# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
__all__ = [ 'Convolve', 'Convolution', 'Deconvolve', 'Deconvolution',
'AutoConvolve', 'AutoConvolution', 'AutoCorrelate', 'AutoCorrelation', ]
import numpy as np
import copy
from . import _galsim
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .utilities import lazy_property
from .errors import GalSimError, galsim_warn
from . import chromatic as chrom
[docs]def Convolve(*args, **kwargs):
"""A function for convolving 2 or more `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject` instances.
This function will inspect its input arguments to decide if a `Convolution` object or a
`ChromaticConvolution` object is required to represent the convolution of surface
brightness profiles.
args: Unnamed args should be a list of objects to convolve.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the objects have hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to each of the components. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
a `Convolution` or `ChromaticConvolution` instance as appropriate.
# First check for number of arguments != 0
if len(args) == 0:
raise TypeError("At least one ChromaticObject or GSObject must be provided.")
elif len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], (GSObject, chrom.ChromaticObject)):
args = [args[0]]
elif isinstance(args[0], list) or isinstance(args[0], tuple):
args = args[0]
raise TypeError("Single input argument must be a GSObject, ChromaticObject, "
+ "or a (possibly mixed) list of them.")
# else args is already the list of objects
if any([isinstance(a, chrom.ChromaticObject) for a in args]):
return chrom.ChromaticConvolution(*args, **kwargs)
return Convolution(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Convolution(GSObject):
"""A class for convolving 2 or more `GSObject` instances.
The convolution will normally be done using discrete Fourier transforms of each of the component
profiles, multiplying them together, and then transforming back to real space.
There is also an option to do the convolution as integrals in real space. To do this, use the
optional keyword argument ```real_space = True``. Currently, the real-space integration is only
enabled for convolving 2 profiles. (Aside from the trivial implementaion for 1 profile.) If
you try to use it for more than 2 profiles, an exception will be raised.
The real-space convolution is normally slower than the DFT convolution. The exception is if
both component profiles have hard edges, e.g. a truncated `Moffat` or `Sersic` with a `Pixel`.
In that case, the highest frequency ``maxk`` for each component is quite large since the
ringing dies off fairly slowly. So it can be quicker to use real-space convolution instead.
Also, real-space convolution tends to be more accurate in this case as well.
If you do not specify either ``real_space = True`` or ``False`` explicitly, then we check if
there are 2 profiles, both of which have hard edges. In this case, we automatically use
real-space convolution. In all other cases, the default is not to use real-space convolution.
The normal way to use this class is to use the Convolve() factory function::
>>> gal = galsim.Sersic(n, half_light_radius)
>>> psf = galsim.Gaussian(sigma)
>>> final = galsim.Convolve([gal, psf])
The objects to be convolved may be provided either as multiple unnamed arguments (e.g.
``Convolve(psf, gal)``) or as a list (e.g. ``Convolve([psf, gal])``). Any number of objects may
be provided using either syntax. (Well, the list has to include at least 1 item.)
args: Unnamed args should be a list of objects to convolve.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the objects have hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to each of the components. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
Note: if ``gsparams`` is unspecified (or None), then the Convolution instance will use the most
restrictive combination of parameters from each of the component objects. Normally, this means
the smallest numerical value (e.g. folding_threshold, xvalue_accuracy, etc.), but for a few
parameters, the largest numerical value is used. See `GSParams.combine` for details.
Furthermore, the gsparams used for the Convolution (either given explicitly or derived from the
components) will normally be applied to each of the components. It doesn't usually make much
sense to apply stricter-than-normal accuracy or threshold values to one component but not
another in a Convolution, so this ensures that they all have consistent rendering behavior.
However, if you want to keep the existing gsparams of the component objects, then you may
set ``propagate_gsparams=False``.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# First check for number of arguments != 0
if len(args) == 0:
raise TypeError("At least one GSObject must be provided.")
elif len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], GSObject):
args = [args[0]]
elif isinstance(args[0], list) or isinstance(args[0], tuple):
args = args[0]
raise TypeError("Single input argument must be a GSObject or list of them.")
