Source code for galsim.errors

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

# Define the class hierarchy for errors and warnings emitted by GalSim that aren't
# obviously one of the standard python errors.

__all__ = [ 'GalSimError', 'GalSimValueError', 'GalSimKeyError', 'GalSimIndexError',
            'GalSimRangeError', 'GalSimBoundsError', 'GalSimUndefinedBoundsError',
            'GalSimImmutableError', 'GalSimIncompatibleValuesError',
            'GalSimSEDError', 'GalSimHSMError', 'GalSimFFTSizeError',
            'GalSimConfigError', 'GalSimConfigValueError',
            'GalSimWarning', 'GalSimDeprecationWarning',
            'convert_cpp_errors', 'galsim_warn', ]

import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager

# Note to developers about which exception to throw.
# Aside from the below classes, which should be preferred for most errors, we also
# throw the following in some cases.
# TypeError:            Use this for errors that in a more strongly typed language would probably
#                       be a compiler error. For instance, it is used for the following errors:
#                       - a parameter with the wrong type
#                       - the wrong number of unnamed args when processing `*args` by hand.
#                       - missing or invalid kwargs when processing `**kwargs` by hand.
# OSError:              Use this for errors related to I/O, disk access, etc.
# NotImplementedError:  Use this for code that is not implemented by design and which will never
#                       be implemented. E.g. GSObject and Position use this for their __init__
#                       implementations, since it is invalid to instantiate the base class.
#                       Use GalSimNotImplementedError for features that might someday be
#                       implemented.
# AttributeError:       Use this only for an attempt to access an attribute that an object does not
#                       have. Like TypeError, this should be reserved for things that a more
#                       strongly typed language would catch at compile time. We don't currently
#                       raise this anywhere in GalSim.
# RuntimeError:         Don't use this. Use GalSimError (or a subclass) for any run-time errors.
# ValueError:           Don't use this. Use one of the below exceptions that derive from ValueError.
# KeyError:             Don't use this. Use GalSimKeyError instead
# IndexError:           Don't use this. Use GalSimIndexError instead.
# std::runtime_error:   Use this for errors in the C++ layer, and use the convert_cpp_errors()
#                       context to convert these errors into GalSimErrors. E.g. GSFitsWCS._invert_pv
#                       uses this for non-convergence, which gets converted into GalSimError in
#                       the Python layer.
#                       When possible, it is preferable to guard against any such events by making
#                       appropriate checks in the Python layer before dropping down into C++.
#                       E.g. Image checks for anything that might cause the C++ Image class to
#                       throw an exception and raises some kind of GalSim exception first.
#                       Nonetheless, it is good practice to use the `with convert_cpp_errors()`
#                       context for all calls to the C++ layer, just in case.
# GalSim-specific error classes:
# ------------------------------
# GalSimError:          Use this for what would normally be a RuntimeError. Usually some exceptional
#                       occurrence in otherwise correct code. E.g. an algorithm not converging or
#                       a singular matrix encountered. It can also be used when the program does
#                       things out of order; e.g. PowerSpectrum raises this when getShear and the
#                       like are called before `buildGrid`. This is also the catch-all exception
#                       to use when none of the other GalSim exceptions are appropriate.
# GalSimValueError:     Use this when a user provides an invalid value for a parameter.
#                       Note: it has an optional argument to give a list of allowed values when
#                       that is appropriate.
# GalSimKeyError        Use this for accessing a dict-like object with an invalid key. E.g.
#                       FitsHeader and Catalog raise this for accessing invalid columns.
# GalSimIndexError      Use this for the equivalent of accessing a list-like object with an
#                       invalid index. E.g. RealGalaxyCatalog and Catalog raise this for accessing
#                       invalid rows.
# GalSimRangeError:     Use this when a user provides an value outside of some allowed range.
#                       You should also give the min/max values of the allowed range. The max
#                       is optional, because it's not uncommon for there to be no upper limit.
#                       If only the upper limit is relevant and not the lower limit, you may
#                       use min=None to indicate this.
# GalSimBoundsError:    Use this when a position is outside its allowed bounds. It's basically
#                       the same as GalSimRangeError, but in two dimensions.
# GalSimUndefinedBoundsError:   Use this when the user tries to perform an operation on an
#                               Image with undefined bounds (and which requires the bounds to be
#                               defined).
# GalSimImmutableError: Use this when the user tries to modify an immutable Image in some way.
# GalSimIncompatibleValuesError:    Use this when two or more parameters are invalid when used
#                                   in combination. E.g. providing more than one size parameter
#                                   to Moffat, Sersic, Gaussian, etc. The conflicting values
#                                   should be given as extra keywords to the constructor, which
#                                   are mentioned in the error message.
#                                   Note: if one of the conflicting values is self (e.g. adding two
#                                   SEDs with different redshifts), then don't name the kwarg self.
#                                   Instead use something like `self_sed=self`.
# GalSimSEDError:       Use this when an SED is required to be either spectral or dimensionless,
#                       and the other kind of SED is provided.
# GalSimHSMError:       Use this for errors from the HSM algorithm.  They are emitted in C++, but
#                       we use `with convert_cpp_errors(GalSimHSMError):` to convert them.
# GalSimFFTSizeError:   Use this when a requested FFT would exceed the relevant maximum_fft_size
#                       for the object, so the recommendation is raise this parameter if that
#                       is possible.
# GalSimConfigError:    Use this for errors processing a config dict.
# GalSimConfigValueError:   Use this when a config dict has a value that is invalid. Basically,
#                           whenever you would normally use GalSimValueError when processing
#                           a config dict, you should use this instead.
# GalSimNotImplementedError:  Use this for features that we have not yet implemented, but which may
#                             be implemented someday. So it's not a necessarily invalid usage, just
#                             something that doesn't work currently.

