Source code for galsim.photon_array

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

__all__ = [ 'PhotonArray', 'PhotonOp', 'WavelengthSampler', 'FRatioAngles',
            'PhotonDCR', 'Refraction', 'FocusDepth',
            'PupilImageSampler', 'PupilAnnulusSampler', 'TimeSampler',
            'ScaleFlux', 'ScaleWavelength' ]

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from . import _galsim
from .random import BaseDeviate
from .celestial import CelestialCoord
from ._utilities import lazy_property
from .angle import radians, arcsec, Angle, AngleUnit
from .errors import GalSimError, GalSimRangeError, GalSimValueError, GalSimUndefinedBoundsError
from .errors import GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, galsim_warn
from ._pyfits import pyfits
from . import dcr

# Add on more methods in the python layer

[docs]class PhotonArray: """The PhotonArray class encapsulates the concept of a collection of photons incident on a detector. A PhotonArray object is not typically constructed directly by the user. Rather, it is typically constructed as the return value of the `GSObject.shoot` method. At this point, the photons only have x,y,flux values. Then there are a number of `Photon Operators`, which perform various modifications to the photons such as giving them wavelengths (`WavelengthSampler` or inclination angles (`FRatioAngles`) or move them around according to the effect of differential chromatic refraction (DCR; `PhotonDCR`). One could also add functionality to remove some photons due to fringing or vignetting, but these are not yet implemented. A PhotonArray instance has the following attributes, each of which is a numpy array: Attributes: x: The incidence x position of the photons in image coordinates (pixels), typically measured at the top of the detector. y: The incidence y position of the photons in image coordinates (pixels), typically measured at the top of the detector. flux: The flux of the photons in units of photons. Typically, these are all 1, but see the note below for reasons some photons might have flux != 1. dxdz: The tangent of the inclination angles in the x direction. Note that we define the +z direction as towards towards the dielectric medium of the detector and -z as towards vacuum; consequently, a photon with increasing x in time has positive dxdz. dydz: The tangent of the inclination angles in the y direction. Note that we define the +z direction as towards towards the dielectric medium of the detector and -z as towards vacuum; consequently, a photon with increasing y in time has positive dydz. wavelength The wavelength of the photons (in nm) pupil_u: Horizontal location of photon as it intersected the entrance pupil plane (meters). pupil_v: Vertical location of photon as it intersected the entrance pupil plane (meters). time: Time stamp for photon impacting the pupil plane (seconds). Unlike most GalSim objects (but like `Image`), PhotonArrays are mutable. It is permissible to write values to the above attributes with code like:: >>> photon_array.x += numpy.random.random(1000) * 0.01 >>> photon_array.flux *= 20. >>> photon_array.wavelength = sed.sampleWavelength(photonarray.size(), bandpass) etc. All of these will update the existing numpy arrays being used by the photon_array instance. .. note:: Normal photons have flux=1, but we allow for "fat" photons that combine the effect of several photons at once for efficiency. Also, some profiles need to use negative flux photons to properly implement photon shooting (e.g. `InterpolatedImage`, which uses negative flux photons to get the interpolation correct). Finally, when we "remove" photons, for better efficiency, we actually just set the flux to 0 rather than recreate new numpy arrays. The initialization constructs a PhotonArray to hold N photons, but does not set the values of anything yet. The constructor allocates space for the x,y,flux arrays, since those are always needed. The other arrays are only allocated on demand if the user accesses these attributes. Parameters: N: The number of photons to store in this PhotonArray. This value cannot be changed. x: Optionally, the initial x values. [default: None] y: Optionally, the initial y values. [default: None] flux: Optionally, the initial flux values. [default: None] dxdz: Optionally, the initial dxdz values. [default: None] dydz: Optionally, the initial dydz values. [default: None] wavelength: Optionally, the initial wavelength values (in nm). [default: None] pupil_u: Optionally, the initial pupil_u values. [default: None] pupil_v: Optionally, the initial pupil_v values. [default: None] time: Optionally, the initial time values. [default: None] """ def __init__( self, N, x=None, y=None, flux=None, dxdz=None, dydz=None, wavelength=None, pupil_u=None, pupil_v=None, time=None ): # Only x, y, flux are built by default, since these are always required. # The others we leave as None unless/until they are needed. self._x = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) self._y = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) self._flux = np.zeros(N, dtype=float) self._dxdz = None self._dydz = None self._wave = None self._pupil_u = None self._pupil_v = None self._time = None self._is_corr = False # These give reasonable errors if x,y,flux are the wrong size/type if x is not None: self.x = x if y is not None: self.y = y if flux is not None: self.flux = flux if dxdz is not None: self.dxdz = dxdz if dydz is not None: self.dydz = dydz if wavelength is not None: self.wavelength = wavelength if pupil_u is not None: self.pupil_u = pupil_u if pupil_v is not None: self.pupil_v = pupil_v if time is not None: self.time = time