# else args is already the list of objects
# Check kwargs
# real_space can be True or False (default if omitted is None), which specifies whether to
# do the convolution as an integral in real space rather than as a product in fourier
# space. If the parameter is omitted (or explicitly given as None I guess), then
# we will usually do the fourier method. However, if there are 2 components _and_ both of
# them have hard edges, then we use real-space convolution.
real_space = kwargs.pop("real_space", None)
gsparams = kwargs.pop("gsparams", None)
self._propagate_gsparams = kwargs.pop('propagate_gsparams', True)
# Make sure there is nothing left in the dict.
if kwargs:
raise TypeError(
"Convolution constructor got unexpected keyword argument(s): %s"%kwargs.keys())
# Check whether to perform real space convolution...
# Start by checking if all objects have a hard edge.
hard_edge = True
for obj in args:
if not isinstance(obj, GSObject):
raise TypeError("Arguments to Convolution must be GSObjects, not %s"%obj)
if not obj.has_hard_edges:
hard_edge = False
if real_space is None:
# The automatic determination is to use real_space if 2 items, both with hard edges.
if len(args) <= 2:
real_space = hard_edge
real_space = False
elif bool(real_space) != real_space:
raise TypeError("real_space must be a boolean")
# Warn if doing DFT convolution for objects with hard edges
if not real_space and hard_edge:
if len(args) == 2:
galsim_warn("Doing convolution of 2 objects, both with hard edges. "
"This might be more accurate and/or faster using real_space=True")
galsim_warn("Doing convolution where all objects have hard edges. "
"There might be some inaccuracies due to ringing in k-space.")
if real_space:
# Can't do real space if nobj > 2
if len(args) > 2:
galsim_warn("Real-space convolution of more than 2 objects is not implemented. "
"Switching to DFT method.")
real_space = False
# Also can't do real space if any object is not analytic, so check for that.
for obj in args:
if not obj.is_analytic_x:
galsim_warn("A component to be convolved is not analytic in real space. "
"Cannot use real space convolution. Switching to DFT method.")
real_space = False
# Save the construction parameters (as they are at this point) as attributes so they
# can be inspected later if necessary.
self._real_space = bool(real_space)
# Figure out what gsparams to use
if gsparams is None:
# If none is given, take the most restrictive combination from the obj_list.
self._gsparams = GSParams.combine([obj.gsparams for obj in args])
# If something explicitly given, then use that.
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
# Apply gsparams to all in obj_list.
if self._propagate_gsparams:
self._obj_list = [obj.withGSParams(self._gsparams) for obj in args]
self._obj_list = args
def obj_list(self):
"""The list of objects being convolved.
return self._obj_list
def real_space(self):
"""Whether this `Convolution` should be drawn using real-space convolution rather
than FFT convolution.
return self._real_space
def _sbp(self):
SBList = [obj._sbp for obj in self.obj_list]
return _galsim.SBConvolve(SBList, self._real_space, self.gsparams._gsp)
def _noise(self):
# If one of the objects has a noise attribute, then we convolve it by the others.
# More than one is not allowed.
_noise = None
for i, obj in enumerate(self.obj_list):
if obj.noise is not None:
if _noise is not None:
galsim_warn("Unable to propagate noise in galsim.Convolution when "
"multiple objects have noise attribute")
_noise = obj.noise
others = [ obj2 for k, obj2 in enumerate(self.obj_list) if k != i ]
if len(others) == 1:
_noise = _noise.convolvedWith(others[0])
elif len(others) > 1:
_noise = _noise.convolvedWith(Convolve(others))
# else len == 0, so just use _noise directly.
return _noise
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current object with the given gsparams
.. note::
Unless you set ``propagate_gsparams=False``, this method will also update the gsparams
of each object being convolved.
