Source code for galsim.vonkarman

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# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
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# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
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# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
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__all__ = [ 'VonKarman' ]

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from . import _galsim
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .position import _PositionD
from .angle import arcsec, AngleUnit
from .errors import GalSimError, convert_cpp_errors, galsim_warn
from .errors import GalSimIncompatibleValuesError

[docs]class VonKarman(GSObject): r"""Class describing a von Karman surface brightness profile, which represents a long exposure atmospheric PSF. The difference between the von Karman profile and the related `Kolmogorov` profile is that the von Karman profile includes a parameter for the outer scale of atmospheric turbulence, which is a physical scale beyond which fluctuations in the refractive index stop growing, typically between 10 and 100 meters. Quantitatively, the von Karman phase fluctuation power spectrum at spatial frequency f is proportional to .. math:: P(f) = r_0^{-5/3} \left(f^2 + L_0^{-2}\right)^{-11/6} where :math:`r_0` is the Fried parameter which sets the overall turbulence amplitude and :math:`L_0` is the outer scale in meters. The Kolmogorov power spectrum proportional to :math:`r_0^{-5/3} f^{-11/3}` is recovered as :math:`L_0 \rightarrow \infty`. For more information, we recommend the following references: Martinez et al. 2010 A&A vol. 516 Conan 2008 JOSA vol. 25 .. note:: If one blindly follows the math for converting the von Karman power spectrum into a PSF, one finds that the PSF contains a delta-function at the origin with fractional flux of: .. math:: F_\mathrm{delta} = e^{-0.086 (r_0/L_0)^{-5/3}} In almost all cases of interest this evaluates to something tiny, often on the order of :math:`10^{-100}` or smaller. By default, GalSim will ignore this delta function entirely since it usually doesn't make any difference, but can complicate some calculations like drawing using method='real_space' or by formally requiring huge Fourier transforms for drawing using method='fft'. If for some reason you want to keep the delta function though, then you can pass the do_delta=True argument to the VonKarman initializer. Parameters: lam: Wavelength, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in nanometers. r0: Fried parameter at specified wavelength ``lam``, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in meters. Exactly one of r0 and r0_500 should be specified. r0_500: Fried parameter at 500 nm, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in meters. Exactly one of r0 and r0_500 should be specified. L0: Outer scale, either as an astropy Quantity or a float in meters. [default: 25.0 m] flux: The flux (in photons/cm^2/s) of the profile. [default: 1] scale_unit: Units assumed when drawing this profile or evaluating xValue, kValue, etc. Should be a `galsim.AngleUnit` or a string that can be used to construct one (e.g., 'arcsec', 'radians', etc.). [default: galsim.arcsec] force_stepk: By default, VonKarman will derive a value of stepk from a computed real-space surface brightness profile and gsparams settings. Although this profile is cached for future instantiations of identical VonKarman objects, it is relatively slow to compute for the first instance and can dominate the compute time when drawing many VonKaman's with different parameters using method 'fft', 'sb', or 'no_pixel', a situation that may occur, e.g., in a fitting context. This keyword enables a user to bypass the real-space profile computation by directly specifying a stepk value. Note that if the ``.half_light_radius`` property is queried, or the object is drawn using method 'phot' or 'real_space', then the real-space profile calculation is performed (if not cached) at that point. [default: 0.0, which means do not force a value of stepk] do_delta: Include delta-function at origin? (not recommended; see above). [default: False] suppress_warning: For some combinations of r0 and L0, it may become impossible to satisfy the gsparams.maxk_threshold criterion (see above). In that case, the code will emit a warning alerting the user that they may have entered a non-physical regime. However, this warning can be suppressed with this keyword. [default: False] gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None] """ _req_params = { "lam" : (float, u.Quantity) } _opt_params = { "L0" : (float, u.Quantity), "flux" : float, "scale_unit" : str, "do_delta" : bool } _single_params = [ { "r0" : (float, u.Quantity), "r0_500" : (float, u.Quantity) } ] _has_hard_edges = False _is_axisymmetric = True #_is_analytic_x = True # = not do_delta defined below. _is_analytic_k = True def __init__(self, lam, r0=None, r0_500=None, L0=25.0, flux=1, scale_unit=arcsec, force_stepk=0.0, do_delta=False, suppress_warning=False, gsparams=None): if isinstance(lam, u.Quantity): lam = lam.to_value(u.nm) if isinstance(r0, u.Quantity): r0 = r0.to_value(u.m) if isinstance(r0_500, u.Quantity): r0_500 = r0_500.to_value(u.m) if isinstance(L0, u.Quantity): L0 = L0.to_value(u.m) # We lose stability if L0 gets too large. This should be close enough to infinity for # all practical purposes though. if L0 > 1e10: L0 = 1e10 if r0 is not None and r0_500 is not None: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Only one of r0 and r0_500 may be specified", r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500) if r0 is None and r0_500 is None: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "Either r0 or r0_500 must be specified", r0=r0, r0_500=r0_500) if r0_500 is not None: r0 = r0_500 * (lam/500.)