[docs] @classmethod def fromArrays( cls, x, y, flux, dxdz=None, dydz=None, wavelength=None, pupil_u=None, pupil_v=None, time=None, is_corr=False, ): """Create a PhotonArray from pre-allocated numpy arrays without any copying. The normal PhotonArray constructor always allocates new arrays and copies any provided initial values into those new arrays. This class method, by constrast, constructs a PhotonArray that references existing numpy arrays, so that any PhotonOps or photon shooting of GSObjects applied to the resulting PhotonArray will also be reflected in the original arrays. Note that the input arrays must all be the same length, have dtype float64 and be c_contiguous. Parameters: x: X values. y: X values. flux: Flux values. dxdz: Optionally, the initial dxdz values. [default: None] dydz: Optionally, the initial dydz values. [default: None] wavelength: Optionally, the initial wavelength values (in nm). [default: None] pupil_u: Optionally, the initial pupil_u values (in m). [default: None] pupil_v: Optionally, the initial pupil_v values (in m). [default: None] time: Optionally, the initial time values (in s). [default: None] is_corr: Whether or not the photons are correlated. [default: False] """ args = [x, y, flux] argnames = ['x', 'y', 'flux'] for a, aname in zip( [dxdz, dydz, wavelength, pupil_u, pupil_v, time], ['dxdz', 'dydz', 'wavelength', 'pupil_u', 'pupil_v', 'time'] ): if a is not None: # don't check optional args that are None args.append(a) argnames.append(aname) N = len(x) for a, aname in zip(args, argnames): if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Argument {} must be an ndarray".format(aname)) if not a.dtype == np.float64: raise TypeError("Array {} dtype must be np.float64".format(aname)) if not len(a) == N: raise ValueError("Arrays must all be the same length") if not a.flags.c_contiguous: raise ValueError("Array {} must be c_contiguous".format(aname)) return cls._fromArrays(x, y, flux, dxdz, dydz, wavelength, pupil_u, pupil_v, time, is_corr)
@classmethod def _fromArrays( cls, x, y, flux, dxdz=None, dydz=None, wavelength=None, pupil_u=None, pupil_v=None, time=None, is_corr=False ): """Same as `fromArrays`, but no sanity checking of inputs. """ ret = PhotonArray.__new__(PhotonArray) ret._x = x ret._y = y ret._flux = flux ret._dxdz = dxdz ret._dydz = dydz ret._wave = wavelength ret._pupil_u = pupil_u ret._pupil_v = pupil_v ret._time = time ret._is_corr = False if is_corr: from .deprecated import depr depr('is_corr=True', 2.5, '', "We don't think this is necessary anymore. If you have a use case that " "requires it, please open an issue.") ret._is_corr = is_corr return ret
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, photon_arrays): """Create a single PhotonArray from a list of multiple PhotonArrays. The size of the created PhotonArray will be the sum of the sizes of the given arrays, and the values will be concatenations of the values in each. .. note:: The optional value arrays (e.g. dxdz, wavelength, etc.) must be given in all the given photon_arrays or in none of them. This is not checked. Parameters: photon_arrays: A list of PhotonArray objects to be concatenated. """ p1 = photon_arrays[0] kwargs = { 'x': np.concatenate([p.x for p in photon_arrays]), 'y': np.concatenate([p.y for p in photon_arrays]), 'flux': np.concatenate([p.flux for p in photon_arrays]), } if p1.hasAllocatedAngles(): kwargs['dxdz'] = np.concatenate([p.dxdz for p in photon_arrays]) kwargs['dydz'] = np.concatenate([p.dydz for p in photon_arrays]) if p1.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): kwargs['wavelength'] = np.concatenate([p.wavelength for p in photon_arrays]) if p1.hasAllocatedPupil(): kwargs['pupil_u'] = np.concatenate([p.pupil_u for p in photon_arrays]) kwargs['pupil_v'] = np.concatenate([p.pupil_v for p in photon_arrays]) if p1.hasAllocatedTimes(): kwargs['time'] = np.concatenate([p.time for p in photon_arrays]) return cls._fromArrays(**kwargs)
[docs] def size(self): """Return the size of the photon array. Equivalent to ``len(self)``. """ return len(self._x)
def __len__(self): return len(self._x) @property def x(self): """The incidence x position in image coordinates (pixels), typically at the top of the detector. """ return self._x @x.setter def x(self, value): self._x[:] = value @property def y(self): """The incidence y position in image coordinates (pixels), typically at the top of the detector. """ return self._y @y.setter def y(self, value): self._y[:] = value @property def flux(self): """The flux of the photons. """ return self._flux @flux.setter def flux(self, value): self._flux[:] = value @property def dxdz(self): """The tangent of the inclination angles in the x direction: dx/dz. """ if not self.hasAllocatedAngles(): from .deprecated import depr depr('dxdz accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Angle arrays should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing dxdz allocates an array with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocateAngles() return self._dxdz @dxdz.setter def dxdz(self, value): self.allocateAngles() self._dxdz[:] = value @property def dydz(self): """The tangent of the inclination angles in the y direction: dy/dz. """ if not self.hasAllocatedAngles(): from .deprecated import depr depr('dydz accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Angle arrays should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing dydz allocates an array with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocateAngles() return self._dydz @dydz.setter def dydz(self, value): self.allocateAngles() self._dydz[:] = value @property def wavelength(self): """The wavelength of the photons (in nm). """ if not self.