# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
__all__ = [ 'RealGalaxy', 'RealGalaxyCatalog', 'ChromaticRealGalaxy', ]
import os
import numpy as np
import copy
from multiprocessing import Lock
from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .bounds import BoundsI
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit, convert_interpolant, merge_sorted
from .interpolant import Quintic
from .interpolatedimage import InterpolatedImage, _InterpolatedKImage
from .convolve import Convolve, Deconvolve
from .image import Image, ImageCD
from .correlatednoise import UncorrelatedNoise, BaseCorrelatedNoise, CovarianceSpectrum
from .errors import GalSimValueError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError
from .errors import GalSimIndexError
from .table import LookupTable
from .random import BaseDeviate, UniformDeviate
from .sed import SED
from .bandpass import Bandpass
from .chromatic import ChromaticSum
from . import meta_data
from ._pyfits import pyfits
HST_area = 45238.93416 # Area of HST primary mirror in cm^2 from Synphot User's Guide.
# Currently, have bandpasses available for HST COSMOS, AEGIS, and CANDELS.
# ACS zeropoints (AB magnitudes) from
# http://www.stsci.edu/hst/acs/analysis/zeropoints/old_page/localZeropoints#tablestart
# WFC3 zeropoints (AB magnitudes) from
# http://www.stsci.edu/hst/wfc3/phot_zp_lbn
# Format of dictionary entry is:
# 'KEY' : tuple(bandpass filename, zeropoint)
real_galaxy_bandpasses = {
'F275W': ('WFC3_uvis_F275W.dat', 24.1305),
'F336W': ('WFC3_uvis_F336W.dat', 24.6682),
'F435W': ('ACS_wfc_F435W.dat', 25.65777),
'F606W': ('ACS_wfc_F606W.dat', 26.49113),
'F775W': ('ACS_wfc_F775W.dat', 25.66504),
'F814W': ('ACS_wfc_F814W.dat', 25.94333),
'F850LP': ('ACS_wfc_F850LP.dat', 24.84245),
'F105W': ('WFC3_ir_F105W.dat', 26.2687),
'F125W': ('WFC3_ir_F125W.dat', 26.2303),
'F160W': ('WFC3_ir_F160W.dat', 25.9463)
[docs]class RealGalaxy(GSObject):
"""A class describing real galaxies from some training dataset. Its underlying implementation
uses a Convolution instance of an `InterpolatedImage` (for the observed galaxy) with a
`Deconvolution` of another `InterpolatedImage` (for the PSF).
This class uses a catalog describing galaxies in some training data (for more details, see the
`RealGalaxyCatalog` documentation) to read in data about realistic galaxies that can be used for
simulations based on those galaxies. Also included in the class is additional information that
might be needed to make or interpret the simulations, e.g., the noise properties of the training
data. Users who wish to draw RealGalaxies that have well-defined flux scalings in various
passbands, and/or parametric representations, should use the COSMOSGalaxy class.
Because RealGalaxy involves a `Deconvolution`, ``method = 'phot'`` is unavailable for the
`GSObject.drawImage` function, and it is essential that users convolve each RealGalaxy with a
PSF that is at least as large as the original HST PSF (stored as an attribute) before rendering
any images. This is necessary to eliminate noise that was amplified due to deconvolution of the
>>> real_galaxy = galsim.RealGalaxy(real_galaxy_catalog, index=None, id=None, random=False,
... rng=None, x_interpolant=None, k_interpolant=None,
... flux=None, pad_factor=4, noise_pad_size=0,
... gsparams=None)
This initializes ``real_galaxy`` with three `InterpolatedImage` objects (one for the deconvolved
galaxy, and saved versions of the original HST image and PSF). Note that there are multiple
keywords for choosing a galaxy; exactly one must be set.
Note that tests suggest that for optimal balance between accuracy and speed, ``k_interpolant``
and ``pad_factor`` should be kept at their default values. The user should be aware that
significant inaccuracy can result from using other combinations of these parameters; more
details can be found in http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2636, especially table 1, and in comment
https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim/issues/389#issuecomment-26166621 and the following
If you don't set a flux, the flux of the returned object will be the flux of the original
HST data, scaled to correspond to a 1 second HST exposure (though see the ``area_norm``
parameter below, and also caveats related to using the ``flux`` parameter). If you want a flux
appropriate for a longer exposure, or for a telescope with a different collecting area than HST,
you can either renormalize the object with the ``flux_rescale`` parameter, or by using the
``exptime`` and ``area`` parameters to `GSObject.drawImage`.
Note that RealGalaxy objects use arcsec for the units of their linear dimension. If you
are using a different unit for other things (the PSF, WCS, etc.), then you should dilate
the resulting object with ``gal.dilate(galsim.arcsec / scale_unit)``.
real_galaxy_catalog: A `RealGalaxyCatalog` object with basic information about where to
find the data, etc.
index: Index of the desired galaxy in the catalog. [One of ``index``,
``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
id: Object ID for the desired galaxy in the catalog. [One of ``index``,
``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
random: If True, then select a random galaxy from the catalog. If the
catalog has a 'weight' associated with it to allow for correction of
selection effects in which galaxies were included, the 'weight'
factor is used to remove those selection effects rather than
selecting a completely random object.
[One of ``index``, ``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
rng: A random number generator to use for selecting a random galaxy
(may be any kind of `BaseDeviate` or None) and to use in generating
any noise field when padding. [default: None]
x_interpolant: Either an `Interpolant` instance or a string indicating which
real-space interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest',
'sinc', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should
be the integer order to use. [default: galsim.Quintic()]
k_interpolant: Either an `Interpolant` instance or a string indicating which
k-space interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc',
'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the
integer order to use. We strongly recommend leaving this parameter
at its default value; see text above for details.
[default: galsim.Quintic()]
flux: Total flux, if None then original flux in image is adopted without
change. Note that, technically, this parameter sets the flux of the
postage stamp image and not the flux of the contained galaxy.
These two values will be strongly correlated when the signal-to-
noise ratio of the galaxy is large, but may be considerably
different if the flux of the galaxy is small with respect to the
noise variations in the postage stamp. To avoid complications with
faint galaxies, consider using the flux_rescale parameter.
[default: None]
flux_rescale: Flux rescaling factor; if None, then no rescaling is done. Either
``flux`` or ``flux_rescale`` may be set, but not both.
