Source code for galsim.knots

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
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__all__ = [ 'RandomKnots' ]

import numpy as np

from . import _galsim
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .position import PositionD
from .utilities import lazy_property, doc_inherit
from .errors import GalSimRangeError, GalSimValueError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError
from .gaussian import Gaussian
from .random import BaseDeviate

[docs]class RandomKnots(GSObject): """ A class for generating a set of point sources, following either a `Gaussian` profile or a specified input profile. Uses of this profile include representing an "irregular" galaxy, or adding this profile to an Exponential to represent knots of star formation. RandomKnots profiles have "shape noise" that depends on the number of point sources used. For example, using the default Gaussian distribution, with 100 points, the shape noise is g~0.05, and this will decrease as more points are added. The profile can be sheared to give additional ellipticity, for example to follow that of an associated disk. The requested half light radius (hlr) should be thought of as a rough value. With a finite number point sources the actual realized hlr will be noisy. .. note:: If providing an input ``profile`` object, it must be "shoot-able". Objects that cannot be drawn with ``method='phot'`` cannot be used as the ``profile`` parameter here. Parameters: npoints: Number of point sources to generate. half_light_radius: Optional half light radius of the distribution of points. This value is used for a Gaussian distribution if an explicit profile is not sent. This is the mean half light radius produced by an infinite number of points. A single instance will be noisy. [default None] flux: Optional total flux in all point sources. This value is used for a Gaussian distribution if an explicit profile is not sent. Defaults to None if profile is sent, otherwise 1. [default: None] profile: Optional profile to use for drawing points. If a profile is sent, the half_light_radius and flux keywords are invalid. [default: None] rng: Optional random number generator. Can be any `galsim.BaseDeviate`. If None, the rng is created internally. [default: None] gsparams: Optional `GSParams` for the objects representing each point source. [default: None] Attributes: npoints: The number of points to use as knots input_half_light_radius: The input half_light_radius flux: The flux points: The array of x,y offsets used to create the point sources .. note:: The algorithm was originally a modified version of that presented in However, we now use the GalSim photon shooting mechanism, which allows the knots to trace any profile, not just a `Gaussian`. """ # these allow use in a galsim configuration context _req_params = { "npoints" : int } _opt_params = { "flux" : float , "half_light_radius": float, "profile": GSObject, } _takes_rng = True _has_hard_edges = False _is_axisymmetric = False _is_analytic_x = False _is_analytic_k = True def __init__(self, npoints, half_light_radius=None, flux=None, profile=None, rng=None, gsparams=None): self._npoints=npoints self._half_light_radius = half_light_radius self._flux = flux self._profile=profile self._verify() self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams) if rng is None: rng = BaseDeviate(rng) self._orig_rng=rng.duplicate() else: if not isinstance(rng, BaseDeviate): raise TypeError("rng must be an instance of galsim.BaseDeviate, got %s"%rng) self._orig_rng=rng.duplicate() # We won't use the rng yet, but make sure the original advances the right number # of values. rng.discard(2*npoints) if profile is None: if self._flux is None: self._flux = 1.0 self._profile = Gaussian(half_light_radius=self._half_light_radius, flux=self._flux) else: self._flux=profile.flux try: # not all GSObjects have this attribute self._half_light_radius = profile.half_light_radius except Exception: self._half_light_radius = None @lazy_property def _sbp(self): fluxper = self._flux/self._npoints deltas = [] for p in self.points: d = _galsim.SBDeltaFunction(fluxper, self.gsparams._gsp) d = _galsim.SBTransform(d, 0, p[0], p[1], 1.0, self.gsparams._gsp) deltas.append(d) return _galsim.SBAdd(deltas, self.gsparams._gsp) @property def input_half_light_radius(self): """ Get the input half light radius (HLR). Note the input HLR is not necessarily the realized HLR, due to the finite number of points used in the profile. If a profile is sent, and that profile is a Transformation object (e.g. it has been sheared, its flux set, etc), then this value will be None. You can get the *calculated* half light radius using the calculateHLR method. That value will be valid in all cases. """ return self._half_light_radius @property def npoints(self): """The number of point sources. """ return self._npoints @lazy_property def points(self): """A list of the locations (x,y) of the point sources. Technically, this is a numpy array of shape (npoints, 2). """ rng = self._orig_rng.duplicate() photons = self._profile.shoot(self._npoints, rng) return np.column_stack([ photons.x, photons.y ])
