Source code for galsim.config.extra_psf

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
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import math
import numpy as np
import logging

from .extra import ExtraOutputBuilder, RegisterExtraOutput
from .stamp import valid_draw_methods
from .value import ParseValue, GetCurrentValue
from .util import GetRNG
from .noise import CalculateNoiseVariance, AddNoise
from ..image import Image
from ..position import PositionD
from ..errors import GalSimConfigValueError, GalSimConfigError

# The psf extra output type builds an Image of the PSF at the same locations as the galaxies.

# The code the actually draws the PSF on a postage stamp.
def DrawPSFStamp(psf, config, base, bounds, offset, method, logger):
    Draw an image using the given psf profile.

        the resulting image.
    if 'draw_method' in config:
        method = ParseValue(config,'draw_method',base,str)[0]
        if method not in valid_draw_methods:
            raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid draw_method.", method, valid_draw_methods)
        method = 'auto'

    if 'flux' in config:
        flux = ParseValue(config,'flux',base,float)[0]
        psf = psf.withFlux(flux)

    if method == 'phot':
        rng = GetRNG(config, base)
        n_photons = psf.flux
        rng = None
        n_photons = 0

    wcs = base['wcs'].local(base['image_pos'])
    im = Image(bounds, wcs=wcs, dtype=base['current_stamp'].dtype)
    im = psf.drawImage(image=im, offset=offset, method=method, rng=rng, n_photons=n_photons)

    if 'signal_to_noise' in config:
        if 'flux' in config:
            raise GalSimConfigError(
                "Cannot specify both flux and signal_to_noise for psf output")
        if method == 'phot':
            raise GalSimConfigError(
                "signal_to_noise option not implemented for draw_method = phot")

        if 'image' in base and 'noise' in base['image']:
            noise_var = CalculateNoiseVariance(base)
            raise GalSimConfigError(
                "Need to specify noise level when using psf.signal_to_noise")

        sn_target = ParseValue(config, 'signal_to_noise', base, float)[0]

        sn_meas = math.sqrt( np.sum(im.array**2, dtype=float) / noise_var )
        flux = sn_target / sn_meas
        im *= flux

    return im

# The function to call at the end of building each stamp
[docs]class ExtraPSFBuilder(ExtraOutputBuilder): """Build an image that draws the PSF at the same location as each object on the main image. This makes the most sense when the main image consists of non-overlapping stamps, such as a TiledImage, since you wouldn't typically want the PSF images to overlap. But it just follows whatever pattern of stamp locations the main image has. """ def processStamp(self, obj_num, config, base, logger): # If this doesn't exist, an appropriate exception will be raised. psf = base['psf']['current'][0] draw_method = GetCurrentValue('draw_method', base['stamp'], str, base) bounds = base['current_stamp'].bounds # Check if we should shift the psf: if 'shift' in config: # Special: output.psf.shift = 'galaxy' means use the galaxy shift. if config['shift'] == 'galaxy': # This shift value might be in either stamp or gal. b = base['stamp'] if 'shift' in base['stamp'] else base['gal'] # This will raise an appropriate error if there is no gal.shift or stamp.shift. shift = GetCurrentValue('shift', b, PositionD, base) else: shift = ParseValue(config, 'shift', base, PositionD)[0] logger.debug('obj %d: psf shift: %s',base.get('obj_num',0),str(shift)) psf = psf.shift(shift) # Start with the offset required just due to the stamp size/shape. offset = base['stamp_offset'] # Check if we should apply any additional offset: if 'offset' in config: # Special: output.psf.offset = 'galaxy' means use the same offset as in the galaxy # image, which is actually in config.stamp, not if config['offset'] == 'galaxy': offset += GetCurrentValue('offset', base['stamp'], PositionD, base) else: offset += ParseValue(config, 'offset', base, PositionD)[0] logger.debug('obj %d: psf offset: %s',base.get('obj_num',0),str(offset)) psf_im = DrawPSFStamp(psf,config,base,bounds,offset,draw_method,logger) if 'signal_to_noise' in config: base['current_noise_image'] = base['current_stamp'] AddNoise(base,psf_im,current_var=0,logger=logger) self.scratch[obj_num] = psf_im # The function to call at the end of building each image def processImage(self, index, obj_nums, config, base, logger): image = Image(base['image_bounds'], wcs=base['wcs'], init_value=0., dtype=base['current_image'].dtype) # Make sure to only use the stamps for objects in this image. for obj_num in obj_nums: stamp = self.scratch[obj_num] b = stamp.bounds & image.bounds logger.debug('image %d: psf image at b = %s = %s & %s', base['image_num'],b,stamp.bounds,image.bounds) if b.isDefined(): # pragma: no branch (We normally guard against this already.) image[b] += stamp[b] logger.debug('obj %d: added psf image to main image',base.get('obj_num',0))[index] = image
# Register this as a valid extra output RegisterExtraOutput('psf', ExtraPSFBuilder())