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
if self._propagate_gsparams:
ret._obj_list = [ obj.withGSParams(ret._gsparams) for obj in self.obj_list ]
return ret
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, Convolution) and
self.obj_list == other.obj_list and
self.real_space == other.real_space and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams and
self._propagate_gsparams == other._propagate_gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.Convolution", tuple(self.obj_list), self.real_space, self.gsparams,
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.Convolution(%r, real_space=%r, gsparams=%r, propagate_gsparams=%r)'%(
self.obj_list, self.real_space, self.gsparams, self._propagate_gsparams)
def __str__(self):
str_list = [ str(obj) for obj in self.obj_list ]
s = 'galsim.Convolve(%s'%(', '.join(str_list))
if self.real_space:
s += ', real_space=True'
s += ')'
return s
def _prepareDraw(self):
for obj in self.obj_list:
def _maxk(self):
return min(obj.maxk for obj in self.obj_list)
def _stepk(self):
# This is approximate. stepk ~ 2pi/R
# Assume R_final^2 = Sum(R_i^2)
# So 1/stepk^2 = 1/Sum(1/stepk_i^2)
inv_stepksq = sum(obj.stepk**(-2) for obj in self.obj_list)
return (inv_stepksq)**(-0.5)
def _has_hard_edges(self):
return len(self.obj_list) == 1 and self.obj_list[0].has_hard_edges
def _is_axisymmetric(self):
return all(obj.is_axisymmetric for obj in self.obj_list)
def _is_analytic_x(self):
if len(self.obj_list) == 1:
return self.obj_list[0].is_analytic_x
elif self.real_space and len(self.obj_list) == 2:
return all(obj.is_analytic_x for obj in self.obj_list)
return False
def _is_analytic_k(self):
return all(obj.is_analytic_k for obj in self.obj_list)
def _centroid(self):
cen_list = [obj.centroid for obj in self.obj_list]
return sum(cen_list[1:], cen_list[0])
def _flux(self):
flux_list = [obj.flux for obj in self.obj_list]
return np.prod(flux_list)
def _calc_pn(self):
pos_list = [obj.positive_flux for obj in self.obj_list]
neg_list = [obj.negative_flux for obj in self.obj_list]
p_net = pos_list[0]
n_net = neg_list[0]
for p,n in zip(pos_list[1:], neg_list[1:]):
p_net, n_net = p_net*p + n_net*n, p_net*n + n_net*p
return p_net, n_net
def _positive_flux(self):
p,n = self._calc_pn()
return p
def _negative_flux(self):
p,n = self._calc_pn()
return n
def _flux_per_photon(self):
return self._calculate_flux_per_photon()
def _max_sb(self):
