Source code for galsim.config.input

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

from multiprocessing.managers import NamespaceProxy

from .util import LoggerWrapper, RemoveCurrent, GetRNG, GetLoggerProxy, get_cls_params
from .util import SafeManager, GetIndex, PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum, single_threaded
from .value import ParseValue, CheckAllParams, GetAllParams, SetDefaultIndex, _GetBoolValue
from .value import RegisterValueType
from ..errors import GalSimConfigError, GalSimConfigValueError, GalSimError
from ..catalog import Catalog, Dict

# This file handles processing the input items according to the specifications in config['input'].
# This file includes the basic functionality, which is often sufficient for simple input types,
# but it has hooks to allow more customized behavior where necessary. See input_*.py for examples.

# This module-level dict will store all the registered input types.
# See the RegisterInputType function near the end of this file.
# The keys will be the (string) names of the extra output types, and the values will be
# builder classes that will perform the different processing functions.
# The keys will be the (string) names of the image types, and the values will be loaders
# that load the input object's class as well some other information we need to know to how to
# process the input object correctly.
valid_input_types = {}

# We also keep track of the connected value or gsobject types.
# These are registered by the value or gsobject types that use each input object.
connected_types = {}

# Input objects can choose not to use an input manager, and instead use the shared memory model
# described in the AtmosphericScreen doc string.  To make that work, they would set
# use_proxy=False and provide worker_init and worker_initargs functions.
# These are collected here to be run buy the MultiProcess function in config.util.
worker_init_fns = []
worker_initargs_fns = []

# Ref:
# This custom proxy lets us access attributes and properties of input objects, not just methods,
# which are normally the only thing exposed in proxies.
# I started out with the answers from martineau and shts38, but it didn't always work.
# This implementation is my own (MJ) combining their ideas with some things that the AutoProxy
# function in the multiprocessing package does.

def InputProxy(target):
    """ Create a derived NamespaceProxy class for `target`. """

    # This bit follows what multiprocessing.managers.MakeProxy normally does.
    dic = {}
    public_methods = [m for m in dir(target) if m[0] != '_']
    for meth in public_methods:
        exec('''def %s(self, *args, **kwds):
                    return self._callmethod(%r, args, kwds)
             '''%(meth,meth), dic)

    # NamespaceProxy starts with __getattribute__ defined, so subclass from that rather than
    # BaseProxy, as MakeProxy normally does.
    proxy_name = target.__name__ + "_Proxy"
    ProxyType = type(proxy_name, (NamespaceProxy,), dic)

    # Expose all the public methods and also __getattribute__ and __setattr__.
    ProxyType._exposed_ = tuple(public_methods + ['__getattribute__', '__setattr__'])

