# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
import sys
import os
import json
# Lots of function that used to be here are now in util, so import them back here in case users
# were using them as galsim.config.process.*. But having them in util means that we can safely
# import from .util in other files without triggering a circular import cycle.
from .util import *
from .output import GetNFiles, BuildFiles
from ..errors import GalSimValueError
top_level_fields = ['psf', 'gal', 'stamp', 'image', 'input', 'output',
'eval_variables', 'root', 'modules', 'profile']
rng_fields = ['rng', 'obj_num_rng', 'image_num_rng', 'file_num_rng',
'obj_num_rngs', 'image_num_rngs', 'file_num_rngs']
valid_index_keys = [ 'obj_num_in_file', 'obj_num', 'image_num', 'file_num' ]
# This module-level dict will store all the registered template names.
# See the RegisterTemplate function at the end of this file.
# The keys are the (string) names of the templates, and the values are the corresponding
# real file location on disk.
valid_templates = {}
[docs]def ReadConfig(config_file, file_type=None, logger=None):
"""Read in a configuration file and return the corresponding dicts.
A YAML file is allowed to define several dicts using multiple documents. The GalSim parser
treats this as a set of multiple jobs to be done. The first document is taken to be a "base"
dict that has common definitions for all the jobs. Then each subsequent document has the
(usually small) modifications to the base dict for each job. See demo6.yaml, demo8.yaml and
demo9.yaml in the GalSim/examples directory for example usage.
On output, the returned list will have an entry for each job to be done. If there are
multiple documents, then the first dict is a merge of the first two documents, the
second a merge of the first and third, and so on. Each job includes the first document
merged with each subseqent document in turn. If there is only one document defined,
the returned list will have one element, which is this dict.
A JSON file does not have this feature, but to be consistent, we always return a list,
which would only have one element in this case.
config_file: The name of the configuration file to read.
file_type: If given, the type of file to read. [default: None, which mean
infer the file type from the extension.]
logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None]
list of config dicts
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger)
logger.warning('Reading config file %s', config_file)
# Determine the file type from the extension if necessary:
if file_type is None:
name, ext = os.path.splitext(config_file)
if ext.lower().startswith('.j'):
file_type = 'json'
# Let YAML be the default if the extension is not .y* or .j*.
file_type = 'yaml'
logger.debug('File type determined to be %s', file_type)
logger.debug('File type specified to be %s', file_type)
if file_type == 'yaml':
logger.info('Reading YAML config file %s', config_file)
config = ReadYaml(config_file)
logger.info('Reading JSON config file %s', config_file)
config = ReadJson(config_file)
logger.debug('Successfully read in config file.')
return config
[docs]def ImportModules(config, gdict=None):
"""Import any modules listed in config['modules'].
These won't be brought into the running scope of the config processing, but any side
effects of the import statements will persist. In particular, these are allowed to
register additional custom types that can then be used in the current config dict.
config: The configuration dict.
if gdict is None:
gdict = globals()
if 'modules' in config:
for module in config['modules']:
exec('import ' + module, gdict)
except ImportError:
# Try adding '.' to path, in case loading a local module and '.' not present.
if '.' not in sys.path:
exec('import ' + module, gdict)
[docs]def ProcessTemplate(config, base, logger=None):
"""If the config dict has a 'template' item, read in the appropriate file and
make any requested updates.
config: The configuration dict.
base: The base configuration dict.
logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None]
from .value_eval import _GenerateFromEval
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger)
if 'template' in config:
template_string = config.pop('template')
logger.debug("Processing template specified as %s",template_string)
# Allow it to be an Eval. We don't have much set up yet in the config dict,
# but really simple Eval strings should still be workable.
if template_string[0] == '$':
temp_config = { 'type': 'Eval', 'str': template_string[1:] }
template_string = _GenerateFromEval(temp_config, base, str)[0]
# Parse the template string
if ':' in template_string:
config_file, field = template_string.split(':')
config_file, field = template_string, None
# If it is a registered name, get the real file name
if config_file in valid_templates:
logger.info("Template %s is registered as %s",
config_file, valid_templates[config_file])
config_file = valid_templates[config_file]
# Read the config file if appropriate
if config_file != '':
template = ReadConfig(config_file, logger=logger)[0]
template = base
# Pull out the specified field, if any
if field is not None:
template = GetFromConfig(template, field)
# In case template has further templates to process, do that now.
ProcessTemplate(template, base=base, logger=logger)
# Copy over the template config into this one.
new_params = config.copy() # N.B. Already popped config['template'].
