Source code for galsim.config.value

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

from astropy.units import Quantity, Unit
from .util import PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum, GetIndex, ParseExtendedKey

from ..errors import GalSimConfigError, GalSimConfigValueError
from ..gsobject import GSObject
from ..angle import Angle, AngleUnit, radians, degrees, hours
from ..position import PositionD
from ..celestial import CelestialCoord
from ..shear import Shear
from ..table import LookupTable
from ..utilities import basestring

# This file handles the parsing of values given in the config dict.  It includes the basic
# parsing functionality along with generators for most of the simple value types.
# Additional value types are defined in,,,
#,, and input_fitsheader.

# This module-level dict will store all the registered value types.
# See the RegisterValueType function at the end of this file.
# The keys are the (string) names of the value types, and the values are a tuple of the
# function to call to generate the value and a list of the types (float, int, str, etc.)
# that the value type is able to generate.
valid_value_types = {}

# Standard keys to ignore while parsing values:
standard_ignore = [
    'type', 'current', 'index_key', 'repeat', 'rng_num', '_gen_fn', '_get', 'rng_index_key',
    '#' # When we read in json files, there represent comments

[docs]def ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type): """Read or generate a parameter value from config. Parameters: config: The config dict from which to parse the value. key: The key value in the dict to parse. base: The base config dict. [default: None, which means use base=config] value_type: The value_type expected. [default: None, which means it won't check that the value is the right type.] Returns: the tuple (value, safe). """ from .gsobject import BuildGSObject if isinstance(value_type, tuple): for vt in value_type: try: return ParseValue(config, key, base, vt) except (GalSimConfigError, TypeError): pass else: raise GalSimConfigError( "Could not parse %s as any of types %s."%(key, value_type)) # Special: if the "value_type" is GSObject, then switch over to that builder instead. if value_type is GSObject: return BuildGSObject(config, key, base) param = config[key] #print('ParseValue for key = ',key,', value_type = ',str(value_type)) #print('param = ',param) #print('nums = ',base.get('file_num',0), base.get('image_num',0), base.get('obj_num',0)) if isinstance(param, dict): type_name = param.get('type',None) #print('type = ',type_name, value_type) # Check what index key we want to use for this value. index, index_key = GetIndex(param, base, is_sequence=(type_name=='Sequence')) #print('index, index_key = ',index,index_key) if '_gen_fn' in param: generate_func = param['_gen_fn'] if 'current' in param: cval, csafe, cvalue_type, cindex, cindex_key = param['current'] if 'repeat' in param: repeat = ParseValue(param, 'repeat', base, int)[0] use_current = (cindex//repeat == index//repeat) else: use_current = (cindex == index) if use_current: if (value_type is not None and cvalue_type is not None and cvalue_type != value_type): raise GalSimConfigError( "Attempt to parse %s multiple times with different value types: " "%s and %s"%(key, value_type, cvalue_type)) #print(index,'Using current value of ',key,' = ',param['current'][0]) return cval, csafe elif value_type is dict and type_name is None: return param, True else: # Only need to check this the first time. if type_name is None: raise GalSimConfigError( "%s.type attribute required when providing a dict."%(key)) # Check if the value_type is valid. # (See valid_value_types defined at the top of the file.) if type_name not in valid_value_types: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Unrecognized %s.type"%(key), type_name, valid_value_types.keys()) # Get the generating function and the list of valid types for it. generate_func, valid_types = valid_value_types[type_name] if value_type not in valid_types: if value_type is None and len(valid_types) == 1: value_type = valid_types[0] else: if value_type is None: err_str = ( "Could not determine the appropriate value_type to use for " + "parameter %s with type=%s.\n"%(key, type_name) + "Probably it's being used in a Current context before being " + "evaluated.\n" + "Consider using an explicit value-typed type name like %s_%s "%( type_name, valid_types[0].__name__) + "to help GalSim know which value_type to expect.\n") else: err_str = ( "Invalid value_type specified for parameter %s with type=%s.\n"%( key, type_name) + "In this context, GalSim was expecting something that can be "+ "evaluated as a %s.