Source code for galsim.phase_screens

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

__all__ = [ 'AtmosphericScreen', 'Atmosphere', 'OpticalScreen', 'UserScreen', ]

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from numbers import Real

from .random import BaseDeviate, GaussianDeviate
from .image import Image
from .angle import radians
from .table import LookupTable2D, _LookupTable2D
from . import utilities
from . import fft
from . import zernike
from .utilities import LRU_Cache, lazy_property
from .errors import GalSimRangeError, GalSimValueError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError
from .errors import galsim_warn, GalSimNotImplementedError, GalSimError
from .kolmogorov import Kolmogorov
from .airy import Airy

# Two helper functions to cache the calculation required for _getStepK
def __calcAtmStepK(lam, r0_500, gsparams):
    # Use a Kolmogorov to get appropriate stepk.
    obj = Kolmogorov(lam=lam, r0_500=r0_500, gsparams=gsparams)
    return obj.stepk
_calcAtmStepK = LRU_Cache(__calcAtmStepK)

def __calcOptStepK(lam, diam, obscuration, gsparams):
    # Use an Airy to get appropriate stepk.
    obj = Airy(lam=lam, diam=diam, obscuration=obscuration, gsparams=gsparams)
    return obj.stepk
_calcOptStepK = LRU_Cache(__calcOptStepK)

# Global dict of "pointers" (roughly) to shared memory.
_GSScreenShare = {}

[docs]def initWorkerArgs(): """Function used to generate worker arguments to pass to multiprocessing.Pool initializer. See `AtmosphericScreen` docstring for more information. """ for v in _GSScreenShare.values(): if v['alpha'].value != 1.0: raise GalSimNotImplementedError( "Shared memory use is only supported for frozen-flow screens") return (_GSScreenShare,)
[docs]def initWorker(share): """Worker initialization function to pass to multiprocessing.Pool initializer. See `AtmosphericScreen` docstring for more information. """ _GSScreenShare.update(share) # pragma: no cover (covered, but in a fork)
[docs]def reset_shared_screens(): """Reset the global dict that contains screens being shared across multiprocessing processes. This is almost never necessary. However, if you first use one multiprocessing context with `initWorker` and `initWorkerArgs`, and then switch to a different context for another multiprocessing action, the dict we use for storing the shared memory will not be usable in the new context. In this case, you should reset the global dict before starting the second multiprocessing action by running:: galsim.phase_screens.reset_shared_screens() If you only ever use one multiprocessing context in your program, you should never need to call this. """ global _GSScreenShare _GSScreenShare = {}
# Helper to let the with Lock() context in the __del__ below timeout if things get borked. # From @contextmanager def acquire_lock(lock, block=True, timeout=None): held = lock.acquire(block=block, timeout=timeout) try: yield held finally: if held: # pragma: no branch lock.release()
[docs]class AtmosphericScreen: """ An atmospheric phase screen that can drift in the wind and evolves ("boils") over time. The initial phases and fractional phase updates are drawn from a von Karman power spectrum, which is defined by a Fried parameter that effectively sets the amplitude of the turbulence, and an outer scale beyond which the turbulence power flattens. AtmosphericScreen delays the actual instantiation of the phase screen array in memory until it is used for either drawing a PSF or querying the wavefront or wavefront gradient. This is to facilitate automatic truncation of the screen power spectrum depending on the use case. For example, when drawing a `PhaseScreenPSF` using Fourier methods, the entire power spectrum should generally be used. On the other hand, when drawing using photon-shooting and the geometric approximation, it's better to truncate the high-k modes of the power spectrum here so that they can be handled instead by a SecondKick object (which also happens automatically; see the `PhaseScreenPSF` docstring). (See Peterson et al. 2015 for more details about the second kick). Querying the wavefront or wavefront gradient will instantiate the screen using the full power spectrum. This class will normally attempt to sanity check that the screen has been appropriately instantiated depending on the use case, i.e., depending on whether it's being used to draw with Fourier optics or geometric optics. If you want to turn this warning off, however, you can use the ``suppress_warning`` keyword argument. If you wish to override the automatic truncation determination, then you can directly instantiate the phase screen array using the `AtmosphericScreen.instantiate` method. Note that once a screen has been instantiated with a particular set of truncation parameters, it cannot be re-instantiated with another set of parameters. **Shared memory**: Instantiated AtmosphericScreen objects can consume a significant amount of memory. For example, an atmosphere with 6 screens, each extending 819.2 m and with resolution of 10 cm will consume 3 GB of memory. In contexts where both a realistic atmospheric PSF and high throughput via multiprocessing are required, allocating this 3 GB of memory once in a shared memory space accessible to each subprocess (as opposed to once per subprocess) is highly desireable. We provide a few functions here to enable such usage: - The mp_context keyword argument to AtmosphericScreen. This is used to indicate which multiprocessing process launching context will be used. This is important for setting up the shared memory correctly. - The `initWorker` and `initWorkerArgs` functions. These should be used in a call to multiprocessing.Pool to correctly inform the worker process where to find AtmosphericScreen shared memory. A template example might look something like:: import galsim import multiprocessing as mp def work(i, atm): args, moreArgs = fn(i) psf = atm.makePSF(*args) return psf.drawImage(*moreArgs) ctx = mp.get_context("spawn") # "spawn" is generally the safest context available atm = galsim.Atmosphere(..., mp_context=ctx) # internally calls AtmosphericScreen ctor nProc = 4 # Note, can set this to