    return ProxyType

[docs]def ProcessInput(config, logger=None, file_scope_only=False, safe_only=False): """ Process the input field, reading in any specified input files or setting up any objects that need to be initialized. Each item registered as a valid input type will be built and available at the top level of config in config['_input_objs']. Since there is allowed to be more than one of each type of input object (e.g. multilpe catalogs or multiple dicts), these are actually lists. If there is only one e.g. catalog entry in config['input'], then this list will have one element. e.g. config['_input_objs']['catalog'][0] holds the first catalog item defined in config['input']['catalog'] (if any). Parameters: config: The configuration dict to process logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] file_scope_only: If True, only process the input items that are marked as being possibly relevant for file- and image-level items. [default: False] safe_only: If True, only process the input items whose construction parameters are not going to change every file, so it can be made once and used by multiple processes if appropriate. [default: False] """ if 'input' in config: logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) file_num = config.get('file_num',0) logger.debug('file %d: Start ProcessInput',file_num) # We'll iterate through this list of keys a few times all_keys = [str(k) for k in config['input'].keys() if k in valid_input_types] # The input items can be rather large. Especially RealGalaxyCatalog. So it is # unwieldy to copy them in the config file for each process. Instead we use proxy # objects which are implemented using multiprocessing.BaseManager. See # # # # The input manager keeps track of all the real objects for us. We use it to put # a proxy object in the config dict, which is copyable to other processes. # The input manager itself should not be copied, so the function CopyConfig makes # sure to only keep that in the original config dict, not the one that gets passed # to other processed. # The proxy objects are able to call public functions in the real object via # multiprocessing communication channels. (A Pipe, I believe.) The BaseManager # base class handles all the details. We just need to register each class we need # with a name (called tag below) and then construct it by calling that tag function. # We don't need the manager stuff if we (a) are already in a multiprocessing Process, or # (b) we are only loading for file scope, or (c) both config.image.nproc and # config.output.nproc == 1. use_manager = ( 'current_nproc' not in config and not file_scope_only and ( ('image' in config and 'nproc' in config['image'] and ParseValue(config['image'], 'nproc', config, int)[0] != 1) or ('output' in config and 'nproc' in config['output'] and ParseValue(config['output'], 'nproc', config, int)[0] != 1) ) ) if use_manager and '_input_manager' not in config: class InputManager(SafeManager): pass # Register each input field with the InputManager class for key in all_keys: fields = config['input'][key] nfields = len(fields) if isinstance(fields, list) else 1 for num in range(nfields): tag = key + str(num) init_func = valid_input_types[key].init_func proxy = InputProxy(init_func) InputManager.register(tag, init_func, proxy) # Start up the input_manager config['_input_manager'] = InputManager() with single_threaded(): # Starting in python 3.12, there is a deprecation warning about using fork when # a process is multithreaded. This can get triggered here by the start() # function, even though I'm pretty sure this is completely safe. # So at least until it is shown that this is a problem, just suppress # this warning here by wrapping in single_threaded() config['_input_manager'].start() # Read all input fields provided and create the corresponding object # with the parameters given in the config file. for key in all_keys: loader = valid_input_types[key] # Skip this key if not relevant for file_scope_only run. if file_scope_only and not loader.file_scope: continue logger.debug('file %d: Process input key %s',file_num,key) LoadAllInputObj(config, key, safe_only, logger) # Check that there are no other attributes specified. valid_keys = valid_input_types.keys() CheckAllParams(config['input'], ignore=valid_keys)
[docs]def SetupInput(config, logger=None): """Process the input field if it hasn't been processed yet. This is mostly useful if the user isn't running through the full processing and just starting at BuildImage say. This will make sure the input objects are set up in the way that they normally would have been by the first level of processing in a ``galsim config_file`` run. Parameters: config: The configuration dict in which to setup the input items. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ if '_input_objs' not in config: # Make sure any user-set index keys are propagated properly. if 'input' in config: PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum(config['input']) ProcessInput(config, logger=logger)
def LoadAllInputObj(config, key, safe_only=False, logger=None): """Load all items of a single input type, named key, with definition given by the dict field. This function just detects if the dict item for this key is a list and calls LoadInputObj for every num. .. note:: This is designed as an internal implementation detail, not meant to be used by end users. So it doesn't have some of the safeguards we normally put on public facing functions. However, we expect the API to persist, and we'll try to use deprecations if we change anything, so if users find it useful, it is fine to go ahead and use it in your own custom input module implementations. Parameters: config: The configuration dict to process key: The key name of this input type safe_only: Only load "safe" input objects. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ fields = config['input'][key] nfields = len(fields) if isinstance(fields, list) else 1 for num in range(nfields): input_obj = LoadInputObj(config, key, num, safe_only, logger) return input_obj def LoadInputObj(config, key, num=0, safe_only=False, logger=None): """Load a single input object, named key, with definition given by the dict field. .. note:: This is designed as an internal implementation detail, not meant to be used by end users. So it doesn't have some of the safeguards we normally put on public facing functions. However, we expect the API to persist, and we'll try to use deprecations if we change anything, so if users find it useful, it is fine to go ahead and use it in your own custom input module implementations. Parameters: config: The configuration dict to process key: The key name of this input type num: Which number in the list of this key, if needed. [default: 0] safe_only: Only load "safe" input objects. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: The constructed input object, which is also saved in config['_input_objs'][key] """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) if '_input_objs' not in config: config['_input_objs'] = {} all_input_objs = config['_input_objs'] fields = config['input'][key] nfields = len(fields) if isinstance(fields, list) else 1 if key not in all_input_objs: all_input_objs[key] = [None] * nfields loader = valid_input_types[key] field = fields[num] if isinstance(fields, list) else fields input_objs = all_input_objs[key] file_num = config.get('file_num',0) # Check if we already have it loaded. If so, early exit. index, index_key = GetIndex(field, config) if 'current' in field: input_obj = input_objs[num] _, csafe, _, cindex, _ = field['current'] logger.debug('file %d: Current values for %s are %s, safe = %s, current index = %s', file_num, key, str(input_obj), csafe, cindex) if input_obj is not None and (csafe or cindex == index): logger.debug('file %d: Using %s already read in',file_num,key) return input_obj # Not loaded or not current. logger.debug('file %d: Build input type %s',file_num,key) try: kwargs, safe = loader.getKwargs(field, config, logger) except Exception as e: # If an exception was raised here, and we are doing the safe_only run, # then it probably needed an rng that we don't have yet. So really, that # just implies that this input object isn't safe to keep around anyway. # So in this case, we just continue on. If it was not a safe_only run, # the exception is reraised. # The one exception is if the exception indicates that another input type was needed. # In that case, we load the dependent input type and try again. if str(e).startswith("No input"): dep_input = str(e).split()[2]"%s input seems to depend on %s. Try loading that.", key, dep_input) input_obj = LoadAllInputObj(config, dep_input, safe_only=safe_only, logger=logger) # Now recurse to try this key again. return LoadInputObj(config, key, num=num, safe_only=safe_only, logger=logger) if safe_only: logger.debug('file %d: caught exception: %s', file_num,e) safe = False else: raise if safe_only and not safe: logger.debug('file %d: Skip %s %d, since not safe',file_num,key,num) input_objs[num] = None return None logger.debug('file %d: %s kwargs = %s',file_num,key,kwargs) use_proxy = ('_input_manager' in config and 'current_nproc' not in config and valid_input_types[key].useProxy(config, logger)) if use_proxy: tag = key + str(num) if 'logger' in kwargs: # Loggers can't be pickled. (At least prior to py3.7. Maybe they fixed this?) # So if we have a logger, switch it for a proxy instead. kwargs['logger'] = GetLoggerProxy(kwargs['logger']) input_obj = getattr(config['_input_manager'],tag)(**kwargs) else: input_obj = loader.init_func(**kwargs) logger.debug('file %d: Built input object %s %d',file_num,key,num) if 'file_name' in kwargs: logger.debug('file %d: file_name = %s',file_num,kwargs['file_name']) if loader.has_nobj: if hasattr(input_obj, 'getApproxNObjects'):'Input %s has approximately %d objects', key, input_obj.getApproxNObjects()) else:'Input %s has %d objects', key, input_obj.getNObjects()) input_objs[num] = input_obj loader.initialize(input_objs, num, config, logger) # Invalidate any currently cached values that use this kind of input object: # TODO: This isn't quite correct if there are multiple versions of this input # item. e.g. you might want to invalidate dict0, but not dict1. # So ideally, we would check for the num parameter in each config before # invalidating it. Right now, we just invalidate everything with this type. for value_type in connected_types[key]: RemoveCurrent(config, type=value_type) logger.debug('file %d: Cleared current vals for items with type %s', file_num,value_type) # Save the current status of this item in the normal way so we can check for it # here and also so it can be used e.g. as @input.catalog in an Eval statement. field['current'] = (input_obj, safe, None, index, index_key) return input_obj
[docs]def ProcessInputNObjects(config, logger=None, approx=False): """Process the input field, just enough to determine the number of objects. Some input items are relevant for determining the number of objects in a file or image. This means we need to have them processed before splitting up jobs over multiple processes (since the seed increments based on the number of objects). So this function builds the input items that have a getNObjects() method and returns the number of objects. Caveat: This function tries each input type in galsim.config.valid_input_types in order and returns the nobjects for the first one that works. If multiple input items have nobjects and they are inconsistent, this function may return a number of objects that isn't what you wanted. In this case, you should explicitly set nobjects or nimages in the configuration dict, rather than relying on this galsim.config "magic". Parameters: config: The configuration dict to process logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] approx: Whether an approximate count is ok. [default: False] Returns: the number of objects to use. """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) if 'input' in config: SetupInput(config, logger=logger) for key in valid_input_types: loader = valid_input_types[key] if key in config['input'] and loader.has_nobj: # If it's a list, just use the first one. input_obj = LoadInputObj(config, key, num=0, logger=logger) if approx and hasattr(input_obj, 'getApproxNObjects'): nobj = input_obj.getApproxNObjects() else: nobj = input_obj.getNObjects() logger.debug('file %d: Found nobjects = %d for %s', config.get('file_num',0), nobj, key) return nobj # If didn't find anything, return None. return None