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): from .deprecated import depr depr('wavelength accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Wavelength array should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing wavelength allocates arrays with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocateWavelengths() return self._wave @wavelength.setter def wavelength(self, value): self.allocateWavelengths() self._wave[:] = value @property def pupil_u(self): """Horizontal location of photon as it intersected the entrance pupil plane. """ if not self.hasAllocatedPupil(): from .deprecated import depr depr('pupil_u accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Pupil arrays should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing pupil_u allocates arrays with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocatePupil() return self._pupil_u @pupil_u.setter def pupil_u(self, value): self.allocatePupil() self._pupil_u[:] = value @property def pupil_v(self): """Vertical location of photon as it intersected the entrance pupil plane. """ if not self.hasAllocatedPupil(): from .deprecated import depr depr('pupil_v accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Pupil arrays should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing pupil_v allocates arrays with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocatePupil() return self._pupil_v @pupil_v.setter def pupil_v(self, value): self.allocatePupil() self._pupil_v[:] = value @property def time(self): """Time stamp of when photon encounters the pupil plane. """ if not self.hasAllocatedTimes(): from .deprecated import depr depr('time accessed before being set.', 2.5, 'Time array should be set or explicitly allocated before being accessed.', 'For now, accessing time allocates arrays with all zeros. ' 'This will become an error in a future version (probably 3.0).') self.allocateTimes() return self._time @time.setter def time(self, value): self.allocateTimes() self._time[:] = value
[docs] def hasAllocatedAngles(self): """Returns whether the arrays for the incidence angles `dxdz` and `dydz` have been allocated. """ return self._dxdz is not None and self._dydz is not None
[docs] def allocateAngles(self): """Allocate memory for the incidence angles, `dxdz` and `dydz`. """ if self._dxdz is None: self._dxdz = np.zeros_like(self._x) self._dydz = np.zeros_like(self._x) self.__dict__.pop('_pa', None)
[docs] def hasAllocatedWavelengths(self): """Returns whether the `wavelength` array has been allocated. """ return self._wave is not None
[docs] def allocateWavelengths(self): """Allocate the memory for the `wavelength` array. """ if self._wave is None: self._wave = np.zeros_like(self._x) self.__dict__.pop('_pa', None)
[docs] def hasAllocatedPupil(self): """Returns whether the arrays for the pupil coordinates `pupil_u` and `pupil_v` have been allocated. """ return self._pupil_u is not None and self._pupil_v is not None
[docs] def allocatePupil(self): """Allocate the memory for the pupil coordinates, `pupil_u` and `pupil_v`. """ if self._pupil_u is None: self._pupil_u = np.zeros_like(self._x) self._pupil_v = np.zeros_like(self._x)
[docs] def hasAllocatedTimes(self): """Returns whether the array for the time stamps `time` has been allocated. """ return self._time is not None
[docs] def allocateTimes(self): """Allocate the memory for the time stamps, `time`. """ if self._time is None: self._time = np.zeros_like(self._x)
[docs] def isCorrelated(self): """Returns whether the photons are correlated """ from .deprecated import depr depr('isCorrelated', 2.5, '', "We don't think this is necessary anymore. If you have a use case that " "requires it, please open an issue.") return self._is_corr
[docs] def setCorrelated(self, is_corr=True): """Set whether the photons are correlated """ from .deprecated import depr depr('setCorrelated', 2.5, '', "We don't think this is necessary anymore. If you have a use case that " "requires it, please open an issue.") self._is_corr = is_corr self.__dict__.pop('_pa', None)
[docs] def getTotalFlux(self): """Return the total flux of all the photons. """ return self.flux.sum()
[docs] def setTotalFlux(self, flux): """Rescale the photon fluxes to achieve the given total flux. Parameter: flux: The target flux """ self.scaleFlux(flux / self.getTotalFlux())
[docs] def scaleFlux(self, scale): """Rescale the photon fluxes by the given factor. Parameter: scale: The factor by which to scale the fluxes. """ self._flux *= scale
[docs] def scaleXY(self, scale): """Scale the photon positions (`x` and `y`) by the given factor. Parameter: scale: The factor by which to scale the positions. """ self._x *= scale self._y *= scale
[docs] def assignAt(self, istart, rhs): """Assign the contents of another `PhotonArray` to this one starting at istart. Parameters: istart: The first index at which to insert new values. rhs: The other `PhotonArray` from which to get the values. """ from .deprecated import depr depr("PhotonArray.assignAt", 2.5, "copyFrom(rhs, slice(istart, istart+rhs.size()))") if istart + rhs.size() > self.size(): raise GalSimValueError( "The given rhs does not fit into this array starting at %d"%istart, rhs) s = slice(istart, istart + rhs.size()) self._copyFrom(rhs, s, slice(None))
[docs] def copyFrom(self, rhs, target_indices=slice(None), source_indices=slice(None), do_xy=True, do_flux=True, do_other=True): """Copy some contents of another `PhotonArray` to some elements of this one. Specifically each element of rhs[source_indices] is mapped to self[target_indices]. The values s1 and s2 may be slices, list of indices, or anything else that is a valid key for a numpy array. Parameters: rhs: The `PhotonArray` from which to get values. target_indices: The indices at which to assign values in the current PhotonArray (self). [default: slice(None)] source_indices: The indices from which to get values from the PhotonArray, ``rhs``. [default: slice(None)] do_xy: Whether to include copying the x and y arrays. [default: True] do_flux: Whether to include copying the flux array. [default: True] do_other: Whether to include copying the other arrays (angles, wavelength, pupil positions, time). [default: True] """ try: a1 = self.flux[target_indices] # Numpy is flexible about allowing slices outside the range of the array. # Rather than try to check all possible ways the indices can be invalid, we # just make sure that at least some elements come back from the numpy call. n1 = len(np.atleast_1d(a1)) assert n1 > 0 except (IndexError, AssertionError): raise GalSimValueError("target_indices is invalid for the target PhotonArray", target_indices) try: a2 = rhs.flux[source_indices] n2 = len(np.atleast_1d(a2)) assert n2 > 0 except (IndexError, AssertionError) as e: raise GalSimValueError("source_indices is invalid for the source PhotonArray", source_indices) if n1 != n2: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "target_indices and source_indices do not reference the same number of elements" "in their respective PhotonArrays ({} and {} respectively)".format(n1, n2), dict(target_indices=target_indices, source_indices=source_indices)) self._copyFrom(rhs, target_indices, source_indices, do_xy, do_flux, do_other)