[default: None]
pad_factor: Factor by which to pad the `Image` when creating the
`InterpolatedImage`. We strongly recommend leaving this parameter
at its default value; see text above for details. [default: 4]
noise_pad_size: If provided, the image will be padded out to this size (in arcsec)
with the noise specified in the real galaxy catalog. This is
important if you are planning to whiten the resulting image. You
should make sure that the padded image is larger than the postage
stamp onto which you are drawing this object.
[default: None]
area_norm: Area in cm^2 by which to normalize the flux of the returned object.
When area_norm=1 (the default), drawing with `GSObject.drawImage`
keywords exptime=1 and area=1 will simulate an image with the
appropriate number of counts for a 1 second exposure with the
original telescope/camera (e.g., with HST when using the COSMOS
If you would rather explicitly specify the collecting area of the
telescope when using `GSObject.drawImage` with a `RealGalaxy`,
then you should set area_norm equal to the collecting area of the
source catalog telescope when creating the `RealGalaxy` (e.g.,
area_norm=45238.93416 for HST). [default: 1]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
logger: A logger object for output of progress statements if the user wants
them. [default: None]
_opt_params = { "x_interpolant" : str ,
"k_interpolant" : str ,
"flux" : float ,
"flux_rescale" : float ,
"pad_factor" : float,
"noise_pad_size" : float,
"area_norm" : float
_single_params = [ { "index" : int , "id" : str , "random" : bool } ]
_takes_rng = True
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_axisymmetric = False
_is_analytic_x = False
_is_analytic_k = True
def __init__(self, real_galaxy_catalog, index=None, id=None, random=False,
rng=None, x_interpolant=None, k_interpolant=None, flux=None, flux_rescale=None,
pad_factor=4, noise_pad_size=0, area_norm=1.0, gsparams=None, logger=None):
if rng is None:
rng = BaseDeviate()
elif not isinstance(rng, BaseDeviate):
raise TypeError("The rng provided to RealGalaxy is not a BaseDeviate")
self.rng = rng
if flux is not None and flux_rescale is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Cannot supply a flux and a flux rescaling factor.",
flux=flux, flux_rescale=flux_rescale)
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) # So don't need to check `if logger:` all the time.
if isinstance(real_galaxy_catalog, tuple):
# Special (undocumented) way to build a RealGalaxy without needing the rgc directly
# by providing the things we need from it. Used by COSMOSGalaxy.
self.gal_image, self.psf_image, noise_image, pixel_scale, var = real_galaxy_catalog
use_index = 0 # For the logger statements below.
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Start RealGalaxy constructor.',use_index)
self.catalog_file = None
self.catalog = ''
# Get the index to use in the catalog
if index is not None:
if id is not None or random:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Too many methods for selecting a galaxy.",
index=index, id=id, random=random)
use_index = index
elif id is not None:
if random:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Too many methods for selecting a galaxy.", id=id, random=random)
use_index = real_galaxy_catalog.getIndexForID(id)
elif random:
ud = UniformDeviate(self.rng)
use_index = int(real_galaxy_catalog.nobjects * ud())
if real_galaxy_catalog.weight is not None:
# If weight factors are available, make sure the random selection uses the
# weights to remove the catalog-level selection effects (flux_radius-dependent
# probability of making a postage stamp for a given object).
while ud() > real_galaxy_catalog.weight[use_index]:
# Pick another one to try.
use_index = int(real_galaxy_catalog.nobjects * ud())
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"No method specified for selecting a galaxy.",
index=index, id=id, random=random)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Start RealGalaxy constructor.',use_index)
# Read in the galaxy, PSF images; for now, rely on pyfits to make I/O errors.
self.gal_image = real_galaxy_catalog.getGalImage(use_index)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Got gal_image',use_index)
self.psf_image = real_galaxy_catalog.getPSFImage(use_index)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Got psf_image',use_index)
#self._gal_noise = real_galaxy_catalog.getNoise(use_index, self.rng, gsparams)
# We need to duplication some of the RealGalaxyCatalog.getNoise() function, since we
# want it to be possible to have the RealGalaxyCatalog in another process, and the
# BaseCorrelatedNoise object is not picklable. So we just build it here instead.
noise_image, pixel_scale, var = real_galaxy_catalog.getNoiseProperties(use_index)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Got noise_image',use_index)
self.catalog_file = real_galaxy_catalog.getFileName()
self.catalog = real_galaxy_catalog
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
if noise_image is None:
self._gal_noise = UncorrelatedNoise(var, rng=self.rng, scale=pixel_scale,
ii = InterpolatedImage(noise_image, normalization="sb",
calculate_stepk=False, calculate_maxk=False,
x_interpolant='linear', gsparams=self._gsparams)
self._gal_noise = BaseCorrelatedNoise(self.rng, ii, noise_image.wcs)
self._gal_noise = self._gal_noise.withVariance(var)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Finished building noise',use_index)
# Save any other relevant information as instance attributes
self.index = use_index
self.pixel_scale = float(pixel_scale)
self._x_interpolant = x_interpolant
self._k_interpolant = k_interpolant
self._pad_factor = pad_factor
self._noise_pad_size = noise_pad_size
self._input_flux = flux
self._flux_rescale = flux_rescale
self._area_norm = area_norm
# Convert noise_pad to the right noise to pass to InterpolatedImage
if noise_pad_size:
noise_pad = self._gal_noise
noise_pad = 0.
# Build the InterpolatedImage of the PSF.
self.original_psf = InterpolatedImage(
self.psf_image, x_interpolant=x_interpolant, k_interpolant=k_interpolant,
flux=1.0, gsparams=self._gsparams)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Made original_psf',use_index)
# Build the InterpolatedImage of the galaxy.
# Use the stepk value of the PSF as a maximum value for stepk of the galaxy.
# (Otherwise, low surface brightness galaxies can get a spuriously high stepk, which
# leads to problems.)
self.original_gal = InterpolatedImage(
self.gal_image, x_interpolant=x_interpolant, k_interpolant=k_interpolant,
pad_factor=pad_factor, noise_pad_size=noise_pad_size,
noise_pad=noise_pad, rng=self.rng, gsparams=self._gsparams)
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Made original_gal',use_index)
# Only alter normalization if a change is requested
if flux is not None or flux_rescale is not None or area_norm != 1:
if flux_rescale is None:
flux_rescale = 1.0
flux_rescale /= area_norm
if flux is not None:
flux_rescale *= flux/self.original_gal.flux
self.original_gal *= flux_rescale
self._gal_noise *= flux_rescale**2
logger.debug('RealGalaxy %d: Finished building RealGalaxy',use_index)
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, **kwargs)
ret.original_gal = self.original_gal.withGSParams(ret._gsparams, **kwargs)
ret.original_psf = self.original_psf.withGSParams(ret._gsparams, **kwargs)
ret._gal_noise = self._gal_noise.withGSParams(ret._gsparams, **kwargs)
return ret
[docs] @classmethod
def makeFromImage(cls, image, PSF, xi, **kwargs):
"""Create a `RealGalaxy` directly from image, PSF, and noise description.
image: `Image` of the galaxy you want to simulate.