None to get a good default # Note: Especially if you are using "fork" context, then you want to make sure to run # your Pool in a single_threaded context. Even if not, it's probably a good idea # so each process isn't spawning lots of OpenMP (or other) threads. with galsim.utilities.single_threaded(): with ctx.Pool( nProc, initializer=galsim.phase_screens.initWorker, initargs=galsim.phase_screens.initWorkerArgs() ) as pool: results = [] # First submit for i in range(10): results.append(pool.apply_async(work, (i, atm))) # Then wait to finish for r in results: r.wait() # Turn future objects into actual returned images. results = [r.get() for r in results] It is also possible to manually instantiate each of the AtmosphericScreen objects in a `PhaseScreenList` in parallel using a process pool. This requires knowing what k-scale to truncate the screen at:: atm = galsim.Atmosphere(..., mp_context=ctx) with galsim.utilities.single_threaded(): with ctx.Pool( nProc, initializer=galsim.phase_screens.initWorker, initargs=galsim.phase_screens.initWorkerArgs() ) as pool: dummyPSF = atm.makePSF(...) kmax = dummyPSF.screen_kmax atm.instantiate(pool=pool, kmax=kmax) Finally, the above multiprocessing shared memory tricks are only currently supported for non-time-evolving screens (alpha=1). **Pickling**: The shared memory portion of an atmospheric screen is not included by default in the pickle of an `AtmosphericScreen` instance. This means that while it is possible to pickle/unpickle an `AtmosphericScreen` as normal within a single launch of a potentially-multiprocess program, (as long as the shared memory is persistent), a different path is needed to say, create an `AtmosphericScreen` pickle, quit python, restart python, and unpickle the screen. The same holds for any object that wraps an `AtmosphericScreen` as an attribute as well, which could include, e.g., `PhaseScreenList` or `PhaseScreenPSF`. To get around this limitation, the context manager `galsim.utilities.pickle_shared` can be used. For example:: screen = galsim.AtmosphericScreen(...) with galsim.utilities.pickle_shared(): pickle.dump(screen, open('myScreen.pkl', 'wb')) will pickle both the screen object and any required shared memory used in its definition. Unpickling then proceeds exactly as normal:: screen = pickle.load(open('myScreen.pkl', 'rb')) Parameters: screen_size: Physical extent of square phase screen in meters. This should be large enough to accommodate the desired field-of-view of the telescope as well as the meta-pupil defined by the wind speed and exposure time. Note that the screen will have periodic boundary conditions, so while the code will still run with a small screen, this may introduce artifacts into PSFs or PSF correlation functions. Also note that screen_size may be tweaked by the initializer to ensure ``screen_size`` is a multiple of ``screen_scale``. screen_scale: Physical pixel scale of phase screen in meters. An order unity multiple of the Fried parameter is usually sufficiently small, but users should test the effects of varying this parameter to ensure robust results. [default: r0_500] altitude: Altitude of phase screen in km. This is with respect to the telescope, not sea-level. [default: 0.0] r0_500: Fried parameter setting the amplitude of turbulence; contributes to "size" of the resulting atmospheric PSF. Specified at wavelength 500 nm, in units of meters. [default: 0.2] L0: Outer scale in meters. The turbulence power spectrum will smoothly approach a constant at scales larger than L0. Set to ``None`` or ``np.inf`` for a power spectrum without an outer scale. [default: 25.0] vx: x-component wind velocity in meters/second. [default: 0.] vy: y-component wind velocity in meters/second. [default: 0.] alpha: Square root of fraction of phase that is "remembered" between time_steps (i.e., alpha**2 is the fraction remembered). The fraction sqrt(1-alpha**2) is then the amount of turbulence freshly generated in each step. Setting alpha=1.0 results in a frozen-flow atmosphere. Note that computing PSFs from frozen-flow atmospheres may be significantly faster than computing PSFs with non-frozen-flow atmospheres. If ``alpha`` != 1.0, then it is required that a ``time_step`` is also specified. [default: 1.0] time_step: Time interval between phase boiling updates. Note that this is distinct from the time interval used to integrate the PSF over time, which is set by the ``time_step`` keyword argument to `PhaseScreenPSF` or `PhaseScreenList.makePSF`. If ``time_step`` is not None, then it is required that ``alpha`` is set to something other than 1.0. [default: None] rng: Random number generator as a `BaseDeviate`. If None, then use the clock time or system entropy to seed a new generator. [default: None] suppress_warning: Turn off instantiation sanity checking. (See above) [default: False] mp_context GalSim uses shared memory for phase screen allocation to better enable multiprocessing. Use this keyword to set the launch context for multiprocessing. Usually it will be sufficient to leave this at its default. [default: None] Relevant SPIE paper: "Remembrance of phases past: An autoregressive method for generating realistic atmospheres in simulations" Srikar Srinath, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Lisa A. Poyneer, Lawrence Livermore National Lab.; Alexander R. Rudy, UCSC; S. Mark Ammons, LLNL Published in Proceedings Volume 9148: Adaptive Optics Systems IV September 2014 """ def __init__(self, screen_size, screen_scale=None, altitude=0.0, r0_500=0.2, L0=25.0, vx=0.0, vy=0.0, alpha=1.0, time_step=None, rng=None, suppress_warning=False, mp_context=None): if (alpha != 1.0 and time_step is None): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "No time_step provided when alpha != 1.0", alpha=alpha, time_step=time_step) if (alpha == 1.0 and time_step is not None): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Setting AtmosphericScreen time_step prohibited when alpha == 1.0. " "Did you mean to set time_step in makePSF or PhaseScreenPSF?", alpha=alpha, time_step=time_step) if (alpha != 1.0 and mp_context is not None): raise GalSimNotImplementedError( "Shared memory