# This one is probably the least accurate of all the estimates of maxSB.
# The calculation is based on the exact value for Gaussians.
# maxSB = flux / 2pi sigma^2
# When convolving multiple Gaussians together, the sigma^2 values add:
# sigma_final^2 = Sum_i sigma_i^2
# from which we can calculate
# maxSB = flux_final / 2pi sigma_final^2
# or
# maxSB = flux_final / Sum_i (flux_i / maxSB_i)
# For non-Gaussians, this procedure will tend to produce an over-estimate of the
# true maximum SB. Non-Gaussian profiles tend to have peakier parts which get smoothed
# more than the Gaussian does. So this is likely to be too high, which is acceptable.
area = sum(obj.flux / obj.max_sb for obj in self.obj_list)
return self.flux / area
def _xValue(self, pos):
if len(self.obj_list) == 1:
return self.obj_list[0]._xValue(pos)
elif len(self.obj_list) == 2:
return self._sbp.xValue(pos._p)
except (AttributeError, RuntimeError):
raise GalSimError(
"At least one profile in %s does not implement real-space convolution"%self) from None
raise GalSimError("Cannot use real_space convolution for >2 profiles")
def _kValue(self, pos):
kv_list = [obj.kValue(pos) for obj in self.obj_list]
return np.prod(kv_list)
def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.):
if len(self.obj_list) == 1:
self.obj_list[0]._drawReal(image, jac, offset, flux_scaling)
elif len(self.obj_list) == 2:
_jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0]
dx,dy = offset
self._sbp.draw(image._image, image.scale, _jac, dx, dy, flux_scaling)
except (AttributeError, RuntimeError):
raise GalSimError(
"At least one profile in %s does not implement real-space convolution"%self) from None
raise GalSimError("Cannot use real_space convolution for >2 profiles")
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self.obj_list[0]._shoot(photons, rng)
# It may be necessary to shuffle when convolving because we do not have a
# gaurantee that the convolvee's photons are uncorrelated, e.g., they might
# both have their negative ones at the end.
# However, this decision is now made by the convolve method.
for obj in self.obj_list[1:]:
p1 = PhotonArray(len(photons))
obj._shoot(p1, rng)
photons.convolve(p1, rng)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
self.obj_list[0]._drawKImage(image, jac)
if len(self.obj_list) > 1:
im1 = image.copy()
for obj in self.obj_list[1:]:
obj._drawKImage(im1, jac)
image *= im1
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
[docs]def Deconvolve(obj, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
"""A function for deconvolving by either a `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject`.
This function will inspect its input argument to decide if a `Deconvolution` object or a
`ChromaticDeconvolution` object is required to represent the deconvolution by a surface
brightness profile.
obj: The object to deconvolve.
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the deconvolved object. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
a `Deconvolution` or `ChromaticDeconvolution` instance as appropriate.
if isinstance(obj, chrom.ChromaticObject):
return chrom.ChromaticDeconvolution(obj, gsparams=gsparams,
elif isinstance(obj, GSObject):
return Deconvolution(obj, gsparams=gsparams, propagate_gsparams=propagate_gsparams)
raise TypeError("Argument to Deconvolve must be either a GSObject or a ChromaticObject.")
[docs]class Deconvolution(GSObject):
"""A class for deconvolving a `GSObject`.
The Deconvolution class represents a deconvolution kernel. Note that the Deconvolution class,
or compound objects (Sum, Convolution) that include a Deconvolution as one of the components,
cannot be photon-shot using the 'phot' method of `GSObject.drawImage` method.
You may also specify a ``gsparams`` argument. See the docstring for `GSParams` for more
information about this option. Note: if ``gsparams`` is unspecified (or None), then the
Deconvolution instance inherits the same `GSParams` as the object being deconvolved.
The normal way to use this class is to use the Deconvolve() factory function::
>>> inv_psf = galsim.Deconvolve(psf)
>>> deconv_gal = galsim.Convolve(inv_psf, gal)
obj: The object to deconvolve.
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the deconvolved object. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_analytic_x = False
def __init__(self, obj, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
if not isinstance(obj, GSObject):
raise TypeError("Argument to Deconvolution must be a GSObject.")
# Save the original object as an attribute, so it can be inspected later if necessary.
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, obj.gsparams)
self._min_acc_kvalue = obj.flux * self.gsparams.kvalue_accuracy
self._inv_min_acc_kvalue = 1./self._min_acc_kvalue
self._propagate_gsparams = propagate_gsparams
if self._propagate_gsparams:
self._orig_obj = obj.withGSParams(self._gsparams)
self._orig_obj = obj
def orig_obj(self):
"""The original object that is being deconvolved.
return self._orig_obj
def _noise(self):
if self.orig_obj.noise is not None:
galsim_warn("Unable to propagate noise in galsim.Deconvolution")
return None
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current object with the given gsparams
.. note::
Unless you set ``propagate_gsparams=False``, this method will also update the gsparams
of the wrapped component object.
