# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
__all__ = [ 'Sensor', 'SiliconSensor' ]
import numpy as np
import glob
import os
from . import _galsim
from .table import LookupTable
from .position import PositionI, PositionD
from .table import LookupTable
from .random import UniformDeviate
from . import meta_data
from .errors import GalSimUndefinedBoundsError, GalSimError
from .wcs import PixelScale
[docs]class Sensor:
The base class for other sensor models, and also an implementation of the simplest possible
sensor model that just converts each photon into an electron and drops it in the appropriate
def __init__(self):
[docs] def accumulate(self, photons, image, orig_center=None, resume=False):
"""Accumulate the photons incident at the surface of the sensor into the appropriate
pixels in the image.
Each photon has a position, which corresponds to the (x,y) position at the top of the
sensor. In general, they may also have incidence directions and wavelengths, although
these are not used by the base class implementation.
The base class implementation simply accumulates the photons above each pixel into that
photons: A `PhotonArray` instance describing the incident photons.
image: The `Image` into which the photons should be accumuated.
orig_center: The `Position` of the (0,0) point in the original image coordinates.
[default: (0,0)]
resume: Resume accumulating on the same image as a previous call to accumulate.
In the base class, this has no effect, but it can provide an efficiency
gain for some derived classes. [default: False]
the total flux that fell onto the image.
if not image.bounds.isDefined():
raise GalSimUndefinedBoundsError("Calling accumulate on image with undefined bounds")
return photons.addTo(image)
[docs] def calculate_pixel_areas(self, image, orig_center=PositionI(0,0), use_flux=True):
"""Return the pixel areas according to the given sensor.
If the pixels are all the same size, then this should just return 1.0.
But if the pixels vary in size, it should return an Image with the pixel areas
relative to the nominal pixel size. The input image gives the flux values if relevant
(e.g. to set the current levels of the brighter-fatter distortions).
The returned image will have the same size and bounds as the input image, and will have
for its flux values the net pixel area for each pixel according to the sensor model.
image: The `Image` with the current flux values.
orig_center: The `Position` of the (0,0) point in the original image coordinates.
[default: (0,0)]
use_flux: Whether to properly handle the current flux in the image (True) or
to just calculate the pixel areas for a zero-flux image (False).
[default: True]
either 1.0 or an `Image` with the pixel areas
(The base class return 1.0.)
return 1.
def updateRNG(self, rng):
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.Sensor()'
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, Sensor) and
repr(self) == repr(other))) # Checks that neither is a subclass
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class SiliconSensor(Sensor):
A model of a silicon-based CCD sensor that converts photons to electrons at a wavelength-
dependent depth (probabilistically) and drifts them down to the wells, properly taking
into account the repulsion of previously accumulated electrons (known as the brighter-fatter
There are currently four up-to-date sensors shipped with GalSim, which you can specify as the
``name`` parameter mentioned below. The _50_ indicates 50V back-bias.
The ITL sensor being used for LSST, using 8 points along each side of the
pixel boundaries.
The ITL sensor being used for LSST, using 32 points along each side of the
pixel boundaries. (This is more accurate than the lsst_itl_8, but slower.)
The E2V sensor being used for LSST, using 8 points along each side of the
pixel boundaries.
The E2V sensor being used for LSST, using 32 points along each side of the
pixel boundaries. (This is more accurate than the lsst_e2v_8, but slower.)
The SiliconSensor model is asymmetric in the behavior along rows and columns in the CCD.
The traditional meaning of (x,y) is (col,row), and the brighter-fatter effect is stronger
along the columns than across the rows, since charge flows more easily in the readout
There is also an option to include "tree rings" in the SiliconSensor model, which add small
distortions to the sensor pixel positions due to non-uniform background doping in the silicon
sensor. The tree rings are defined by a center and a radial amplitude function. The radial
function needs to be a `galsim.LookupTable` instance. Note that if you just want a simple
cosine radial function, you can use the helper class method `simple_treerings` to build the
`LookupTable` for you.