[docs]class GalSimError(RuntimeError): """The base class for GalSim-specific run-time errors. """ # Minimal version of these to make GalSimError reprable and picklable. def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimError(%r)'%(str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or repr(self) == repr(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class GalSimValueError(GalSimError, ValueError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that some user-input value is invalid. Attributes: value: The invalid value allowed_values: A list of allowed values if appropriate (may be None) """ def __init__(self, message, value, allowed_values=None): self.message = message self.value = value self.allowed_values = allowed_values message += " Value {0!s}".format(value) if allowed_values: message += " not in {0!s}".format(allowed_values) super(GalSimValueError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimValueError(%r,%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.value, self.allowed_values) def __reduce__(self): # Need to override this whenever constructor take extra params return GalSimValueError, (self.message, self.value, self.allowed_values)
[docs]class GalSimKeyError(GalSimError, KeyError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating an attempt to access a dict-like object with an invalid key. Attributes: key: The invalid key """ def __init__(self, message, key): self.message = message self.key = key super(GalSimKeyError, self).__init__(message, key) # Need to pass key or pickle fails. def __str__(self): return self.message + " Key {0!s}".format(self.key) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimKeyError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.key)
[docs]class GalSimIndexError(GalSimError, IndexError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating an attempt to access a list-like object with an invalid index. Attributes: index: The invalid index """ def __init__(self, message, index): self.message = message self.index = index super(GalSimIndexError, self).__init__(message, index) def __str__(self): return self.message + " Index {0!s}".format(self.index) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimIndexError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.index)
[docs]class GalSimRangeError(GalSimError, ValueError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that some user-input value is outside of the allowed range of values. Attributes: value: The invalid value min: The minimum allowed value (may be None) max: The maximum allowed value (may be None) """ def __init__(self, message, value, min, max=None): self.message = message self.value = value self.min = min self.max = max message += " Value {0!s} not in range [{1!s}, {2!s}]".format(value, min, max) super(GalSimRangeError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimRangeError(%r,%r,%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.value, self.min, self.max) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimRangeError, (self.message, self.value, self.min, self.max)
[docs]class GalSimBoundsError(GalSimError, ValueError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that some user-input position is outside of the allowed bounds. Attributes: pos: The invalid position bounds: The bounds in which it was expected to fall """ def __init__(self, message, pos, bounds): self.message = message self.pos = pos self.bounds = bounds message += " {0!s} not in {1!s}".format(pos, bounds) super(GalSimBoundsError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimBoundsError(%r,%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.pos, self.bounds) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimBoundsError, (self.message, self.pos, self.bounds)
[docs]class GalSimUndefinedBoundsError(GalSimError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating an attempt to access the extent of a `Bounds` instance that has not yet been defined. """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimUndefinedBoundsError(%r)'%(str(self))
[docs]class GalSimImmutableError(GalSimError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating an attempt to modify an immutable image. Attributes: image: The image that the user attempted to modify """ def __init__(self, message, image): self.message = message self.image = image message += " Image: {0!s}".format(image) super(GalSimImmutableError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimImmutableError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.image) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimImmutableError, (self.message, self.image)