def _copyFrom(self, rhs, target_indices, source_indices, do_xy=True, do_flux=True, do_other=True): """Equivalent to self.copyFrom(rhs, target_indices, source_indices), but without any checks that the indices are valid. """ # Aliases for notational convenience. s1 = target_indices s2 = source_indices if do_xy: self.x[s1] = rhs.x[s2] self.y[s1] = rhs.y[s2] if do_flux: self.flux[s1] = rhs.flux[s2] if do_other and rhs.hasAllocatedAngles(): self.allocateAngles() self.dxdz[s1] = rhs.dxdz[s2] self.dydz[s1] = rhs.dydz[s2] if do_other and rhs.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): self.allocateWavelengths() self.wavelength[s1] = rhs.wavelength[s2] if do_other and rhs.hasAllocatedPupil(): self.allocatePupil() self.pupil_u[s1] = rhs.pupil_u[s2] self.pupil_v[s1] = rhs.pupil_v[s2] if do_other and rhs.hasAllocatedTimes(): self.allocateTimes() self.time[s1] = rhs.time[s2]
[docs] def convolve(self, rhs, rng=None): """Convolve this `PhotonArray` with another. ..note:: If both self and rhs have wavelengths, angles, pupil coordinates or times assigned, then the values from the first array (i.e. self) take precedence. """ if rhs.size() != self.size(): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("PhotonArray.convolve with unequal size arrays", self_pa=self, rhs=rhs) if rhs.hasAllocatedAngles() and not self.hasAllocatedAngles(): self.dxdz = rhs.dxdz self.dydz = rhs.dydz if rhs.hasAllocatedWavelengths() and not self.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): self.wavelength = rhs.wavelength if rhs.hasAllocatedPupil() and not self.hasAllocatedPupil(): self.pupil_u = rhs.pupil_u self.pupil_v = rhs.pupil_v if rhs.hasAllocatedTimes() and not self.hasAllocatedTimes(): self.time = rhs.time rng = BaseDeviate(rng) self._pa.convolve(rhs._pa, rng._rng)
def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.PhotonArray(%d, x=array(%r), y=array(%r), flux=array(%r)"%( self.size(), self.x.tolist(), self.y.tolist(), self.flux.tolist()) if self.hasAllocatedAngles(): s += ", dxdz=array(%r), dydz=array(%r)"%(self.dxdz.tolist(), self.dydz.tolist()) if self.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): s += ", wavelength=array(%r)"%(self.wavelength.tolist()) if self.hasAllocatedPupil(): s += ", pupil_u=array(%r), pupil_v=array(%r)"%(self.pupil_u.tolist(), self.pupil_v.tolist()) if self.hasAllocatedTimes(): s += ", time=array(%r)"%(self.time.tolist()) s += ")" return s def __str__(self): return "galsim.PhotonArray(%d)"%self.size() def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('_pa',None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d __hash__ = None def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, PhotonArray) and np.array_equal(self.x,other.x) and np.array_equal(self.y,other.y) and np.array_equal(self.flux,other.flux) and self.hasAllocatedAngles() == other.hasAllocatedAngles() and self.hasAllocatedWavelengths() == other.hasAllocatedWavelengths() and self.hasAllocatedPupil() == other.hasAllocatedPupil() and self.hasAllocatedTimes() == other.hasAllocatedTimes() and (np.array_equal(self.dxdz,other.dxdz) if self.hasAllocatedAngles() else True) and (np.array_equal(self.dydz,other.dydz) if self.hasAllocatedAngles() else True) and (np.array_equal(self.wavelength,other.wavelength) if self.hasAllocatedWavelengths() else True) and (np.array_equal(self.pupil_u,other.pupil_u) if self.hasAllocatedPupil() else True) and (np.array_equal(self.pupil_v,other.pupil_v) if self.hasAllocatedPupil() else True) and (np.array_equal(self.time,other.time) if self.hasAllocatedTimes() else True) )) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other @lazy_property def _pa(self): #assert(self._x.strides[0] == self._x.itemsize) #assert(self._y.strides[0] == self._y.itemsize) #assert(self._flux.strides[0] == self._flux.itemsize) _x = self._x.__array_interface__['data'][0] _y = self._y.__array_interface__['data'][0] _flux = self._flux.__array_interface__['data'][0] _dxdz = _dydz = _wave = 0 if self.hasAllocatedAngles(): #assert(self._dxdz.strides[0] == self._dxdz.itemsize) #assert(self._dydz.strides[0] == self._dydz.itemsize) _dxdz = self._dxdz.__array_interface__['data'][0] _dydz = self._dydz.__array_interface__['data'][0] if self.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): #assert(self._wave.strides[0] == self._wave.itemsize) _wave = self._wave.__array_interface__['data'][0] return _galsim.PhotonArray(int(self.size()), _x, _y, _flux, _dxdz, _dydz, _wave, self._is_corr)
[docs] def addTo(self, image): """Add flux of photons to an image by binning into pixels. Photons in this `PhotonArray` are binned into the pixels of the input `Image` and their flux summed into the pixels. The `Image` is assumed to represent surface brightness, so photons' fluxes are divided by image pixel area. Photons past the edges of the image are discarded. Parameters: image: The `Image` to which the photons' flux will be added. Returns: the total flux of photons the landed inside the image bounds. """ if not image.bounds.isDefined(): raise GalSimUndefinedBoundsError( "Attempting to PhotonArray::addTo an Image with undefined Bounds") return self._pa.addTo(image._image)