[docs]def SetupInputsForImage(config, logger=None): """Do any necessary setup of the input items at the start of an image. Parameters: config: The configuration dict to process logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ if 'input' in config: SetupInput(config, logger=logger) for key in valid_input_types: loader = valid_input_types[key] if key in config['input']: fields = config['input'][key] input_objs = config['_input_objs'][key] # Make fields a list if necessary. if not isinstance(fields, list): fields = [ fields ] for num in range(len(fields)): field = fields[num] input_obj = input_objs[num] loader.setupImage(input_obj, field, config, logger)
def GetNumInputObj(input_type, base): """Get the number of input objects of the given type Parameters: input_type: The type of input object to count base: The base config dict """ return len(base['_input_objs'][input_type]) # A helper function for getting the input object needed for generating a value or building # a gsobject.
[docs]def GetInputObj(input_type, config, base, param_name, num=0): """Get the input object needed for generating a particular value Parameters: input_type: The type of input object to get config: The config dict for this input item base: The base config dict param_name: The type of value that we are trying to construct (only used for error messages). num: Which number in the list of this key, if needed. [default: 0] """ if '_input_objs' not in base or input_type not in base['_input_objs']: raise GalSimConfigError( "No input %s available for type = %s"%(input_type,param_name)) if num == 0 and 'num' in config: num = ParseValue(config, 'num', base, int)[0] if num < 0: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid num < 0 supplied for %s."%param_name, num) if num >= GetNumInputObj(input_type, base): raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid num supplied for %s (too large)"%param_name, num) return base['_input_objs'][input_type][num]
[docs]class InputLoader: """Define how to load a particular input type. The base class is often sufficient for simple types, but you may derive from it and override some of the functions to deal with special handling requirements. The loader object defines a few attributes that will be used by the processing framework, so any derived class should make sure to define them as well. init_func The class or function that will be used to build the input object. has_nobj Whether the object can be used to automatically determine the number of objects to build for a given file or image. For example, a galsim.Catalog has a specific number of rows in it. In many cases, you will just want to run through the whole catalog for each output file. So the number of objects to build will just be the number of objects in the input catalog. [default: False] If this is True, the constructed input object must have a ``getNObjects()`` method. The constructor may (if practical) only load enough to figure out how many objects there are. Other attributes may use lazy properties to delay finishing the read if that is efficient. It may optionally also have a ``getApproxNObjects()`` method, which may return an approximate estimate of the number of objects. This is used for the initial calculation of what object numbers to use for each file/image, and it is generally acceptable if this is an over-estimate, even a pretty egregious over-estimate if necessary. file_scope Whether the input object might be relevant at file scope when the file and image is initially being set up. [default: False] If this is False, then the input object won't be loaded until after the initial file setup. For example, you might store the file names you want to use for the output files in a YAML file, which you plan to read in as a dict input object. Thus, dict is our canonical example of an input type for which this parameter should be True. takes_logger Whether the input object has a logger attribute. If so, and a proxy is being used, then the logger will be replaced with a logger proxy. [default: False] use_proxy Whether to use a proxy for commicating between processes. This is normally necessary whenever multiprocessing is being used, but there are cases where it is not necessary and just slows things down. [default: True] worker_init One way to avoid using a proxy is to follow the shared memory model decsribed in the doc string of `AtmosphericScreen`. This mode uses a global dict, which is initialized for each worker at the start of multi-processing. To use this method, one needs to provide an initialization function that gets run when each worker starts. [default: None] worker_initargs A function to provide the necessary arguments to worker_init. [default: None] This is required whenever worker_init is not None. """ def __init__(self, init_func, has_nobj=False, file_scope=False, takes_logger=False, use_proxy=True, worker_init=None, worker_initargs=None): self.init_func = init_func self.has_nobj = has_nobj self.file_scope = file_scope self.takes_logger = takes_logger self.use_proxy = use_proxy if (worker_init is None) != (worker_initargs is None): raise GalSimError("Must provide both worker_init and worker_initargs") if worker_init is not None: worker_init_fns.append(worker_init) worker_initargs_fns.append(worker_initargs)