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
if self._propagate_gsparams:
ret._orig_obj = self._orig_obj.withGSParams(ret._gsparams)
return ret
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, Deconvolution) and
self.orig_obj == other.orig_obj and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams and
self._propagate_gsparams == other._propagate_gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.Deconvolution", self.orig_obj, self.gsparams,
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.Deconvolution(%r, gsparams=%r, propagate_gsparams=%r)'%(
self.orig_obj, self.gsparams, self._propagate_gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return 'galsim.Deconvolve(%s)'%self.orig_obj
def _prepareDraw(self):
def _maxk(self):
return self.orig_obj.maxk
def _stepk(self):
return self.orig_obj.stepk
def _is_axisymmetric(self):
return self.orig_obj.is_axisymmetric
def _is_analytic_k(self):
return self.orig_obj.is_analytic_k
def _centroid(self):
return -self.orig_obj.centroid
def _flux(self):
return 1./self.orig_obj.flux
def _max_sb(self):
# The only way to really give this any meaning is to consider it in the context
# of being part of a larger convolution with other components. The calculation
# of maxSB for Convolve is
# maxSB = flux_final / Sum_i (flux_i / maxSB_i)
# A deconvolution will contribute a -sigma^2 to the sum, so a logical choice for
# maxSB is to have flux / maxSB = -flux_adaptee / maxSB_adaptee, so its contribution
# to the Sum_i 2pi sigma^2 is to subtract its adaptee's value of sigma^2.
# maxSB = -flux * maxSB_adaptee / flux_adaptee
# = -maxSB_adaptee / flux_adaptee^2
return -self.orig_obj.max_sb / self.orig_obj.flux**2
def _kValue(self, pos):
# Really, for very low original kvalues, this gets very high, which can be unstable
# in the presence of noise. So if the original value is less than min_acc_kvalue,
# we instead just return 1/min_acc_kvalue rather than the real inverse.
kval = self.orig_obj._kValue(pos)
if abs(kval) < self._min_acc_kvalue:
return self._inv_min_acc_kvalue
return 1./kval
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
self.orig_obj._drawKImage(image, jac)
do_inverse = np.abs(image.array) > self._min_acc_kvalue
image.array[do_inverse] = 1./image.array[do_inverse]
image.array[~do_inverse] = self._inv_min_acc_kvalue
kx,ky = image.get_pixel_centers()
if jac is not None:
# N.B. The jacobian is transposed in k space. This is not a typo.
kx,ky = (jac[0,0] * kx + jac[1,0] * ky), (jac[0,1] * kx + jac[1,1] * ky)
ksq = (kx**2 + ky**2) * image.scale**2
# Set to zero outside of nominal maxk so as not to amplify high frequencies.
image.array[ksq > self.maxk**2] = 0.
[docs]def AutoConvolve(obj, real_space=None, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
"""A function for autoconvolving either a `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject`.
This function will inspect its input argument to decide if a `AutoConvolution` object or a
`ChromaticAutoConvolution` object is required to represent the convolution of a surface
brightness profile with itself.
obj: The object to be convolved with itself.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the object has hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the auto-convolved object. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
a `AutoConvolution` or `ChromaticAutoConvolution` instance as appropriate.
if isinstance(obj, chrom.ChromaticObject):
return chrom.ChromaticAutoConvolution(obj, real_space=real_space, gsparams=gsparams,
elif isinstance(obj, GSObject):
return AutoConvolution(obj, real_space=real_space, gsparams=gsparams,
raise TypeError("Argument to AutoConvolve must be either a GSObject or a ChromaticObject.")
[docs]class AutoConvolution(Convolution):
"""A special class for convolving a `GSObject` with itself.
It is equivalent in functionality to ``Convolve([obj,obj])``, but takes advantage of
the fact that the two profiles are the same for some efficiency gains.
The normal way to use this class is to use the AutoConvolve() factory function::
>>> psf_sq = galsim.AutoConvolve(psf)
obj: The object to be convolved with itself.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the object has hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the auto-convolved object. This
is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
def __init__(self, obj, real_space=None, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
if not isinstance(obj, GSObject):
raise TypeError("Argument to AutoConvolution must be a GSObject.")