PSF: `GSObject` representing the PSF of the galaxy image. Note that this PSF
should include the response of the pixel convolution.
xi: `BaseCorrelatedNoise` object characterizing the noise correlations in the input
noise_image = xi.drawImage()
pixel_scale = noise_image.scale
var = xi.getVariance()
psf_image = PSF.drawImage(method='no_pixel')
return RealGalaxy((image, psf_image, noise_image, pixel_scale, var))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, RealGalaxy) and
self.catalog == other.catalog and
self.index == other.index and
self._x_interpolant == other._x_interpolant and
self._k_interpolant == other._k_interpolant and
self._pad_factor == other._pad_factor and
self._noise_pad_size == other._noise_pad_size and
self._input_flux == other._input_flux and
self._flux_rescale == other._flux_rescale and
self._area_norm == other._area_norm and
self._gsparams == other._gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.RealGalaxy", self.catalog, self.index, self._x_interpolant,
self._k_interpolant, self._pad_factor, self._noise_pad_size, self._input_flux,
self._flux_rescale, self._area_norm, self._gsparams))
def __repr__(self):
s = 'galsim.RealGalaxy(%r, index=%r, '%(self.catalog, self.index)
if self._x_interpolant is not None:
s += 'x_interpolant=%r, '%self._x_interpolant
if self._k_interpolant is not None:
s += 'k_interpolant=%r, '%self._k_interpolant
if self._pad_factor != 4:
s += 'pad_factor=%r, '%self._pad_factor
if self._noise_pad_size != 0:
s += 'noise_pad_size=%r, '%self._noise_pad_size
if self._input_flux is not None:
s += 'flux=%r, '%self._input_flux
if self._flux_rescale is not None:
s += 'flux_rescale=%r, '%self._flux_rescale
if self._area_norm != 1:
s += 'area_norm=%r, '%self._area_norm
s += 'rng=%r, '%self.rng
s += 'gsparams=%r)'%self._gsparams
return s
def __str__(self):
# I think this is more intuitive without the RealGalaxyCatalog parameter listed.
return 'galsim.RealGalaxy(index=%s, flux=%s)'%(self.index, self.flux)
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def _psf_inv(self):
return Deconvolve(self.original_psf, gsparams=self._gsparams)
def _conv(self):
return Convolve([self.original_gal, self._psf_inv], gsparams=self._gsparams)
def _noise(self):
# We just store the original noise, not convolved with psf_inv until we need it,
# mostly so we don't have to invalidate this if gsparams changes.
return self._gal_noise.convolvedWith(self._psf_inv, self._gsparams)
def _maxk(self):
return self._conv._maxk
def _stepk(self):
return self._conv._stepk
def _centroid(self):
return self._conv._centroid
def _flux(self):
return self._conv._flux
def _positive_flux(self):
return self._conv._positive_flux
def _negative_flux(self):
return self._conv._negative_flux
def _flux_per_photon(self):
return self._calculate_flux_per_photon()
def _max_sb(self):
return self._conv._max_sb
def _kValue(self, kpos):
return self._conv._kValue(kpos)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
self._conv._drawKImage(image, jac)
[docs]class RealGalaxyCatalog:
"""Class containing a catalog with information about real galaxy training data.
The RealGalaxyCatalog class reads in and stores information about a specific training sample of
realistic galaxies. We assume that all files containing the images (galaxies and PSFs) live in
one directory; they could be individual files, or multiple HDUs of the same file. Currently
there is no functionality that lets this be a FITS data cube, because we assume that the object
postage stamps will in general need to be different sizes depending on the galaxy size.
Note that when simulating galaxies based on HST but using either realistic or parametric galaxy
models, the COSMOSCatalog class may be more useful. It allows the imposition of selection
criteria and other subtleties that are more difficult to impose with RealGalaxyCatalog.
While you could create your own catalog to use with this class, the typical use cases would
be to use one of the catalogs that we have created and distributed. There are three such
catalogs currently, which can be use with one of the following initializations:
1. A small example catalog is distributed with the GalSim distribution. This catalog only
has 100 galaxies, so it is not terribly useful as a representative galaxy population.
But for simplistic use cases, it might be sufficient. We use it for our unit tests and
in some of the demo scripts (demo6, demo10, and demo11). To use this catalog, you would
initialize with::
>>> rgc = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog('real_galaxy_catalog_23.5_example.fits',
2. There are two larger catalogs based on HST observations of the COSMOS field with around
26,000 and 56,000 galaxies each with a limiting magnitude of F814W=23.5. (The former is
a subset of the latter.) For information about how to download these catalogs, see the
RealGalaxy Data Download Page on the GalSim Wiki:
Be warned that the catalogs are quite large. The larger one is around 11 GB after unpacking
the tarball. To use one of these catalogs, you would initialize with::
>>> rgc = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog('real_galaxy_catalog_23.5.fits',
3. There is a catalog containing a random subsample of the HST COSMOS images with a limiting
magnitude of F814W=25.2. More information about downloading these catalogs can be found on
the RealGalaxy Data Download page linked above.
