# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
# file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
__all__ = [ 'Aperture', 'PhaseScreenList', 'PhaseScreenPSF', 'OpticalPSF' ]
from heapq import heappush, heappop
import numpy as np
import copy
from . import fits
from . import fft
from .gsobject import GSObject
from .gsparams import GSParams
from .angle import radians, degrees, arcsec, Angle, AngleUnit
from .image import Image, _Image
from .bounds import _BoundsI
from .wcs import PixelScale
from .interpolatedimage import InterpolatedImage
from .utilities import doc_inherit, OrderedWeakRef, rotate_xy, lazy_property, basestring
from .errors import GalSimValueError, GalSimRangeError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError
from .errors import GalSimFFTSizeError, galsim_warn
from .photon_array import TimeSampler, PhotonArray
from .airy import Airy
from .second_kick import SecondKick
from .random import UniformDeviate
[docs]class Aperture:
"""Class representing a telescope aperture embedded in a larger pupil plane array -- for use
with the `PhaseScreenPSF` class to create PSFs via Fourier or geometric optics.
The pupil plane array is completely specified by its size, sampling interval, and pattern of
illuminated pixels. Pupil plane arrays can be specified either geometrically or using an image
to indicate the illuminated pixels. In both cases, various options exist to control the pupil
plane size and sampling interval.
**Geometric pupil specification**:
The first way to specify the details of the telescope aperture is through a series of keywords
indicating the diameter, size of the central obscuration, and the nature of the struts
holding up the secondary mirror (or prime focus cage, etc.). The struts are assumed to be
rectangular obscurations extending from the outer edge of the pupil to the outer edge of the
obscuration disk (or to the pupil center if ``obscuration = 0.``). You can specify how many
struts there are (evenly spaced in angle), how thick they are as a fraction of the pupil
diameter, and what angle they start at relative to the positive y direction.
The size (in meters) and sampling interval (in meters) of the pupil plane array representing the
aperture can be set directly using the the ``pupil_plane_size`` and ``pupil_plane_scale``
keywords. However, in most situations, it's probably more convenient to let GalSim set these
automatically based on the pupil geometry and the nature of the (potentially time-varying)
phase aberrations from which a PSF is being derived.
The pupil plane array physical size is by default set to twice the pupil diameter producing a
Nyquist sampled PSF image. While this would always be sufficient if using sinc interpolation
over the PSF image for subsequent operations, GalSim by default uses the much faster (though
approximate) quintic interpolant, which means that in some cases -- in particular, for
significantly aberrated optical PSFs without atmospheric aberrations -- it may be useful to
further increase the size of the pupil plane array, thereby increasing the sampling rate of the
resulting PSF image. This can be done by increasing the ``oversampling`` keyword.
A caveat to the above occurs when using ``geometric_shooting=True`` to draw using
photon-shooting. In this case, we only need an array just large enough to avoid clipping the
pupil, which we can get by setting ``oversampling=0.5``.
The pupil plane array physical sampling interval (which is directly related to the resulting PSF
image physical size) is set by default to the same interval as would be used to avoid
significant aliasing (image folding) for an obscured `Airy` profile with matching diameter and
obscuration and for the value of ``folding_threshold`` in the optionally specified gsparams
argument. If the phase aberrations are significant, however, the PSF image size computed this
way may still not be sufficiently large to avoid aliasing. To further increase the pupil plane
sampling rate (and hence the PSF image size), you can increase the value of the ``pad_factor``
An additional way to set the pupil sampling interval for a particular set of phase screens
(i.e., for a particular `PhaseScreenList`) is to provide the screens in the ``screen_list``
argument. Each screen in the list computes its own preferred sampling rate and the
`PhaseScreenList` appropriately aggregates these. This last option also requires that a
wavelength ``lam`` be specified, and is particularly helpful for creating PSFs derived from
turbulent atmospheric screens.
Finally, when specifying the pupil geometrically, Aperture may choose to make a small adjustment
to ``pupil_plane_scale`` in order to produce an array with a good size for FFTs. If your
application depends on knowing the size and scale used with the Fourier optics framework, you
can obtain these from the ``aper.pupil_plane_size`` and ``aper.pupil_plane_scale`` attributes.
**Pupil image specification**:
The second way to specify the pupil plane configuration is by passing in an image of it. This
can be useful, for example, if the struts are not evenly spaced or are not radially directed, as
is assumed by the simple model for struts described above. In this case, an exception is raised
if keywords related to struts are also given. On the other hand, the ``obscuration`` keyword is
still used to ensure that the PSF images are not aliased, though it is ignored during the actual
construction of the pupil plane illumination pattern. Note that for complicated pupil
configurations, it may be desireable to increase ``pad_factor`` for more fidelity at the expense
of slower running time. Finally, the ``pupil_plane_im`` that is passed in can be rotated during
internal calculations by specifying a ``pupil_angle`` keyword.
If you choose to pass in a pupil plane image, it must be a square array in which the image of
the pupil is centered. The areas that are illuminated should have some value >0, and the other
areas should have a value of precisely zero. Based on what the Aperture class determines is a
good PSF sampling interval, the image of the pupil plane that is passed in might be zero-padded
during internal calculations. (The pupil plane array size and scale values can be accessed via
the ``aper.pupil_plane_size`` and ``aper.pupil_plane_scale`` attributes.) The pixel scale of
the pupil plane can be specified in one of three ways. In descending order of priority, these
1. The ``pupil_plane_scale`` keyword argument (units are meters).
2. The ``pupil_plane_im.scale`` attribute (units are meters).
3. If (1) and (2) are both None, then the scale will be inferred by assuming that the
illuminated pixel farthest from the image center is at a physical distance of self.diam/2.
The ``pupil_plane_size`` and ``lam`` keywords are both ignored when constructing an Aperture
from an image.
diam: Aperture diameter in meters.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers. [default: None]
circular_pupil: Adopt a circular pupil? [default: True]
obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture
linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0]
nstruts: Number of radial support struts to add to the central obscuration.
[default: 0]
strut_thick: Thickness of support struts as a fraction of aperture diameter.
[default: 0.05]
strut_angle: `Angle` made between the vertical and the strut starting closest to it,
defined to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction; must be an
`Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
oversampling: Optional oversampling factor *in the image plane* for the PSF
eventually constructed using this `Aperture`. Setting
``oversampling < 1`` will produce aliasing in the PSF (not good).