Note that there is an option to transpose the effect if your definition of the image is to
have the readout "columns" along the x direction. E.g. to conform with the LSST Camera
Coordinate System definitions of x,y, which are transposed relative to the usual FITS meanings.
This only affects the direction of the brighter-fatter effect. It does not change the meaning
of treering_center, which should still be defined in terms of the coordinate system of the
images being passed to `accumulate`.
name: The base name of the files which contains the sensor information,
presumably calculated from the Poisson_CCD simulator, which may
be specified either as an absolute path or as one of the above names
that are in the ``galsim.meta_data.share_dir/sensors`` directory.
name.cfg should be the file used to simulate the pixel distortions,
and name.dat should containt the distorted pixel information.
[default: 'lsst_itl_50_8']
strength: Set the strength of the brighter-fatter effect relative to the
amount specified by the Poisson simulation results. [default: 1]
rng: A `BaseDeviate` object to use for the random number generation
for the stochastic aspects of the electron production and drift.
[default: None, in which case one will be made for you]
diffusion_factor: A factor by which to multiply the diffusion. Use 0.0 to turn off the
effect of diffusion entirely. [default: 1.0]
qdist: The maximum number of pixels away to calculate the distortion due to
the charge accumulation. A large value will increase accuracy but
take more time. If it is increased larger than 4, the size of the
Poisson simulation must be increased to match. [default: 3]
nrecalc: The number of electrons to accumulate before recalculating the
distortion of the pixel shapes. If this is 0, then no automatic
recalculations are done during an accumulation. Coupled with
resume=True and recalc=True options, this allows the user to fully
control when recalculations happen. [default: 10000]
treering_func: A `LookupTable` giving the tree ring pattern f(r). [default: None]
treering_center: A `PositionD` object with the center of the tree ring pattern in pixel
coordinates, which may be outside the pixel region. [default: None;
required if treering_func is provided]
transpose: Transpose the meaning of (x,y) so the brighter-fatter effect is
stronger along the x direction. [default: False]
_opt_params = { 'name' : str, 'strength' : float, 'diffusion_factor' : float,
'qdist' : int, 'nrecalc' : float, 'transpose' : bool,
'treering_func' : LookupTable, 'treering_center' : PositionD }
_takes_rng = True
def __init__(self, name='lsst_itl_50_8', strength=1.0, rng=None, diffusion_factor=1.0, qdist=3,
nrecalc=10000, treering_func=None, treering_center=PositionD(0,0),
self.name = name
self.strength = float(strength)
self.rng = UniformDeviate(rng)
self.diffusion_factor = float(diffusion_factor)
self.qdist = int(qdist)
self.nrecalc = float(nrecalc)
self.treering_func = treering_func
self.treering_center = treering_center
self.transpose = bool(transpose)
self._last_image = None
self.config_file = name + '.cfg'
self.vertex_file = name + '.dat'
if not os.path.isfile(self.config_file):
cfg_file = os.path.join(meta_data.share_dir, 'sensors', self.config_file)
if not os.path.isfile(cfg_file):
raise OSError("Cannot locate file %s or %s"%(self.config_file, cfg_file))
self.config_file = cfg_file
self.vertex_file = os.path.join(meta_data.share_dir, 'sensors', self.vertex_file)
if not os.path.isfile(self.vertex_file): # pragma: no cover
raise OSError("Cannot locate vertex file %s"%(self.vertex_file))
self.config = self._read_config_file(self.config_file)
# Get the Tree ring radial function, if it exists
if treering_func is None:
# This is a dummy table in the case where no function is specified
# A bit kludgy, but it works
self.treering_func = LookupTable(x=[0.0,1.0], f=[0.0,0.0], interpolant='linear')
elif not isinstance(treering_func, LookupTable):
raise TypeError("treering_func must be a galsim.LookupTable")
if not isinstance(treering_center, PositionD):
raise TypeError("treering_center must be a galsim.PositionD")
# Now we read in the absorption length table:
abs_file = os.path.join(meta_data.share_dir, 'sensors', 'abs_length.dat')
def _init_silicon(self):
diff_step = self._calculate_diff_step() * self.diffusion_factor
NumVertices = self.config['NumVertices']
Nx = self.config['PixelBoundaryNx']
Ny = self.config['PixelBoundaryNy']