4. Finally, we provide a program that will download the large COSMOS sample for you and
put it in the $PREFIX/share/galsim directory of your installation path. The program is::
which gets installed in the $PREFIX/bin directory when you install GalSim. If you use
this program to download the COSMOS catalog, then you can use it with::
>>> rgc = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog()
GalSim knows the location of the installation share directory, so it will automatically
look for it there.
file_name: The file containing the catalog. [default: None, which will look for the
F814W<25.2 COSMOS catalog in $PREFIX/share/galsim. It will raise an
exception if the catalog is not there telling you to run
sample: A keyword argument that can be used to specify the sample to use, i.e.,
"23.5" or "25.2". At most one of ``file_name`` and ``sample`` should be
[default: None, which results in the same default as ``file_name=None``.]
dir: The directory containing the catalog, image, and noise files, or symlinks to
them. [default: None]
preload: Whether to preload the header information. If ``preload=True``, the bulk of
the I/O time is in the constructor. If ``preload=False``, there is
approximately the same total I/O time (assuming you eventually use most of
the image files referenced in the catalog), but it is spread over the
various calls to `getGalImage` and `getPSFImage`. [default: False]
logger: An optional logger object to log progress. [default: None]
_opt_params = { 'file_name' : str, 'sample' : str, 'dir' : str,
'preload' : bool }
# _nobject_only is an intentionally undocumented kwarg that should be used only by
# the config structure. It indicates that all we care about is the nobjects parameter.
# So skip any other calculations that might normally be necessary on construction.
def __init__(self, file_name=None, sample=None, dir=None, preload=False, logger=None):
if sample is not None and file_name is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Cannot specify both the sample and file_name.",
sample=sample, file_name=file_name)
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger)
self.file_name, self.image_dir, self.sample = _parse_files_dirs(file_name, dir, sample)
with pyfits.open(self.file_name) as fits:
self.cat = fits[1].data
self.nobjects = len(self.cat) # number of objects in the catalog
logger.debug('RealGalaxyCatalog %s has %d objects',self.file_name,self.nobjects)
self._preload = preload
self.loaded_files = {}
self.saved_noise_im = {}
# The pyfits commands aren't thread safe. So we need to make sure the methods that
# use pyfits are not run concurrently from multiple threads.
self.gal_lock = Lock() # Use this when accessing gal files
self.psf_lock = Lock() # Use this when accessing psf files
self.loaded_lock = Lock() # Use this when opening new files from disk
self.noise_lock = Lock() # Use this for building the noise image(s) (usually just one)
# Some lazy properties that we set up the first time they are used.
def ident(self):
ident = self.cat.field('ident') # ID for object in the training sample
# We want to make sure that the ident array contains all strings.
# Strangely, ident.astype(str) produces a string with each element == '1'.
# Hence this way of doing the conversion:
return [ "%s"%val for val in ident ]
def gal_file_name(self):
gal_file_name = self.cat.field('gal_filename') # file containing the galaxy image
# Add the directories:
# Note the strip call. Sometimes the filenames have an extra space at the end.
# This gets rid of that space.
return [os.path.join(self.image_dir,f.strip()) for f in gal_file_name]
def psf_file_name(self):
psf_file_name = self.cat.field('PSF_filename') # file containing the PSF image
return [os.path.join(self.image_dir,f.strip()) for f in psf_file_name]
def noise_file_name(self):
# We don't require the noise_filename column. If it is not present, we will use
# Uncorrelated noise based on the variance column.
noise_file_name = self.cat.field('noise_filename') # file containing the noise cf
except KeyError:
return None
return [os.path.join(self.image_dir,f) for f in noise_file_name]
def gal_hdu(self):
return self.cat.field('gal_hdu') # HDU containing the galaxy image
def psf_hdu(self):
return self.cat.field('PSF_hdu') # HDU containing the PSF image
def pixel_scale(self):
return self.cat.field('pixel_scale') # pixel scale for image (could be different
# if we have training data from other datasets... let's be general here and make it a
# vector in case of mixed training set)
def variance(self):
return self.cat.field('noise_variance') # noise variance for image
def mag(self):
return self.cat.field('mag') # apparent magnitude
def band(self):
return self.cat.field('band') # bandpass in which apparent mag is measured, e.g., F814W
def weight(self):
# The weight factor should be a float value >=0 (so that random selections of indices can
# use it to remove any selection effects in the catalog creation process).
# Here we renormalize by the maximum weight. If the maximum is below 1, that just means
# that all galaxies were subsampled at some level, and here we only want to account for
# relative selection effects within the catalog, not absolute subsampling. If the maximum
# is above 1, then our random number generation test used to draw a weighted sample will
# fail since we use uniform deviates in the range 0 to 1.
weight = self.cat.field('weight')
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
raise OSError("You still have the old COSMOS catalog. Run the program "
"`galsim_download_cosmos -s %s` to upgrade."%(self.sample))
return weight/np.max(weight)
def stamp_flux(self):
return self.cat.field('stamp_flux')
except KeyError: # pragma: no cover
raise OSError("You still have the old COSMOS catalog. Run the program "
"`galsim_download_cosmos -s %s` to upgrade."%(self.sample))
def __del__(self):
# Make sure to clean up pyfits open files if people forget to call close()
def close(self):
# Need to close any open files.
# Make sure to check if loaded_files exists, since the constructor could abort
# before it gets to the place where loaded_files is built.
if hasattr(self, 'loaded_files'):
for f in self.loaded_files.values():
self.loaded_files = {}
def getNObjects(self) : return self.nobjects
def __len__(self): return self.nobjects
def getFileName(self) : return self.file_name
[docs] def getIndexForID(self, id):
"""Internal function to find which index number corresponds to the value ID in the ident
# Just to be completely consistent, convert id to a string in the same way we
# did above for the ident array:
id = "%s"%id
if id in self.ident:
return self.ident.index(id)
raise GalSimValueError('ID not found in list of IDs',id, self.ident)
def _maybe_preload(self):
# Preload all files if desired.
# This is delayed until the first time we might need it, since we might only need
# to know nobjects and not load the data at all. The first time we try to do something
# that needs the files, we'll call preload (if requested).
if self._preload:
self._preload = False # Once we've loaded them. Don't do it again.
[docs] def preload(self):
"""Preload the files into memory.