\n"%(value_type)) raise GalSimConfigValueError(err_str, value_type, valid_types) param['_gen_fn'] = generate_func #print('generate_func = ',generate_func) val_safe = generate_func(param, base, value_type) #print('returned val, safe = ',val_safe) if isinstance(val_safe, tuple): val, safe = val_safe else: # If a user-defined type forgot to return safe, just assume safe = False # It's an easy mistake to make and the TypeError that gets emitted isn't # terribly informative about what the error is. val = val_safe safe = False #print('generate_func = ',generate_func) #print('param = ',param) #print('val_safe = ',val_safe) # Make sure we really got the right type back. (Just in case...) if value_type is not None and not isinstance(val,value_type) and val is not None: val = value_type(val) # Save the current value for possible use by the Current type index, index_key = GetIndex(param, base, is_sequence=(type_name=='Sequence')) param['current'] = (val, safe, value_type, index, index_key) #print(key,' = ',val) return val, safe else: # Not a dict # Check for some special markup on string items and convert them to normal dicts. if isinstance(param, basestring): if param[0] == '$': config[key] = { 'type': 'Eval', 'str': str(param[1:]) } PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum(config, key=key) return ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type) if param[0] == '@': config[key] = { 'type': 'Current', 'key': str(param[1:]) } PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum(config, key=key) return ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type) # See if it's already the right kind of object, in which case we can just return it. if value_type is None or param is None or isinstance(param, value_type): #print(key,' = ',param) return param, True # Convert lists to dicts with type=List if isinstance(param, list) and value_type is not list: config[key] = { 'type': 'List', 'items': param } PropagateIndexKeyRNGNum(config, key=key) return ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type) # The rest of these are special processing options for specific value_types: if value_type is list: # Just don't turn a string into a list of characters. if isinstance(param, basestring): raise GalSimConfigError("Could not parse %s as a list."%param) if value_type is Angle: # Angle is a special case. Angles are specified with a final string to # declare what unit to use. val = _GetAngleValue(param) elif value_type is bool: # For bool, we allow a few special string conversions val = _GetBoolValue(param) elif value_type is PositionD: # For PositionD, we allow a string of x,y val = _GetPositionValue(param) else: # If none of the above worked, just try a normal value_type initialization. # This makes sure strings are converted to float (or other type) if necessary. # In particular things like 1.e6 aren't converted to float automatically # by the yaml reader. (Although I think this is a bug.) try: val = value_type(param) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise GalSimConfigError("Could not parse %s as a %s"%(param, value_type)) #print(key,' = ',val) # Save the converted type for next time so it will hit the first if statement here # instead of recalculating the value. config[key] = val return val, True
[docs]def GetCurrentValue(key, config, value_type=None, base=None): """Get the current value of another config item given the key name. Parameters: key: The (extended) key value in the dict to get the current value of. config: The config dict from which to get the key. value_type: The value_type expected. [default: None, which means it won't check that the value is the right type.] base: The base config dict. [default: None, which means use base=config] Returns: the current value """ #print('GetCurrent %s. value_type = %s'%(key,value_type)) if base is None: base = config if '.' in key: config, key = ParseExtendedKey(config, key) val, safe = EvaluateCurrentValue(key, config, base, value_type) return val
[docs]def EvaluateCurrentValue(key, config, base, value_type=None): """Helper function to evaluate the current value at config[key] where key is no longer an extended key, and config is the local dict where it is relevant. Parameters: key: The key value in the dict to get the current value of. config: The config dict from which to get the key. base: The base config dict. value_type: The value_type expected. [default: None, which means it won't check that the value is the right type.] """ from .input import GetInputObj if config is base.get('input',None): try: # If we are trying to access a current input, then use GetInputObj instead. return GetInputObj(key, base, base, 'Current'), True except GalSimConfigError: # If ProcessInput hasn't been called, then the above won't work. # Try the normal Current processing in that case. pass if not isinstance(config[key], dict): if value_type is not None or (isinstance(config[key],str) and config[key][0] in ('@','$')): # This will work fine to evaluate the current value, but will also # compute it if necessary #print('Not dict. Parse value normally') return ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type) else: # If we are not given the value_type, and it's not a dict, then the # item is probably just some value already. # (Unless it is a base item, in which case, it is not safe.) #print('Not dict, no value_type. Assume %s is ok.'%d[k]) return config[key], (config != base) else: if value_type is None and 'current' in config[key]: # If there is already a current val, use it. #print('Dict with current. Use it: ',d[k]['current'][0]) return config[key]['current'][:2] else: # Otherwise, parse the value for this key #print('Parse value normally') return ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type)