# This parameter may be either PixelSize or PixelSizeX.
PixelSize = self.config['PixelSizeX']
SensorThickness = self.config['SensorThickness']
num_elec = float(self.config['CollectedCharge_0_0']) / self.strength
# Scale this too, especially important if strength >> 1
self.effective_nrecalc = float(self.nrecalc) / self.strength
vertex_data = np.loadtxt(self.vertex_file, skiprows = 1)
if vertex_data.shape != (Nx * Ny * (4 * NumVertices + 4), 5): # pragma: no cover
raise OSError("Vertex file %s does not match config file %s"%(
self.vertex_file, self.config_file))
_vertex_data = vertex_data.__array_interface__['data'][0]
self._silicon = _galsim.Silicon(NumVertices, num_elec, Nx, Ny, self.qdist,
diff_step, PixelSize, SensorThickness, _vertex_data,
self.treering_func._tab, self.treering_center._p,
self.abs_length_table._tab, self.transpose)
def updateRNG(self, rng):
def __str__(self):
s = 'galsim.SiliconSensor(%r'%self.name
if self.strength != 1.: s += ', strength=%f'%self.strength
if self.diffusion_factor != 1.: s += ', diffusion_factor=%f'%self.diffusion_factor
if self.transpose: s += ', transpose=True'
s += ')'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return ('galsim.SiliconSensor(name=%r, strength=%f, rng=%r, diffusion_factor=%f, '
'qdist=%d, nrecalc=%f, treering_func=%r, treering_center=%r, transpose=%r)')%(
self.name, self.strength, self.rng,
self.diffusion_factor, self.qdist, self.nrecalc,
self.treering_func, self.treering_center, self.transpose)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, SiliconSensor) and
self.config == other.config and
self.strength == other.strength and
self.rng == other.rng and
self.diffusion_factor == other.diffusion_factor and
self.qdist == other.qdist and
self.nrecalc == other.nrecalc and
self.treering_func == other.treering_func and
self.treering_center == other.treering_center and
self.transpose == other.transpose))
__hash__ = None
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['_silicon']
d['_last_image'] = None # Don't save this through a serialization.
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
self._init_silicon() # Build the _silicon object.
[docs] def accumulate(self, photons, image, orig_center=PositionI(0,0), resume=False, recalc=False):
"""Accumulate the photons incident at the surface of the sensor into the appropriate
pixels in the image.
photons: A `PhotonArray` instance describing the incident photons
image: The `Image` into which the photons should be accumuated.
orig_center: The `Position` of the (0,0) point in the original image coordinates.
[default: (0,0)]
resume: Resume accumulating on the same image as a previous call to accumulate.
This skips an initial (slow) calculation at the start of the
accumulation to see what flux is already on the image, which can
be more efficient, especially when the number of pixels is large.
[default: False]
recalc: Whether to force a recalculation of the pixel boundaries at the
start. [default: False]
the total flux that fell onto the image.
if resume and image is not self._last_image:
if self._last_image is None:
raise GalSimError("accumulate called with resume, but accumulate has not "
"been been run yet.")
raise GalSimError("accumulate called with resume, but provided image does "
"not match one used in the previous accumulate call.")