[default: 1.0]
pad_factor: Additional multiple by which to extend the PSF image to avoid
folding. [default: 1.0]
screen_list: An optional `PhaseScreenList` object. If present, then get a good
pupil sampling interval using this object. [default: None]
pupil_plane_im: The GalSim.Image, NumPy array, or name of file containing the pupil
plane image, to be used instead of generating one based on the
obscuration and strut parameters. [default: None]
pupil_angle: If ``pupil_plane_im`` is not None, rotation angle for the pupil plane
(positive in the counter-clockwise direction). Must be an `Angle`
instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
pupil_plane_scale: Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In
most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case
GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. The
exception is when specifying the pupil arrangement via an image, in
which case this keyword can be used to indicate the sampling of that
image. See also ``pad_factor`` for adjusting the pupil sampling scale.
[default: None]
pupil_plane_size: Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases, it's
a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will attempt
to find a good value automatically. See also ``oversampling`` for
adjusting the pupil size. [default: None]
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
def __init__(self, diam, lam=None, circular_pupil=True, obscuration=0.0,
nstruts=0, strut_thick=0.05, strut_angle=0.0*radians,
oversampling=1.0, pad_factor=1.0, screen_list=None,
pupil_plane_im=None, pupil_angle=0.0*radians,
pupil_plane_scale=None, pupil_plane_size=None,
self._diam = diam # Always need to explicitly specify an aperture diameter.
self._lam = lam
self._circular_pupil = circular_pupil
self._obscuration = obscuration
self._nstruts = nstruts
self._strut_thick = strut_thick
self._strut_angle = strut_angle
self._oversampling = oversampling
self._pad_factor = pad_factor
self._screen_list = screen_list
self._pupil_plane_im = pupil_plane_im
self._pupil_angle = pupil_angle
self._input_pupil_plane_scale = pupil_plane_scale
self._input_pupil_plane_size = pupil_plane_size
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
if diam <= 0.:
raise GalSimRangeError("Invalid diam.", diam, 0.)
if obscuration < 0. or obscuration >= 1.:
raise GalSimRangeError("Invalid obscuration.", obscuration, 0., 1.)
if not isinstance(strut_angle, Angle):
raise TypeError("strut_angle must be a galsim.Angle instance.")
if not isinstance(pupil_angle, Angle):
raise TypeError("pupil_angle must be a galsim.Angle instance.")
# You can either set geometric properties, or use a pupil image, but not both, so check for
# that here. One caveat is that we allow sanity checking the sampling of a pupil_image by
# comparing it to the sampling GalSim would have used for an (obscured) Airy profile. So
# it's okay to specify an obscuration and a pupil_plane_im together, for example, but not
# a pupil_plane_im and struts.
is_default_geom = (circular_pupil and
nstruts == 0 and
strut_thick == 0.05 and
strut_angle == 0.0*radians)
if not is_default_geom and pupil_plane_im is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Can't specify both geometric parameters and pupil_plane_im.",
circular_pupil=circular_pupil, nstruts=nstruts, strut_thick=strut_thick,
strut_angle=strut_angle, pupil_plane_im=pupil_plane_im)
if screen_list is not None and lam is None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Wavelength ``lam`` must be specified with ``screen_list``.",
screen_list=screen_list, lam=lam)
# For each of these, the actual value is defined during the construction of the _illuminated
# array, so access that (lazy) property first.
def pupil_plane_scale(self):
"""The scale_size of the pupil-plane image.
return self._pupil_plane_scale
def pupil_plane_size(self):
"""The size of the pupil-plane image.
return self._pupil_plane_size
def npix(self):
"""The number of pixels in each direction of the pupil-plane image.
return self._npix
def good_pupil_size(self):
"""An estimate of a good pupil-plane image size.
# Although the user can set the pupil plane size and scale directly if desired, in most
# cases it's nicer to have GalSim try to pick good values for these.
# For the pupil plane size, we'll achieve Nyquist sampling in the focal plane if we sample
# out to twice the diameter of the actual aperture in the pupil plane (completely
# independent of wavelength, struts, obscurations, GSparams, and so on!). This corresponds
# to oversampling=1.0. In fact, if we were willing to always use sinc interpolation, there
# would never be any reason to go beyond this. In practice, we usually use a faster, but
# less accurate, quintic interpolant, which means we can benefit from improved sampling
# (oversampling > 1.0) in some cases, especially when we're *not* modeling an atmosphere
# which would otherwise tend to damp contributions at large k.
return 2 * self.diam * self._oversampling
def good_pupil_scale(self):
"""An estimate of a good pupil-plane image scale.
# For the pupil plane sampling interval, details like the obscuration and GSParams *are*
# important as they affect the amount of aliasing encountered. (An Airy profile has an
# infinite extent in real space, so it *always* aliases at some level, more so with an
# obscuration than without. The GSParams settings indicate how much aliasing we're
# willing to tolerate, so it's required here.) To pick a good sampling interval, we start
# with the interval that would be used for an obscured Airy GSObject profile. If the
# `screen_list` argument was supplied, then we also check its .stepk propertry, which
# aggregates a good sampling interval from all of the wrapped PhaseScreens, and keep the
# smaller stepk.
if self._lam is None:
# For Airy, pupil_plane_scale is independent of wavelength. We could build an Airy with
# lam_over_diam=1.0 and then alter the `good_pupil_scale = ...` line below
# appropriately, but it's easier to just arbitrarily set `lam=500` if it wasn't set.
lam = 500.0
lam = self._lam
airy = Airy(diam=self.diam, lam=lam, obscuration=self.obscuration, gsparams=self.gsparams)
stepk = airy.stepk
if self._screen_list is not None:
screen_list = PhaseScreenList(self._screen_list)
stepk = min(stepk,
screen_list._getStepK(lam=lam, diam=self.diam, obscuration=self.obscuration,
return stepk * lam * 1.e-9 * (radians / arcsec) / (2 * np.pi * self._pad_factor)
def _illuminated(self):
# Now that we have good candidate sizes and scales, we load or generate the pupil plane
# array.
if self._pupil_plane_im is not None: # Use image of pupil plane
return self._load_pupil_plane()
else: # Use geometric parameters.