[docs] @classmethod def makeFromImage(cls, image, max_flux=1., rng=None): """Turn an existing `Image` into a `PhotonArray` that would accumulate into this image. The flux in each non-zero pixel will be turned into 1 or more photons with random positions within the pixel bounds. The ``max_flux`` parameter (which defaults to 1) sets an upper limit for the absolute value of the flux of any photon. Pixels with abs values > maxFlux will spawn multiple photons. Parameters: image: The image to turn into a `PhotonArray` max_flux: The maximum flux value to use for any output photon [default: 1] rng: A `BaseDeviate` to use for the random number generation [default: None] Returns: a `PhotonArray` """ # TODO: This corresponds to the Nearest interpolant. It would be worth figuring out how # to implement other (presumably better) interpolation options here. max_flux = float(max_flux) if (max_flux <= 0): raise GalSimRangeError("max_flux must be positive", max_flux, 0.) total_flux = np.abs(image.array).sum(dtype=float) # This goes a bit over what we actually need, but not by much. Worth it to not have to # worry about array reallocations. N = int( + total_flux / max_flux) photons = cls(N) rng = BaseDeviate(rng) N = photons._pa.setFrom(image._image, max_flux, rng._rng) photons._x = photons.x[:N] photons._y = photons.y[:N] photons._flux = photons.flux[:N] if image.scale != 1. and image.scale is not None: photons.scaleXY(image.scale) return photons
[docs] def write(self, file_name): """Write a `PhotonArray` to a FITS file. The output file will be a FITS binary table with a row for each photon in the `PhotonArray`. Columns will include 'id' (sequential from 1 to nphotons), 'x', 'y', and 'flux'. Additionally, the columns 'dxdz', 'dydz', and 'wavelength' will be included if they are set for this `PhotonArray` object. The file can be read back in with the classmethod ``:: >>> photons.write('photons.fits') >>> photons2 ='photons.fits') Parameters: file_name: The file name of the output FITS file. """ cols = [] cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='id', format='J', array=range(self.size()))) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='x', format='D', array=self.x)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='y', format='D', array=self.y)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='flux', format='D', array=self.flux)) if self.hasAllocatedAngles(): cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='dxdz', format='D', array=self.dxdz)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='dydz', format='D', array=self.dydz)) if self.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='wavelength', format='D', array=self.wavelength)) if self.hasAllocatedPupil(): cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='pupil_u', format='D', array=self.pupil_u)) cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='pupil_v', format='D', array=self.pupil_v)) if self.hasAllocatedTimes(): cols.append(pyfits.Column(name='time', format='D', array=self.time)) cols = pyfits.ColDefs(cols) table = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) fits.writeFile(file_name, table)
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, file_name): """Create a `PhotonArray`, reading the photon data from a FITS file. The file being read in is not arbitrary. It is expected to be a file that was written out with the `PhotonArray.write` method.:: >>> photons.write('photons.fits') >>> photons2 ='photons.fits') Parameters: file_name: The file name of the input FITS file. """ with as fits: data = fits[1].data N = len(data) names = data.columns.names photons = cls(N, x=data['x'], y=data['y'], flux=data['flux']) if 'dxdz' in names: photons.dxdz = data['dxdz'] photons.dydz = data['dydz'] if 'wavelength' in names: photons.wavelength = data['wavelength'] if 'pupil_u' in names: photons.pupil_u = data['pupil_u'] photons.pupil_v = data['pupil_v'] if 'time' in names: photons.time = data['time'] return photons
[docs]class PhotonOp: """A base class for photon operators, which just defines the interface. Photon operators are designed to apply some physical effect to a bundle of photons. They may adjust the fluxes in some way, or the positions, maybe in a wavelength-dependent way, etc. They are typically applied via a ``photon_ops`` argument to the `GSObject.drawImage` method. The order typically matters, so the operators are applied in the order they appear in the list. """
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Apply the photon operator to a PhotonArray. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ raise NotImplementedError("Cannot call applyTo on a pure PhotonOp object")
# These simpler versions of == and hash are fine. def __eq__(self, other): return repr(self) == repr(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class WavelengthSampler(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that uses sed.sampleWavelength to set the wavelengths array of a `PhotonArray`. Parameters: sed: The `SED` to use for the objects spectral energy distribution. bandpass: A `Bandpass` object representing a filter, or None to sample over the full `SED` wavelength range. rng: If provided, a random number generator that is any kind of `BaseDeviate` object. If ``rng`` is None, one will be automatically created, using the time as a seed. [default: None] npoints: Number of points `DistDeviate` should use for its internal interpolation tables. [default: None, which uses the `DistDeviate` default] """ _opt_params = { 'npoints' : int } def __init__(self, sed, bandpass=None, rng=None, npoints=None): if rng is not None: from .deprecated import depr depr('WavelengthSampler(..., rng)', 2.3, '', 'Instead provide rng when calling applyTo, drawImage, etc.') self.sed = sed self.bandpass = bandpass self.rng = rng self.npoints = npoints
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Assign wavelengths to the photons sampled from the SED * Bandpass. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ rng = rng if rng is not None else self.rng if photon_array.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): galsim_warn("Wavelengths already set before applying WavelengthSampler. " "This is most likely an error.") photon_array.wavelength = self.sed.sampleWavelength( photon_array.size(), self.bandpass, rng=rng, npoints=self.npoints)
