# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
__all__ = [ 'Interpolant', 'Nearest', 'Linear', 'Cubic', 'Quintic',
'Lanczos', 'SincInterpolant', 'Delta', ]
import math
import numpy as np
import copy
from . import _galsim
from .gsparams import GSParams
from ._utilities import lazy_property
from .errors import GalSimValueError
from .integ import int1d
from .bessel import si
[docs]class Interpolant:
"""A base class that defines how interpolation should be done.
An Interpolant is needed for an `InterpolatedImage` to define how interpolation should be done
an locations in between the integer pixel centers.
def __init__(self):
raise NotImplementedError(
"The Interpolant base class should not be instantiated directly. "
"Use one of the subclasses instead, or use the `from_name` factory function.")
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_name(name, tol=None, gsparams=None):
"""A factory function to create an `Interpolant` of the correct type according to
the (string) name of the `Interpolant`.
This is mostly used to simplify how config files specify the `Interpolant` to use.
Valid names are:
- 'delta' = `Delta`
- 'nearest' = `Nearest`
- 'sinc' = `SincInterpolant`
- 'linear' = `Linear`
- 'cubic' = `Cubic`
- 'quintic' = `Quintic`
- 'lanczosN' = `Lanczos` (where N is an integer, given the ``n`` parameter)
In addition, if you want to specify the ``conserve_dc`` option for `Lanczos`, you can
append either T or F to represent ``conserve_dc = True/False`` (respectively). Otherwise,
the default ``conserve_dc=True`` is used.
name: The name of the interpolant to create.
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
# Do these in rough order of likelihood (most to least)
if name.lower() == 'quintic':
return Quintic(gsparams=gsparams)
if name.lower().startswith('lanczos'):
conserve_dc = True
if name[-1].upper() in ('T', 'F'):
conserve_dc = (name[-1].upper() == 'T')
name = name[:-1]
n = int(name[7:])
except Exception:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid Lanczos specification. Should look like "
"lanczosN, where N is an integer", name) from None
return Lanczos(n, conserve_dc, gsparams=gsparams)
elif name.lower() == 'linear':
return Linear(gsparams=gsparams)
elif name.lower() == 'cubic' :
return Cubic(gsparams=gsparams)
elif name.lower() == 'nearest':
return Nearest(gsparams=gsparams)
elif name.lower() == 'delta':
return Delta(gsparams=gsparams)
elif name.lower() == 'sinc':
return SincInterpolant(gsparams=gsparams)
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid Interpolant name %s.",name,
('linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', 'lanczosN', 'nearest', 'delta',
def gsparams(self):
"""The `GSParams` of the `Interpolant`
return self._gsparams
def positive_flux(self):
"""The positive-flux fraction of the interpolation kernel."""
return self._i.getPositiveFlux();
def negative_flux(self):
"""The negative-flux fraction of the interpolation kernel."""
return self._i.getNegativeFlux();
def tol(self):
from .deprecated import depr
depr('interpolant.tol', 2.2, 'interpolant.gsparams.kvalue_accuracy')
return self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current interpolant with the given gsparams
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
return ret
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
d.pop('_i', None)
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or (isinstance(other, self.__class__) and repr(self) == repr(other)))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def xval(self, x):
"""Calculate the value of the interpolant kernel at one or more x values
x: The value (as a float) or values (as a np.array) at which to compute the
amplitude of the Interpolant kernel.
xval: The value(s) at the x location(s). If x was an array, then this is also
an array.
xx = np.array(x, dtype=float, copy=True)
if xx.shape == ():
return self._i.xval(float(xx))
dimen = len(x.shape)
if dimen > 1:
raise GalSimValueError("Input x must be 1-dimensional", x)
_xx = xx.__array_interface__['data'][0]
self._i.xvalMany(_xx, len(xx))
return xx
[docs] def kval(self, k):
"""Calculate the value of the interpolant kernel in Fourier space at one or more k values.
k: The value (as a float) or values (as a np.array) at which to compute the
amplitude of the Interpolant kernel in Fourier space.
kval: The k-value(s) at the k location(s). If k was an array, then this is also
an array.
