Source code for galsim.kolmogorov

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# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
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__all__ = [ 'Kolmogorov' ]

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import math

from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .errors import GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, convert_cpp_errors
from .angle import arcsec, radians, AngleUnit

[docs]class Kolmogorov(GSObject): r"""A class describing a Kolmogorov surface brightness profile, which represents a long exposure atmospheric PSF. The Kolmogorov profile is defined in Fourier space. Its transfer function is: .. math:: T(k) \sim \exp(-D(k)/2) where .. math:: D(k) = 6.8839 \left(\frac{\lambda k}{2\pi r_0} \right)^{5/3}, :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength of the light (say in the middle of the bandpass you are using), and :math:`r_0` is the Fried parameter. Typical values for the Fried parameter are on the order of 0.1 m for most observatories and up to 0.2 m for excellent sites. The values are usually quoted at :math:`\lambda` = 500nm and :math:`r_0` depends on wavelength as :math:`r_0 \sim \lambda^{6/5}`. For more information, refer to The Kolmogorov profile is normally defined in terms of the ratio :math:`\lambda / r_0`. The natural units for this ratio is radians, which is not normally a convenient unit to use for other `GSObject` dimensions. Assuming that the other sky coordinates you are using are all in arcsec (e.g. the pixel scale when you draw the image, the size of the galaxy, etc.), then you should convert this to arcsec as well:: >>> lam = 700 # nm >>> r0 = 0.15 * (lam/500)**1.2 # meters >>> lam_over_r0 = (lam * 1.e-9) / r0 # radians >>> lam_over_r0 *= 206265 # Convert to arcsec >>> psf = galsim.Kolmogorov(lam_over_r0) To make this process a bit simpler, we recommend instead providing the wavelength and Fried parameter separately using the parameters ``lam`` (in nm) and either ``r0`` or ``r0_500`` (in m). GalSim will then convert this to any of the normal kinds of angular units using the ``scale_unit`` parameter:: >>> psf = galsim.Kolmogorov(lam=lam, r0=r0, scale_unit=galsim.arcsec) or:: >>> psf = galsim.Kolmogorov(lam=lam, r0_500=0.15, scale_unit=galsim.arcsec) When drawing images, the scale_unit should match the unit used for the pixel scale or the WCS. e.g. in this case, a pixel scale of 0.2 arcsec/pixel would be specified as ``pixel_scale=0.2``. A Kolmogorov object may also be initialized using ``fwhm`` or ``half_light_radius``. Exactly one of these four ways to define the size is required. The FWHM of the Kolmogorov PSF is :math:`\sim 0.976 \lambda/r_0` arcsec. (e.g., Racine 1996, PASP 699, 108). Parameters: lam_over_r0: The parameter that governs the scale size of the profile. See above for details about calculating it. [One of ``lam_over_r0``, ``fwhm``, ``half_light_radius``, or ``lam`` (along with either ``r0`` or ``r0_500``) is required.] fwhm: The full-width-half-max of the profile. Typically given in arcsec. [One of ``lam_over_r0``, ``fwhm``, ``half_light_radius``, or ``lam`` (along with either ``r0`` or ``r0_500``) is required.] half_light_radius: The half-light radius of the profile. Typically given in arcsec. [One of ``lam_over_r0``, ``fwhm``, ``half_light_radius``, or ``lam`` (along with either ``r0`` or ``r0_500``) is required.] lam: Lambda (wavelength) either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of nanometers. Must be supplied with either ``r0`` or ``r0_500``, and in this case, image scales (``scale``) should be specified in units of ``scale_unit``. r0: The Fried parameter, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of meters. Must be supplied with ``lam``, and in this case, image scales (``scale``) should be specified in units of ``scale_unit``. r0_500: The Fried parameter at wavelength of 500 nm, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of meters. The Fried parameter at the given wavelength, ``lam``, will be computed using the standard relation r0 = r0_500 * (lam/500)**1.2. flux: The flux (in photons/cm^2/s) of the profile. [default: 1] scale_unit: Units to use for the sky coordinates when calculating lam/r0 if these are supplied separately. Note that the results of using properties like `fwhm` will be returned in units of ``scale_unit`` as well. Should be either a `galsim.AngleUnit` or a string that can be used to construct one (e.g., 'arcsec', 'radians', etc.). [default: galsim.arcsec] gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] In addition to the usual `GSObject` methods, Kolmogorov has the following access properties: Attributes: lam_over_r0: The input ratio lambda / r0 fwhm: The full-width half-max size half_light_radius: The half-light radius """ _opt_params = { "flux" : float, "r0" : (float, u.Quantity), "r0_500" : (float, u.Quantity), "scale_unit" : str } # Note that this is not quite right; it's true that exactly one of these 4 should be supplied, # but if lam is supplied then r0 is required. Errors in which parameters are used may be # caught either by config or by the python code itself, depending on the particular error. _single_params = [ { "lam_over_r0" : float, "fwhm" : float, "half_light_radius" : float, "lam" : (float, u.Quantity) } ] # The FWHM of the Kolmogorov PSF is ~0.976 lambda/r0 (e.g., Racine 1996, PASP 699, 108). # In SBKolmogorov.cpp we refine this factor to 