if 'modules' in config:
# We want to keep all the modules from either place in the config dict
# so things like Eval can import everything that might be needed.
config['modules'].extend(new_params.pop('modules', []))
# Update the config with the requested changes
UpdateConfig(config, new_params, logger)
[docs]def ProcessAllTemplates(config, logger=None, base=None):
"""Check through the full config dict and process any fields that have a 'template' item.
config: The configuration dict.
logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None]
base: The base configuration dict. [default: None]
if base is None: base = config
ProcessTemplate(config, base, logger)
for (key, field) in list(config.items()):
if isinstance(field, dict):
ProcessAllTemplates(field, logger, base)
elif isinstance(field, list):
for item in field:
if isinstance(item, dict):
ProcessAllTemplates(item, logger, base)
# This is the main script to process everything in the configuration dict.
[docs]def Process(config, logger=None, njobs=1, job=1, new_params=None, except_abort=False):
Do all processing of the provided configuration dict. In particular, this
function handles processing the output field, calling other functions to
build and write the specified files. The input field is processed before
building each file.
Sometimes, it can be helpful to split up a processing jobs over multiple machines
(i.e. not just multiple processes, which can be handled natively with the output.nproc
or image.nproc options). In this case, you can ask the Process command to split up
the total amount of work into njobs and only do one of those jobs here. To do this,
set njobs to be the number of jobs total and job to be which job should be done here.
config: The configuration dict.
logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None]
njobs: The total number of jobs to split the work into. [default: 1]
job: Which job should be worked on here (1..njobs). [default: 1]
new_params: A dict of new parameter values that should be used to update the config
dict after any template loading (if any). [default: None]
except_abort: Whether to abort processing when a file raises an exception (True)
or just report errors and continue on (False). [default: False]
the final config dict that was used.
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger)
if njobs < 1:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid number of jobs",njobs)
if job < 1:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid job number. Must be >= 1.",job)
if job > njobs:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid job number. Must be <= njobs (%d)"%(njobs),job)
# First thing to do is deep copy the input config to make sure we don't modify the original.
config = CopyConfig(config)
# Import any modules if requested
# Process any template specifications in the dict.
ProcessAllTemplates(config, logger)
# Update using any new_params that are given:
if new_params is not None:
UpdateConfig(config, new_params, logger)
# Do this again in case any new modules were added by the templates or command line params.
logger.debug("Final config dict to be processed: \n%s",
json.dumps(config, default=lambda o: repr(o), indent=4))
# Warn about any unexpected fields.
unexpected = [ k for k in config if k not in top_level_fields and k[0] != '_' ]
if len(unexpected) > 0 and logger:
logger.warning("Warning: config dict contains the following unexpected fields: %s.",
logger.warning("These fields are not (directly) processed by the config processing.")
# Determine how many files we will be processing in total.
# Usually, this is just output.nfiles, but different output types may define this differently.
nfiles = GetNFiles(config, logger=logger)
logger.debug('nfiles = %d',nfiles)
if njobs > 1:
# Start each job at file_num = nfiles * job / njobs
start = nfiles * (job-1) // njobs
end = nfiles * job // njobs
logger.warning('Splitting work into %d jobs. Doing job %d',njobs,job)
logger.warning('Building %d out of %d total files: file_num = %d .. %d',
nfiles = end-start
start = 0
if nfiles == 1:
except_abort = True # Mostly just so the message reads better.
#BuildFiles returns the config dictionary, which can includes stuff added
#by custom output types during the run.
config_out = BuildFiles(nfiles, config, file_num=start, logger=logger,
#Return config_out in case useful
return config_out
[docs]def RegisterTemplate(template_name, file_name):
"""Register a template config file with the given named alias.
There are currently no named templates shipped with GalSim, but this function
provides a mechanism for modules to register a config file with a more user-friendly
name for a module-provided configuration that may be stored in an awkward location
on disk.
E.g. LSSTDESC.imSim has a few configurations that include most of the default recommended
modules for producing various simulations of LSST images. They are stored in the imSim
data directory, but users can just use the named value as a more convenient alias.
template_name: The name to allow in a 'template' field in lieu of the file name.
file_name: The actual file name on disk with the configuration file.
valid_templates[template_name] = file_name