Source code for galsim.des.des_meds

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

import numpy as np
import sys
import time

from ..errors import GalSimValueError, GalSimError, GalSimConfigError
from ..wcs import UniformWCS, AffineTransform
from ..image import Image, ImageI
from ..fits import writeFile
from ..position import PositionD
from ..config import OutputBuilder, ExtraOutputBuilder, BuildImages, GetFinalExtraOutput
from ..config import ParseValue, GetAllParams, GetCurrentValue
from ..config import RegisterOutputType, RegisterExtraOutput
from .._pyfits import pyfits

# these image stamp sizes are available in MEDS format
BOX_SIZES = [32,48,64,96,128,192,256]
# while creating the meds file, all the data is stored in memory, and then written to disc once all
# the necessary images have been created.
# You can control the amound of memory used to prevent jamming your system.
# Maximum number of exposures allowed per galaxy (incl. coadd)
# flags for unavailable data
EMPTY_JAC_diag    = 1
EMPTY_JAC_offdiag = 0

[docs]class MultiExposureObject: """ A class containing exposures for single object, along with other information. The MultiExposureObject class represents multiple exposure data for a single object for the purpose of writing the images to a MEDS file. The `WriteMEDS` function can be used to write a list of MultiExposureObjects to a MEDS file. Parameters: images: List of images of the object. weight: List of weight images. [default: None] badpix: List of bad pixel masks. [default: None] seg: List of segmentation maps. [default: None] psf: List of psf images. [default: None] wcs: List of WCS transformations. [default: None] id: Galaxy id. [default: 0] Attributes: self.images: List of images of the object. self.weight: List of weight maps. self.seg: List of segmentation maps. self.psf: List of psf images. self.wcs: List of WCS transformations. self.n_cutouts: Number of exposures. self.box_size: Size of each exposure image. """ def __init__(self, images, weight=None, badpix=None, seg=None, psf=None, wcs=None, id=0, cutout_row=None, cutout_col=None): # Check that images is valid if not isinstance(images,list): raise TypeError('images should be a list') if len(images) == 0: raise GalSimValueError('no cutouts in this object', images) # Check that the box sizes are valid for i in range(len(images)): s = images[i].array.shape if s[0] != s[1]: raise GalSimValueError('Array shape %s is invalid. Must be square'%(str(s)), images[i]) if s[0] not in BOX_SIZES: raise GalSimValueError('Array shape %s is invalid. Size must be in %s'%( str(s),str(BOX_SIZES)), images[i]) if i > 0 and s != images[0].array.shape: raise GalSimValueError('Images must all be the same shape', images) # The others are optional, but if given, make sure they are ok. for lst, name, isim in ( (weight, 'weight', True), (badpix, 'badpix', True), (seg, 'seg', True), (psf, 'psf', False), (wcs, 'wcs', False) ): if lst is not None: if not isinstance(lst,list): raise TypeError('%s should be a list'%name) if len(lst) != len(images): raise GalSimValueError('%s is the wrong length'%name, lst) if isim: for i in range(len(images)): im1 = lst[i] im2 = images[i] if (im1.array.shape != im2.array.shape): raise GalSimValueError( "%s[%d] has the wrong shape."%(name, i), im1) # The PSF images don't have to be the same shape as the main images. # But make sure all psf images are square and the same shape if psf is not None: s = psf[i].array.shape if s[0] != s[1]: raise GalSimValueError( 'PSF array shape %s is invalid. Must be square'%(str(s)), psf[i]) if s[0] not in BOX_SIZES: raise GalSimValueError( 'PSF array shape %s is invalid. Size must be in %s'%( str(s),str(BOX_SIZES)), psf[i]) if i > 0 and s != psf[0].array.shape: raise GalSimValueError('PSF images must all be the same shape', psf[i]) # Check that wcs are Uniform and convert them to AffineTransforms in case they aren't. if wcs is not None: for i in range(len(wcs)): if not isinstance(wcs[i], UniformWCS): raise GalSimValueError('wcs list should contain UniformWCS objects', wcs) elif not isinstance(wcs[i], AffineTransform): wcs[i] = wcs[i].affine() = id self.images = [ im.view() for im in images ] # Convert to 0-based images as preferred by meds. for im in self.images: # Note: making the list of views above means this won't change the originals. im.setOrigin(0,0) self.box_size = self.images[0].array.shape[0] self.n_cutouts = len(self.images) if psf is not None: self.psf_box_size = self.images[0].array.shape[0] else: self.psf_box_size = 0 # If weight is not provided, create something sensible. if weight is not None: self.weight = weight else: self.weight = [Image(self.box_size, self.box_size, init_value=1)]*self.n_cutouts # If badpix is provided, combine it into the weight image. if badpix is not None: for i in range(len(badpix)): mask = badpix[i].array != 0 self.weight[i].array[mask] = 0. # If seg is not provided, use all 1's. if seg is not None: self.seg = seg else: self.seg = [ImageI(self.box_size, self.box_size, init_value=1)]*self.n_cutouts # If wcs is not provided, get it from the images. if wcs is not None: self.wcs = wcs else: self.wcs = [ im.wcs.affine(image_pos=im.true_center) for im in self.images ] # Normally you would supply cutout_row/cutout_col, since we can't usually # assume objects are centered on the stamp. If not supplied, set them to # the wcs origin (here that is the center of the stamp). if cutout_row is not None: self.cutout_row = cutout_row else: self.cutout_row = [ w.origin.y for w in self.wcs ] if cutout_col is not None: self.cutout_col = cutout_col else: self.cutout_col = [ w.origin.x for w in self.wcs ] # psf is not required, so leave it as None if not provided. self.psf = psf