[docs]def SetDefaultIndex(config, num): """ When the number of items in a list is known, we allow the user to omit some of the parameters of a Sequence or Random and set them automatically based on the size of the list, catalog, etc. Parameters: config: The config dict with the field to be updated. num: The number to use for the length of the index Sequence if appropriate. """ # We use a default item (set to True) to indicate that the value of nitems, last, or max # has been set here, rather than by the user. This way if the number of items in the # catalog changes from one file to the next, it will be update correctly to the new # number of catalog entries. if 'index' not in config: config['index'] = { 'type' : 'Sequence', 'nitems' : num, 'default' : num } elif isinstance(config['index'],dict) and 'type' in config['index']: index = config['index'] if index.get('default',-1) == num: return if '_get' in index: del index['_get'] type_name = index['type'] if type_name == 'Sequence' and 'nitems' in index and 'default' in index: index['nitems'] = num index['default'] = num elif (type_name == 'Sequence' and 'nitems' not in index and index.get('step',1) > 0 and ('last' not in index or 'default' in index) ): index['last'] = num-1 index['default'] = num elif ( type_name == 'Sequence' and 'nitems' not in index and index.get('step',1) < 0 and ('last' not in index or 'default' in index) ): index['last'] = 0 index['default'] = num elif ( type_name == 'Random' and ('min' not in index or 'default' in index) and ('max' not in index or 'default' in index) ): index['min'] = 0 index['max'] = num-1 index['default'] = num if 'index_key' in config: config['index']['index_key'] = config['index_key']
[docs]def CheckAllParams(config, req={}, opt={}, single=[], ignore=[]): """Check that the parameters for a particular item are all valid Parameters: config: The config dict to check req: The required items [default: {}] opt: The optional items [default: {}] single: List of items where exactly one is required [default: []] ignore: Items to ignore [default: []] Returns: a dict, get, with get[key] = value_type for all keys to get. """ if '_get' in config: return config['_get'] get = {} valid_keys = list(req) + list(opt) # Check required items: for (key, value_type) in req.items(): if key in config: get[key] = value_type else: raise GalSimConfigError( "Attribute %s is required for type = %s"%(key,config.get('type',None))) # Check optional items: for (key, value_type) in opt.items(): if key in config: get[key] = value_type # Check items for which exacly 1 should be defined: for s in single: valid_keys += list(s) count = 0 for (key, value_type) in s.items(): if key in config: count += 1 if count > 1: raise GalSimConfigError( "Only one of the attributes %s is allowed for type = %s"%( s.keys(),config.get('type',None))) get[key] = value_type if count == 0: raise GalSimConfigError( "One of the attributes %s is required for type = %s"%( s.keys(),config.get('type',None))) # Check that there aren't any extra keys in config aside from a few we expect: valid_keys += ignore valid_keys += standard_ignore for key in config: # Generators are allowed to use item names that start with _, which we ignore here. if key not in valid_keys and not key.startswith('_'): raise GalSimConfigError("Unexpected attribute %s found"%(key)) config['_get'] = get return get
[docs]def GetAllParams(config, base, req={}, opt={}, single=[], ignore=[]): """Check and get all the parameters for a particular item Parameters: config: The config dict from which to get items. req: The required items [default: {}] opt: The optional items [default: {}] single: List of items where exactly one is required [default: []] ignore: Items to ignore [default: []] Returns: the tuple (kwargs, safe). """ get = CheckAllParams(config,req,opt,single,ignore) kwargs = {} safe = True for (key, value_type) in sorted(get.items()): val, safe1 = ParseValue(config, key, base, value_type) safe = safe and safe1 kwargs[key] = val return kwargs, safe