if self._input_pupil_plane_scale is not None:
self._pupil_plane_scale = self._input_pupil_plane_scale
# Check input scale and warn if looks suspicious.
if self._pupil_plane_scale > self.good_pupil_scale:
ratio = self.good_pupil_scale / self._pupil_plane_scale
galsim_warn("Input pupil_plane_scale may be too large for good sampling.\n"
"Consider decreasing pupil_plane_scale by a factor %f, and/or "
"check PhaseScreenPSF outputs for signs of folding in real "
self._pupil_plane_scale = self.good_pupil_scale
if self._input_pupil_plane_size is not None:
self._pupil_plane_size = self._input_pupil_plane_size
# Check input size and warn if looks suspicious
if self._pupil_plane_size < self.good_pupil_size:
ratio = self.good_pupil_size / self._pupil_plane_size
galsim_warn("Input pupil_plane_size may be too small for good focal-plane"
"Consider increasing pupil_plane_size by a factor %f, and/or "
"check PhaseScreenPSF outputs for signs of undersampling."%ratio)
self._pupil_plane_size = self.good_pupil_size
return self._generate_pupil_plane()
def _generate_pupil_plane(self):
""" Create an array of illuminated pixels parameterically.
ratio = self._pupil_plane_size/self._pupil_plane_scale
# Fudge a little to prevent good_fft_size() from turning 512.0001 into 768.
ratio *= (1.0 - 1.0/2**14)
self._npix = Image.good_fft_size(int(np.ceil(ratio)))
# Check FFT size
if self._npix > self.gsparams.maximum_fft_size:
raise GalSimFFTSizeError("Created pupil plane array that is too large.",self._npix)
# Shrink scale such that size = scale * npix exactly.
self._pupil_plane_scale = self._pupil_plane_size / self._npix
radius = 0.5*self.diam
if self._circular_pupil:
illuminated = (self.rsqr < radius**2)
if self.obscuration > 0.:
illuminated *= self.rsqr >= (radius*self.obscuration)**2
illuminated = (np.abs(self.u) < radius) & (np.abs(self.v) < radius)
if self.obscuration > 0.:
illuminated *= ((np.abs(self.u) >= radius*self.obscuration) *
(np.abs(self.v) >= radius*self.obscuration))
if self._nstruts > 0:
# Add the initial rotation if requested, converting to radians.
rot_u, rot_v = self.u, self.v
if self._strut_angle.rad != 0.:
rot_u, rot_v = rotate_xy(rot_u, rot_v, -self._strut_angle)
rotang = 360. * degrees / self._nstruts
# Then loop through struts setting to zero the regions which lie under the strut
for istrut in range(self._nstruts):
rot_u, rot_v = rotate_xy(rot_u, rot_v, -rotang)
illuminated *= ((np.abs(rot_u) >= radius * self._strut_thick) + (rot_v < 0.0))
return illuminated
def _load_pupil_plane(self):
""" Create an array of illuminated pixels with appropriate size and scale from an input
image of the pupil. The basic strategy is:
1. Read in array.
2. Determine the scale.
3. Pad the input array with zeros to meet the requested pupil size.
4. Check that the pupil plane sampling interval is at least as small as requested.
5. Optionally rotate pupil plane.
# Handle multiple types of input: NumPy array, galsim.Image, or string for filename with
# image.
if isinstance(self._pupil_plane_im, np.ndarray):
# Make it into an image.
self._pupil_plane_im = Image(self._pupil_plane_im)
elif isinstance(self._pupil_plane_im, Image):
# Make sure not to overwrite input image.
self._pupil_plane_im = self._pupil_plane_im.copy()
# Read in image of pupil plane from file.
self._pupil_plane_im = fits.read(self._pupil_plane_im)
# scale = pupil_plane_im.scale # Interpret as either the pixel scale in meters, or None.
pp_arr = self._pupil_plane_im.array
self._npix = pp_arr.shape[0]
# Check FFT size
if self._npix > self.gsparams.maximum_fft_size:
raise GalSimFFTSizeError("Loaded pupil plane array that is too large.", self._npix)
# Sanity checks
if self._pupil_plane_im.array.shape[0] != self._pupil_plane_im.array.shape[1]:
raise GalSimValueError("Input pupil_plane_im must be square.",
if self._pupil_plane_im.array.shape[0] % 2 == 1:
raise GalSimValueError("Input pupil_plane_im must have even sizes.",
# Set the scale, priority is:
# 1. pupil_plane_scale kwarg
# 2. image.scale if not None
# 3. Use diameter and farthest illuminated pixel.
if self._input_pupil_plane_scale is not None:
self._pupil_plane_scale = self._input_pupil_plane_scale
elif self._pupil_plane_im.scale is not None:
self._pupil_plane_scale = self._pupil_plane_im.scale
# If self._pupil_plane_scale is not set yet, then figure it out from the distance
# of the farthest illuminated pixel from the image center and the aperture diameter.
# below is essentially np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, self._npix)
u = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(self._npix))
u, v = np.meshgrid(u, u)
r = np.hypot(u, v)
rmax_illum = np.max(r*(self._pupil_plane_im.array > 0))
self._pupil_plane_scale = self.diam / (2.0 * rmax_illum * self._npix)
self._pupil_plane_size = self._pupil_plane_scale * self._npix
# Check the pupil plane size here and bump it up if necessary.
if self._pupil_plane_size < self.good_pupil_size:
new_npix = Image.good_fft_size(int(np.ceil(
pad_width = (new_npix-self._npix)//2
pp_arr = np.pad(pp_arr, [(pad_width, pad_width)]*2, mode='constant')
self._npix = new_npix
self._pupil_plane_size = self._pupil_plane_scale * self._npix
# Check sampling interval and warn if it's not good enough.
if self._pupil_plane_scale > self.good_pupil_scale:
ratio = self._pupil_plane_scale / self.good_pupil_scale
galsim_warn("Input pupil plane image may not be sampled well enough!\n"
"Consider increasing sampling by a factor %f, and/or check "
"PhaseScreenPSF outputs for signs of folding in real space."%ratio)
if self._pupil_angle.rad == 0.:
return pp_arr.astype(bool)
# Rotate the pupil plane image as required based on the `pupil_angle`, being careful to
# ensure that the image is one of the allowed types. We ignore the scale.
b = _BoundsI(1,self._npix,1,self._npix)
im = _Image(pp_arr, b, PixelScale(1.))