[docs] def calculateHLR(self): """ calculate the half-light radius of the generated points """ pts = self.points my,mx=pts.mean(axis=0) r=np.sqrt( (pts[:,0]-my)**2 + (pts[:,1]-mx)**2) hlr=np.median(r) return hlr
def _verify(self): """ type and range checking on the inputs """ try: self._npoints = int(self._npoints) except ValueError as err: raise GalSimValueError("npoints should be a number: %s", str(err)) from None if self._npoints <= 0: raise GalSimRangeError("npoints must be > 0", self._npoints, 1) if self._profile is None: if self._half_light_radius is None: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "half_light_radius required when not providing a profile") if self._half_light_radius <= 0.: raise GalSimRangeError( "half_light_radius must be positive", self._half_light_radius, 0.) else: if self._flux is not None: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("flux is invalid when providing a profile") if self._half_light_radius is not None: raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError( "half_light_radius is invalid when providing a profile") if not isinstance(self._profile, GSObject): raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError("profile must be a GSObject") def __str__(self): rep = 'galsim.RandomKnots(%(npoints)d, profile=%(profile)s)' rep = rep % dict( npoints=self._npoints, profile=str(self._profile), ) return rep def __repr__(self): rep = 'galsim.RandomKnots(%r, profile=%r, rng=%r, gsparams=%r)'%( self._npoints, self._profile, self._orig_rng, self._gsparams) return rep def __eq__(self, other): return (self is other or (isinstance(other, RandomKnots) and self._npoints == other._npoints and self._profile == other._profile and self._orig_rng == other._orig_rng and self._gsparams == other._gsparams)) def __hash__(self): return hash(("galsim.RandomKnots", self._npoints, self._half_light_radius, self._flux, self.gsparams)) def __getstate__(self): d = self.__dict__.copy() d.pop('_sbp',None) return d def __setstate__(self, d): self.__dict__ = d @property def _maxk(self): return self._sbp.maxK() @property def _stepk(self): return self._sbp.stepK() @property def _centroid(self): return PositionD(self._sbp.centroid()) @property def _positive_flux(self): return self._sbp.getPositiveFlux() @property def _negative_flux(self): return self._sbp.getNegativeFlux() @property def _max_sb(self): return self._sbp.maxSB() def _kValue(self, kpos): return self._sbp.kValue(kpos._p) def _shoot(self, photons, rng): self._sbp.shoot(photons._pa, rng._rng) def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None): _jac = 0 if jac is None else jac.__array_interface__['data'][0] self._sbp.drawK(image._image, image.scale, _jac) # For all the transformations methods, apply to the internal profile, and remake points # in the correct locations. This makes fft drawing much faster than the normal way # of applying the transformation to the k-space image.
[docs] @doc_inherit def withFlux(self, flux): return RandomKnots(self.npoints, profile=self._profile.withFlux(flux), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self.gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def withScaledFlux(self, flux_ratio): if hasattr(flux_ratio, '__call__'): return GSObject.withScaledFlux(self, flux_ratio) else: return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.withScaledFlux(flux_ratio), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def expand(self, scale): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.expand(scale), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def dilate(self, scale): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.dilate(scale), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def shear(self, *args, **kwargs): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.shear(*args, **kwargs), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
def _shear(self, shear): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile._shear(shear), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def rotate(self, theta): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.rotate(theta), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def transform(self, dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.transform(dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
[docs] @doc_inherit def shift(self, *args, **kwargs): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile.shift(*args, **kwargs), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)
def _shift(self, dx, dy): return RandomKnots(self._npoints, profile=self._profile._shift(dx,dy), rng=self._orig_rng.duplicate(), gsparams=self._gsparams)