use is only supported for frozen-flow screens") if screen_scale is None: # We copy Jee+Tyson(2011) and (arbitrarily) set the screen scale equal to r0 by default. screen_scale = r0_500 self.npix = Image.good_fft_size(int(np.ceil(screen_size/screen_scale))) self.screen_scale = screen_scale self.screen_size = screen_scale * self.npix self._altitude = altitude * 1000. # meters self.time_step = time_step self.r0_500 = r0_500 if L0 == np.inf: # Allow np.inf as synonym for None. L0 = None self.L0 = L0 self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.alpha = alpha if rng is None: rng = BaseDeviate() self._suppress_warning = suppress_warning self._orig_rng = rng.duplicate() self.dynamic = True self.reversible = self.alpha == 1.0 # Use shared memory for screens. Allocate it here; fill it in on demand. if not isinstance(mp_context, multiprocessing.context.BaseContext): mp_context = multiprocessing.get_context(mp_context) self.mp_context = mp_context # A unique id for this screen, created in the parent process, that can be used to find the # correct shared memory object in child processes. self._shareKey = id(self) self._objDict = AtmosphericScreen._initObjDict(self.mp_context, self.npix, alpha=self.alpha) _GSScreenShare[self._shareKey] = self._objDict @staticmethod def _initObjDict( ctx, npix, alpha=1.0, time=0.0, kmin=-1.0, kmax=-1.0, x0=0.0, y0=0.0, xperiod=0.0, yperiod=0.0, instantiated=False, refcount=1, f=None, x=None, y=None, **kwargs ): RawArray = ctx.RawArray RawValue = ctx.RawValue Lock = ctx.Lock _objDict = { 'f':RawArray('d', (npix+1)*(npix+1)), 'x':RawArray('d', npix+1), 'y':RawArray('d', npix+1), 'alpha':RawValue('d', alpha), 'time':RawValue('d', time), 'kmin':RawValue('d', kmin), 'kmax':RawValue('d', kmax), 'x0':RawValue('d', x0), 'y0':RawValue('d', y0), 'xperiod':RawValue('d', xperiod), 'yperiod':RawValue('d', yperiod), 'instantiated':RawValue('b', instantiated), 'refcount':RawValue('i', refcount), 'lock':Lock(), } if f is not None: np.frombuffer(_objDict['f'], dtype=np.float64)[:] = f np.frombuffer(_objDict['x'], dtype=np.float64)[:] = x np.frombuffer(_objDict['y'], dtype=np.float64)[:] = y return _objDict def __setstate__(self, state): screenShare = state.pop('screenShare', None) self.__dict__.update(state) shareKey = self._shareKey if screenShare and shareKey not in _GSScreenShare: _GSScreenShare[shareKey] = AtmosphericScreen._initObjDict( self.mp_context, self.npix, refcount=0, **screenShare ) self._objDict = _GSScreenShare[shareKey] with self._objDict['lock']: self._objDict['refcount'].value += 1 def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() state.pop('_objDict') state.pop('_tab2d', None) if utilities._pickle_shared: state['screenShare'] = self._getScreenShare() return state def __del__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_objDict'): # for if __init__ raised exception return with acquire_lock(self._objDict['lock'], timeout=3) as acquired: # If this can't acquire the lock, just timeout and return -- don't hang. # (This seems to happen occasionally, but apparently only here in __del__.) if not acquired: # pragma: no cover return self._objDict['refcount'].value -= 1 # Normally, shareKey is present, but on final cleanup, we have no control over # the order than things are deleted, so it might already be gone, in which # case there can be a KeyError here. if self._objDict['refcount'].value == 0 and self._shareKey in _GSScreenShare: del _GSScreenShare[self._shareKey] def _getScreenShare(self): screenShare = {} with self._objDict['lock']: screenShare['f'] = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['f'], dtype=np.float64) screenShare['x'] = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['x'], dtype=np.float64) screenShare['y'] = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['y'], dtype=np.float64) screenShare['alpha'] = self._objDict['alpha'].value screenShare['time'] = self._objDict['time'].value screenShare['kmin'] = self._objDict['kmin'].value screenShare['kmax'] = self._objDict['kmax'].value screenShare['x0'] = self._objDict['x0'].value screenShare['y0'] = self._objDict['y0'].value screenShare['xperiod'] = self._objDict['xperiod'].value screenShare['yperiod'] = self._objDict['yperiod'].value screenShare['instantiated'] = self._objDict['instantiated'].value return screenShare @property def altitude(self): """The altitude of the screen in km. """ return self._altitude / 1000. # convert back to km @lazy_property def _xs(self): return np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, self.npix, endpoint=False)*self.screen_size @lazy_property def _ys(self): return self._xs def __str__(self): return "galsim.AtmosphericScreen(altitude=%s)" % self.altitude def __repr__(self): return ("galsim.AtmosphericScreen(%r, %r, altitude=%r, r0_500=%r, L0=%r, " "vx=%r, vy=%r, alpha=%r, time_step=%r, rng=%r)") % ( self.screen_size, self.screen_scale, self.altitude, self.r0_500, self.L0, self.vx, self.vy, self.alpha, self.time_step, self._orig_rng) # While AtmosphericScreen does have mutable internal state, it's still possible to treat the # object as hashable under the python data model. The requirements for hashability are that # the hash value never changes during the lifetime of the object, __eq__ is defined, and a == b # implies hash(a) == hash(b). We also require that if a == b, then f(a) == f(b) for any public # function on an AtmosphericScreen, such as producing a PSF. Generally, it's a good idea to # try for hash(a) == hash(b) to imply that it's very likely that a == b, too. This is mostly # True for AtmosphericScreen (and derived objects, like PSFs), but note that while we don't # use the object's mutable internal state for the hash value, we do use it for the __eq__ test. # In particular, the hash value doesn't change after the screen is instantiated from its value # before instantiation. Equality, on the other hand, does change. An instantiated screen is # not equal to an otherwise identical uninstantiated screen. def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, AtmosphericScreen) and self.screen_size == other.screen_size and self.screen_scale == other.screen_scale and