self._last_image = image
if not image.bounds.isDefined():
raise GalSimUndefinedBoundsError("Calling accumulate on image with undefined bounds")
# Cases:
# 1. Brand new image.
# - resume=False
# Set image and initialize
# Set nbatch to effective_nrecalc (or all)
# 2. Continuing previous image with recalc according to nrecalc
# - resume=True
# - nrecalc > 0
# Don't initialize image. Use _last_image.
# Set nbatch to how many left in current recalc
# 3. Continuing previous image with manual recalculation
# - resume=True
# - nrecalc = 0
# Don't initialize image. Use _last_image.
# Do an update at the start if recalc=True
# Set nbatch to total photon flux
nphotons = len(photons)
if self.effective_nrecalc == 0:
# Case 3 or 1
nbatch = np.inf # We won't actually use this, but logically this makes sense.
i2 = nphotons
if resume:
self._silicon.initialize(image._image, orig_center._p);
self._accum_flux_since_update = 0.
elif resume:
# Case 2
# The number in this batch is the total per recalc minus the number of photons
# shot in the last pass(es) of this function since being updated.
nbatch = self.effective_nrecalc - self._accum_flux_since_update
i2 = 0
# We also need to subtract off the delta image from the last pass.
# This represents the flux in the image that hasn't updated the pixel boundaries
# yet. So the first accumulate below will continue to add to this, and the whole
# delta image will be added at the end of that call. Thus we remove it now, so it's
# not added twice.
# Case 1
nbatch = self.effective_nrecalc
i2 = 0
self._silicon.initialize(image._image, orig_center._p);
self._accum_flux_since_update = 0
if resume and recalc:
self._accum_flux_since_update = 0
i1 = 0
# added_flux is how much flux acctually lands on the sensor.
# accum_flux is how much flux is in the photons that we have accumulated so far.
# cumsum_flux is an array with the cumulate sum of the photon fluxes in the photon array.
added_flux = accum_flux = 0.
cumsum_flux = np.cumsum(photons.flux)
while i1 < nphotons:
if i2 == 0:
i2 = np.searchsorted(cumsum_flux, accum_flux+nbatch) + 1
i2 = min(i2, nphotons)
added_flux += self._silicon.accumulate(photons._pa, i1, i2, self.rng._rng, image._image)
if i2 < nphotons:
nbatch = self.effective_nrecalc # In case the first pass was a resume
accum_flux = cumsum_flux[i2-1]
self._accum_flux_since_update = 0.
self._accum_flux_since_update += cumsum_flux[-1] - accum_flux
i1 = i2
i2 = 0
# On the last pass, we don't update the pixel positions, but we do need to add the
# current running delta image to the full image.
return added_flux
[docs] def calculate_pixel_areas(self, image, orig_center=PositionI(0,0), use_flux=True):
"""Create an image with the corresponding pixel areas according to the `SiliconSensor`
The input image gives the flux values used to set the current levels of the brighter-fatter
The returned image will have the same size and bounds as the input image, and will have
for its flux values the net pixel area for each pixel according to the `SiliconSensor`
Note: The areas here are in units of the nominal pixel area. This does not account for
any conversion from pixels to sky units using the image wcs (if any).
image: The `Image` with the current flux values.
orig_center: The `Position` of the (0,0) point in the original image coordinates.
[default: (0,0)]
use_flux: Whether to properly handle the current flux in the image (True) or
to just calculate the pixel areas for a zero-flux image (False).
[default: True] (Note that use_flux=True potentially uses a lot of
an `Image` with the pixel areas
area_image = image.copy()
area_image.wcs = PixelScale(1.0)
self._silicon.fill_with_pixel_areas(area_image._image, orig_center._p, use_flux)
return area_image
def _read_config_file(self, filename):
# This reads the Poisson simulator config file for
# the settings that were run
# and returns a dictionary with the values
with open(filename,'r') as file:
lines = [ l.strip() for l in lines ]
lines = [ l.split() for l in lines if len(l) > 0 and l[0] != '#' ]
if any([l[1] != '=' for l in lines]): # pragma: no cover
raise OSError("Error reading config file %s"%filename)
config = dict([(l[0], l[2]) for l in lines])
# convert strings to int or float values when appropriate
for k in config:
config[k] = eval(config[k])
except (SyntaxError, NameError):
return config
def _read_abs_length(self, filename):