int_im = InterpolatedImage(im, x_interpolant='linear',
calculate_stepk=False, calculate_maxk=False)
int_im = int_im.rotate(self._pupil_angle)
new_im = Image(pp_arr.shape[1], pp_arr.shape[0])
new_im = int_im.drawImage(image=new_im, scale=1., method='no_pixel')
pp_arr = new_im.array
# Restore hard edges that might have been lost during the interpolation. To do this, we
# check the maximum value of the entries. Values after interpolation that are >half
# that maximum value are kept as nonzero (True), but those that are <half the maximum
# value are set to zero (False).
max_pp_val = np.max(pp_arr)
pp_arr[pp_arr < 0.5*max_pp_val] = 0.
return pp_arr.astype(bool)
def gsparams(self):
"""The `GSParams` of this object.
return self._gsparams
[docs] def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a version of the current aperture with the given gsparams
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
ret = copy.copy(self)
ret._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
return ret
# Used in Aperture.__str__ and OpticalPSF.__str__
def _geometry_str(self):
s = ""
if not self._circular_pupil:
s += ", circular_pupil=False"
if self.obscuration != 0.0:
s += ", obscuration=%s"%self.obscuration
if self._nstruts != 0:
s += ", nstruts=%s"%self._nstruts
if self._strut_thick != 0.05:
s += ", strut_thick=%s"%self._strut_thick
if self._strut_angle != 0*radians:
s += ", strut_angle=%s"%self._strut_angle
return s
def __str__(self):
s = "galsim.Aperture(diam=%r"%self.diam
if self._pupil_plane_im is None:
# Pupil was created geometrically, so use that here.
s += self._geometry_str()
s += ")"
return s
def _geometry_repr(self):
s = ""
if not self._circular_pupil:
s += ", circular_pupil=False"
if self.obscuration != 0.0:
s += ", obscuration=%r"%self.obscuration
if self._nstruts != 0:
s += ", nstruts=%r"%self._nstruts
if self._strut_thick != 0.05:
s += ", strut_thick=%r"%self._strut_thick
if self._strut_angle != 0*radians:
s += ", strut_angle=%r"%self._strut_angle
return s
def __repr__(self):
s = "galsim.Aperture(diam=%r"%self.diam
if self._pupil_plane_im is None:
# Pupil was created geometrically, so use that here.
s += self._geometry_repr()
s += ", pupil_plane_scale=%r"%self._input_pupil_plane_scale
s += ", pupil_plane_size=%r"%self._input_pupil_plane_size
s += ", oversampling=%r"%self._oversampling
s += ", pad_factor=%r"%self._pad_factor
# Pupil was created from image, so use that instead.
# It's slightly less annoying to see an enormous stream of zeros fly by than an enormous
# stream of Falses, so convert to int16.
tmp = self.illuminated.astype(np.int16).tolist()
s += ", pupil_plane_im=array(%r"%tmp+", dtype='int16')"
s += ", pupil_plane_scale=%r"%self._pupil_plane_scale
if self.gsparams != GSParams():
s += ", gsparams=%r"%self.gsparams
s += ")"
return s
def __eq__(self, other):
if self is other: return True
if not (isinstance(other, Aperture) and
self.diam == other.diam and
self._gsparams == other._gsparams):
return False
if self._pupil_plane_im is not None:
return (self.pupil_plane_scale == other.pupil_plane_scale and
np.array_equal(self.illuminated, other.illuminated))
return (other._pupil_plane_im is None and
self._circular_pupil == other._circular_pupil and
self._obscuration == other._obscuration and
self._nstruts == other._nstruts and
self._strut_thick == other._strut_thick and
self._strut_angle == other._strut_angle and
self._input_pupil_plane_scale == other._input_pupil_plane_scale and
self._input_pupil_plane_size == other._input_pupil_plane_size and
self._oversampling == other._oversampling and
self._pad_factor == other._pad_factor)
def __hash__(self):
# Cache since self.illuminated may be large.
if not hasattr(self, '_hash'):
self._hash = hash(("galsim.Aperture", self.diam, self.pupil_plane_scale))
self._hash ^= hash(tuple(self.illuminated.ravel()))
return self._hash
# Properties show up nicely in the interactive terminal for
# >>>help(Aperture)
# So we make a thin wrapper here.
def illuminated(self):
"""A boolean array indicating which positions in the pupil plane are exposed to the sky.
return self._illuminated
def rho(self):
"""Unit-disk normalized pupil plane coordinate as a complex number:
(x, y) => x + 1j * y.
u = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(self._npix, self.diam/self._pupil_plane_size/2.0))
u, v = np.meshgrid(u, u)
return u + 1j * v
def _uv(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_npix'):
# Need this check, since `_uv` is used by `_illuminated`, so need to make sure we
# don't have an infinite loop.
u = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(self._npix, 1./self._pupil_plane_size))
u, v = np.meshgrid(u, u)
return u, v
def u(self):
"""Pupil horizontal coordinate array in meters."""
return self._uv[0]
def v(self):
"""Pupil vertical coordinate array in meters."""
return self._uv[1]
def u_illuminated(self):
"""The u values for only the `illuminated` pixels.
return self.u[self.illuminated]
def v_illuminated(self):
"""The v values for only the `illuminated` pixels.
return self.v[self.illuminated]
def rsqr(self):
"""Pupil radius squared array in meters squared."""
return self.u**2 + self.v**2
def diam(self):
"""Aperture diameter in meters"""
return self._diam
def obscuration(self):
"""Fraction linear obscuration of pupil."""
return self._obscuration
def __getstate__(self):
# Let unpickled object reconstruct cached values on-the-fly instead of including them in the
# pickle.
d = self.__dict__.copy()
for k in ('rho', '_uv', 'rsqr', 'u_illuminated', 'v_illuminated'):
d.pop(k, None)
# Only reconstruct _illuminated if we made it from geometry. If loaded, it's probably
# faster to serialize the array.
if self._pupil_plane_im is None:
d.pop('_illuminated', None)
return d
[docs] def samplePupil(self, photons, rng):
"""Set the pupil_u and pupil_v values in the PhotonArray by sampling the current aperture.