self._altitude == other._altitude and self.r0_500 == other.r0_500 and self.L0 == other.L0 and self.vx == other.vx and self.vy == other.vy and self.alpha == other.alpha and self.time_step == other.time_step and self._orig_rng == other._orig_rng and self.kmin == other.kmin and self.kmax == other.kmax)) def __hash__(self): if not hasattr(self, '_hash'): self._hash = hash(( "galsim.AtmosphericScreen", self.screen_size, self.screen_scale, self.altitude, self.r0_500, self.L0, self.vx, self.vy, self.alpha, self.time_step, repr(self._orig_rng.serialize()))) return self._hash def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs] def instantiate(self, kmin=0., kmax=np.inf, check=None): """ Parameters: kmin: Minimum k-mode to include when generating phase screens. Generally this will only be used when testing the geometric approximation for atmospheric PSFs. [default: 0] kmax: Maximum k-mode to include when generating phase screens. This may be used in conjunction with SecondKick to complete the geometric approximation for atmospheric PSFs. [default: np.inf] check: Sanity check indicator. If equal to 'FFT', then check that phase screen Fourier modes are not being truncated, which is appropriate for full Fourier optics. If equal to 'phot', then check that phase screen Fourier modes *are* being truncated, which is appropriate for the geometric optics approximation. If ``None``, then don't perform a check. Also, don't perform a check if self.suppress_warning is True. """ if not self._objDict['instantiated'].value: with self._objDict['lock']: # Check that another process didn't finish instantiating # while this process was waiting for the lock # Since this is a race, both branches are only covered probabilistically if not self._objDict['instantiated'].value: # pragma: no branch self._objDict['kmin'].value = kmin self._objDict['kmax'].value = kmax self._init_psi() self._reset() if self.reversible: del self._psi, self._screen, self._xs, self._ys self._objDict['instantiated'].value = True if check is not None and not self._suppress_warning: if check == 'FFT': if self.kmax != np.inf: galsim_warn("AtmosphericScreen was instantiated for photon shooting. " "Drawing now with FFT may yield surprising results.") if check == 'phot': if self.kmax == np.inf: galsim_warn("AtmosphericScreen was instantiated for FFT drawing. " "Drawing now with photon shooting may yield surprising results.")
@property def kmin(self): """The minimum k value being used. """ return self._objDict['kmin'].value @property def kmax(self): """The maximum k value being used. """ return self._objDict['kmax'].value @property def _time(self): # Should only be set in serial context, so no lock return self._objDict['time'].value @_time.setter def _time(self, value): self._objDict['time'].value = value # Note the magic number 0.00058 is actually ... wait for it ... # (5 * (24/5 * gamma(6/5))**(5/6) * gamma(11/6)) / (6 * pi**(8/3) * gamma(1/6)) / (2 pi)**2 # It's nearly impossible to figure this out from a single source, but it can be derived from a # combination of Roddier (1981), Sasiela (1994), and Noll (1976). (These atmosphere people # sure like to work alone... ) _kolmogorov_constant = np.sqrt(0.00058) def _init_psi(self): """Assemble 2D von Karman sqrt power spectrum. """ fx = np.fft.fftfreq(self.npix, self.screen_scale) fx, fy = np.meshgrid(fx, fx) # Faster to avoid as many temporary arrays as possible. This is just ksq = fx**2 + fy**2. ksq = fx ksq[:,:] *= fx ksq[:,:] += fy*fy # We'll use ksq as our array for psi too. So save this mask for later. m = (ksq < self.kmin**2) | (ksq > self.kmax**2) old_settings = np.seterr(all='ignore') self._psi = ksq if self.L0 is not None: L0_inv = 1./self.L0 self._psi[:,:] += L0_inv*L0_inv self._psi[:,:] **= -11./12. # Note the multiplication by 500 here so we can divide by arbitrary lam later. self._psi[:,:] *= (self._kolmogorov_constant * self.r0_500**(-5.0/6.0) * self.npix * 500. / self.screen_size) self._psi[0, 0] = 0.0 self._psi[m] = 0.0 np.seterr(**old_settings) def _random_screen(self): """Generate a random phase screen with power spectrum given by self._psi**2""" gd = GaussianDeviate(self.rng) noise = utilities.rand_arr(self._psi.shape, gd) return fft.ifft2(fft.fft2(noise)*self._psi).real def _setShare(self): tab2d = LookupTable2D(self._xs, self._ys, self._screen, edge_mode='wrap') xshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['x'], dtype=np.float64) yshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['y'], dtype=np.float64) fshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['f'], dtype=np.float64) fshare = fshare.reshape((self.npix+1, self.npix+1)) xshare[:] = tab2d.x yshare[:] = tab2d.y fshare[:] = tab2d.f self._objDict['x0'].value = tab2d.x0 self._objDict['y0'].value = tab2d.y0 self._objDict['xperiod'].value = tab2d.xperiod self._objDict['yperiod'].value = tab2d.yperiod self.__dict__.pop('_tab2d', None) @lazy_property def _tab2d(self): # If _tab2d hasn't been overwritten in this process, but it's use is requested, then # set it up from shared memory. xshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['x'], dtype=np.float64) yshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['y'], dtype=np.float64) fshare = np.frombuffer(self._objDict['f'], dtype=np.float64) fshare = fshare.reshape((self.npix+1, self.npix+1)) return _LookupTable2D( xshare, yshare, fshare, 'linear', 'wrap', 0.0, x0=self._objDict['x0'].value, y0=self._objDict['y0'].value, xperiod=self._objDict['xperiod'].value, yperiod=self._objDict['yperiod'].value ) def _seek(self, t): """Set layer's internal clock to time t.""" if t == self._time: return if not self.reversible: # Can't reverse, so reset and move forward. if t < self._time: if t < 0.0: raise GalSimRangeError("Can't rewind irreversible screen to t < 0.0", t, 0.) self._reset() # Find number of boiling updates we need to perform. previous_update_number = int(self._time // self.time_step) final_update_number = int(t // self.time_step) n_updates = final_update_number - previous_update_number if n_updates > 0: for _ in range(n_updates): self._screen *= self.alpha self._screen += np.sqrt(1.