def __str__(self): return "galsim.WavelengthSampler(sed=%s, bandpass=%s, rng=%s, npoints=%s)"%( self.sed, self.bandpass, self.rng, self.npoints) def __repr__(self): return "galsim.WavelengthSampler(sed=%r, bandpass=%r, rng=%r, npoints=%r)"%( self.sed, self.bandpass, self.rng, self.npoints)
[docs]class FRatioAngles(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that assigns photon directions based on the f/ratio and obscuration. Assigns arrival directions at the focal plane for photons, drawing from a uniform brightness distribution between the obscuration angle and the edge of the pupil defined by the f/ratio of the telescope. The angles are expressed in terms of slopes dx/dz and dy/dz. Parameters: fratio: The f/ratio of the telescope (e.g. 1.2 for LSST) obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0] rng: A random number generator to use or None, in which case an rng will be automatically constructed for you. [default: None] """ _req_params = { 'fratio' : float } _opt_params = { 'obscuration' : float } def __init__(self, fratio, obscuration=0.0, rng=None): if fratio < 0: raise GalSimRangeError("The f-ratio must be positive.", fratio, 0.) if obscuration < 0 or obscuration >= 1: raise GalSimRangeError("Invalid obscuration.", obscuration, 0., 1.) if rng is not None: from .deprecated import depr depr('FRatioAngles(..., rng)', 2.3, '', 'Instead provide rng when calling applyTo, drawImage, etc.') self.fratio = fratio self.obscuration = obscuration self.rng = rng
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Assign directions to the photons in photon_array. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ gen = BaseDeviate(rng).as_numpy_generator() n_photons = len(photon_array) # The f/ratio is the ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the aperture of # the telescope. The angular radius of the field of view is defined by the # ratio of the radius of the aperture to the focal length pupil_angle = np.arctan(0.5 / self.fratio) # radians obscuration_angle = np.arctan(0.5 * self.obscuration / self.fratio) # Generate azimuthal angles for the photons phi = gen.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=n_photons) # Generate inclination angles for the photons, which are uniform in sin(theta) between # the sine of the obscuration angle and the sine of the pupil radius sintheta = gen.uniform(np.sin(obscuration_angle), np.sin(pupil_angle), size=n_photons) # Assign the directions to the arrays. In this class the convention for the # zero of phi does not matter but it would if the obscuration is dependent on # phi tantheta = np.sqrt(np.square(sintheta) / (1. - np.square(sintheta))) photon_array.dxdz = tantheta * np.sin(phi) photon_array.dydz = tantheta * np.cos(phi)
def __str__(self): return "galsim.FRatioAngles(fratio=%s, obscration=%s, rng=%s)"%( self.fratio, self.obscuration, self.rng) def __repr__(self): return "galsim.FRatioAngles(fratio=%r, obscration=%r, rng=%r)"%( self.fratio, self.obscuration, self.rng)
[docs]class PhotonDCR(PhotonOp): r"""A photon operator that applies the effect of differential chromatic refraction (DCR) and optionally the chromatic dilation due to atmospheric seeing. Due to DCR, blue photons land closer to the zenith than red photons. Kolmogorov turbulence also predicts that blue photons get spread out more by the atmosphere than red photons, specifically FWHM is proportional to :math:`\lambda^{-0.2}`. Both of these effects can be implemented by wavelength-dependent shifts of the photons. Since DCR depends on the zenith angle and the parallactic angle (which is the position angle of the zenith measured from North through East) of the object being drawn, these must be specified via keywords. There are four ways to specify these values: 1) explicitly provide ``zenith_angle`` as a keyword of type `Angle`, and ``parallactic_angle`` will be assumed to be 0 by default. 2) explicitly provide both ``zenith_angle`` and ``parallactic_angle`` as keywords of type `Angle`. 3) provide the coordinates of the object ``obj_coord`` and the coordinates of the zenith ``zenith_coord`` as keywords of type `CelestialCoord`. 4) provide the coordinates of the object ``obj_coord`` as a `CelestialCoord`, the hour angle of the object ``HA`` as an `Angle`, and the latitude of the observer ``latitude`` as an `Angle`. DCR also depends on temperature, pressure and water vapor pressure of the atmosphere. The default values for these are expected to be appropriate for LSST at Cerro Pachon, Chile, but they are broadly reasonable for most observatories. This photon op is intended to match the functionality of `ChromaticAtmosphere`, but acting on the photon array rather than as a `ChromaticObject`. The photons will need to have wavelengths defined in order to work. .. warning:: The alpha parameter is only appropriate for stars. This photon op will act on all of the photons, so applying a chromatic dilation according to the chromatic seeing is the wrong thing to do when the surface brightness being rendered is not a pure PSF. As such, the default is alpha=0, not -0.2, which would be appropriate for Kolmogorov turbulence. Parameters: base_wavelength: Wavelength (in nm) represented by the fiducial photon positions scale_unit: Units used for the positions of the photons. [default: galsim.arcsec] alpha: Power law index for wavelength-dependent seeing. This should only be used if doing a star-only simulation. It is not correct when drawing galaxies. [default: 0.] zenith_angle: `Angle` from object to zenith, expressed as an `Angle`. [default: 0] parallactic_angle: Parallactic angle, i.e. the position angle of the zenith, measured from North through East. [default: 0] obj_coord: Celestial coordinates of the object being drawn as a `CelestialCoord`. [default: None] zenith_coord: Celestial coordinates of the zenith as a `CelestialCoord`. [default: None] HA: Hour angle of the object as an `Angle`. [default: None] latitude: Latitude of the observer as an `Angle`. [default: None] pressure: Air pressure, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of kiloPascals. [default: 69.328 kPa] temperature: Temperature, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of Kelvin. [default: 293.15 K] H2O_pressure: Water vapor pressure, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in units of kiloPascals. [default: 1.067 kPa] """ _req_params = { 'base_wavelength' : float } _opt_params = { 'scale_unit' : str, 'alpha' : float, 'parallactic_angle' : Angle, 'latitude' : Angle, 'pressure' : (float, u.Quantity), 'temperature' : (float, u.Quantity), 'H2O_pressure' : (float, u.Quantity) } _single_params = [ { 'zenith_angle' : Angle, 'HA' : Angle, 'zenith_coord' : CelestialCoord } ] def __init__(self, base_wavelength, scale_unit=arcsec, **kwargs): # This matches the code in ChromaticAtmosphere. self.base_wavelength = base_wavelength if isinstance(scale_unit, str): scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit) self.scale_unit = scale_unit self.alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0.) self.zenith_angle, self.parallactic_angle, = dcr.parse_dcr_angles(**kwargs) # Convert any weather data to the appropriate units p ='pressure', None) if p is not None and isinstance(p, u.Quantity):['pressure'] = p.to_value(u.kPa) t ='temperature', None) if t is not None and isinstance(t, u.Quantity):['temperature'] = t.to_value(u.K) h ='H2O_pressure', None) if h is not None and isinstance(h, u.Quantity):['H2O_pressure'] = h.to_value(u.kPa) # Any remaining kwargs will get forwarded to galsim.dcr.get_refraction # Check that they're valid for kw in if kw not in ('temperature', 'pressure', 'H2O_pressure'): raise TypeError("Got unexpected keyword: {0}".format(kw)) self.base_refraction = dcr.get_refraction(self.base_wavelength, self.zenith_angle, **
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Apply the DCR effect to the photons Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ if not photon_array.hasAllocatedWavelengths(): raise GalSimError("PhotonDCR requires that wavelengths be set") if local_wcs is None: raise TypeError("PhotonDCR requires a local_wcs to be provided to applyTo") w = photon_array.wavelength cenx = local_wcs.origin.x ceny = local_wcs.origin.y # Apply the wavelength-dependent scaling if self.alpha != 0.: scale = (w/self.base_wavelength)**self.alpha photon_array.x = scale * (photon_array.x - cenx) + cenx photon_array.y = scale * (photon_array.y - ceny) + ceny # Apply DCR shift_magnitude = dcr.get_refraction(w, self.zenith_angle, ** shift_magnitude -= self.base_refraction shift_magnitude *= radians / self.scale_unit sinp, cosp = self.parallactic_angle.sincos() du = -shift_magnitude * sinp dv = shift_magnitude * cosp dx = local_wcs._x(du, dv) dy = local_wcs._y(du, dv) photon_array.x += dx photon_array.y += dy
def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.PhotonDCR(base_wavelength=%r, scale_unit=%r, alpha=%r, "%( self.base_wavelength, self.scale_unit, self.alpha) s += "zenith_angle=%r, parallactic_angle=%r"%(self.zenith_angle, self.parallactic_angle) for k in sorted( s += ", %s=%r"%(k,[k]) s += ")" return s
[docs]class Refraction(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that refracts photons (manipulating their dxdz and dydz values) at an interface, commonly the interface between vacuum and silicon at the surface of a CCD. Assumes that the surface normal is along the z-axis. If the refraction would result in total internal reflection, then those photon's dxdz and dydz values are set to NaN, and flux values set to 0.0. Parameters: index_ratio: The ratio of the refractive index on the far side of the interface to the near side. Can be given as a number or a callable function. In the latter case, the function should accept a numpy array of vacuum wavelengths as input and return a numpy array of refractive index ratios. """ _req_params = { 'index_ratio' : float } def __init__(self, index_ratio): self.index_ratio = index_ratio
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Refract photons Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ if hasattr(self.index_ratio, '__call__'): index_ratio = self.index_ratio(photon_array.wavelength) else: index_ratio = self.index_ratio # Here's the math avoiding any actual trig function calls: # # x1 = dr/dz # ------+ # \ | # \ | # \ | dz/dz = 1 # \ | # \| n1 # ------------------------ # |\ n2 # |\ # dz'/dz' = 1 | \ # | \ # | \ # +--- # x2 = dr'/dz' # # Solve Snell's law for x2 as fn of x1: # n1 sin(th1) = n2 sin(th2) # n1 x1 / sqrt(1 + x1^2) = n2 x2 / sqrt(1 + x2^2) # n1^2 x1^2 (1 + x2^2) = n2^2 x2^2 (1 + x1^2) # n1^2 x1^2 = x2^2 (n2^2 (1 + x1^2) - n1^2 x1^2) # x1^2 = x2^2 ((n2/n1)^2 (1 + x1^2) - x1^2) # x1 = x2 sqrt( (n2/n1)^2 (1 + x1^2) - x1^2 ) # = x2 sqrt( (n2/n1)^2 (1 + x1^2) - (1 + x1^2) + 1 ) # = x2 sqrt( 1 - (1 + x1^2) (1 - (n2/n1)^2) ) normsqr = 1 + photon_array.dxdz**2 + photon_array.dydz**2 # (1 + x1^2) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): # NaN below <=> total internal reflection factor = np.sqrt(1 - normsqr*(1-index_ratio**2)) photon_array.dxdz /= factor photon_array.dydz /= factor photon_array.flux = np.where(np.isnan(factor), 0.0, photon_array.flux)
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.Refraction(index_ratio=%r)"%self.index_ratio
[docs]class FocusDepth(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that focuses/defocuses photons by changing the height of the focal surface with respect to the conical beam. Parameters: depth: The z-distance by which to displace the focal surface, in units of pixels. A positive (negative) number here indicates an extra- (intra-) focal sensor height. I.e., depth > 0 means the sensor surface intersects the beam after it has converged, and depth < 0 means the sensor surface intersects the beam before it has converged. """ _req_params = { 'depth' : float } def __init__(self, depth): self.depth = depth
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Adjust a photon bundle to account for the change in focal depth. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ if not photon_array.hasAllocatedAngles(): raise GalSimError("FocusDepth requires that angles be set") photon_array.x += self.depth * photon_array.dxdz photon_array.y += self.depth * photon_array.dydz