[docs]def WriteMEDS(obj_list, file_name, clobber=True): """ Writes a MEDS file from a list of `MultiExposureObject` instances. Parameters: obj_list: List of `MultiExposureObject` instances file_name: Name of meds file to be written clobber: Setting ``clobber=True`` when ``file_name`` is given will silently overwrite existing files. [default True] """ # initialise the catalog cat = {} cat['id'] = [] cat['box_size'] = [] cat['ra'] = [] cat['dec'] = [] cat['ncutout'] = [] cat['start_row'] = [] cat['dudrow'] = [] cat['dudcol'] = [] cat['dvdrow'] = [] cat['dvdcol'] = [] cat['orig_start_row'] = [] cat['orig_start_col'] = [] cat['cutout_row'] = [] cat['cutout_col'] = [] cat['psf_box_size'] = [] cat['psf_start_row'] = [] # initialise the image vectors vec = {} vec['image'] = [] vec['seg'] = [] vec['weight'] = [] vec['psf'] = [] # initialise the image vector index n_vec = 0 psf_n_vec = 0 # get number of objects n_obj = len(obj_list) # loop over objects for obj in obj_list: # initialise the start indices for each image start_rows = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_START_INDEX psf_start_rows = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_START_INDEX dudrow = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_JAC_diag dudcol = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_JAC_offdiag dvdrow = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_JAC_offdiag dvdcol = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_JAC_diag cutout_row = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_SHIFT cutout_col = np.ones(MAX_NCUTOUTS)*EMPTY_SHIFT # get the number of cutouts (exposures) n_cutout = obj.n_cutouts # append the catalog for this object cat['id'].append( cat['box_size'].append(obj.box_size) # TODO: If the config defines a world position, get the right ra, dec here. cat['ra'].append(0.) cat['dec'].append(0.) cat['ncutout'].append(n_cutout) cat['psf_box_size'].append(obj.psf_box_size) # loop over cutouts for i in range(n_cutout): # assign the start row to the end of image vector start_rows[i] = n_vec psf_start_rows[i] = psf_n_vec # update n_vec to point to the end of image vector n_vec += len(obj.images[i].array.flatten()) if obj.psf is not None: psf_n_vec += len(obj.psf[i].array.flatten()) # append the image vectors vec['image'].append(obj.images[i].array.flatten()) vec['seg'].append(obj.seg[i].array.flatten()) vec['weight'].append(obj.weight[i].array.flatten()) if obj.psf is not None: vec['psf'].append(obj.psf[i].array.flatten()) # append cutout_row/col cutout_row[i] = obj.cutout_row[i] cutout_col[i] = obj.cutout_col[i] # append the Jacobian # col == x # row == y dudcol[i] = obj.wcs[i].dudx dudrow[i] = obj.wcs[i].dudy dvdcol[i] = obj.wcs[i].dvdx dvdrow[i] = obj.wcs[i].dvdy # check if we are running out of memory if sys.getsizeof(vec,0) > MAX_MEMORY: # pragma: no cover raise GalSimError( "Running out of memory > %1.0fGB - you can increase the limit by changing " "galsim.des_meds.MAX_MEMORY"%(MAX_MEMORY/1.e9)) # update the start rows fields in the catalog cat['start_row'].append(start_rows) cat['psf_start_row'].append(psf_start_rows) # add cutout_row/col cat['cutout_row'].append(cutout_row) cat['cutout_col'].append(cutout_col) # add lists of Jacobians cat['dudrow'].append(dudrow) cat['dudcol'].append(dudcol) cat['dvdrow'].append(dvdrow) cat['dvdcol'].append(dvdcol) # concatenate list to one big vector vec['image'] = np.concatenate(vec['image']) vec['seg'] = np.concatenate(vec['seg']) vec['weight'] = np.concatenate(vec['weight']) if obj.psf is not None: vec['psf'] = np.concatenate(vec['psf']) # get the primary HDU primary = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() # second hdu is the object_data # cf. cols = [] cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='id', format='K', array=cat['id'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='number', format='K', array=cat['id'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='ra', format='D', array=cat['ra'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='dec', format='D', array=cat['dec'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='box_size', format='K', array=cat['box_size'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='ncutout', format='K', array=cat['ncutout'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='file_id', format='%dK' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=[1]*n_obj) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='start_row', format='%dK' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['start_row'])) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='orig_row', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=[[0]*MAX_NCUTOUTS]*n_obj ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='orig_col', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=[[0]*MAX_NCUTOUTS]*n_obj ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='orig_start_row', format='%dK' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=[[0]*MAX_NCUTOUTS]*n_obj ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='orig_start_col', format='%dK' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=[[0]*MAX_NCUTOUTS]*n_obj ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='cutout_row', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['cutout_row']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='cutout_col', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['cutout_col']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='dudrow', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['dudrow']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='dudcol', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['dudcol']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='dvdrow', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['dvdrow']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='dvdcol', format='%dD' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['dvdcol']) ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='psf_box_size', format='K', array=cat['psf_box_size'] ) ) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='psf_start_row', format='%dK' % MAX_NCUTOUTS, array=np.array(cat['psf_start_row'])) ) # Depending on the version of pyfits, one of these should work: try: object_data = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'object_data' except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover object_data = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs(cols)) object_data.update_ext_name('object_data') # third hdu is image_info cols = [] cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='image_path', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='image_ext', format='I', array=[0] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='weight_path', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='weight_ext', format='I', array=[0] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='seg_path', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='seg_ext', format='I', array=[0] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='bmask_path', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='bmask_ext', format='I', array=[0] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='bkg_path', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='bkg_ext', format='I', array=[0] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='image_id', format='K', array=[-1] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='image_flags', format='K', array=[-1] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='magzp', format='E', array=[30.] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='scale', format='E', array=[1.] )) # TODO: Not sure if this is right! cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='position_offset', format='D', array=[0.] )) try: image_info = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'image_info' except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover image_info = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs(cols)) image_info.update_ext_name('image_info') # fourth hdu is metadata # default values? cols = [] cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='magzp_ref', format='E', array=[30.] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='DESDATA', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='cat_file', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_image_id',format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_file', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_seg_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_srclist', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coadd_wt_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coaddcat_file', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='coaddseg_file', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='cutout_file', format='A256', array=['generated_by_galsim'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='max_boxsize', format='A3', array=['-1'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='medsconf', format='A3', array=['x'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='min_boxsize', format='A2', array=['-1'] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='se_badpix_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='se_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='se_wt_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='seg_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='psf_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='sky_hdu', format='K', array=[9999] )) cols.append( pyfits.Column(name='fake_coadd_seg',format='K', array=[9999] )) try: metadata = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'metadata' except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover metadata = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs(cols)) metadata.update_ext_name('metadata') # rest of HDUs are image vectors image_cutouts = pyfits.ImageHDU( vec['image'] , name='image_cutouts') weight_cutouts = pyfits.ImageHDU( vec['weight'], name='weight_cutouts') seg_cutouts = pyfits.ImageHDU( vec['seg'] , name='seg_cutouts') hdu_list = [ primary, object_data, image_info, metadata, image_cutouts, weight_cutouts, seg_cutouts, ] if obj.psf is not None: psf_cutouts = pyfits.ImageHDU( vec['psf'], name='psf') hdu_list.append(psf_cutouts) writeFile(file_name, pyfits.HDUList(hdu_list))
