, logger)
[docs]class ImageBuilder: """A base class for building full images. The base class defines the call signatures of the methods that any derived class should follow. It also includes the implementation of the default image type: Single. """
[docs] def setup(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, ignore, logger): """Do the initialization and setup for building the image. This figures out the size that the image will be, but doesn't actually build it yet. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. ignore: A list of parameters that are allowed to be in config that we can ignore here. i.e. it won't be an error if these parameters are present. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: xsize, ysize """ logger.debug('image %d: Build Single Image: image, obj = %d,%d', image_num,image_num,obj_num) extra_ignore = [ 'image_pos', 'world_pos' ] opt = { 'size' : int , 'xsize' : int , 'ysize' : int } params = GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore+extra_ignore)[0] # If image_force_xsize and image_force_ysize were set in base, this overrides the # read-in params. if 'image_force_xsize' in base and 'image_force_ysize' in base: xsize = base['image_force_xsize'] ysize = base['image_force_ysize'] else: size = params.get('size',0) xsize = params.get('xsize',size) ysize = params.get('ysize',size) if (xsize == 0) != (ysize == 0): raise GalSimConfigError( "Both (or neither) of image.xsize and image.ysize need to be defined and != 0.") return xsize, ysize
[docs] def buildBandpass(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, logger): """If thre is a 'bandpass' field in config['image'], load it. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: a gasim.Bandpass or None """ if 'bandpass' in config: return BuildBandpass(config, 'bandpass', base, logger)[0] else: return None
[docs] def buildSensor(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, logger): """Build the sensor if given in the config dict. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: a galsim.Sensor or None """ if 'sensor' in config: return BuildSensor(config, 'sensor', base, logger) else: return None
[docs] def buildImage(self, config, base, image_num, obj_num, logger): """Build an Image based on the parameters in the config dict. For Single, this is just an image consisting of a single postage stamp. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: the final image and the current noise variance in the image as a tuple """ xsize = base['image_xsize'] ysize = base['image_ysize'] logger.debug('image %d: Single Image: size = %s, %s',image_num,xsize,ysize) image, current_var = BuildStamp( base, obj_num=obj_num, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize, do_noise=True, logger=logger) if image is not None: image.wcs = base['wcs'] # in case stamp has a local jacobian. current_image = base['current_image'] if current_image is not None and image is not None: b = current_image.bounds & image.bounds if b.isDefined(): current_image[b] += image[b] image = current_image return image, current_var
[docs] def makeTasks(self, config, base, jobs, logger): """Turn a list of jobs into a list of tasks. Each task is performed separately in multi-processing runs, so this provides a mechanism to have multiple jobs depend on each other without being messed up by multi-processing. E.g. you could have blends where each task consists of building several overlapping galaxies (each of which would be a single job). Perhaps the first job would include a calculation to determine where all the overlapping galaxies should go, and the later jobs would use the results of this calculation and just place the later galaxies in the appropriate place. Normally, though, each task is just a single job, in which case, this function is very simple. For Single, this passes the job onto the MakeStampTasks function (which in turn is normally quite simple). Most other types though probably want one job per task, for which the appropriate code would be: return [ [ (job, k) ] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ] Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. jobs: A list of jobs to split up into tasks. Each job in the list is a dict of parameters that includes 'image_num' and 'obj_num'. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: a list of tasks """ return MakeStampTasks(base, jobs, logger)
[docs] def addNoise(self, image, config, base, image_num, obj_num, current_var, logger): """Add the final noise to the image. In the base class, this is a no op, since it directs the BuildStamp function to build the noise at that level. But some image types need to do extra work at the end to add the noise properly. Parameters: image: The image onto which to add the noise. config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. obj_num: The first object number in the image. current_var: The current noise variance in each postage stamps. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. """ pass
[docs] def getNObj(self, config, base, image_num, logger=None, approx=False): """Get the number of objects that will be built for this image. For Single, this is just 1, but other image types would figure this out from the configuration parameters. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the image field. base: The base configuration dict. image_num: The current image number. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. approx: Whether an approximate/overestimate is ok [default: False] Returns: the number of objects """ return 1
[docs]def RegisterImageType(image_type, builder): """Register an image type for use by the config apparatus. Parameters: image_type: The name of the type in config['image'] builder: A builder object to use for building the images. It should be an instance of ImageBuilder or a subclass thereof. """ valid_image_types[image_type] = builder
RegisterImageType('Single', ImageBuilder())