# # Now the functions for directly converting an item in the config dict into a value. # The ones that need a special function are: Angle, PositionD, and bool. # def _GetAngleValue(param): """Convert a string consisting of a value and an angle unit into an Angle. """ try : value, unit = param.rsplit(None,1) unit = AngleUnit.from_name(unit) if unit is hours and ':' in value: return Angle.from_hms(value) elif unit is degrees and ':' in value: return Angle.from_dms(value) else: value = float(value) return Angle(value, unit) except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: raise GalSimConfigError("Unable to parse %s as an Angle. Caught %s"%(param,e)) def _GetPositionValue(param): """Convert a tuple or a string that looks like "a,b" into a galsim.PositionD. """ try: x, y = param x = float(x) y = float(y) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: x, y = param.split(',') x = float(x.strip()) y = float(y.strip()) except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: raise GalSimConfigError("Unable to parse %s as a PositionD. Caught %s"%(param,e)) return PositionD(x,y) def _GetBoolValue(param): """Convert a string to a bool """ if isinstance(param, basestring): if param.strip().upper() in ('TRUE', 'YES'): return True elif param.strip().upper() in ('FALSE', 'NO'): return False else: try: val = bool(int(param)) return val except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError) as e: raise GalSimConfigError("Unable to parse %s as a bool. Caught %s"%(param,e)) else: # This always works. # Everything in Python is convertible to bool. return bool(param) # # Now all the GenerateFrom functions: # def _GenerateFromG1G2(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (g1, g2) """ req = { 'g1' : float, 'g2' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from G1G2: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromE1E2(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (e1, e2) """ req = { 'e1' : float, 'e2' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from E1E2: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromEta1Eta2(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (eta1, eta2) """ req = { 'eta1' : float, 'eta2' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from Eta1Eta2: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromGBeta(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (g, beta) """ req = { 'g' : float, 'beta' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from GBeta: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromEBeta(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (e, beta) """ req = { 'e' : float, 'beta' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from EBeta: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromEtaBeta(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (eta, beta) """ req = { 'eta' : float, 'beta' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from EtaBeta: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromQBeta(config, base, value_type): """Return a Shear constructed from given (q, beta) """ req = { 'q' : float, 'beta' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from QBeta: kwargs = ',kwargs) return Shear(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromXY(config, base, value_type): """Return a PositionD constructed from given (x,y) """ req = { 'x' : float, 'y' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from XY: kwargs = ',kwargs) return PositionD(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromRTheta(config, base, value_type): """Return a PositionD constructed from given (r,theta) """ req = { 'r' : float, 'theta' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) r = kwargs['r'] theta = kwargs['theta'] #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from RTheta: kwargs = ',kwargs) return PositionD(r*theta.cos(), r*theta.sin()), safe def _GenerateFromRADec(config, base, value_type): """Return a CelestialCoord constructed from given (ra,dec) """ req = { 'ra' : Angle, 'dec' : Angle } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from RADec: kwargs = ',kwargs) return CelestialCoord(**kwargs), safe def _GenerateFromRad(config, base, value_type): """Return an Angle constructed from given theta in radians """ req = { 'theta' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from Rad: kwargs = ',kwargs) return kwargs['theta'] * radians, safe def _GenerateFromDeg(config, base, value_type): """Return an Angle constructed from given theta in degrees """ req = { 'theta' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) #print(base['obj_num'],'Generate from Deg: kwargs = ',kwargs) return kwargs['theta'] * degrees, safe def _GenerateFromSequence(config, base, value_type): """Return next in a sequence of integers """ ignore = [ 'default' ] opt = { 'first' : value_type, 'last' : value_type, 'step' : value_type, 'repeat' : int, 'nitems' : int, 'index_key' : str } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, opt=opt, ignore=ignore) step = kwargs.get('step',1) first = kwargs.get('first',0) repeat = kwargs.get('repeat',1) last = kwargs.get('last',None) nitems = kwargs.get('nitems',None) if repeat <= 0: raise GalSimConfigValueError( "Invalid repeat for type = Sequence (must be > 0)", repeat) if last is not None and nitems is not None: raise GalSimConfigError( "At most one of the attributes last and nitems is allowed for type = Sequence") index, index_key = GetIndex(kwargs, base, is_sequence=True) #print('in GenFromSequence: index = ',index,index_key) if value_type is bool: # Then there are only really two valid sequences: Either 010101... or 101010... # Aside from the repeat value of course. if first: first = 1 step = -1 nitems = 2 else: first = 0 step = 1 nitems = 2 elif value_type is float: if last is not None: nitems = int( (last-first)/step + 0.5 ) + 1 else: if last is not None: nitems = (last - first)//step + 1 #print('nitems = ',nitems) #print('repeat = ',repeat) index = index // repeat #print('index => ',index) if nitems is not None and nitems > 0: index = index % nitems #print('index => ',index) value = first + index*step #print(base[index_key],'Sequence index = %s + %d*%s = %s'%(first,index,step,value)) return value, False def _GenerateFromNumberedFile(config, base, value_type): """Return a file_name using a root, a number, and an extension """ if 'num' not in config: config['num'] = { 'type' : 'Sequence' } req = { 'root' : str , 'num' : int } opt = { 'ext' : str , 'digits' : int } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt) template = kwargs['root'] if 'digits' in kwargs: template += '%%0%dd'%kwargs['digits'] else: template += '%d' if 'ext' in kwargs: template += kwargs['ext'] s = eval("'%s'%%%d"%(template,kwargs['num'])) #print(base['obj_num'],'NumberedFile = ',s) return s, safe def _GenerateFromFormattedStr(config, base, value_type): """Create a string from a format string """ req = { 'format' : str, 'items' : list } # Ignore items for now, we'll deal with it differently. params, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) format = params['format'] items = params['items'] # Figure out what types we are expecting for the list elements: tokens = format.split('%') val_types = [] skip = False for token in tokens[1:]: # skip first one. # It we have set skip, then skip this one. if skip: skip = False continue # If token == '', then this is a %% in the original string. Skip this and the next token. if len(token) == 0: skip = True continue token = token.lstrip('0123456789lLh') # ignore field size, and long/short specification if len(token) == 0: raise GalSimConfigError("Unable to parse %r as a valid format string"%format) if token[0].lower() in 'diouxX': val_types.append(int) elif token[0].lower() in 'eEfFgG': val_types.append(float) elif token[0].lower() in 'rs': val_types.append(str) else: raise GalSimConfigError("Unable to parse %r as a valid format string"%format) if len(val_types) != len(items): raise GalSimConfigError( "Number of items for FormatStr (%d) does not match number expected from " "format string (%d)"%(len(items), len(val_types))) vals = [] for index in range(len(items)): val, safe1 = ParseValue(items, index, base, val_types[index]) safe = safe and safe1 vals.append(val) final_str = format%tuple(vals) #print(base['obj_num'],'FormattedStr = ',final_str) return final_str, safe def _GenerateFromList(config, base, value_type): """Return next item from a provided list """ req = { 'items' : list } opt = { 'index' : int } # Only Check, not Get. We need to handle items a bit differently, since it's a list. CheckAllParams(config, req=req, opt=opt) items, safe = ParseValue(config,'items',base,list) # Setup the indexing sequence if it hasn't been specified using the length of items. SetDefaultIndex(config, len(items)) index, safe1 = ParseValue(config, 'index', base, int) safe = safe and safe1 if index < 0 or index >= len(items): raise GalSimConfigError("index %d out of bounds for type=List"%index) val, safe1 = ParseValue(items, index, base, value_type) safe = safe and safe1 #print(base['obj_num'],'List index = %d, val = %s'%(index,val)) return val, safe def _GenerateFromSum(config, base, value_type): """Return next item from a provided list """ req = { 'items' : list } # Only Check, not Get. We need to handle items a bit differently, since it's a list. CheckAllParams(config, req=req) items, safe = ParseValue(config,'items',base,list) sum, safe1 = ParseValue(items, 0, base, value_type) safe = safe and safe1 for k in range(1,len(items)): val, safe1 = ParseValue(items, k, base, value_type) sum += val safe = safe and safe1 return sum, safe def _GenerateFromFile(config, base, value_type): """Return a LookupTable from reading a file """ req = { 'file_name' : str } opt = { 'interpolant' : str, 'x_log' : bool, 'f_log' : bool, 'amplitude' : float } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, opt=opt) table = LookupTable.from_file(**kwargs) return