# Note: the C++ layer uses u = k/2pi rather than k.
u = np.array(k, dtype=float, copy=True) / (2.*np.pi)
if u.shape == ():
return self._i.uval(float(u))
dimen = len(k.shape)
if dimen > 1:
raise GalSimValueError("Input k must be 1-dimensional", k)
_u = u.__array_interface__['data'][0]
self._i.uvalMany(_u, len(u))
return u
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array. This is usually only relevant
for SincInterpolant, where xrange = inf.
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
n = self.ixrange//2 + 1
n = n if max_len is None else min(n, max_len)
if not hasattr(self, '_unit_integrals') or n > len(self._unit_integrals):
# Note: This is pretty fast, but subclasses may choose to override this if there
# is an analytic integral to avoid the int1d call.
self._unit_integrals = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
self._unit_integrals[i] = int1d(self.xval, i-0.5, i+0.5)
return self._unit_integrals[:n]
# Sub-classes should define _i property, repr, and str
[docs]class Delta(Interpolant):
"""Delta-function interpolation.
The interpolant for when you do not want to interpolate between samples. It is not really
intended to be used for any analytic drawing because it is infinite in the x domain at the
location of samples, and it extends to infinity in the u domain. But it could be useful for
photon-shooting, where it is trivially implemented as no displacements.
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Delta(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Delta(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Delta()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
return 0.
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 0
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
return 2. * math.pi / self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy
_unit_integrals = np.array([1], dtype=float)
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array. (ignored)
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
return self._unit_integrals
[docs]class Nearest(Interpolant):
"""Nearest-neighbor interpolation (boxcar).
The nearest-neighbor interpolant performs poorly as a k-space or x-space interpolant for
interpolated images. (See paper by "Bernstein & Gruen, http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2636.)
The objection to its use in Fourier space does not apply when shooting photons to generate
an image; in that case, the nearest-neighbor interpolant is quite efficient (but not
necessarily the best choice in terms of accuracy).
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Nearest(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Nearest(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Nearest()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
return 0.5
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 1
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
return 2. / self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy
_unit_integrals = np.array([1], dtype=float)
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array. (ignored)
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
return self._unit_integrals
[docs]class SincInterpolant(Interpolant):
"""Sinc interpolation (inverse of nearest-neighbor).
The Sinc interpolant (K(x) = sin(pi x)/(pi x)) is mathematically perfect for band-limited
data, introducing no spurious frequency content beyond kmax = pi/dx for input data with pixel
scale dx. However, it is formally infinite in extent and, even with reasonable trunction, is
still quite large. It will give exact results in `GSObject.kValue` for `InterpolatedImage`
when it is used as a k-space interpolant, but is extremely slow. The usual compromise between
sinc accuracy vs. speed is the `Lanczos` interpolant (see its documentation for details).
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.SincInterpolant(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.SincInterpolant(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.SincInterpolant()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
# Technically infinity, but truncated by the tolerance.
return 1./(math.pi * self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy)
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 2*int(np.ceil(self.xrange))
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
return math.pi
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array.
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
n = self.ixrange//2 + 1
n = n if max_len is None else min(n, max_len)
if not hasattr(self, '_unit_integrals') or n > len(self._unit_integrals):
self._unit_integrals = np.zeros(n)
for i in range(n):
self._unit_integrals[i] = (si(np.pi * (i+0.5)) - si(np.pi * (i-0.5))) / np.pi
return self._unit_integrals[:n]
[docs]class Linear(Interpolant):
"""Linear interpolation
The linear interpolant is a poor choice for FFT-based operations on interpolated images, as
it rings to high frequencies. (See Bernstein & Gruen, http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2636.)
This objection does not apply when shooting photons, in which case the linear interpolant is
quite efficient (but not necessarily the best choice in terms of accuracy).
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Linear(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Linear(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Linear()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
# Reduce range slightly so not including points with zero weight.
return 1.
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 2
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
return 2. / self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy**0.5
_unit_integrals = np.array([0.75, 0.125], dtype=float)
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array. This is usually only relevant
for SincInterpolant, where xrange = inf.