**1.2 if isinstance(scale_unit, str): self._scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit) else: self._scale_unit = scale_unit self._scale = self._scale_unit/arcsec self._lam = float(lam) self._r0 = float(r0) self._L0 = float(L0) self._flux = float(flux) self._do_delta = bool(do_delta) self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams) self._suppress = bool(suppress_warning) self._force_stepk = force_stepk self._sbvk # Make this now, so we get the warning if appropriate. @lazy_property def _sbvk(self): with convert_cpp_errors(): sbvk = _galsim.SBVonKarman(self._lam, self._r0, self._L0, self._flux, self._scale, self._do_delta, self._gsparams._gsp, self._force_stepk) self._delta = sbvk.getDelta() if not self._suppress: if self._delta > self._gsparams.maxk_threshold: galsim_warn("VonKarman delta-function component is larger than maxk_threshold. " "Please see docstring for information about this component and how " "to toggle it.") if self._do_delta: with convert_cpp_errors(): sbvk = _galsim.SBVonKarman(self._lam, self._r0, self._L0, self._flux-self._delta, self._scale, self._do_delta, self._gsparams._gsp, self._force_stepk) return sbvk @lazy_property def _sbp(self): # Add in a delta function with appropriate amplitude if requested. if self._do_delta: sbvk = self._sbvk sbdelta = _galsim.SBDeltaFunction(self._delta, self._gsparams._gsp) return _galsim.SBAdd([sbvk, sbdelta], self._gsparams._gsp) else: return self._sbvk @property def lam(self): """The input lam value. """ return self._lam @property def r0(self): """The input r0 value. """ return self._r0 @property def r0_500(self): """The input r0_500 value. """ return self._r0*(self._lam/500.)**(-1.2) @property def L0(self): """The input L0 value. """ return self._L0 @property def scale_unit(self): """The input scale_units. """ return self._scale_unit @property def force_stepk(self): """Forced value of stepk or 0.0. """ return self._force_stepk @property def do_delta(self): """Whether to include the delta function at the center. """ return self._do_delta @property def _is_analytic_x(self): return not self._do_delta @property def delta_amplitude(self): """The amplitude of the delta function at the center. """ self._sbvk # This is where _delta is calculated. return self._delta @property def half_light_radius(self): """The half-light radius. """ return self._sbvk.getHalfLightRadius() def _structure_function(self, rho): return self._sbvk.structureFunction(rho) def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, VonKarman) and self.lam == other.lam and self.r0 == other.r0 and self.L0 == other.L0 and self.flux == other.flux and self.scale_unit == other.scale_unit and self.force_stepk == other.force_stepk and self.do_delta == other.do_delta and self.gsparams == other.gsparams)) def __hash__(self): return hash(("galsim.VonKarman", self.lam, self.r0, self.L0, self.flux, self.scale_unit, self.force_stepk, self.do_delta, self.gsparams)) def __repr__(self): out = "galsim.VonKarman(lam=%r, r0=%r, L0=%r"%(self.lam, self.r0, self.L0) out += ", flux=%r"%self.flux if self.scale_unit != arcsec: out += ", scale_unit=%r"%self.scale_unit if self.force_stepk: out += ", force_stepk=%r"%self.force_stepk if self.do_delta: out += ", do_delta=True" if self._suppress: out += ", suppress_warning=True" out += ", gsparams=%r"%self.gsparams out += ")" return out def __str__(self): return "galsim.VonKarman(lam=%r, r0=%r, L0=%r)"%(self.lam, self.r0, self.L0) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('_sbp',None) d.pop('_sbvk',None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d @property def _maxk(self): return self._sbvk.maxK() @property def _stepk(self): return self._sbvk.stepK() @property def _max_sb(self): return self._sbvk.xValue(_PositionD(0,0)._p) def _xValue(self, pos): return self._sbvk.xValue(pos._p) def _kValue(self, kpos): return self._sbp.kValue(kpos._p) def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] dx,dy = offset self._sbp.draw(image._image, image.scale, _jac, dx, dy, flux_scaling) def _shoot(self, photons, rng): self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng) def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit def withFlux(self, flux): return VonKarman(lam=self.lam, r0=self.r0, L0=self.L0, flux=flux, scale_unit=self.scale_unit, force_stepk=self.force_stepk, do_delta=self.do_delta, suppress_warning=self._suppress, gsparams=self.gsparams)