[docs]class GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(GalSimError, ValueError, TypeError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that 2 or more user-input values are incompatible as given. Attributes: values: A dict of {name : value} giving the values that in combination are invalid. """ def __init__(self, message, values={}, **kwargs): self.message = message self.values = dict(values, **kwargs) message += " Values {0!s}".format(self.values) super(GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, self).__init__(message) # Note: the repr of values can rearrange the items, but the dicts should compare equal. def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError) and self.message == other.message and self.values == other.values)) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.values) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, (self.message, self.values)
[docs]class GalSimSEDError(GalSimError, TypeError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating an attempt to do something invalid for the kind of `SED` that is present. Typically involving a dimensionless `SED` where a spectral `SED` is required (or vice versa). Attributes: sed: The invalid `SED` """ def __init__(self, message, sed): self.message = message self.sed = sed message += " SED: {0!s}".format(sed) super(GalSimSEDError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimSEDError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.sed) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimSEDError, (self.message, self.sed)
[docs]class GalSimHSMError(GalSimError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating some kind of failure of the HSM algorithms """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimHSMError(%r)'%(str(self))
[docs]class GalSimFFTSizeError(GalSimError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that a requested FFT exceeds the relevant maximum_fft_size. Attributes: size: The size that was deemed too large mem: The estimated memory that would be required (in GB) for the FFT. """ def __init__(self, message, size): self.message = message self.size = size self.mem = size * size * 24. / 1024**3 message += "\nThe required FFT size would be {0} x {0}, which requires ".format(size) message += "{0:.2f} GB of memory.\n".format(self.mem) message += "If you can handle the large FFT, you may update gsparams.maximum_fft_size." super(GalSimFFTSizeError, self).__init__(message) def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimFFTSizeError(%r,%r)'%(self.message, self.size) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimFFTSizeError, (self.message, self.size)
[docs]class GalSimConfigError(GalSimError, ValueError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating some kind of failure processing a configuration file. """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimConfigError(%r)'%(str(self))
[docs]class GalSimConfigValueError(GalSimValueError, GalSimConfigError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that a config entry has an invalid value. Attributes: value: The invalid value allowed_values: A list of allowed values if appropriate (may be None) """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimConfigValueError(%r,%r,%r)'%( self.message, self.value, self.allowed_values) def __reduce__(self): return GalSimConfigValueError, (self.message, self.value, self.allowed_values)
[docs]class GalSimNotImplementedError(GalSimError, NotImplementedError): """A GalSim-specific exception class indicating that the feature being attempted is not currently implemented. If this is a feature you feel you need, please open an issue about it at Even better, feel free to offer to contribute code to implement the feature. """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimNotImplementedError(%r)'%(str(self))
# Note: Can use galsim_warn to raise warnings with this warning class.
[docs]class GalSimWarning(UserWarning): """The base class for GalSim-emitted warnings. """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimWarning(%r)'%(str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): return self is other or repr(self) == repr(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
# Note: By default python ignores DeprecationWarnings. Apparently they are really # for python system deprecations. GalSim deprecations are thus only subclassed from # GalSimWarning, not DeprecationWarning.
[docs]class GalSimDeprecationWarning(GalSimWarning): """A GalSim-specific warning class used for deprecation warnings. """ def __repr__(self): return 'galsim.GalSimDeprecationWarning(%r)'%(str(self))
@contextmanager def convert_cpp_errors(error_type=GalSimError): try: yield except RuntimeError as err: raise error_type(str(err)) from None def galsim_warn(message): """A helper function for emitting a GalSimWarning with the given message """ warnings.warn(message, GalSimWarning)