-self.alpha**2) * self._random_screen() # Make a table, copy the x,y,f arrays to shared memory, make a new table that # points to those locations. self._setShare() self._time = float(t) def _reset(self): """Reset phase screen back to time=0.""" self.rng = self._orig_rng.duplicate() self._time = 0.0 # Only need to reset/create tab2d if not frozen or doesn't already exist if not self.reversible or not self._objDict['instantiated'].value: self._screen = self._random_screen() self._setShare() # Note -- use **kwargs here so that AtmosphericScreen.stepk and OpticalScreen.stepk # can use the same signature, even though they depend on different parameters. def _getStepK(self, **kwargs): """Return an appropriate stepk for this atmospheric layer. Parameters: lam: Wavelength in nanometers. gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] Returns: Good pupil scale size in meters. """ lam = kwargs['lam'] gsparams = kwargs.pop('gsparams', None) return _calcAtmStepK(lam, self.r0_500, gsparams)
[docs] def wavefront(self, u, v, t=None, theta=(0.0*radians, 0.0*radians)): """ Compute wavefront due to atmospheric phase screen. Wavefront here indicates the distance by which the physical wavefront lags or leads the ideal plane wave. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Times (in seconds) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be None, a scalar or an iterable. If None, then the internal time of the phase screens will be used for all u, v. If scalar, then the size will be broadcast up to match that of u and v. If iterable, then the shape must match the shapes of u and v. [default: None] theta: Field angle at which to evaluate wavefront, as a 2-tuple of `galsim.Angle` instances. [default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)] Only a single theta is permitted. Returns: Array of wavefront lag or lead in nanometers. """ u = np.asarray(u, dtype=float) v = np.asarray(v, dtype=float) if u.shape != v.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("u.shape not equal to v.shape",u=u,v=v) if t is None: t = self._time if isinstance(t, Real): tmp = np.empty_like(u) tmp.fill(t) t = tmp else: t = np.asarray(t, dtype=float) if t.shape != u.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "t.shape must match u.shape if t is not a scalar", t=t, u=u) self.instantiate() # noop if already instantiated if self.reversible: return self._wavefront(u, v, t, theta) else: out = np.empty_like(u, dtype=float) tmin = np.min(t) tmax = np.max(t) tt = (tmin // self.time_step) * self.time_step while tt <= tmax: self._seek(tt) here = ((tt <= t) & (t < tt+self.time_step)) out[here] = self._wavefront(u[here], v[here], t[here], theta) tt += self.time_step return out
def _wavefront(self, u, v, t, theta): # Same as wavefront(), but no argument checking, no boiling updates, no # screen instantiation checking if t is None: t = self._time u = u - t*self.vx if theta[0].rad != 0.: u += self._altitude*theta[0].tan() v = v - t*self.vy if theta[1].rad != 0.: v += self._altitude*theta[1].tan() return self._tab2d._call_wrap(u.ravel(), v.ravel()).reshape(u.shape)
[docs] def wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t=None, theta=(0.0*radians, 0.0*radians)): """ Compute gradient of wavefront due to atmospheric phase screen. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Times (in seconds) at which to evaluate wavefront gradient. Can be None, a scalar or an iterable. If None, then the internal time of the phase screens will be used for all u, v. If scalar, then the size will be broadcast up to match that of u and v. If iterable, then the shape must match the shapes of u and v. [default: None] theta: Field angle at which to evaluate wavefront, as a 2-tuple of `galsim.Angle` instances. [default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)] Only a single theta is permitted. Returns: Arrays dWdu and dWdv of wavefront lag or lead gradient in nm/m. """ u = np.asarray(u, dtype=float) v = np.asarray(v, dtype=float) if u.shape != v.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("u.shape not equal to v.shape", u=u, v=v) if isinstance(t, Real): tmp = np.empty_like(u) tmp.fill(t) t = tmp else: t = np.asarray(t, dtype=float) if t.shape != u.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "t.shape must match u.shape if t is not a scalar", t=t, u=u) self.instantiate() # noop if already instantiated if self.reversible: return self._wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta) else: dwdu = np.empty_like(u, dtype=np.float64) dwdv = np.empty_like(u, dtype=np.float64) tmin = np.min(t) tmax = np.max(t) tt = (tmin // self.time_step) * self.time_step while tt <= tmax: self._seek(tt) here = ((tt <= t) & (t < tt+self.time_step)) dwdu[here], dwdv[here] = self._wavefront_gradient(u[here], v[here], t[here], theta) tt += self.time_step return dwdu, dwdv
def _wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t, theta): # Same as wavefront(), but no argument checking and no boiling updates. u = u - t*self.vx if theta[0].rad != 0: u += self._altitude*theta[0].tan() v = v - t*self.vy if theta[1].rad != 0: v += self._altitude*theta[1].tan() dfdx, dfdy = self._tab2d._gradient_wrap(u.ravel(), v.ravel()) return dfdx.reshape(u.shape), dfdy.reshape(u.shape)
[docs]def Atmosphere(screen_size, rng=None, _bar=None, **kwargs): r"""Create an atmosphere as a list of turbulent phase screens at different altitudes. The atmosphere model can then be used to simulate atmospheric PSFs. Simulating an atmospheric PSF is typically accomplished by first representing the 3-dimensional turbulence in the atmosphere as a series of discrete 2-dimensional phase screens. These screens may blow around in the wind, and may or may not also evolve in time. This function allows one to quickly assemble a list of atmospheric phase screens into a `galsim.PhaseScreenList` object, which can then be used to evaluate PSFs through various columns of atmosphere at different field angles. The atmospheric screens currently available represent turbulence following a von Karman power spectrum. Specifically, the phase power spectrum in each screen can be written .. math:: \psi(\nu) = 0.023 r_0^{-5/3} \left(\nu^2 + \frac{1}{L_0^2}\right)^{11/6} where :math:`\psi(\nu)` is the power spectral density at spatial frequency :math:`\nu`, :math:`r_0` is the Fried parameter (which has dimensions of length) and sets the amplitude of the turbulence, and :math:`L_0` is the outer scale (also dimensions of length) beyond which the power asymptotically flattens. Typical values for :math:`r_0` are ~0.1 to 0.2 meters, which corresponds roughly to PSF FWHMs of ~0.5 to 1.0 arcsec for optical wavelengths. Note that :math:`r_0` is a function of wavelength, scaling like :math:`r_0 \sim \lambda^{6/5}`. To reduce confusion, the input parameter here is named ``r0_500`` and refers explicitly to the Fried parameter at a wavelength of 500 nm. The outer scale is typically in the 10s of meters and does not vary with wavelength. To create multiple layers, simply specify keyword arguments as length-N lists instead of scalars (works for all arguments except ``rng``). If, for any of these keyword arguments, you want to use the same value for each layer, then you can just specify the argument as a scalar and the function will automatically broadcast it into a list with length equal to the longest found keyword argument list. Note that it is an error to specify keywords with lists of different lengths (unless only one of them has length > 1). The one exception to the above is the keyword ``r0_500``. The effective Fried parameter for a set of atmospheric layers is:: r0_500_effective = (sum(r**(-5./3) for r in r0_500s))**(-3./5) Providing ``r0_500`` as a scalar or single-element list will result in broadcasting such that the effective Fried parameter for the whole set of layers equals the input argument. You can weight the contribution of each layer with the ``r0_weights`` keyword. As an example, the following code approximately creates the atmosphere used by Jee+Tyson(2011) for their study of atmospheric PSFs for LSST. Note this code takes about ~2 minutes to run on a fast laptop, and will consume about (8192**2 pixels) * (8 bytes) * (6 screens) ~ 3 GB of RAM in its final state, and more at intermediate states.:: >>> altitude = [0, 2.58, 5.16, 7.73, 12.89, 15.46] # km >>> r0_500 = 0.16 # m >>> weights = [0.652, 0.172, 0.055, 0.025, 0.074, 0.022] >>> speed = np.random.uniform(0, 20, size=6) # m/s >>> direction = [np.random.uniform(0, 360)*galsim.degrees for i in range(6)] >>> npix = 8192 >>> screen_scale = r0_500 >>> atm = galsim.Atmosphere(r0_500=r0_500, r0_weights=weights, screen_size=screen_scale*npix, altitude=altitude, L0=25.0, speed=speed, direction=direction, screen_scale=screen_scale) Once the atmosphere is constructed, a 15-sec exposure length, 5ms time step, monochromatic PSF at 700nm (using an 8.4 meter aperture, 0.6 fractional obscuration and otherwise default settings) takes about 7 minutes to draw on a fast laptop.:: >>> psf = atm.makePSF(lam=700.0, exptime=15.0, time_step=0.005, diam=8.4, obscuration=0.6) >>> img1 = psf.drawImage() # ~7 min The same psf, if drawn using photon-shooting on the same laptop, will generate photons at a rate of about 1 million per second.:: >>> img2 = psf.drawImage(nx=32, ny=32, scale=0.2, method='phot', n_photons=1e6) # ~1 sec. Note that the Fourier-based calculation compute time will scale linearly with exposure time, while the photon-shooting calculation compute time will scale linearly with the number of photons being shot. Many factors will affect the timing of results, of course, including aperture diameter, gsparams settings, pad_factor and oversampling options to makePSF, time_step and exposure time, frozen vs. non-frozen atmospheric layers, and so on. We recommend that users try varying these settings to find a balance of speed and fidelity. Parameters: r0_500: Fried parameter setting the amplitude of turbulence; contributes to "size" of the resulting atmospheric PSF. Specified at wavelength 500 nm, in units of meters. [default: 0.2] r0_weights: Weights for splitting up the contribution of r0_500 between different layers. Note that this keyword is only allowed if r0_500 is either a scalar or a single-element list. [default: None] screen_size: Physical extent of square phase screen in meters. This should be large enough to accommodate the desired field-of-view of the telescope as well as the meta-pupil defined by the wind speed and exposure time. Note that the screen will have periodic boundary conditions, so the code will run with a smaller sized screen, though this may introduce artifacts into PSFs or PSF correlation functions. Note that screen_size may be tweaked by the initializer to ensure screen_size is a multiple of screen_scale. screen_scale: Physical pixel scale of phase screen in meters. A fraction of the Fried parameter is usually sufficiently small, but users should test the effects of this parameter to ensure robust results. [default: same as each screen's r0_500] altitude: Altitude of phase screen in km. This is with respect to the telescope, not sea-level. [default: 0.0] L0: Outer scale in meters. The turbulence power spectrum will smoothly approach a constant at scales larger than L0. Set to ``None`` or ``np.inf`` for a power spectrum without an outer scale. [default: 25.0] speed: Wind speed in meters/second. [default: 0.0] direction: Wind direction as `galsim.Angle` [default: 0.0 * galsim.degrees] alpha: Square root of fraction of phase that is "remembered" between time_steps (i.e., alpha**2 is the fraction remembered). The fraction sqrt(1-alpha**2) is then the amount of turbulence freshly generated in each step. Setting alpha=1.0 results in a frozen-flow atmosphere. Note that computing PSFs from frozen-flow atmospheres may be significantly faster than computing PSFs with non-frozen-flow atmospheres. [default: 1.0] time_step: Time interval between phase boiling updates. Note that this is distinct from the time interval used when integrating the PSF over time, which is set by the ``time_step`` keyword argument to `PhaseScreenPSF` or `PhaseScreenList.makePSF`. If ``time_step`` is not None, then it is required that ``alpha`` is set to something other than 1.0. [default: None] rng: Random number generator as a `BaseDeviate`. If