# This reads in a table of absorption
# length vs wavelength in Si.
# The ipython notebook that created the data
# file from astropy is in the same directory
# in share/sensors/absorption
abs_data = np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows = 1)
xarray = abs_data[:,0]
farray = abs_data[:,1]
table = LookupTable(x=xarray, f=farray, interpolant='linear')
self.abs_length_table = table
def _calculate_diff_step(self):
NumPhases = self.config['NumPhases']
CollectingPhases = self.config['CollectingPhases']
# I'm assuming square pixels for now.
PixelSize = self.config['PixelSizeX']
SensorThickness = self.config['SensorThickness']
ChannelStopWidth = self.config['ChannelStopWidth']
FieldOxideTaper = self.config["FieldOxideTaper"]
Vbb = self.config['Vbb']
Vparallel_lo = self.config['Vparallel_lo']
Vparallel_hi = self.config['Vparallel_hi']
qfh = self.config["qfh"]
CCDTemperature = self.config['CCDTemperature']
# This calculates the diffusion step size given the detector
# parameters. The diffusion step size is the mean radius of diffusion
# assuming the electron propagates the full width of the sensor.
# It depends on the temperature, the sensor voltages, and
# the diffusion_factor parameter.
# The diffusion sigma will be scaled in Silicon.cpp
# depending on the conversion depth
# Set up the diffusion step size at the operating temperature
# First, calculate the approximate front side voltage
VChannelStop = qfh # near zero
VCollect = Vparallel_hi + 12.0 # Estimate from simulation
VBarrier = Vparallel_lo + 15.0 # Estimate from simulation
ChannelStopRegionWidth = 2.0 * (ChannelStopWidth / 2.0 + FieldOxideTaper)
ChannelStopRegionArea = ChannelStopRegionWidth * PixelSize
CollectArea = (PixelSize - ChannelStopRegionWidth) * PixelSize * CollectingPhases / NumPhases
BarrierArea = (PixelSize - ChannelStopRegionWidth) * PixelSize * (NumPhases - CollectingPhases) / NumPhases
Vfront = (ChannelStopRegionArea * VChannelStop + CollectArea * VCollect + BarrierArea * VBarrier) / (PixelSize**2)
# Then, the total voltage across the silicon
Vdiff = max(Vfront - Vbb, 1.0) # This just makes sure that Vdiff is always > 1.0V
MobilityFactor = 0.27 # This is the factor from Green et.al.
# 0.026 is kT/q at room temp (298 K)
diff_step = np.sqrt(2 * 0.026 * CCDTemperature / 298.0 / Vdiff / MobilityFactor) * SensorThickness
return diff_step
[docs] @classmethod
def simple_treerings(cls, amplitude=0.5, period=100., r_max=8000., dr=None):
r"""Make a simple sinusoidal tree ring pattern that can be used as the ``treering_func``
parameter of `SiliconSensor`.
The functional form is :math:`f(r) = A \cos(2 \pi r/P)` where :math:`A` is the
``amplitude`` and :math:`P` is the ``period``.
amplitude: The amplitude of the tree ring pattern distortion. Typically
this is less than 0.01 pixels. [default: 0.5]
period: The period of the tree ring distortion pattern, in pixels.
[default: 100.]
r_max: The maximum value of r to store in the lookup table. [default: 8000]
dr: The spacing to use for the r values. [default: period/100]
k = 2.*np.pi/float(period)
func = lambda r: amplitude * np.cos(k * r)
if dr is None:
dr = period/100.
npoints = int(r_max / dr) + 1
return LookupTable.from_func(func, x_min=0., x_max=r_max, npoints=npoints)