There are memory implications to this, so we don't do this by default. However, it can be
a big speedup if memory isn't an issue.
with self.loaded_lock:
for file_name in np.concatenate((self.gal_file_name , self.psf_file_name)):
# numpy sometimes add a space at the end of the string that is not present in
# the original file. Stupid. But this next line removes it.
file_name = file_name.strip()
if file_name not in self.loaded_files:
# I use memmap=False, because I was getting problems with running out of
# file handles in the great3 real_gal run, which uses a lot of rgc files.
# I think there must be a bug in pyfits that leaves file handles open somewhere
# when memmap = True. Anyway, I don't know what the performance implications
# are (since I couldn't finish the run with the default memmap=True), but I
# don't think there is much impact either way with memory mapping in our case.
f = pyfits.open(file_name,memmap=False)
self.loaded_files[file_name] = f
# Access all the data from all hdus to force PyFits to read the data
for hdu in f:
def _getFile(self, file_name):
if file_name in self.loaded_files:
f = self.loaded_files[file_name]
with self.loaded_lock:
# Check again in case two processes both hit the else at the same time.
if file_name in self.loaded_files: # pragma: no cover
f = self.loaded_files[file_name]
f = pyfits.open(file_name,memmap=False)
self.loaded_files[file_name] = f
return f
[docs] def getBandpass(self):
"""Returns a `Bandpass` object for the catalog.
bp = real_galaxy_bandpasses[self.band[0].upper()]
except KeyError:
raise GalSimValueError("Bandpass not found. To use this bandpass, please add an entry "
"to the galsim.real.real_galaxy_bandpasses dictionary.",
self.band[0], real_galaxy_bandpasses.keys())
return Bandpass(bp[0], wave_type='nm', zeropoint=bp[1])
[docs] def getGalImage(self, i):
"""Returns the galaxy at index ``i`` as an `Image` object.
if i >= len(self.gal_file_name):
raise GalSimIndexError('index out of range (0..%d)'%(len(self.gal_file_name)-1),i)
f = self._getFile(self.gal_file_name[i])
with self.gal_lock:
array = f[self.gal_hdu[i]].data
im = Image(np.ascontiguousarray(array.astype(np.float64)), scale=self.pixel_scale[i])
return im
[docs] def getPSFImage(self, i):
"""Returns the PSF at index ``i`` as an `Image` object.
if i >= len(self.psf_file_name):
raise GalSimIndexError('index out of range (0..%d)'%(len(self.psf_file_name)-1),i)
f = self._getFile(self.psf_file_name[i])
with self.psf_lock:
array = f[self.psf_hdu[i]].data
return Image(np.ascontiguousarray(array.astype(np.float64)), scale=self.pixel_scale[i])
[docs] def getPSF(self, i, x_interpolant=None, k_interpolant=None, gsparams=None):
"""Returns the PSF at index ``i`` as a `GSObject`.
psf_image = self.getPSFImage(i)
return InterpolatedImage(psf_image,
x_interpolant=x_interpolant, k_interpolant=k_interpolant,
flux=1.0, gsparams=gsparams)
[docs] def getNoiseProperties(self, i):
"""Returns the components needed to make the noise correlation function at index ``i``.
Specifically, the noise image (or None), the pixel_scale, and the noise variance,
as a tuple (im, scale, var).
if self.noise_file_name is None:
im = None
if i >= len(self.noise_file_name):
raise GalSimIndexError('index out of range (0..%d)'%(len(self.noise_file_name)-1),i)
if self.noise_file_name[i] in self.saved_noise_im:
im = self.saved_noise_im[self.noise_file_name[i]]
with self.noise_lock:
# Again, a second check in case two processes get here at the same time.
if self.noise_file_name[i] in self.saved_noise_im: # pragma: no cover
im = self.saved_noise_im[self.noise_file_name[i]]
with pyfits.open(self.noise_file_name[i]) as fits:
array = fits[0].data
im = Image(np.ascontiguousarray(array.astype(np.float64)),
self.saved_noise_im[self.noise_file_name[i]] = im
return im, self.pixel_scale[i], self.variance[i]
[docs] def getNoise(self, i, rng=None, gsparams=None):
"""Returns the noise correlation function at index ``i`` as a `BaseCorrelatedNoise` object.
im, scale, var = self.getNoiseProperties(i)
if im is None:
cf = UncorrelatedNoise(var, rng=rng, scale=scale, gsparams=gsparams)
ii = InterpolatedImage(im, normalization="sb",
calculate_stepk=False, calculate_maxk=False,
x_interpolant='linear', gsparams=gsparams)
cf = BaseCorrelatedNoise(rng, ii, im.wcs)
cf = cf.withVariance(var)
return cf
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog(%r)'%self.file_name
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, RealGalaxyCatalog) and
self.file_name == other.file_name and
self.image_dir == other.image_dir))
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
d['loaded_files'] = {}
d['saved_noise_im'] = {}
del d['gal_lock']
del d['psf_lock']
del d['loaded_lock']
del d['noise_lock']
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
self.gal_lock = Lock()
self.psf_lock = Lock()
self.loaded_lock = Lock()
self.noise_lock = Lock()
def _parse_files_dirs(file_name, image_dir, sample):
if sample is None:
if file_name is None:
use_sample = '25.2'
elif '25.2' in file_name:
use_sample = '25.2'
elif '23.5' in file_name:
use_sample = '23.5'
use_sample = None
use_sample = sample
if file_name is None:
file_name = 'real_galaxy_catalog_' + use_sample + '.fits'
if image_dir is None:
use_meta_dir = True # Used to give a more helpful error message
image_dir = os.path.join(meta_data.share_dir,
use_meta_dir = False
full_file_name = os.path.join(image_dir,file_name)
if not os.path.isfile(full_file_name) and use_meta_dir:
if use_sample not in ('23.5', '25.2'):
raise GalSimValueError("Sample name not recognized.",use_sample, ('23.5', '25.2'))
raise OSError('No RealGalaxy catalog found in %s. Run the program '
'galsim_download_cosmos -s %s to download catalog and accompanying '
'image files.'%(image_dir, use_sample))
elif image_dir is None:
full_file_name = file_name
image_dir = os.path.dirname(file_name)
full_file_name = os.path.join(image_dir,file_name)
if not os.path.isfile(full_file_name):
raise OSError(full_file_name+' not found.')
return full_file_name, image_dir, use_sample
[docs]class ChromaticRealGalaxy(ChromaticSum):
"""A class describing real galaxies over multiple wavelengths, using some multi-band training
dataset. The underlying implementation models multi-band images of individual galaxies
as chromatic PSF convolutions (and integrations over wavelength) with a sum of profiles
separable into spatial and spectral components. The spectral components are specified by the
user, and the spatial components are determined one Fourier mode at a time by the class. This
decomposition can be thought of as a constrained chromatic deconvolution of the multi-band
images by the associated PSFs, similar in spirit to `RealGalaxy`.
Because ChromaticRealGalaxy involves an `InterpolatedKImage`, ``method = 'phot'`` is unavailable
for the `ChromaticObject.drawImage` function.
Fundamentally, the required inputs for this class are:
(1) a series of high resolution input `Image` instances of a single galaxy in different bands,
(2) a list of `Bandpass` corresponding to those images,
(3) the PSFs of those images as either `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject` instances, and
(4) the noise properties of the input images as `BaseCorrelatedNoise` instances.