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.FocusDepth(depth=%r)"%self.depth
[docs]class PupilImageSampler(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that samples the pupil-plane positions given a pupil-plane image. Samples are drawn discretely from pupil plane image pixels marked as illuminated. Parameters: diam: Aperture diameter in meters. lam: Wavelength in nanometers. [default: None] circular_pupil: Adopt a circular pupil? [default: True] obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0] nstruts: Number of radial support struts to add to the central obscuration. [default: 0] strut_thick: Thickness of support struts as a fraction of aperture diameter. [default: 0.05] strut_angle: `Angle` made between the vertical and the strut starting closest to it, defined to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction; must be an `Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees] oversampling: Optional oversampling factor *in the image plane* for the PSF eventually constructed using this `Aperture`. Setting ``oversampling < 1`` will produce aliasing in the PSF (not good). [default: 1.0] pad_factor: Additional multiple by which to extend the PSF image to avoid folding. [default: 1.0] pupil_plane_im: The GalSim.Image, NumPy array, or name of file containing the pupil plane image, to be used instead of generating one based on the obscuration and strut parameters. [default: None] pupil_angle: If ``pupil_plane_im`` is not None, rotation angle for the pupil plane (positive in the counter-clockwise direction). Must be an `Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees] pupil_plane_scale: Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. The exception is when specifying the pupil arrangement via an image, in which case this keyword can be used to indicate the sampling of that image. See also ``pad_factor`` for adjusting the pupil sampling scale. [default: None] pupil_plane_size: Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. See also ``oversampling`` for adjusting the pupil size. [default: None] """ _req_params = { "diam": float, } _opt_params = { "lam": float, "circular_pupil": bool, "obscuration": float, "nstruts": int, "strut_thick": float, "strut_angle": Angle, "oversampling": float, "pad_factor": float, "pupil_plane_im": str, "pupil_angle": Angle, "pupil_plane_scale": float, "pupil_plane_size": float, } def __init__(self, diam, **kwargs): from .phase_psf import Aperture self.aper = Aperture(diam, **kwargs) # Save these for the repr self.diam = diam self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Sample the pupil plane u,v positions for each photon. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ self.aper.samplePupil(photon_array, rng)
def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.PupilImageSampler(diam=%s"%self.diam for k,v in self.kwargs.items(): s += ', %s=%r'%(k,v) s += ')' return s
[docs]class PupilAnnulusSampler(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that uniformly samples an annular entrance pupil. Parameters: R_outer: Annulus outer radius in meters. R_inner: Annulus inner radius in meters. [default: 0.0] """ _req_params = { "R_outer": float, } _opt_params = { "R_inner": float, } def __init__(self, R_outer, R_inner=0.0): self.R_outer = R_outer self.R_inner = R_inner
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Sample the pupil plane u,v positions for each photon. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ gen = BaseDeviate(rng).as_numpy_generator() r = gen.uniform(self.R_inner**2, self.R_outer**2, size=len(photon_array)) np.sqrt(r, out=r) phi = gen.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=len(photon_array)) photon_array.pupil_u = r * np.cos(phi) photon_array.pupil_v = r * np.sin(phi)
def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.PupilAnnulusSampler(R_outer=%r"%self.R_outer if self.R_inner != 0.0: s += ", R_inner=%r"%self.R_inner s += ")" return s
[docs]class TimeSampler(PhotonOp): """A photon operator that uniformly samples photon time stamps within some interval. Parameters: t0: The nominal start time of the observation in seconds. [default: 0] exptime: The exposure time in seconds. [default: 0] """ _opt_params = { "t0": float, "exptime": float } def __init__(self, t0=0.0, exptime=0.0): self.t0 = t0 self.exptime = exptime
[docs] def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Add time stamps to photons. Parameters: photon_array: A `PhotonArray` to apply the operator to. local_wcs: A `LocalWCS` instance defining the local WCS for the current photon bundle in case the operator needs this information. [default: None] rng: A random number generator to use if needed. [default: None] """ gen = BaseDeviate(rng).as_numpy_generator() photon_array.time = gen.uniform(self.t0, self.t0+self.exptime, size=len(photon_array))
def __repr__(self): s = "galsim.TimeSampler(" if self.t0 != 0.0: s += "t0=%r"%self.t0 if self.exptime != 0.0: s += ", exptime=%r"%self.exptime else: if self.exptime != 0.0: s += "exptime=%r"%self.exptime s += ")" return s
class ScaleFlux(PhotonOp): """A simple photon operator that multiplies all flux values by a constant. Parameters: x: The constant by which to multiply all flux values. """ _req_params = { "x": float } def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Apply the scaling. """ photon_array.flux *= self.x def __repr__(self): return f"galsim.ScaleFlux({self.x})" class ScaleWavelength(PhotonOp): """A simple photon operator that multiplies all wavelength values by a constant. Parameters: x: The constant by which to multiply all wavelength values. """ _req_params = { "x": float } def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def applyTo(self, photon_array, local_wcs=None, rng=None): """Apply the scaling. """ photon_array.wavelength *= self.x def __repr__(self): return f"galsim.ScaleWavelength({self.x})" # Put these at the end to avoid circular imports from . import fits