n_photons = len(photons)
u = self.u_illuminated
v = self.v_illuminated
gen = rng.as_numpy_generator()
pick = gen.choice(len(u), size=n_photons).astype(int)
photons.pupil_u = u[pick]
photons.pupil_v = v[pick]
# Make continuous by adding +/- 0.5 pixels shifts.
uscale = self.u[0, 1] - self.u[0, 0]
vscale = self.v[1, 0] - self.v[0, 0]
photons.pupil_u += gen.uniform(-uscale/2.,uscale/2.,size=n_photons)
photons.pupil_v += gen.uniform(-vscale/2.,vscale/2.,size=n_photons)
# Some quick notes for Josh:
# - Relation between real-space grid with size theta and pitch dtheta (dimensions of angle)
# and corresponding (fast) Fourier grid with size 2*maxk and pitch stepk (dimensions of
# inverse angle):
# stepk = 2*pi/theta
# maxk = pi/dtheta
# - Relation between aperture of size L and pitch dL (dimensions of length, not angle!) and
# (fast) Fourier grid:
# dL = stepk * lambda / (2 * pi)
# L = maxk * lambda / pi
# - Implies relation between aperture grid and real-space grid:
# dL = lambda/theta
# L = lambda/dtheta
# MJ: Of these four, only _sky_scale is still used. The rest are left here for informational
# purposes, but nothing actually calls them.
def _getStepK(self, lam, scale_unit=arcsec):
"""Return the Fourier grid spacing for this aperture at given wavelength.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers.
scale_unit: Inverse units in which to return result [default: galsim.arcsec]
Fourier grid spacing.
return 2*np.pi*self.pupil_plane_scale/(lam*1e-9) * scale_unit/radians
def _getMaxK(self, lam, scale_unit=arcsec):
"""Return the Fourier grid half-size for this aperture at given wavelength.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers.
scale_unit: Inverse units in which to return result [default: galsim.arcsec]
Fourier grid half-size.
return np.pi*self.pupil_plane_size/(lam*1e-9) * scale_unit/radians
def _sky_scale(self, lam, scale_unit=arcsec):
"""Return the image scale for this aperture at given wavelength.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers.
scale_unit: Units in which to return result [default: galsim.arcsec]
Image scale.
return (lam*1e-9) / self.pupil_plane_size * radians/scale_unit
def _sky_size(self, lam, scale_unit=arcsec):
"""Return the image size for this aperture at given wavelength.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers.
scale_unit: Units in which to return result [default: galsim.arcsec]
Image size.
return (lam*1e-9) / self.pupil_plane_scale * radians/scale_unit
[docs]class PhaseScreenList:
"""List of phase screens that can be turned into a PSF. Screens can be either atmospheric
layers or optical phase screens. Generally, one would assemble a PhaseScreenList object using
the function `Atmosphere`. Layers can be added, removed, appended, etc. just like items can
be manipulated in a python list. For example::
# Create an atmosphere with three layers.
>>> screens = galsim.PhaseScreenList([galsim.AtmosphericScreen(...),
# Add another layer
>>> screens.append(galsim.AtmosphericScreen(...))
# Remove the second layer
>>> del screens[1]
# Switch the first and second layer. Silly, but works...
>>> screens[0], screens[1] = screens[1], screens[0]
layers: Sequence of phase screens.
def __init__(self, *layers):
if len(layers) == 1:
# First check if layers[0] is a PhaseScreenList, so we avoid nesting.
if isinstance(layers[0], PhaseScreenList):
self._layers = layers[0]._layers
# Next, see if layers[0] is iterable. E.g., to catch generator expressions.
self._layers = list(layers[0])
except TypeError:
self._layers = list(layers)
self._layers = list(layers)
self._pending = [] # Pending PSFs to calculate upon first drawImage.
def __len__(self):
return len(self._layers)
def __getitem__(self, index):
items = self._layers[index]
except TypeError:
msg = "{cls.__name__} indices must be integers or slices"
raise TypeError(msg.format(cls=self.__class__))
index + 1 # Regular in indices are the norm, so try something that works for it,
# but not for slices, where we need different handling.
except TypeError:
# index is a slice, so items is a list.
return PhaseScreenList(items)
# index is an int, so items is just one screen.
return items
def __setitem__(self, index, layer):
self._layers[index] = layer
def __delitem__(self, index):
del self._layers[index]
def append(self, layer):
def extend(self, layers):
def __str__(self):
return "galsim.PhaseScreenList([%s])" % ",".join(str(l) for l in self._layers)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.PhaseScreenList(%r)" % self._layers
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other,PhaseScreenList) and self._layers == other._layers))
def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
__hash__ = None # Mutable means not hashable.
def _update_attrs(self):
# If any of the wrapped PhaseScreens have an rng, then eval(repr(screen_list)) will run, but
# fail to round-trip to the original object. So we search for that here and set/delete a
# dummy rng sentinel attribute so do_pickle() will know to skip the obj == eval(repr(obj))
# test.
self.__dict__.pop('rng', None)
self.dynamic = any(l.dynamic for l in self)
self.reversible = all(l.reversible for l in self)
self.__dict__.pop('r0_500_effective', None)
def _seek(self, t):
"""Set all layers' internal clocks to time t."""
for layer in self:
except AttributeError:
# Time indep phase screen
def _reset(self):
"""Reset phase screens back to time=0."""
for layer in self:
except AttributeError:
# Time indep phase screen
[docs] def instantiate(self, pool=None, _bar=None, **kwargs):
"""Instantiate the screens in this `PhaseScreenList`.
pool: A multiprocessing.Pool object to use to instantiate screens in parallel.
**kwargs: Keyword arguments to forward to screen.instantiate().
_bar = _bar if _bar else dict() # with dict() _bar.update() is a trivial no op.
if pool is not None:
results = []
for layer in self:
results.append(pool.apply_async(layer.instantiate, kwds=kwargs))
except AttributeError: # OpticalScreen has no instantiate method
for r in results:
for layer in self:
except AttributeError:
def _delayCalculation(self, psf):
"""Add psf to delayed calculation list."""
heappush(self._pending, (psf.t0, OrderedWeakRef(psf)))
def _prepareDraw(self):
"""Calculate previously delayed PSFs."""
if not self._pending:
# See if we have any dynamic screens. If not, then we can immediately compute each PSF
# in a simple loop.
if not self.dynamic:
for _, psfref in self._pending:
psf = psfref()
if psf is not None:
self._pending = []
self._update_time_heap = []
# If we do have time-evolving screens, then iteratively increment the time while being
# careful to always stop at multiples of each PSF's time_step attribute to update that PSF.
# Use a heap (in _pending list) to track the next time to stop at.
# Get and seek to next time that has a PSF update.
t, psfref = heappop(self._pending)
# Check if this PSF weakref is still alive
psf = psfref()
if psf is not None:
# If it's alive, update this PSF
# If that PSF's next possible update time doesn't extend past its exptime, then
# push it back on the heap.
t += psf.time_step
if t < psf.t0 + psf.exptime:
heappush(self._pending, (t, OrderedWeakRef(psf)))
self._pending = []
[docs] def wavefront(self, u, v, t, theta=(0.0*radians, 0.0*radians)):
""" Compute cumulative wavefront due to all phase screens in `PhaseScreenList`.
