Source code for galsim.second_kick

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__all__ = [ 'SecondKick' ]

import astropy.units as u

from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .angle import arcsec, AngleUnit, radians
from .deltafunction import DeltaFunction

[docs]class SecondKick(GSObject): """Class describing the expectation value of the high-k turbulence portion of an atmospheric PSF convolved by an `Airy` PSF. The power spectrum of atmospheric phase fluctuations is assumed to follow the von Karman prescription, but possibly modified by the addition of a critical scale below which the power is zero. (See the `VonKarman` docstring for more details). As an expectation value, this profile is formally only exact in the infinite-exposure limit. However, at least for large apertures, we have found that this expectation value is approached rapidly, and can be applied for even fairly small exposure times. The intended use for this profile is as a correction to applying the geometric approximation to `PhaseScreenPSF` objects when drawing using geometric photon shooting. In this case, the `PhaseScreenPSF` will simulate the effects of the low frequency turbulence modes, which can be treated purely using refraction, while the SecondKick handles the high frequency modes. The geometric approximation is only valid for length scales larger than some critical scale where the effects of interference are unimportant. For smaller length scales, interference (diffraction) must be handled using an optical paradigm that acknowledges the wave nature of light, such as Fourier optics. Fourier optics calculations are many orders of magnitude slower than geometric optics calculations for typical flux levels, however, so we implement a scale-splitting algorithm first described in Peterson et al. (2015) for the LSST PhoSim package. Essentially, phase fluctuations below a critical mode in Fourier space, labeled ``kcrit``, are handled by the fast geometric optics calculations present in `PhaseScreenPSF`. Fluctuations for Fourier modes above ``kcrit`` are then calculated analytically by SecondKick. Because very many oscillations of these high-k modes both fit within a given telescope aperture and pass by the aperture during a moderate length exposure time, we can use the same analytic expectation value calculation for the high-k component of all PSFs across a field of view, thus incurring the somewhat expensive calculation for Fourier optics only once. There are two limiting cases for this profile that may helpful for readers trying to understand how this class works. When kcrit = 0, then all turbulent modes are included, and this surface brightness profile becomes identical to the convolution of an `Airy` profile and a Von Karman profile. In contrast, when kcrit = inf, then none of the turbulent modes are included, and this surface brightness profile is just an `Airy` profile. In other words, the full effect of an `Airy` profile, and additionally some portion (which depends on kcrit) of a `VonKarman` profile are modeled. For more details, we refer the reader to the original implementation described in Peterson et al. 2015 ApJSS vol. 218 Parameters: lam: Wavelength, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in nanometers. r0: Fried parameter, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in meters. diam: Aperture diameter, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in nanmeters. obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0] kcrit: Critical Fourier mode (in units of 1/r0) below which the turbulence power spectrum will be truncated. [default: 0.2] flux: The flux (in photons/cm^2/s) of the profile. [default: 1] scale_unit: Units assumed when drawing this profile or evaluating xValue, kValue, etc. Should be a `galsim.AngleUnit` or a string that can be used to construct one (e.g., 'arcsec', 'radians', etc.). [default: galsim.arcsec] gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] """ _req_params = { "lam" : (float, u.Quantity), "r0" : (float, u.Quantity), "diam" : (float, u.Quantity), } _opt_params = { "obscuration" : float, "kcrit" : float, "flux" : float, "scale_unit" : str } _has_hard_edges = False _is_axisymmetric = True _is_analytic_x = False _is_analytic_k = True def __init__(self, lam, r0, diam, obscuration=0, kcrit=0.2, flux=1, scale_unit=arcsec, gsparams=None): if isinstance(lam, u.Quantity): lam = lam.to_value(u.nm) if isinstance(r0, u.Quantity): r0 = r0.to_value(u.m) if isinstance(diam, u.Quantity): diam = diam.to_value(u.m) if isinstance(scale_unit, str): self._scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit) else: self._scale_unit = scale_unit self._scale = radians / self._scale_unit self._flux = float(flux) self._r0 = float(r0) self._lam = float(lam) self._diam = float(diam) self._obscuration = float(obscuration) self._kcrit = float(kcrit) self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams) @lazy_property def _sbs(self): lam_over_r0 = (1.e-9*self._lam/self._r0)*self._scale return _galsim.SBSecondKick(lam_over_r0, self._kcrit, self._flux, self._gsparams._gsp) @lazy_property def _sba(self): lam_over_diam = (1.e-9*self._lam/self._diam)*self._scale return _galsim.SBAiry(lam_over_diam, self._obscuration, 1., self._gsparams._gsp) @lazy_property def _sbd(self): return _galsim.SBDeltaFunction(self._sbs.getDelta(), self._gsparams._gsp) @lazy_property def _sbp(self): full_sbs = _galsim.SBAdd([self._sbs, self._sbd], self._gsparams._gsp) return _galsim.SBConvolve([full_sbs, self._sba], False, self._gsparams._gsp) @property def lam(self): """The input lam value. """ return self._lam @property def r0(self): """The input r0 value. """ return self._r0; @property def diam(self): """The input diam value. """ return self._diam; @property def obscuration(self): """The input obscuration value. """ return self._obscuration; @property def kcrit(self): """The input kcrit value. """ return self._kcrit; @property def scale_unit(self): """The input scale_unit value. """ return self._scale_unit def _structure_function(self, rho): return self._sbs.structureFunction(rho) def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, SecondKick) and self.lam == other.lam and self.r0 == other.r0 and self.diam == other.diam and self.obscuration == other.obscuration and self.kcrit == other.kcrit and self.flux == other.flux and self.scale_unit == other.scale_unit and self.gsparams == other.gsparams)) def __hash__(self): return hash(("galsim.SecondKick", self.lam, self.r0, self.diam, self.obscuration, self.kcrit, self.flux, self.scale_unit, self.gsparams)) def __repr__(self): out = "galsim.SecondKick(" out += "lam=%r"%self.lam out += ", r0=%r"%self.r0 out += ", diam=%r"%self.diam if self.obscuration != 0.0: out += ", obscuration=%r"%self.obscuration out += ", kcrit=%r"%self.kcrit if self.flux != 1: out += ", flux=%r"%self.flux if self.scale_unit != arcsec: out += ", scale_unit=%r"%self.scale_unit out += ", gsparams=%r)"%self.gsparams return out def __str__(self): return "galsim.SecondKick(lam=%r, r0=%r, kcrit=%r)"%(self.lam, self.r0, self.kcrit) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('_sbp',None) d.pop('_sba',None) d.pop('_sbd',None) d.pop('_sbs',None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d @property def _maxk(self): return self._sbp.maxK() @property def _stepk(self): return self._sbp.stepK() @property def _max_sb(self): return DeltaFunction._mock_inf def _xValue(self, pos): return self._sbp.xValue(pos._p) def _kValue(self, kpos): return self._sbp.kValue(kpos._p) def _shoot(self, photons, rng): self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng) def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit def withFlux(self, flux): return SecondKick(lam=self.lam, r0=self.r0, diam=self.diam, obscuration=self.obscuration, kcrit=self.kcrit, flux=flux, scale_unit=self.scale_unit, gsparams=self.gsparams)