If you want to specify these inputs directly, that is possible via the `makeFromImages` factory
method of this class::
>>> crg = galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy.makeFromImages(imgs, bands, PSFs, xis, ...)
Alternatively, you may create a ChromaticRealGalaxy via a list of `RealGalaxyCatalog` that
correspond to a set of galaxies observed in different bands::
>>> crg = galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy(real_galaxy_catalogs, index=0, ...)
The above will use the 1st object in the catalogs, which should be the same galaxy, just
observed in different bands. Note that there are multiple keywords for choosing a galaxy from
a catalog; exactly one must be set. In the future we may add more such options, e.g., to
choose at random but accounting for the non-constant weight factors (probabilities for
objects to make it into the training sample).
The flux normalization of the returned object will by default match the original data, scaled to
correspond to a 1 second HST exposure (though see the ``area_norm`` parameter). If you want
a flux appropriate for a longer exposure or telescope with different collecting area, you can
use the `ChromaticObject.withScaledFlux` method on the returned object, or use the ``exptime``
and ``area`` keywords to `ChromaticObject.drawImage`.
Note that while you can also use `ChromaticObject.withFlux`, `ChromaticObject.withMagnitude`,
and `ChromaticObject.withFluxDensity` to set the absolute normalization, these methods
technically adjust the flux of the entire postage stamp image (including noise!) and not
necessarily the flux of the galaxy itself. (These two fluxes will be strongly correlated for
high signal-to-noise ratio galaxies, but may be considerably different at low signal-to-noise
Note that ChromaticRealGalaxy objects use arcsec for the units of their linear dimension. If
you are using a different unit for other things (the PSF, WCS, etc.), then you should dilate the
resulting object with ``gal.dilate(galsim.arcsec / scale_unit)``.
Noise from the original images is propagated by this class, though certain restrictions apply
to when and how that noise is made available. The propagated noise depends on which `Bandpass`
the ChromaticRealGalaxy is being imaged through, so the noise is only available after the
`ChromaticObject.drawImage` method has been called. Also, since ChromaticRealGalaxy will
only produce reasonable images when convolved with a (suitably wide) PSF, the noise attribute is
attached to the `ChromaticConvolution` (or `ChromaticTransformation` of the
`ChromaticConvolution`) which holds as one of its convolutants the `ChromaticRealGalaxy`.::
>>> crg = galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy(...)
>>> psf = ...
>>> obj = galsim.Convolve(crg, psf)
>>> bandpass = galsim.Bandpass(...)
>>> assert not hasattr(obj, 'noise')
>>> image = obj.drawImage(bandpass)
>>> assert hasattr(obj, 'noise')
>>> noise1 = obj.noise
Note that the noise attribute is only associated with the most recently used bandpass. If you
draw another image of the same object using a different bandpass, the noise object will be
>>> bandpass2 = galsim.Bandpass(...)
>>> image2 = obj.drawImage(bandpass2)
>>> assert noise1 != obj.noise
real_galaxy_catalogs: A list of `RealGalaxyCatalog` objects from which to create
`ChromaticRealGalaxy` objects. Each catalog should represent the
same set of galaxies, and in the same order, just imaged through
different filters.
index: Index of the desired galaxy in the catalog. [One of ``index``,
``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
id: Object ID for the desired galaxy in the catalog. [One of ``index``,
``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
random: If True, then just select a completely random galaxy from the
catalog. [One of ``index``, ``id``, or ``random`` is required.]
rng: A random number generator to use for selecting a random galaxy (may
be any kind of `BaseDeviate` or None) and to use in generating any
noise field when padding.
SEDs: An optional list of `SED` instances to use when representing real
galaxies as sums of separable profiles. By default, it will use
``len(real_galaxy_catalogs)`` SEDs that are polynomials in
wavelength. Note that if given, ``len(SEDs)`` must equal
``len(real_galaxy_catalogs)``. [default: None]
k_interpolant: Either an `Interpolant` instance or a string indicating which
k-space interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc',
'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the
integer order to use. We strongly recommend leaving this parameter
at its default value; see text above for details.
[default: galsim.Quintic()]
maxk: Optional maxk argument. If you know you will be convolving the
resulting `ChromaticRealGalaxy` with a "fat" PSF in a subsequent
step, then it can be more efficient to limit the range of Fourier
modes used when solving for the sum of separable profiles below.
[default: None]
pad_factor: Factor by which to internally oversample the Fourier-space images
that represent the `ChromaticRealGalaxy` (equivalent to zero-padding
the real-space profiles). We strongly recommend leaving this
parameter at its default value; see text in Realgalaxy docstring
for details. [default: 4]
noise_pad_size: If provided, the image will be padded out to this size (in arcsec)
with the noise specified in the real galaxy catalog. This is
important if you are planning to whiten the resulting image. You
should make sure that the padded image is larger than the postage
stamp onto which you are drawing this object.
[default: None]
area_norm: Area in cm^2 by which to normalize the flux of the returned object.
When area_norm=1 (the default), using ``exptime=1`` and ``area=1``
arguments in `ChromaticObject.drawImage` (also the default) will
simulate an image with the appropriate number of counts for a 1
second exposure with the original telescope/camera (e.g., with HST
when using the COSMOS catalog).
If you would rather explicitly specify the collecting area of the
telescope when using `ChromaticObject.drawImage` with a
`ChromaticRealGalaxy`, then you should set area_norm equal to the
collecting area of the source catalog telescope when creating the
`ChromaticRealGalaxy` (e.g., area_norm=45238.93416 for HST).
[default: 1]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
logger: A logger object for output of progress statements if the user wants
them. [default: None]
# TODO: SEDs isn't implemented yet in config parser.
_opt_params = { "k_interpolant" : str ,
"maxk" : float,
"pad_factor" : float,
"noise_pad_size" : float,
"area_norm" : float
_single_params = [ { "index" : int , "id" : str , "random" : bool } ]
_takes_rng = True
def __init__(self, real_galaxy_catalogs, index=None, id=None, random=False, rng=None,
gsparams=None, logger=None, **kwargs):
if rng is None:
rng = BaseDeviate()
elif not isinstance(rng, BaseDeviate):
raise TypeError("The rng provided to ChromaticRealGalaxy is not a BaseDeviate")
self.rng = rng
logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) # So don't need to check `if logger:` all the time.