Wavefront here indicates the distance by which the physical wavefront lags or leads the
ideal plane wave (pre-optics) or spherical wave (post-optics).
u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can
be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match.
v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can
be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match.
t: Times (in seconds) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can be None, a scalar or an
iterable. If None, then the internal time of the phase screens will be used
for all u, v. If scalar, then the size will be broadcast up to match that of
u and v. If iterable, then the shape must match the shapes of u and v.
theta: Field angle at which to evaluate wavefront, as a 2-tuple of `galsim.Angle`
instances. [default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)]
Only a single theta is permitted.
Array of wavefront lag or lead in nanometers.
if len(self._layers) > 1:
return np.sum([layer.wavefront(u, v, t, theta) for layer in self], axis=0)
return self._layers[0].wavefront(u, v, t, theta)
[docs] def wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t, theta=(0.0*radians, 0.0*radians)):
""" Compute cumulative wavefront gradient due to all phase screens in `PhaseScreenList`.
u: Horizontal pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can
be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match.
v: Vertical pupil coordinate (in meters) at which to evaluate wavefront. Can
be a scalar or an iterable. The shapes of u and v must match.
t: Times (in seconds) at which to evaluate wavefront gradient. Can be None, a
scalar or an iterable. If None, then the internal time of the phase screens
will be used for all u, v. If scalar, then the size will be broadcast up to
match that of u and v. If iterable, then the shape must match the shapes of
u and v.
theta: Field angle at which to evaluate wavefront, as a 2-tuple of `galsim.Angle`
instances. [default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)]
Only a single theta is permitted.
Arrays dWdu and dWdv of wavefront lag or lead gradient in nm/m.
if len(self._layers) > 1:
return np.sum([layer.wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta) for layer in self], axis=0)
return self._layers[0].wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta)
def _wavefront(self, u, v, t, theta):
if len(self._layers) > 1:
return np.sum([layer._wavefront(u, v, t, theta) for layer in self], axis=0)
return self._layers[0]._wavefront(u, v, t, theta)
def _wavefront_gradient(self, u, v, t, theta):
gradx, grady = self._layers[0]._wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta)
for layer in self._layers[1:]:
gx, gy = layer._wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, theta)
gradx += gx
grady += gy
return gradx, grady
[docs] def makePSF(self, lam, **kwargs):
"""Create a PSF from the current `PhaseScreenList`.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers at which to compute PSF.
t0: Time at which to start exposure in seconds. [default: 0.0]
exptime: Time in seconds over which to accumulate evolving instantaneous
PSF. [default: 0.0]
time_step: Time interval in seconds with which to sample phase screens when
drawing using real-space or Fourier methods, or when using
photon-shooting without the geometric optics approximation. Note
that the default value of 0.025 is fairly arbitrary. For careful
studies, we recommend checking that results are stable when
decreasing time_step. Also note that when drawing using
photon-shooting with the geometric optics approximation this
keyword is ignored, as the phase screen can be sampled
continuously in this case instead of at discrete intervals.
[default: 0.025]
flux: Flux of output PSF. [default: 1.0]
theta: Field angle of PSF as a 2-tuple of `Angle` instances.
[default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)]
interpolant: Either an Interpolant instance or a string indicating which
interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc',
'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the
integer order to use. [default: galsim.Quintic()]
scale_unit: Units to use for the sky coordinates of the output profile.
[default: galsim.arcsec]
ii_pad_factor: Zero-padding factor by which to extend the image of the PSF when
creating the ``InterpolatedImage``. See the
``InterpolatedImage`` docstring for more details. [default: 1.5]
suppress_warning: If ``pad_factor`` is too small, the code will emit a warning
telling you its best guess about how high you might want to raise
it. However, you can suppress this warning by using
``suppress_warning=True``. [default: False]
geometric_shooting: If True, then when drawing using photon shooting, use geometric
optics approximation where the photon angles are derived from the
phase screen gradient. If False, then first draw using Fourier
optics and then shoot from the derived InterpolatedImage.
[default: True]
aper: `Aperture` to use to compute PSF(s). [default: None]
second_kick: An optional second kick to also convolve by when using geometric
photon-shooting. (This can technically be any `GSObject`, though
usually it should probably be a SecondKick object). If None, then a
good second kick will be chosen automatically based on
``screen_list``. If False, then a second kick won't be applied.
[default: None]
kcrit: Critical Fourier scale (in units of 1/r0) at which to separate low-k
and high-k turbulence. The default value was chosen based on
comparisons between Fourier optics and geometric optics with a
second kick correction. While most values of kcrit smaller than the
default produce similar results, we caution the user to compare the
affected geometric PSFs against Fourier optics PSFs carefully before
changing this value. [default: 0.2]
fft_sign: The sign (+/-) to use in the exponent of the Fourier kernel when
evaluating the Fourier optics PSF. As of version 2.3, GalSim uses a
plus sign by default, which we believe to be consistent with, for
example, how Zemax computes a Fourier optics PSF on DECam. Before
version 2.3, the default was a negative sign. Input should be
either the string '+' or the string '-'. [default: '+']
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
The following are optional keywords to use to setup the aperture if ``aper`` is not
diam: Aperture diameter in meters.
circular_pupil: Adopt a circular pupil? [default: True]
obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture
linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0]
nstruts: Number of radial support struts to add to the central
obscuration. [default: 0]
strut_thick: Thickness of support struts as a fraction of aperture diameter.
[default: 0.05]
strut_angle: `Angle` made between the vertical and the strut starting closest to
it, defined to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction;
must be an `Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
oversampling: Optional oversampling factor *in the image plane* for the PSF
eventually constructed using this `Aperture`. Setting
``oversampling < 1`` will produce aliasing in the PSF (not good).