# Check whether to perform real space convolution...
# Start by checking if obj has a hard edge.
hard_edge = obj.has_hard_edges
if real_space is None:
# The automatic determination is to use real_space if obj has hard edges.
real_space = hard_edge
elif bool(real_space) != real_space:
raise TypeError("real_space must be a boolean")
# Warn if doing DFT convolution for objects with hard edges.
if not real_space and hard_edge:
galsim_warn("Doing auto-convolution of object with hard edges. "
"This might be more accurate and/or faster using real_space=True")
# Can't do real space if object is not analytic, so check for that.
if real_space and not obj.is_analytic_x:
galsim_warn("Object to be auto-convolved is not analytic in real space. "
"Cannot use real space convolution. Switching to DFT method.")
real_space = False
# Save the construction parameters (as they are at this point) as attributes so they
# can be inspected later if necessary.
self._real_space = bool(real_space)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, obj.gsparams)
self._propagate_gsparams = propagate_gsparams
if self._propagate_gsparams:
self._orig_obj = obj.withGSParams(self._gsparams)
self._orig_obj = obj
# So we can use Convolve methods when there is no advantage to overloading.
self._obj_list = [self._orig_obj, self._orig_obj]
def _sbp(self):
return _galsim.SBAutoConvolve(self.orig_obj._sbp, self._real_space, self.gsparams._gsp)
def orig_obj(self):
"""The original object that is being auto-convolved.
return self._orig_obj
def real_space(self):
"""Whether this `Convolution` should be drawn using real-space convolution rather
than FFT convolution.
return self._real_space
def _noise(self):
if self.orig_obj.noise is not None:
galsim_warn("Unable to propagate noise in galsim.AutoConvolution")
return None
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current object with the given gsparams
.. note::
Unless you set ``propagate_gsparams=False``, this method will also update the gsparams
of the wrapped component object.
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
if self._propagate_gsparams:
ret._orig_obj = self._orig_obj.withGSParams(ret._gsparams)
ret._obj_list = [ret._orig_obj, ret._orig_obj]
return ret
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, AutoConvolution) and
self.orig_obj == other.orig_obj and
self.real_space == other.real_space and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams and
self._propagate_gsparams == other._propagate_gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.AutoConvolution", self.orig_obj, self.real_space, self.gsparams,
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.AutoConvolution(%r, real_space=%r, gsparams=%r, propagate_gsparams=%r)'%(
self.orig_obj, self.real_space, self.gsparams, self._propagate_gsparams)
def __str__(self):
s = 'galsim.AutoConvolve(%s'%self.orig_obj
if self.real_space:
s += ', real_space=True'
s += ')'
return s
def _prepareDraw(self):
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self.orig_obj._shoot(photons, rng)
photons2 = PhotonArray(len(photons))
self.orig_obj._shoot(photons2, rng)
photons.convolve(photons2, rng)
[docs]def AutoCorrelate(obj, real_space=None, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
"""A function for autocorrelating either a `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject`.
This function will inspect its input argument to decide if a `AutoCorrelation` object or a
`ChromaticAutoCorrelation` object is required to represent the correlation of a surface
brightness profile with itself.
obj: The object to be convolved with itself.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the object has hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the auto-convorrelated object.
This is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
an `AutoCorrelation` or `ChromaticAutoCorrelation` instance as appropriate.
if isinstance(obj, chrom.ChromaticObject):
return chrom.ChromaticAutoCorrelation(obj, real_space=real_space, gsparams=gsparams,
elif isinstance(obj, GSObject):
return AutoCorrelation(obj, real_space=real_space, gsparams=gsparams,
raise TypeError("Argument to AutoCorrelate must be either a GSObject or a ChromaticObject.")
[docs]class AutoCorrelation(Convolution):
"""A special class for correlating a `GSObject` with itself.