# Make the class that will
[docs]class MEDSBuilder(OutputBuilder): """This class lets you use the `MultiExposureObject` very simply as a special ``output`` type when using config processing. It requires the use of ``galsim.des`` in the config files ``modules`` section. """
[docs] def buildImages(self, config, base, file_num, image_num, obj_num, ignore, logger): """ Build a meds file as specified in config. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the output field. base: The base configuration dict. file_num: The current file_num. image_num: The current image_num. obj_num: The current obj_num. ignore: A list of parameters that are allowed to be in config that we can ignore here. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. Returns: A list of MultiExposureObjects. """ t1 = time.time() if base.get('image',{}).get('type', 'Single') != 'Single': raise GalSimConfigError( "MEDS files are not compatible with image type %s."%base['image']['type']) req = { 'nobjects' : int , 'nstamps_per_object' : int } opt = {'first_id' : int } ignore += [ 'file_name', 'dir', 'nfiles' ] params = GetAllParams(config,base,ignore=ignore,req=req, opt=opt)[0] first_id = params.get('first_id', obj_num) nobjects = params['nobjects'] nstamps_per_object = params['nstamps_per_object'] ntot = nobjects * nstamps_per_object main_images = BuildImages(ntot, base, image_num=image_num, obj_num=obj_num, logger=logger) # grab list of offsets for cutout_row/cutout_col. offsets = GetFinalExtraOutput('meds_get_offset', base, logger) # cutout_row/col is the stamp center (**with the center of the first pixel # being (0,0)**) + offset centers = [0.5*im.array.shape[0]-0.5 for im in main_images] cutout_rows = [c+offset.y for c,offset in zip(centers,offsets)] cutout_cols = [c+offset.x for c,offset in zip(centers,offsets)] weight_images = GetFinalExtraOutput('weight', base, logger) if 'badpix' in config: badpix_images = GetFinalExtraOutput('badpix', base, logger) else: badpix_images = None psf_images = GetFinalExtraOutput('psf', base, logger) obj_list = [] for i in range(nobjects): k1 = i*nstamps_per_object k2 = (i+1)*nstamps_per_object if badpix_images is not None: bpk = badpix_images[k1:k2] else: bpk = None obj = MultiExposureObject(images = main_images[k1:k2], weight = weight_images[k1:k2], badpix = bpk, psf = psf_images[k1:k2], id = first_id + i, cutout_row = cutout_rows[k1:k2], cutout_col = cutout_cols[k1:k2]) obj_list.append(obj) return obj_list
[docs] def writeFile(self, data, file_name, config, base, logger): """Write the data to a file. In this case a MEDS file. Parameters: data: The data to write. Here, this is a list of `MultiExposureObject`. file_name: The file_name to write to. config: The configuration dict for the output field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. """ WriteMEDS(data, file_name)
[docs] def getNImages(self, config, base, file_num, logger=None): # This gets called before starting work on the file, so we can use this opportunity # to make sure that weight and psf processing are turned on. # We just add these as empty dicts, so there is no hdu or file_name parameter, which # means they won't actually output anything, but the images will be built, so we can use # them in BuildMEDS above. if 'weight' not in config: config['weight'] = {} if 'psf' not in config: config['psf'] = {} # We use an extra output type to get the offsets of objects in stamps. # It doesn't need any parameters. Just getting its name into the config dict is sufficient. if 'meds_get_offset' not in config: config['meds_get_offset']={} nobjects = ParseValue(config,'nobjects',base,int)[0] nstamps_per_object = ParseValue(config,'nstamps_per_object',base,int)[0] ntot = nobjects * nstamps_per_object return ntot
# This extra output type simply saves the values of the image offsets when an # object is drawn into the stamp.
[docs]class OffsetBuilder(ExtraOutputBuilder): """This "extra" output builder saves the stamp offset values for later use. It is used as a ``meds_get_offset`` field in the ``output`` section. """ # The function to call at the end of building each stamp
[docs] def processStamp(self, obj_num, config, base, logger): offset = base['stamp_offset'] stamp = base['stamp'] if 'offset' in stamp: offset += GetCurrentValue('offset', base['stamp'], PositionD, base) self.scratch[obj_num] = offset
# The function to call at the end of building each file to finalize the truth catalog
[docs] def finalize(self, config, base, main_data, logger): offsets_list = [] obj_nums = sorted(self.scratch.keys()) for obj_num in obj_nums: offsets_list.append(self.scratch[obj_num]) return offsets_list
# Register these RegisterOutputType('MEDS', MEDSBuilder()) RegisterExtraOutput('meds_get_offset', OffsetBuilder())