[default: 1.0]
pad_factor: Additional multiple by which to extend the PSF image to avoid
folding. [default: 1.0]
pupil_plane_im: The GalSim.Image, NumPy array, or name of file containing the
pupil plane image, to be used instead of generating one based on
the obscuration and strut parameters. [default: None]
pupil_angle: If ``pupil_plane_im`` is not None, rotation angle for the pupil
plane (positive in the counter-clockwise direction). Must be an
`Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
pupil_plane_scale: Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In
most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case
GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. The
exception is when specifying the pupil arrangement via an image,
in which case this keyword can be used to indicate the sampling
of that image. See also ``pad_factor`` for adjusting the pupil
sampling scale. [default: None]
pupil_plane_size: Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases,
it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will
attempt to find a good value automatically. See also
``oversampling`` for adjusting the pupil size. [default: None]
return PhaseScreenPSF(self, lam, **kwargs)
def r0_500_effective(self):
"""Effective r0_500 for set of screens in list that define an r0_500 attribute."""
r0_500s = np.array([l.r0_500 for l in self if hasattr(l, 'r0_500')])
if len(r0_500s) == 0:
return None
return np.sum(r0_500s**(-5./3))**(-3./5)
def _getStepK(self, **kwargs):
"""Return an appropriate stepk for this list of phase screens.
The required set of parameters depends on the types of the individual `PhaseScreen`
instances in the `PhaseScreenList`. See the documentation for the individual
`PhaseScreen.pupil_plane_scale` methods for more details.
# Generically, GalSim propagates stepk for convolutions using
# stepk = sum(s**-2 for s in stepks)**(-0.5)
# We're not actually doing convolution between screens here, though. In fact, the right
# relation for Kolmogorov screens uses exponents -5./3 and -3./5:
# stepk = sum(s**(-5./3) for s in stepks)**(-3./5)
# Since most of the layers in a PhaseScreenList are likely to be (nearly) Kolmogorov
# screens, we'll use that relation.
return np.sum([layer._getStepK(**kwargs)**(-5./3) for layer in self])**(-3./5)
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
d['_pending'] = []
return d
[docs]class PhaseScreenPSF(GSObject):
"""A PSF surface brightness profile constructed by integrating over time the instantaneous PSF
derived from a set of phase screens and an aperture.
There are two equivalent ways to construct a PhaseScreenPSF given a `PhaseScreenList`::
>>> psf = screen_list.makePSF(...)
>>> psf = PhaseScreenPSF(screen_list, ...)
Computing a PSF from a phase screen also requires an `Aperture` be specified. This can be done
either directly via the ``aper`` keyword, or by setting a number of keywords that will be passed
to the `Aperture` constructor. The ``aper`` keyword always takes precedence.
There are effectively three ways to draw a PhaseScreenPSF (or `GSObject` that includes a
1) Fourier optics
This is the default, and is performed for all drawImage methods except method='phot'. This
is generally the most accurate option. For a `PhaseScreenList` that includes an
`AtmosphericScreen`, however, this can be prohibitively slow. For `OpticalPSF`, though,
this can sometimes be a good option.
2) Photon-shooting from an image produced using Fourier optics.
This is done if geometric_shooting=False when creating the PhaseScreenPSF, and method='phot'
when calling drawImage. This actually performs the same calculations as the Fourier optics
option above, but then proceeds by shooting photons from that result. This can sometimes be
a good option for OpticalPSFs, especially if the same OpticalPSF can be reused for may
objects, since the Fourier part of the process would only be performed once in this case.
3) Photon-shooting using the "geometric approximation".
This is done if geometric_shooting=True when creating the PhaseScreenPSF, and method='phot'
when calling drawImage. In this case, a completely different algorithm is used make an
image. Photons are uniformly generated in the `Aperture` pupil, and then the phase gradient
at that location is used to deflect each photon in the image plane. This method, which
corresponds to geometric optics, is broadly accurate for phase screens that vary slowly
across the aperture, and is usually several orders of magnitude or more faster than Fourier
optics (depending on the flux of the object, of course, but much faster even for rather
bright flux levels).
One short-coming of this method is that it neglects interference effects, i.e. diffraction.
For `PhaseScreenList` that include at least one `AtmosphericScreen`, a correction, dubbed
the "second kick", will automatically be applied to handle both the quickly varying modes
of the screens and the diffraction pattern of the `Aperture`. For PhaseScreenLists without
an `AtmosphericScreen`, the correction is simply an Airy function. Note that this
correction can be overridden using the second_kick keyword argument, and also tuned to some
extent using the kcrit keyword argument.
Note also that calling drawImage on a PhaseScreenPSF that uses a `PhaseScreenList` with any
uninstantiated `AtmosphericScreen` will perform that instantiation, and that the details of the
instantiation depend on the drawing method used, and also the kcrit keyword argument to
PhaseScreenPSF. See the `AtmosphericScreen` docstring for more details.
screen_list: `PhaseScreenList` object from which to create PSF.
lam: Wavelength in nanometers at which to compute PSF.
t0: Time at which to start exposure in seconds. [default: 0.0]
exptime: Time in seconds over which to accumulate evolving instantaneous PSF.
[default: 0.0]
time_step: Time interval in seconds with which to sample phase screens when
drawing using real-space or Fourier methods, or when using
photon-shooting without the geometric optics approximation. Note
that the default value of 0.025 is fairly arbitrary. For careful
studies, we recommend checking that results are stable when
decreasing time_step. Also note that when drawing using
photon-shooting with the geometric optics approximation this
keyword is ignored, as the phase screen can be sampled
continuously in this case instead of at discrete intervals.
[default: 0.025]
flux: Flux of output PSF [default: 1.0]
theta: Field angle of PSF as a 2-tuple of `Angle` instances.
[default: (0.0*galsim.arcmin, 0.0*galsim.arcmin)]
interpolant: Either an Interpolant instance or a string indicating which
interpolant should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc', 'linear',
'cubic', 'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the integer order
to use. [default: galsim.Quintic()]
scale_unit: Units to use for the sky coordinates of the output profile.
[default: galsim.arcsec]
ii_pad_factor: Zero-padding factor by which to extend the image of the PSF when
creating the ``InterpolatedImage``. See the ``InterpolatedImage``
docstring for more details. [default: 1.5]
suppress_warning: If ``pad_factor`` is too small, the code will emit a warning telling
you its best guess about how high you might want to raise it.
However, you can suppress this warning by using
``suppress_warning=True``. [default: False]
geometric_shooting: If True, then when drawing using photon shooting, use geometric
optics approximation where the photon angles are derived from the
phase screen gradient. If False, then first draw using Fourier
optics and then shoot from the derived InterpolatedImage.