It is equivalent in functionality to::
but takes advantage of the fact that the two profiles are the same for some efficiency gains.
This class is primarily targeted for use by the `BaseCorrelatedNoise` models when convolving
with a `GSObject`.
The normal way to use this class is to use the `AutoCorrelate` factory function::
>>> psf_sq = galsim.AutoCorrelate(psf)
obj: The object to be convolved with itself.
real_space: Whether to use real space convolution. [default: None, which means
to automatically decide this according to whether the object has hard
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
propagate_gsparams: Whether to propagate gsparams to the auto-convorrelated object.
This is normally a good idea, but there may be use cases where one
would not want to do this. [default: True]
def __init__(self, obj, real_space=None, gsparams=None, propagate_gsparams=True):
if not isinstance(obj, GSObject):
raise TypeError("Argument to AutoCorrelation must be a GSObject.")
# Check whether to perform real space convolution...
# Start by checking if obj has a hard edge.
hard_edge = obj.has_hard_edges
if real_space is None:
# The automatic determination is to use real_space if obj has hard edges.
real_space = hard_edge
elif bool(real_space) != real_space:
raise TypeError("real_space must be a boolean")
# Warn if doing DFT convolution for objects with hard edges.
if not real_space and hard_edge:
galsim_warn("Doing auto-correlation of object with hard edges. "
"This might be more accurate and/or faster using real_space=True")
# Can't do real space if object is not analytic, so check for that.
if real_space and not obj.is_analytic_x:
galsim_warn("Object to be auto-correlated is not analytic in real space. "
"Cannot use real space convolution. Switching to DFT method.")
real_space = False
# Save the construction parameters (as they are at this point) as attributes so they
# can be inspected later if necessary.
self._real_space = bool(real_space)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, obj.gsparams)
self._propagate_gsparams = propagate_gsparams
if self._propagate_gsparams:
self._orig_obj = obj.withGSParams(self._gsparams)
self._orig_obj = obj
# So we can use Convolve methods when there is no advantage to overloading.
self._obj_list = [self._orig_obj, self._orig_obj.transform(-1,0,0,-1)]
def _sbp(self):
return _galsim.SBAutoCorrelate(self.orig_obj._sbp, self._real_space, self.gsparams._gsp)
def orig_obj(self):
"""The original object that is being auto-correlated.
return self._orig_obj
def real_space(self):
"""Whether this `Convolution` should be drawn using real-space convolution rather
than FFT convolution.
return self._real_space
def _noise(self):
if self.orig_obj.noise is not None:
galsim_warn("Unable to propagate noise in galsim.AutoCorrelation")
return None
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current object with the given gsparams
.. note::
Unless you set ``propagate_gsparams=False``, this method will also update the gsparams
of the wrapped component object.
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
if self._propagate_gsparams:
ret._orig_obj = self._orig_obj.withGSParams(ret._gsparams)
ret._obj_list = [ret._orig_obj, ret._orig_obj.transform(-1,0,0,-1)]
return ret
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, AutoCorrelation) and
self.orig_obj == other.orig_obj and
self.real_space == other.real_space and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams and
self._propagate_gsparams == other._propagate_gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.AutoCorrelation", self.orig_obj, self.real_space, self.gsparams,
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.AutoCorrelation(%r, real_space=%r, gsparams=%r, propagate_gsparams=%r)'%(
self.orig_obj, self.real_space, self.gsparams, self._propagate_gsparams)
def __str__(self):
s = 'galsim.AutoCorrelate(%s'%self.orig_obj
if self.real_space:
s += ', real_space=True'
s += ')'
return s
def _prepareDraw(self):
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self.orig_obj._shoot(photons, rng)
photons2 = PhotonArray(len(photons))
self.orig_obj._shoot(photons2, rng)
# Flip sign of (x, y) in one of the results
photons.convolve(photons2, rng)
# Put this at the bottom to avoid circular import errors.
from .photon_array import PhotonArray