None, then use the clock time or system entropy to seed a new generator. [default: None] """ # Fill in screen_size here, since there isn't a default in AtmosphericScreen kwargs['screen_size'] = utilities.listify(screen_size) # Set default r0_500 here; it will get broadcasted below such that the _total_ r0_500 from _all_ # screens is 0.2 m. if 'r0_500' not in kwargs: kwargs['r0_500'] = [0.2] kwargs['r0_500'] = utilities.listify(kwargs['r0_500']) # Turn speed, direction into vx, vy if 'speed' in kwargs: kwargs['speed'] = utilities.listify(kwargs['speed']) if 'direction' not in kwargs: kwargs['direction'] = [0*radians]*len(kwargs['speed']) kwargs['vx'], kwargs['vy'] = zip(*[v * np.array(d.sincos()) for v, d in zip(kwargs['speed'], kwargs['direction'])]) del kwargs['speed'] del kwargs['direction'] # Determine broadcast size. # Note: treat string as a single scalar value, not a vector of characters nmax = max(len(v) for v in kwargs.values() if hasattr(v, '__len__') and not isinstance(v, str)) # Broadcast r0_500 here, since logical combination of indiv layers' r0s is complex: if len(kwargs['r0_500']) == 1: r0_weights = np.array(kwargs.pop('r0_weights', [1.]*nmax), dtype=float) r0_weights /= np.sum(r0_weights) r0_500 = kwargs['r0_500'][0] kwargs['r0_500'] = [r0_500 * w**(-3./5) for w in r0_weights] # kwargs['r0_500'] = [nmax**(3./5) * kwargs['r0_500'][0]] * nmax elif 'r0_weights' in kwargs: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Cannot use r0_weights if r0_500 is specified as a list.", r0_weights=kwargs['r0_weights'], r0_500=kwargs['r0_500']) if rng is None: rng = BaseDeviate() kwargs['rng'] = [BaseDeviate(rng.raw()) for i in range(nmax)] return PhaseScreenList([AtmosphericScreen(**kw) for kw in utilities.dol_to_lod(kwargs, nmax)])
[docs]class OpticalScreen: """ Class to describe optical aberrations in terms of Zernike polynomial coefficients. Input aberration coefficients are assumed to be supplied in units of wavelength, and correspond to the Zernike polynomials in the Noll convention defined in Noll, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 66, 207-211(1976). For a brief summary of the polynomials, refer to Parameters: diam: Diameter of pupil in meters. tip: Tip aberration in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] tilt: Tilt aberration in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] defocus: Defocus in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] astig1: Astigmatism (like e2) in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] astig2: Astigmatism (like e1) in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] coma1: Coma along y in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] coma2: Coma along x in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] trefoil1: Trefoil (one of the arrows along y) in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] trefoil2: Trefoil (one of the arrows along x) in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] spher: Spherical aberration in units of reference wavelength. [default: 0] aberrations: Optional keyword, to pass in a list, tuple, or NumPy array of aberrations in units of reference wavelength (ordered according to the Noll convention), rather than passing in individual values for each individual aberration. Note that aberrations[1] is piston (and not aberrations[0], which is unused.) This list can be arbitrarily long to handle Zernike polynomial aberrations of arbitrary order. annular_zernike: Boolean indicating that aberrations specify the amplitudes of annular Zernike polynomials instead of circular Zernike polynomials. [default: False] obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture linear dimension. [0., 1.). Note it is the user's responsibility to ensure consistency of `OpticalScreen` obscuration and `Aperture` obscuration. [default: 0.0] lam_0: Reference wavelength in nanometers at which Zernike aberrations are being specified. [default: 500] """ dynamic = False reversible = True def __init__(self, diam, tip=0.0, tilt=0.0, defocus=0.0, astig1=0.0, astig2=0.0, coma1=0.0, coma2=0.0, trefoil1=0.0, trefoil2=0.0, spher=0.0, aberrations=None, annular_zernike=False, obscuration=0.0, lam_0=500.0): self.diam = diam if aberrations is None: aberrations = np.zeros(12) aberrations[2] = tip aberrations[3] = tilt aberrations[4] = defocus aberrations[5] = astig1 aberrations[6] = astig2 aberrations[7] = coma1 aberrations[8] = coma2 aberrations[9] = trefoil1 aberrations[10] = trefoil2 aberrations[11] = spher else: # Make sure no individual aberrations were passed in, since they will be ignored. if any([tip, tilt, defocus, astig1, astig2, coma1, coma2, trefoil1, trefoil2, spher]): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Cannot pass in individual aberrations and array.", tip=tip, tilt=tilt, defocus=defocus, astig1=astig1, astig2=astig2, coma1=coma1, coma2=coma2, trefoil1=trefoil1, trefoil2=trefoil2, spher=spher, aberrations=aberrations) # Aberrations were passed in, so check for right number of entries. if len(aberrations) < 2: raise GalSimValueError("Aberrations keyword must have length >= 2", aberrations) # Check for non-zero value in first two places. Probably a mistake. if aberrations[0] != 0.0: galsim_warn("Detected non-zero value in aberrations[0] -- this value is ignored!") aberrations = np.array(aberrations) self.aberrations = aberrations # strip any trailing zeros. if self.aberrations[-1] == 0: self.aberrations = np.trim_zeros(self.aberrations, trim='b') if len(self.aberrations) <= 1: # Don't let it be length zero or one though. self.aberrations = np.array([0, 0]) self.annular_zernike = annular_zernike self.obscuration = obscuration self.lam_0 = lam_0 R_outer = self.diam/2 if self.annular_zernike and self.obscuration != 0: self._zernike = zernike.Zernike(self.aberrations, R_outer=R_outer, R_inner=R_outer*self.obscuration) else: self._zernike = zernike.Zernike(self.aberrations, R_outer=R_outer) def __str__(self): return "galsim.OpticalScreen(diam=%s, lam_0=%s)" % (self.diam, self.lam_0) def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.OpticalScreen(diam=%r, lam_0=%r" % (self.diam, self.lam_0) if