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
# i0 = 2*int(1-x, x=0..0.5)
# = 3/4
# i1 = int(1-x, x=0.5..1)
# = 1/8
return self._unit_integrals
[docs]class Cubic(Interpolant):
"""Cubic interpolation
The cubic interpolant is exact to 3rd order Taylor expansion (from R. G. Keys, IEEE Trans.
Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Proc 29, p 1153, 1981). It is a reasonable choice for a four-point
interpolant for interpolated images. (See Bernstein & Gruen, http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2636.)
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Cubic(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Cubic(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Cubic()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
return 2.
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 4
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
# kmax = 2 * (3sqrt(3)/8 tol)^1/3
return 1.7320508075688774 / self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy**(1./3.)
_unit_integrals = np.array([161./192, 3./32, -5./384], dtype=float)
[docs] def unit_integrals(self, max_len=None):
"""Compute the unit integrals of the real-space kernel.
integrals[i] = int(xval(x), i-0.5, i+0.5)
max_len: The maximum length of the returned array. This is usually only relevant
for SincInterpolant, where xrange = inf.
integrals: An array of unit integrals of length max_len or smaller.
# i0 = 2*int(1 + 1/2 x^2(3x-5), x=0..0.5)
# = 161/192
# i1 = int(1 + 1/2 x^2(3x-5), x=0.5..1) - int(1/2 (x-1)*(x-2)^2, x=1..1.5)
# = 47/384 - 11/384 = 3/32
# i2 = -int(1/2 (x-1)*(x-2)^2, x=1.5..2)
# = -5/384
return self._unit_integrals
[docs]class Quintic(Interpolant):
"""Fifth order interpolation
The quintic interpolant is exact to 5th order in the Taylor expansion and was found by
Bernstein & Gruen (http://arxiv.org/abs/1401.2636) to give optimal results as a k-space
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Quintic(self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Quintic(gsparams=%r)"%(self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Quintic()"
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
return 3.
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 6
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
# kmax = 2 * (25sqrt(5)/108 tol)^1/3
return 1.6058208066649935 / self._gsparams.kvalue_accuracy**(1./3.)
[docs]class Lanczos(Interpolant):
"""The Lanczos interpolation filter, nominally sinc(x)*sinc(x/n)
The Lanczos filter is an approximation to the band-limiting sinc filter with a smooth cutoff
at high x. Order n Lanczos has a range of +/- n pixels. It typically is a good compromise
between kernel size and accuracy.
Note that pure Lanczos, when interpolating a set of constant-valued samples, does not return
this constant. Setting ``conserve_dc`` in the constructor tweaks the function so that it
approximately conserves the value of constant (DC) input data (accurate to better than 1.e-5
when used in two dimensions).
n: The order of the Lanczos function
conserve_dc: Whether to add the first order correction to flatten out the flux response
to a constant input. [default: True, see above]
tol: [deprecated]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, n, conserve_dc=True, tol=None, gsparams=None):
if tol is not None:
from .deprecated import depr
depr('tol', 2.2, 'gsparams=GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)')
gsparams = GSParams(kvalue_accuracy=tol)
self._n = int(n)
self._conserve_dc = bool(conserve_dc)
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
def _i(self):
return _galsim.Lanczos(self._n, self._conserve_dc, self._gsparams._gsp)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.Lanczos(%r, %r, gsparams=%r)"%(self._n, self._conserve_dc, self._gsparams)
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.Lanczos(%s)"%(self._n)
def n(self):
"""The order of the Lanczos function.
return self._n
def conserve_dc(self):
"""Whether this interpolant is modified to improve flux conservation.
return self._conserve_dc
def xrange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant from the origin (in pixels).
return self._n
def ixrange(self):
"""The total integral range of the interpolant. Typically 2 * xrange.
return 2*self._n
def krange(self):
"""The maximum extent of the interpolant in Fourier space (in 1/pixels).
return 2. * math.pi * self._i.urange()
[docs]def convert_interpolant(interpolant):
"""Convert a given interpolant to an `Interpolant` if it is given as a string.
interpolant: Either an `Interpolant` or a string to convert.
an `Interpolant`
if isinstance(interpolant, Interpolant):
return interpolant
# Will raise an appropriate exception if this is invalid.
return Interpolant.from_name(interpolant)