# Get the index to use in the catalog
if index is not None:
if id is not None or random:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Too many methods for selecting a galaxy.", index=index, id=id, random=random)
use_index = index
elif id is not None:
if random:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Too many methods for selecting a galaxy.", id=id, random=random)
use_index = real_galaxy_catalogs[0].getIndexForID(id)
elif random:
uniform_deviate = UniformDeviate(self.rng)
use_index = int(real_galaxy_catalogs[0].nobjects * uniform_deviate())
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"No method specified for selecting a galaxy.", index=index, id=id, random=random)
logger.debug('ChromaticRealGalaxy %d: Start ChromaticRealGalaxy constructor.', use_index)
self.index = use_index
# Read in the galaxy, PSF images; for now, rely on pyfits to make I/O errors.
imgs = [rgc.getGalImage(use_index) for rgc in real_galaxy_catalogs]
logger.debug('ChromaticRealGalaxy %d: Got gal_image', use_index)
PSFs = [rgc.getPSF(use_index) for rgc in real_galaxy_catalogs]
logger.debug('ChromaticRealGalaxy %d: Got psf', use_index)
bands = [rgc.getBandpass() for rgc in real_galaxy_catalogs]
xis = []
for rgc in real_galaxy_catalogs:
noise_image, pixel_scale, var = rgc.getNoiseProperties(use_index)
# Make sure xi image is odd-sized.
if noise_image.array.shape[0] % 2 == 0: #pragma: no branch
bds = noise_image.bounds
new_bds = BoundsI(bds.xmin+1, bds.xmax, bds.ymin+1, bds.ymax)
noise_image = noise_image[new_bds]
ii = InterpolatedImage(noise_image, normalization='sb',
calculate_stepk=False, calculate_maxk=False,
x_interpolant='linear', gsparams=gsparams)
xi = BaseCorrelatedNoise(self.rng, ii, noise_image.wcs)
xi = xi.withVariance(var)
logger.debug('ChromaticRealGalaxy %d: Got noise_image',use_index)
self.catalog_files = [rgc.getFileName() for rgc in real_galaxy_catalogs]
self._initialize(imgs, bands, xis, PSFs, gsparams=gsparams, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def makeFromImages(cls, images, bands, PSFs, xis, **kwargs):
"""Create a `ChromaticRealGalaxy` directly from images, bandpasses, PSFs, and noise
descriptions. See the `ChromaticRealGalaxy` docstring for more information.
images: An iterable of high resolution `Image` instances of a galaxy
through different bandpasses.
bands: An iterable of `Bandpass` objects corresponding to the input
PSFs: Either an iterable of `GSObject` or `ChromaticObject` indicating
the PSFs of the different input images, or potentially a single
`GSObject` or `ChromaticObject` that will be used as the PSF for
all images.
xis: An iterable of `BaseCorrelatedNoise` objects characterizing the
noise in the input images.
SEDs: An optional list of `SED` instances to use when representing real
galaxies as sums of separable profiles. By default, it will use
``len(images)`` SEDs that are polynomials in wavelength. Note that
if given, ``len(SEDs)`` must equal ``len(images)``. [default: None]
k_interpolant: Either an `Interpolant` instance or a string indicating which
k-space interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc',
'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the
integer order to use. We strongly recommend leaving this parameter
at its default value; see text above for details. [default:
maxk: Optional maxk argument. If you know you will be convolving the
resulting `ChromaticRealGalaxy` with a "fat" PSF in a subsequent
step, then it can be more efficient to limit the range of Fourier
modes used when solving for the sum of separable profiles below.
[default: None]
pad_factor: Factor by which to internally oversample the Fourier-space images
that represent the `ChromaticRealGalaxy` (equivalent to zero-padding
the real-space profiles). We strongly recommend leaving this
parameter at its default value; see text in Realgalaxy docstring
for details. [default: 4]
noise_pad_size: If provided, the image will be padded out to this size (in arcsec)
with the noise specified in the real galaxy catalog. This is
important if you are planning to whiten the resulting image. You
should make sure that the padded image is larger than the postage
stamp onto which you are drawing this object.
[default: None]
area_norm: Area in cm^2 by which to normalize the flux of the returned object.
When area_norm=1 (the default), using ``exptime=1`` and ``area=1``
arguments in `ChromaticObject.drawImage` (also the default) will
simulate an image with the appropriate number of counts for a 1
second exposure with the original telescope/camera (e.g., with HST
when using the COSMOS catalog).
If you would rather explicitly specify the collecting area of the
telescope when using `ChromaticObject.drawImage` with a
`ChromaticRealGalaxy`, then you should set area_norm equal to the
collecting area of the source catalog telescope when creating the
`ChromaticRealGalaxy` (e.g., area_norm=45238.93416 for HST).
[default: 1]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
logger: A logger object for output of progress statements if the user wants
them. [default: None]
if not hasattr(PSFs, '__iter__'):
PSFs = [PSFs]*len(images)
obj = cls.__new__(cls)
obj.index = None
obj.catalog_files = None
obj.rng = kwargs.pop('rng', BaseDeviate())
if len(images) != len(bands) or len(images) != len(xis) or len(images) != len(PSFs):
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"The number of images, bands, xis, and PSFs must match.",
images=images, bands=bands, xis=xis, PSFs=PSFs)
obj._initialize(images, bands, xis, PSFs, **kwargs)
return obj
def _initialize(self, imgs, bands, xis, PSFs,
SEDs=None, k_interpolant=None, maxk=None, pad_factor=4., area_norm=1.0,
noise_pad_size=0, gsparams=None):
if SEDs is None:
SEDs = self._poly_SEDs(bands)
elif len(SEDs) > len(imgs):
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"The number of SEDs must be <= the number of images",
images=imgs, SEDs=SEDs)
self.SEDs = SEDs
if k_interpolant is None:
k_interpolant = Quintic()
k_interpolant = convert_interpolant(k_interpolant)
self._area_norm = area_norm
self._k_interpolant = k_interpolant
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
NSED = len(self.SEDs)
Nim = len(imgs)
#assert Nim == len(bands)
#assert Nim == len(xis)
#assert Nim == len(PSFs)
#assert Nim >= NSED
if area_norm != 1.0:
imgs = [img/area_norm for img in imgs]
xis = [xi/area_norm**2 for xi in xis]