any(self.aberrations): s += ", aberrations=%r"%self.aberrations if self.annular_zernike: s += ", annular_zernike=True" s += ", obscuration=%r"%self.obscuration s += ")" return s def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, OpticalScreen) and self.diam == other.diam and np.array_equal(self.aberrations*self.lam_0, other.aberrations*other.lam_0) and self.annular_zernike == other.annular_zernike)) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # This screen is immutable, so make a hash for it. def __hash__(self): return hash(("galsim.OpticalScreen", self.diam, self.obscuration, self.annular_zernike, tuple((self.aberrations*self.lam_0).ravel()))) # Note -- use **kwargs here so that AtmosphericScreen.stepk and OpticalScreen.stepk # can use the same signature, even though they depend on different parameters. def _getStepK(self, **kwargs): """Return an appropriate stepk for this phase screen. Parameters: lam: Wavelength in nanometers. diam: Aperture diameter in meters. obscuration: Fractional linear aperture obscuration. [default: 0.0] gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] Returns: stepk in inverse arcsec. """ lam = kwargs['lam'] diam = kwargs['diam'] obscuration = kwargs.get('obscuration', 0.0) gsparams = kwargs.get('gsparams', None) return _calcOptStepK(lam, diam, obscuration, gsparams)
[docs] def wavefront(self, u, v, t=None, theta=None): """ Compute wavefront due to optical phase screen. Wavefront here indicates the distance by which the physical wavefront lags or leads the ideal plane wave. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Ignored for `OpticalScreen`. theta: Ignored for `OpticalScreen`. Returns: Array of wavefront lag or lead in nanometers. """ u = np.asarray(u, dtype=float) v = np.asarray(v, dtype=float) if u.shape != v.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("u.shape not equal to v.shape", u=u, v=v) return self._wavefront(u, v, t, theta)
def _wavefront(self, u, v, t, theta): # Same as wavefront(), but no argument checking. # Note, this phase screen is actually independent of time and theta. return self._zernike.evalCartesian(u, v) * self.lam_0
[docs] def wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t=None, theta=None): """ Compute gradient of wavefront due to optical phase screen. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Ignored for `OpticalScreen`. theta: Ignored for `OpticalScreen`. Returns: Arrays dWdu and dWdv of wavefront lag or lead gradient in nm/m. """ u = np.asarray(u, dtype=float) v = np.asarray(v, dtype=float) if u.shape != v.shape: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("u.shape not equal to v.shape", u=u, v=v) return self._wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta)
def _wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t, theta): # Same as wavefront(), but no argument checking. # Note, this phase screen is actually independent of time and theta. gradx, grady = self._zernike.evalCartesianGrad(u, v) gradx *= self.lam_0 grady *= self.lam_0 return gradx, grady
# Used only for testing class _DummyScreen(OpticalScreen): def _wavefront(self, *args): raise GalSimError("Shouldn't reach this")
[docs]class UserScreen: """ Create a (static) user-defined phase screen. Parameters: table: LookupTable2D instance representing the wavefront as a function on the entrance pupil. Units are (meters, meters) -> nanometers. diam: Diameter of entrance pupil in meters. If None, then use the length of the larger side of the LookupTable2D rectangle in ``table``. This keyword is only used to compute a value for stepk, and thus has no effect on the ``wavefront()`` or ``wavefront_gradient()`` methods. obscuration: Optional fractional circular obscuration of pupil. Like ``diam``, only used for computing a value for stepk. """ dynamic = False reversible = True def __init__(self, table, diam=None, obscuration=0.0): self.table = table self.diam = diam self.obscuration = obscuration def __str__(self): out = "galsim.UserScreen({}".format(self.table) if self.diam: out += ", diam={}".format(self.diam) if self.obscuration != 0: out += ", obscuration={}".format(self.obscuration) out += ")" return out def __repr__(self): out = "galsim.UserScreen({!r}".format(self.table) if self.diam: out += ", diam={}".format(self.diam) if self.obscuration != 0: out += ", obscuration={}".format(self.obscuration) out += ")" return out def __eq__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, UserScreen): return ( self.table == rhs.table and self.diam == rhs.diam and self.obscuration == rhs.obscuration ) return False def __ne__(self, rhs): return not self == rhs def __hash__(self): return hash(("UserScreen", self.table, self.diam, self.obscuration)) def _getStepK(self, **kwargs): """Return an appropriate stepk for this phase screen. Parameters: lam: Wavelength in nanometers. gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] Returns: stepk in inverse arcsec. """ lam = kwargs['lam'] gsparams = kwargs.get('gsparams', None) diam = self.diam if self.diam else max(np.ptp(self.table.x), np.ptp(self.table.y)) return _calcOptStepK(lam, diam, self.obscuration, gsparams)
[docs] def wavefront(self, u, v, t=None, theta=None): """ Evaluate wavefront from lookup table. Wavefront here indicates the distance by which the physical wavefront lags or leads the ideal plane wave. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Ignored for `UserScreen`. theta: Ignored for `UserScreen`. Returns: Array of wavefront lag or lead in nanometers. """ return self.table(u, v)
def _wavefront(self, u, v, t, theta): return self.table(u, v)
[docs] def wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t=None, theta=None): """ Evaluate gradient of wavefront from lookup table. Parameters: u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match. t: Ignored for `UserScreen`. theta: Ignored for `UserScreen`. Returns: Arrays dWdu and dWdv of wavefront lag or lead gradient in nm/m. """ return self.table.gradient(u, v)
def _wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t, theta): return self.table.gradient(u, v)
# Put this at the end to avoid circular imports from .phase_psf import PhaseScreenList