0.9758634299 _fwhm_factor = 0.9758634299 # Similarly, SBKolmogorov calculates the relation between lambda/r0 and half-light radius _hlr_factor = 0.5548101137 # This constant comes from the standard form of the Kolmogorov spectrum from # from Racine, 1996 PASP, 108, 699 (who in turn is quoting Fried, 1966, JOSA, 56, 1372): # T(k) = exp(-1/2 D(k)) # D(k) = 6.8839 (lambda/r0 k/2Pi)^(5/3) # # We convert this into T(k) = exp(-(k/k0)^5/3) for efficiency, # which implies 1/2 6.8839 (lambda/r0 / 2Pi)^5/3 = (1/k0)^5/3 # k0 * lambda/r0 = 2Pi * (6.8839 / 2)^-3/5 = 2.992934 # # Update: It turns out that 6.8839/2 is actually (24 Gamma(6/5) / 5)^(5/6) # Which in turn makes the constant factor above # 2Pi (24 Gamma(6/5) / 5)^(5/6)^-(3/5) # = 2Pi (24 Gamma(6/5) / 5)^(-1/2) # = 2.992939911888651 # (Not that we need this many digits, but hey, why not?) _k0_factor = 2.992939911888651 # The value in real space at (x,y) = (0,0) is analytic: # int( flux (k/2pi) exp(-(k/k0)**(5/3)), k=0..inf) # = flux * k0^2 * (3/5) Gamma(6/5) / 2pi _xzero = 0.08767865636723461 _has_hard_edges = False _is_axisymmetric = True _is_analytic_x = True _is_analytic_k = True def __init__(self, lam_over_r0=None, fwhm=None, half_light_radius=None, lam=None, r0=None, r0_500=None, flux=1., scale_unit=None, gsparams=None): self._flux = float(flux) self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams) if isinstance(lam, u.Quantity): lam = lam.to_value(u.nm) if isinstance(r0, u.Quantity): r0 = r0.to_value(u.m) if isinstance(r0_500, u.Quantity): r0_500 = r0_500.to_value(u.m) if fwhm is not None : if any(item is not None for item in (lam_over_r0, lam, r0, r0_500, half_light_radius)): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Only one of lam_over_r0, fwhm, half_light_radius, or lam (with r0 or r0_500) " "may be specified", fwhm=fwhm, lam_over_r0=lam_over_r0, lam=lam, r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500, half_light_radius=half_light_radius) self._lor0 = float(fwhm) / Kolmogorov._fwhm_factor elif half_light_radius is not None: if any(item is not None for item in (lam_over_r0, lam, r0, r0_500)): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Only one of lam_over_r0, fwhm, half_light_radius, or lam (with r0 or r0_500) " "may be specified", fwhm=fwhm, lam_over_r0=lam_over_r0, lam=lam, r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500, half_light_radius=half_light_radius) self._lor0 = float(half_light_radius) / Kolmogorov._hlr_factor elif lam_over_r0 is not None: if any(item is not None for item in (lam, r0, r0_500)): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Cannot specify lam, r0 or r0_500 in conjunction with lam_over_r0.", lam_over_r0=lam_over_r0, lam=lam, r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500) self._lor0 = float(lam_over_r0) else: if lam is None or (r0 is None and r0_500 is None): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "One of lam_over_r0, fwhm, half_light_radius, or lam (with r0 or r0_500) " "must be specified", fwhm=fwhm, lam_over_r0=lam_over_r0, lam=lam, r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500, half_light_radius=half_light_radius) # In this case we're going to use scale_unit, so parse it in case of string input: if scale_unit is None: scale_unit = arcsec elif isinstance(scale_unit, str): scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit) if r0 is None: r0 = r0_500 * (lam/500.)**1.2 self._lor0 = (1.e-9*float(lam)/float(r0))*(radians/scale_unit) self._k0 = Kolmogorov._k0_factor / self._lor0 @lazy_property def _sbp(self): with convert_cpp_errors(): return _galsim.SBKolmogorov(self._lor0, self._flux, self.gsparams._gsp) @property def lam_over_r0(self): """The input lambda / r0 for this `Kolmogorov` profile. """ return self._lor0 @property def fwhm(self): """The FWHM of this `Kolmogorov` profile. """ return self._lor0 * Kolmogorov._fwhm_factor @property def half_light_radius(self): """The half light radius of this `Kolmogorov` profile. """ return self._lor0 * Kolmogorov._hlr_factor def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, Kolmogorov) and self.lam_over_r0 == other.lam_over_r0 and self.flux == other.flux and self.gsparams == other.gsparams)) def __hash__(self): return hash(("galsim.Kolmogorov", self.lam_over_r0, self.flux, self.gsparams)) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.Kolmogorov(lam_over_r0=%r, flux=%r, gsparams=%r)'%( self.lam_over_r0, self.flux, self.gsparams) def __str__(self): s = 'galsim.Kolmogorov(lam_over_r0=%s'%self.lam_over_r0 if self.flux != 1.0: s += ', flux=%s'%self.flux s += ')' return s def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('_sbp',None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d @property def _maxk(self): # exp(-k^(5/3)) = kvalue_accuracy return (-math.log(self.gsparams.kvalue_accuracy)) ** 0.6 * self._k0 @property def _stepk(self): return self._sbp.stepK() @property def _max_sb(self): return self._flux * self._k0**2 * Kolmogorov._xzero def _xValue(self, pos): return self._sbp.xValue(pos._p) def _kValue(self, kpos): return self._sbp.kValue(kpos._p) def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] dx,dy = offset self._sbp.draw(image._image, image.scale, _jac, dx, dy, flux_scaling) def _shoot(self, photons, rng): self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng) def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit def withFlux(self, flux): return Kolmogorov(lam_over_r0=self.lam_over_r0, flux=flux, gsparams=self.gsparams)