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# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
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__all__ = [ 'Spergel' ]
import numpy as np
import math
from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .errors import GalSimRangeError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, convert_cpp_errors
[docs]class Spergel(GSObject):
r"""A class describing a Spergel profile.
The Spergel surface brightness profile is characterized by three properties: its Spergel index
``nu``, its ``flux``, and either the ``half_light_radius`` or ``scale_radius``. Given these
properties, the surface brightness profile scales as
.. math::
I(r) \sim \left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)^\nu K_\nu\left(\frac{r}{r_0}\right)
where :math:`r_0` is the ``scale_radius`` and :math:`K_\nu` is the modified Bessel function of
the second kind.
The Spergel profile is intended as a generic galaxy profile, somewhat like a `Sersic` profile,
but with the advantage of being analytic in both real space and Fourier space. The Spergel
index :math:`\nu` plays a similar role to the Sersic index :math:`n`, in that it adjusts the
relative peakiness of the profile core and the relative prominence of the profile wings.
At :math:`\nu = 0.5`, the Spergel profile is equivalent to an `Exponential` profile (or
alternatively an :math`n = 1` `Sersic` profile). At :math:`\nu = -0.6` (and in the radial
range near the half-light radius), the Spergel profile is similar to a `DeVaucouleurs` profile
or :math:`n = 4` `Sersic` profile.
Note that for :math:`\nu <= 0`, the Spergel profile surface brightness diverges at the origin.
This may lead to rendering problems if the profile is not convolved by either a PSF or a pixel
and the profile center is precisely on a pixel center.
Due to its analytic Fourier transform and depending on the indices :math:`n` and :math:`\nu`,
the Spergel profile can be considerably faster to draw than the roughly equivalent `Sersic`
profile. For example, the :math:`\nu = -0.6` Spergel profile is roughly 3x faster to draw than
an :math:`n = 4` `Sersic` profile once the `Sersic` profile cache has been set up. However, if
not taking advantage of the cache, for example, if drawing `Sersic` profiles with :math:`n`
continuously varying near 4.0 and Spergel profiles with :math:`\nu` continuously varying near
-0.6, then the Spergel profiles are about 50x faster to draw. At the other end of the galaxy
profile spectrum, the :math:`\nu = 0.5` Spergel profile, :math:`n = 1` `Sersic` profile, and
the `Exponential` profile all take about the same amount of time to draw if cached, and the
Spergel profile is about 2x faster than the `Sersic` profile if uncached.
For more information, refer to
ASTROPHYS J SUPPL S 191(1), 58-65 (2010) [doi:10.1088/0067-0049/191/1/58].
The allowed range of values for the ``nu`` parameter is -0.85 <= ``nu`` <= 4. An exception
will be thrown if you provide a value outside that range. The lower limit is set above the
theoretical lower limit of -1 due to numerical difficulties integrating the *very* peaky
``nu`` < -0.85 profiles. The upper limit is set to avoid numerical difficulties evaluating the
modified Bessel function of the second kind.
A Spergel profile can be initialized using one (and only one) of two possible size parameters:
``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius``. Exactly one of these two is required.
nu: The Spergel index, nu.
half_light_radius: The half-light radius of the profile. Typically given in arcsec.
[One of ``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius`` is required.]
scale_radius: The scale radius of the profile. Typically given in arcsec.
[One of ``scale_radius`` or ``half_light_radius`` is required.]
flux: The flux (in photons/cm^2/s) of the profile. [default: 1]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
_req_params = { "nu" : float }
_opt_params = { "flux" : float}
_single_params = [ { "scale_radius" : float , "half_light_radius" : float } ]
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_axisymmetric = True
_is_analytic_x = True
_is_analytic_k = True
# Constrain range of allowed Spergel index nu. Spergel (2010) Table 1 lists values of nu
# from -0.9 to +0.85. We found that nu = -0.9 is too tricky for the GKP integrator to
# handle, however, so the lower limit is -0.85 instead. The upper limit is set by the
# cyl_bessel_k function, which runs into overflow errors for nu larger than about 4.0.
_minimum_nu = -0.85
_maximum_nu = 4.0
def __init__(self, nu, half_light_radius=None, scale_radius=None,
flux=1., gsparams=None):
self._nu = float(nu)
self._flux = float(flux)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
if self._nu < Spergel._minimum_nu:
raise GalSimRangeError("Requested Spergel index is too small",
self._nu, Spergel._minimum_nu, Spergel._maximum_nu)
if self._nu > Spergel._maximum_nu:
raise GalSimRangeError("Requested Spergel index is too large",
self._nu, Spergel._minimum_nu, Spergel._maximum_nu)
# Parse the radius options
if half_light_radius is not None:
if scale_radius is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Only one of scale_radius or half_light_radius may be specified",
half_light_radius=half_light_radius, scale_radius=scale_radius)
self._hlr = float(half_light_radius)
with convert_cpp_errors():
self._r0 = self._hlr / _galsim.SpergelCalculateHLR(self._nu)
elif scale_radius is not None:
self._r0 = float(scale_radius)
self._hlr = 0.
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Either scale_radius or half_light_radius must be specified for Spergel",
half_light_radius=half_light_radius, scale_radius=scale_radius)
def _sbp(self):
with convert_cpp_errors():
return _galsim.SBSpergel(self._nu, self._r0, self._flux, self.gsparams._gsp)
def nu(self):
"""The Spergel index, nu
return self._nu
def scale_radius(self):
"""The scale radius
return self._r0
def half_light_radius(self):
"""The half-light radius
if self._hlr == 0.:
with convert_cpp_errors():
self._hlr = self._r0 * _galsim.SpergelCalculateHLR(self._nu)
return self._hlr
[docs] def calculateIntegratedFlux(self, r):
"""Return the integrated flux out to a given radius, r"""
return self._sbp.calculateIntegratedFlux(float(r))
[docs] def calculateFluxRadius(self, f):
"""Return the radius within which the total flux is f"""
return self._sbp.calculateFluxRadius(float(f))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, Spergel) and
self.nu == other.nu and
self.scale_radius == other.scale_radius and
self.flux == other.flux and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.Spergel", self.nu, self.scale_radius, self.flux, self.gsparams))
def __repr__(self):
return 'galsim.Spergel(nu=%r, scale_radius=%r, flux=%r, gsparams=%r)'%(
self.nu, self.scale_radius, self.flux, self.gsparams)
def __str__(self):
s = 'galsim.Spergel(nu=%s, half_light_radius=%s'%(self.nu, self.half_light_radius)
if self.flux != 1.0:
s += ', flux=%s'%self.flux
s += ')'
return s
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def _maxk(self):
# (1+k^2)^(-1-nu) = maxk_threshold
return math.sqrt(self.gsparams.maxk_threshold ** (-1./(1.+self._nu)) - 1.0) / self._r0
def _stepk(self):
R = self.calculateFluxRadius(1.0 - self.gsparams.folding_threshold)
# Go to at least 5*hlr
R = max(R, self.gsparams.stepk_minimum_hlr * self.half_light_radius)
return math.pi / R
def _max_sb(self):
return self._sbp.maxSB()
def _xValue(self, pos):
return self._sbp.xValue(pos._p)
def _kValue(self, kpos):
ksq = (kpos.x**2 + kpos.y**2) * self._r0**2
return self._flux * (1.+ksq)**(-1.-self._nu)
def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.):
_jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0]
dx,dy = offset
self._sbp.draw(image._image, image.scale, _jac, dx, dy, flux_scaling)
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
_jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0]
self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withFlux(self, flux):
return Spergel(nu=self.nu, scale_radius=self.scale_radius, flux=flux,