[docs] def getKwargs(self, config, base, logger): """Parse the config dict and return the kwargs needed to build the input object. The default implementation looks for special class attributes called: _req_params A dict of required parameters and their types. _opt_params A dict of optional parameters and their types. _single_params A list of dicts of parameters such that one and only one of parameter in each dict is required. _takes_rng A bool value saying whether an rng object is required. See galsim.Catalog for an example of a class that sets these attributes. In addition to the kwargs, we also return a bool value, safe, that indicates whether the constructed object will be safe to keep around for multiple files (True) of if it will need to be rebuilt for each output file (False). Parameters: config: The config dict for this input item base: The base config dict logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: kwargs, safe """ req, opt, single, takes_rng = get_cls_params(self.init_func) kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt, single=single) if takes_rng: rng = GetRNG(config, base, logger, 'input '+self.init_func.__name__) kwargs['rng'] = rng safe = False if self.takes_logger: kwargs['logger'] = logger return kwargs, safe
[docs] def useProxy(self, config, logger=None): """Return whether to use a proxy for the input object. The default behavior is to return self.use_proxy, which is set by the constructor parameters. But if you want to decide whether to use a proxy based on something in the config dict, you can override this and decide at run time. Parameters: config: The base configuration dict. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ return self.use_proxy
[docs] def setupImage(self, input_obj, config, base, logger): """Do any necessary setup at the start of each image. In the base class, this function does not do anything. But see PowerSpectrumLoader for an example that does require some setup at the start of each image. Parameters: input_obj: The input object to use config: The configuration dict for the input type base: The base configuration dict. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ pass
[docs] def initialize(self, input_objs, num, base, logger): """Do any global setup for input objects right after they are loaded. In the base class, this function does not do anything. It can be used to do things like load an input object and then assign it to an eval variable in the base configuration dictionary. When writing this method, remember that the entries in input objs are set to ``None`` initially. This can cause problems for some operations on them and so you may want to test for this condition with code like ``all(iobj is not None for iobj in input_objs)``. Parameters: input_objs: The (current) list of input objects. num: The entry in the list that was loaded. base: The base configuration dict. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ pass
[docs]def RegisterInputType(input_type, loader): """Register an input type for use by the config apparatus. Parameters: input_type: The name of the type in config['input'] loader: A loader object to use for loading in the input object. It should be an instance of InputLoader or a subclass thereof. """ valid_input_types[input_type] = loader if input_type not in connected_types: connected_types[input_type] = set()
[docs]def RegisterInputConnectedType(input_type, type_name): """Register that some gsobject or value type is connected to a given input type. Parameters: input_type: The name of the type in config['input'] type_name: The name of the type that uses this input object. """ if isinstance(input_type, list): for key in input_type: RegisterInputConnectedType(key, type_name) elif input_type is not None: if input_type not in connected_types: connected_types[input_type] = set() connected_types[input_type].add(type_name)
# We define in this file two simple input types: catalog and dict, which read in a Catalog # or Dict from a file and then can use that to generate values. # Now define the value generators connected to the catalog and dict input types. def _GenerateFromCatalog(config, base, value_type): """Return a value read from an input catalog """ input_cat = GetInputObj('catalog', config, base, 'Catalog') # Setup the indexing sequence if it hasn't been specified. # The normal thing with a Catalog is to just use each object in order, # so we don't require the user to specify that by hand. We can do it for them. SetDefaultIndex(config, input_cat.getNObjects()) # Coding note: the and/or bit is equivalent to a C ternary operator: # input_cat.isFits() ? str : int # which of course doesn't exist in python. This does the same thing (so long as the # middle item evaluates to true). req = { 'col' : input_cat.isFits() and str or int , 'index' : int } opt = { 'num' : int } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt) col = kwargs['col'] index = kwargs['index'] if value_type is str: val = input_cat.get(index, col) elif value_type is float: val = input_cat.getFloat(index, col) elif value_type is int: val = input_cat.getInt(index, col) else: # value_type is bool val = _GetBoolValue(input_cat.get(index, col)) #print(base['file_num'],'Catalog: col = %s, index = %s, val = %s'%(col, index, val)) return val, safe def _GenerateFromDict(config, base, value_type): """Return a value read from an input dict. """ input_dict = GetInputObj('dict', config, base, 'Dict') req = { 'key' : str } opt = { 'num' : int } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt) key = kwargs['key'] val = input_dict.get(key) #print(base['file_num'],'Dict: key = %s, val = %s'%(key,val)) return val, safe # Register these as valid value types RegisterValueType('Catalog', _GenerateFromCatalog, [ float, int, bool, str ], input_type='catalog') RegisterInputType('catalog', InputLoader(Catalog, has_nobj=True)) RegisterInputType('dict', InputLoader(Dict, file_scope=True)) RegisterValueType('Dict', _GenerateFromDict, [ float, int, bool, str ], input_type='dict') # Note: Doing the above in different orders for catalog and dict is intentional. It makes sure # we test that this works for users no matter which order they do their registering.