# Need to sample three different types of objects on the same Fourier grid: the input
# effective PSFs, the input images, and the input correlation-functions/power-spectra.
# There are quite a few potential options for implementing this Fourier sampling. Some
# examples include:
# * draw object in real space, interpolate onto the real-space grid conjugate to the
# desired Fourier-space grid and then DFT with numpy.fft methods.
# * Use numpy.fft methods on pre-sampled real-space input (like the input images), then
# use an InterpolatedKImage object to regrid onto desired Fourier grid.
# * Create an InterpolatedImage from pre-sampled input then use drawKImage to directly
# sample on desired Fourier grid.
# I'm sure there are other options too. The options chosen below were chosen empirically
# based on tests of propagating both (chromatic) galaxy images and images of pure noise.
# Select maxk by requiring modes to be resolved both by the marginal PSFs (i.e., the
# achromatic PSFs obtained by evaluating the chromatic PSF at the blue and red edges of
# each of the filters provided) and also by the input images' pixel scales.
img_maxk = np.min([np.pi/img.scale for img in imgs])
marginal_PSFs = [PSF.evaluateAtWavelength(band.blue_limit)
for PSF in PSFs for band in bands]
marginal_PSFs += [PSF.evaluateAtWavelength(band.red_limit)
for PSF in PSFs for band in bands]
psf_maxk = np.min([p.maxk for p in marginal_PSFs])
# In practice, the output PSF should almost always cut off at smaller maxk than obtained
# above. In this case, the user can set the maxk keyword argument for improved efficiency.
if maxk is None:
maxk = np.min([img_maxk, psf_maxk])
maxk = np.min([img_maxk, psf_maxk, maxk])
# Setting stepk is trickier. We'll assume that the postage stamp inputs are already at the
# critical size to avoid significant aliasing and use the implied stepk. We'll insist that
# the WCS is a simple PixelScale. We'll also use the same trick that InterpolatedImage
# uses to improve accuracy, namely, increase the Fourier-space resolution a factor of
# `pad_factor`.
stepk = np.min([2*np.pi/(img.scale*max(img.array.shape))/pad_factor for img in imgs])
nk = 2*int(np.floor(maxk/stepk))
# Create Fourier-space kimages of effective PSFs
PSF_eff_kimgs = np.empty((Nim, NSED, nk, nk), dtype=np.complex128)
for i, (img, band, PSF) in enumerate(zip(imgs, bands, PSFs)):
for j, sed in enumerate(self.SEDs):
# assume that PSF already includes pixel, so don't convolve one in again.
PSF_eff_kimgs[i, j] = (PSF * sed).drawKImage(band, nx=nk, ny=nk, scale=stepk).array
# Get Fourier-space representations of input imgs.
kimgs = np.empty((Nim, nk, nk), dtype=np.complex128)
if noise_pad_size == 0:
noise_pad = 0.
for i, (img, xi) in enumerate(zip(imgs, xis)):
if noise_pad_size != 0:
noise_pad = xi
ii = InterpolatedImage(img, noise_pad_size=noise_pad_size, noise_pad=noise_pad,
rng=self.rng, pad_factor=pad_factor)
kimgs[i] = ii.drawKImage(nx=nk, ny=nk, scale=stepk).array
# Setup input noise power spectra
pks = np.empty((Nim, nk, nk), dtype=np.float64)
for i, (img, xi) in enumerate(zip(imgs, xis)):
pks[i] = xi.drawKImage(nx=nk, ny=nk, scale=stepk).array.real / xi.wcs.pixelArea()
ny, nx = img.array.shape
pks[i] *= nx * ny
w = 1./np.sqrt(pks)
# Allocate and fill output coefficients and covariances.
# Note: put NSED axis last, since significantly faster to compute them this way,
# even though we eventually convert to images which are strided in this format.
coef = np.zeros((nk, nk, NSED), dtype=np.complex128)
Sigma = np.empty((nk, nk, NSED, NSED), dtype=np.complex128)
# Solve the weighted linear least squares problem for each Fourier mode. This is
# effectively a constrained chromatic deconvolution. Take advantage of symmetries.
_coef = coef.__array_interface__['data'][0]
_Sigma = Sigma.__array_interface__['data'][0]
_w = w.__array_interface__['data'][0]
_kimgs = kimgs.__array_interface__['data'][0]
_psf = PSF_eff_kimgs.__array_interface__['data'][0]
_galsim.ComputeCRGCoefficients(_coef, _Sigma, _w, _kimgs, _psf, NSED, Nim, nk, nk)
# Reorder these so they correspond to (NSED, nky, nkx) and (NSED, NSED, nky, nkx) shapes.
coef = np.transpose(coef, (2,0,1))
Sigma = np.transpose(Sigma, (2,3,0,1))
# Set up obj_list as required of ChromaticSum subclass.
obj_list = []
for i, sed in enumerate(self.SEDs):
obj_list.append(sed * _InterpolatedKImage(
ImageCD(coef[i], scale=stepk),
Sigma_dict = {}
for i in range(NSED):
for j in range(i, NSED):
obj = _InterpolatedKImage(
ImageCD(Sigma[i, j], scale=stepk),
obj /= (imgs[0].array.shape[0] * imgs[0].array.shape[1] * imgs[0].scale**2)
Sigma_dict[(i, j)] = obj
self.covspec = CovarianceSpectrum(Sigma_dict, self.SEDs)
ChromaticSum.__init__(self, obj_list)
def _poly_SEDs(bands):
# Use polynomial SEDs by default; up to the number of bands provided.
waves = []
for bp in bands:
waves = merge_sorted([waves, bp.wave_list])
SEDs = []
for i in range(len(bands)):
SED(LookupTable(waves, waves**i, interpolant='linear'), 'nm', 'fphotons')
.withFlux(1.0, bands[0]))
return SEDs
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, ChromaticRealGalaxy) and
self.catalog_files == other.catalog_files and
self.index == other.index and
self.SEDs == other.SEDs and
self._k_interpolant == other._k_interpolant and
self._area_norm == other._area_norm and
self._gsparams == other._gsparams))
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy", tuple(self.catalog_files), self.index,
tuple(self.SEDs), self._k_interpolant, self._area_norm, self._gsparams))
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy(%r, index=%r)"%(self.catalog_files, self.index)
def __repr__(self):
return ("galsim.ChromaticRealGalaxy(%r, SEDs=%r, index=%r, k_interpolant=%r, "
"area_norm=%r, gsparams=%r)"%(self.catalog_files, self.SEDs, self.index,
self._k_interpolant, self._area_norm, self._gsparams))
# Put this at the bottom to avoid circular import error.
from .config import LoggerWrapper