# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
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# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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__all__ = [ 'Exponential' ]
import math
from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .errors import GalSimIncompatibleValuesError
[docs]class Exponential(GSObject):
r"""A class describing an exponential profile.
Surface brightness profile with
.. math::
I(r) \sim e^{-r/r_0}
where :math:`r_0` is the ``scale_radius``. This is a special case of the `Sersic` profile,
but is given a separate class since the Fourier transform has closed form and can be generated
without lookup tables.
An Exponential can be initialized using one (and only one) of two possible size parameters:
``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius``. Exactly one of these two is required.
half_light_radius: The half-light radius of the profile. Typically given in arcsec.
[One of ``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius`` is required.]
scale_radius: The scale radius of the profile. Typically given in arcsec.
[One of ``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius`` is required.]
flux: The flux (in photons/cm^2/s) of the profile. [default: 1]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
_opt_params = { "flux" : float }
_single_params = [ { "scale_radius" : float , "half_light_radius" : float } ]
# The half-light-radius is not analytic, but can be calculated numerically
# by iterative solution of equation:
# (re / r0) = ln[(re / r0) + 1] + ln(2)
_hlr_factor = 1.6783469900166605
_one_third = 1./3.
_inv_twopi = 0.15915494309189535
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_axisymmetric = True
_is_analytic_x = True
_is_analytic_k = True
def __init__(self, half_light_radius=None, scale_radius=None, flux=1., gsparams=None):
if half_light_radius is not None:
if scale_radius is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Only one of scale_radius and half_light_radius may be specified",
half_light_radius=half_light_radius, scale_radius=scale_radius)
scale_radius = half_light_radius / Exponential._hlr_factor
elif scale_radius is None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Either scale_radius or half_light_radius must be specified",
half_light_radius=half_light_radius, scale_radius=scale_radius)
self._r0 = float(scale_radius)
self._flux = float(flux)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
self._inv_r0 = 1./self._r0
self._norm = self._flux * Exponential._inv_twopi * self._inv_r0**2
def _sbp(self):
return _galsim.SBExponential(self._r0, self._flux, self.gsparams._gsp)
def scale_radius(self):
"""The scale radius of the profile.
return self._r0
def half_light_radius(self):
"""The half-light radius of the profile.
return self._r0 * Exponential._hlr_factor
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, Exponential) and
self.scale_radius == other.scale_radius and
self.flux == other.flux and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.Exponential", self.scale_radius, self.flux, self.gsparams))
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.Exponential(scale_radius=%r, flux=%r, gsparams=%r)'%(
self.scale_radius, self.flux, self.gsparams)
def __str__(self):
s = 'galsim.Exponential(scale_radius=%s'%self.scale_radius
if self.flux != 1.0:
s += ', flux=%s'%self.flux
s += ')'
return s
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def _maxk(self):
return (self.gsparams.maxk_threshold ** -Exponential._one_third) / self.scale_radius
def _stepk(self):
return self._sbp.stepK()
def _max_sb(self):
return self._norm
def _xValue(self, pos):
r = math.sqrt(pos.x**2 + pos.y**2)
return self._norm * math.exp(-r * self._inv_r0)
def _kValue(self, kpos):
ksqp1 = (kpos.x**2 + kpos.y**2) * self._r0**2 + 1.
return self._flux / (ksqp1 * math.sqrt(ksqp1))
def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.):
_jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0]
dx,dy = offset
self._sbp.draw(image._image, image.scale, _jac, dx, dy, flux_scaling)
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
_jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0]
self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withFlux(self, flux):
return Exponential(scale_radius=self.scale_radius, flux=flux, gsparams=self.gsparams)