table, False def _GenerateFromCurrent(config, base, value_type): """Get the current value of another config item. """ if '_kd' in config: k, d = config['_kd'] else: req = { 'key' : str } params, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req, ignore=['_kd','num']) key = params['key'] #print('GetCurrent %s. value_type = %s'%(key,value_type)) d, k = ParseExtendedKey(base, key) config['_kd'] = k,d try: return EvaluateCurrentValue(k, d, base, value_type) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: raise GalSimConfigError("%s\nError generating Current value with key = %s"%(e,k)) def _GenerateFromQuantity(config, base, value_type): """Return a Quantity from a value and a unit """ req = { 'value' : float, 'unit' : str } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) return Quantity(kwargs['value'], kwargs['unit']), safe def _GenerateFromUnit(config, base, value_type): """Return a Unit from a string """ req = { 'unit' : str } kwargs, safe = GetAllParams(config, base, req=req) return Unit(kwargs['unit']), safe
[docs]def RegisterValueType(type_name, gen_func, valid_types, input_type=None): """Register a value type for use by the config apparatus. A few notes about the signature of the generating function: 1. The config parameter is the dict for the current value to be generated. So it should be the case that config['type'] == type_name. 2. The base parameter is the original config dict being processed. 3. The value_type parameter is the intended type of the generated value. It should be one of the values that you specify as valid in valid_types. 4. The return value of gen_func should be a tuple consisting of the value and a boolean, safe, which indicates whether the generated value is safe to use again rather than regenerate for subsequent objects. This will be used upstream to determine if objects constructed using this value are safe to keep or if they have to be rebuilt. The allowed types to include in valid_types are: float, int, bool, str, galsim.Angle, galsim.Shear, galsim.PositionD. In addition, including None in this list means that it is valid to use this type if you don't necessarily know what type you are expecting. This happens when building a truth catalog where each item should already be generated and the current value and type stored, so currently the only two types that allow None as a valid type are Current and Eval. Parameters: type_name: The name of the 'type' specification in the config dict. gen_func: A function to generate a value from the config information. The call signature is:: value, safe = Generate(config, base, value_type) valid_types: A list of types for which this type name is valid. input_type: If the generator utilises an input object, give the key name of the input type here. (If it uses more than one, this may be a list.) [default: None] """ from .input import RegisterInputConnectedType valid_value_types[type_name] = (gen_func, tuple(valid_types)) RegisterInputConnectedType(input_type, type_name) if len(valid_types) > 1: for t in valid_types: if t is not None: RegisterValueType(type_name + '_' + t.__name__, gen_func, [t])
RegisterValueType('List', _GenerateFromList, [ float, int, bool, str, Angle, Shear, PositionD, CelestialCoord, LookupTable ]) RegisterValueType('Current', _GenerateFromCurrent, [ float, int, bool, str, Angle, Shear, PositionD, CelestialCoord, LookupTable, dict, list, None, Quantity, Unit ]) RegisterValueType('Sum', _GenerateFromSum, [ float, int, Angle, Shear, PositionD, Quantity ]) RegisterValueType('Sequence', _GenerateFromSequence, [ float, int, bool ]) RegisterValueType('NumberedFile', _GenerateFromNumberedFile, [ str ]) RegisterValueType('FormattedStr', _GenerateFromFormattedStr, [ str ]) RegisterValueType('Rad', _GenerateFromRad, [ Angle ]) RegisterValueType('Radians', _GenerateFromRad, [ Angle ]) RegisterValueType('Deg', _GenerateFromDeg, [ Angle ]) RegisterValueType('Degrees', _GenerateFromDeg, [ Angle ]) RegisterValueType('E1E2', _GenerateFromE1E2, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('EBeta', _GenerateFromEBeta, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('G1G2', _GenerateFromG1G2, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('GBeta', _GenerateFromGBeta, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('Eta1Eta2', _GenerateFromEta1Eta2, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('EtaBeta', _GenerateFromEtaBeta, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('QBeta', _GenerateFromQBeta, [ Shear ]) RegisterValueType('XY', _GenerateFromXY, [ PositionD ]) RegisterValueType('RTheta', _GenerateFromRTheta, [ PositionD ]) RegisterValueType('RADec', _GenerateFromRADec, [ CelestialCoord ]) RegisterValueType('File', _GenerateFromFile, [ LookupTable ]) RegisterValueType('Quantity', _GenerateFromQuantity, [ Quantity ]) RegisterValueType('Unit', _GenerateFromUnit, [ Unit ])