[default: True]
aper: `Aperture` to use to compute PSF(s). [default: None]
second_kick: An optional second kick to also convolve by when using geometric
photon-shooting. (This can technically be any `GSObject`, though
usually it should probably be a SecondKick object). If None, then a
good second kick will be chosen automatically based on
``screen_list``. If False, then a second kick won't be applied.
[default: None]
kcrit: Critical Fourier scale (in units of 1/r0) at which to separate low-k
and high-k turbulence. The default value was chosen based on
comparisons between Fourier optics and geometric optics with a second
kick correction. While most values of kcrit smaller than the default
produce similar results, we caution the user to compare the affected
geometric PSFs against Fourier optics PSFs carefully before changing
this value. [default: 0.2]
fft_sign: The sign (+/-) to use in the exponent of the Fourier kernel when
evaluating the Fourier optics PSF. As of version 2.3, GalSim uses a
plus sign by default, which we believe to be consistent with, for
example, how Zemax computes a Fourier optics PSF on DECam. Before
version 2.3, the default was a negative sign. Input should be either
the string '+' or the string '-'. [default: '+']
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
The following are optional keywords to use to setup the aperture if ``aper`` is not provided:
diam: Aperture diameter in meters. [default: None]
circular_pupil: Adopt a circular pupil? [default: True]
obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of aperture
linear dimension. [0., 1.). [default: 0.0]
nstruts: Number of radial support struts to add to the central obscuration.
[default: 0]
strut_thick: Thickness of support struts as a fraction of aperture diameter.
[default: 0.05]
strut_angle: `Angle` made between the vertical and the strut starting closest to it,
defined to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction; must be an
`Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
oversampling: Optional oversampling factor *in the image plane* for the PSF
eventually constructed using this `Aperture`. Setting
``oversampling < 1`` will produce aliasing in the PSF (not good).
[default: 1.0]
pad_factor: Additional multiple by which to extend the PSF image to avoid
folding. [default: 1.0]
pupil_plane_im: The GalSim.Image, NumPy array, or name of file containing the pupil
plane image, to be used instead of generating one based on the
obscuration and strut parameters. [default: None]
pupil_angle: If ``pupil_plane_im`` is not None, rotation angle for the pupil plane
(positive in the counter-clockwise direction). Must be an `Angle`
instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
pupil_plane_scale: Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In
most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case
GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. The
exception is when specifying the pupil arrangement via an image, in
which case this keyword can be used to indicate the sampling of that
image. See also ``pad_factor`` for adjusting the pupil sampling
scale. [default: None]
pupil_plane_size: Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases, it's
a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will attempt
to find a good value automatically. See also ``oversampling`` for
adjusting the pupil size. [default: None]
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_axisymmetric = False
_is_analytic_x = True
_is_analytic_k = True
_default_iipf = 1.5
def __init__(self, screen_list, lam, t0=0.0, exptime=0.0, time_step=0.025, flux=1.0,
theta=(0.0*arcsec, 0.0*arcsec), interpolant=None, scale_unit=arcsec,
ii_pad_factor=None, suppress_warning=False,
geometric_shooting=True, aper=None, second_kick=None, kcrit=0.2, fft_sign='+',
gsparams=None, _force_stepk=0., _force_maxk=0., _bar=None, **kwargs):
# Hidden `_bar` kwarg can be used with astropy.console.utils.ProgressBar to print out a
# progress bar during long calculations.
if not isinstance(screen_list, PhaseScreenList):
screen_list = PhaseScreenList(screen_list)
if fft_sign not in ['+', '-']:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid fft_sign", fft_sign, allowed_values=['+','-'])
self._screen_list = screen_list
self.t0 = float(t0)
self.lam = float(lam)
self.exptime = float(exptime)
self.time_step = float(time_step)
if aper is None:
# Check here for diameter.
if 'diam' not in kwargs:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Diameter required if aperture not specified directly.", diam=None, aper=aper)
aper = Aperture(lam=lam, screen_list=self._screen_list, gsparams=gsparams, **kwargs)
elif gsparams is None:
gsparams = aper.gsparams
aper = aper.withGSParams(gsparams)
self.aper = aper
if not isinstance(theta[0], Angle) or not isinstance(theta[1], Angle):
raise TypeError("theta must be 2-tuple of galsim.Angle's.")
self.theta = theta
self.interpolant = interpolant
if isinstance(scale_unit, str):
scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit)
self.scale_unit = scale_unit
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
self.scale = aper._sky_scale(self.lam, self.scale_unit)
self._force_stepk = _force_stepk
self._force_maxk = _force_maxk
self._img = None
if self.exptime < 0:
raise GalSimRangeError("Cannot integrate PSF for negative time.", self.exptime, 0.)
self._ii_pad_factor = ii_pad_factor if ii_pad_factor is not None else self._default_iipf
self._bar = _bar if _bar else dict() # with dict() _bar.update() is a trivial no op.
self._flux = float(flux)
self._suppress_warning = suppress_warning
self._geometric_shooting = geometric_shooting
self._kcrit = kcrit
self._fft_sign = fft_sign
# We'll set these more intelligently as needed below
self._second_kick = second_kick
self._finalized = False
def _real_ii(self):
ii = InterpolatedImage(
self._img, x_interpolant=self.interpolant,
_force_stepk=self._force_stepk, _force_maxk=self._force_maxk,
use_true_center=False, gsparams=self._gsparams)
if not self._suppress_warning:
specified_stepk = 2*np.pi/(self._img.array.shape[0]*self.scale)
observed_stepk = ii.stepk
if observed_stepk < specified_stepk:
"The calculated stepk (%g) for PhaseScreenPSF is smaller than what was used "
"to build the wavefront (%g). This could lead to aliasing problems. "
"Increasing pad_factor is recommended."%(observed_stepk, specified_stepk))
return ii
def _dummy_ii(self):
# If we need self._ii before we've done _prepareDraw, then build a placeholder that has
# roughly the right properties. All we really need is for the stepk and maxk to be
# correct, so use the force_ options to set them how we want.
if self._force_stepk > 0.:
stepk = self._force_stepk
stepk = self._screen_list._getStepK(lam=self.lam, diam=self.aper.diam,
if self._force_maxk > 0.:
maxk = self._force_maxk
maxk = self.aper._getMaxK(self.lam, self.scale_unit)
image = _Image(np.array([[self._flux]], dtype=float),
_BoundsI(1, 1, 1, 1), PixelScale(1.))
interpolant = 'delta' # Use delta so it doesn't contribute to stepk
return InterpolatedImage(
image, pad_factor=1.0, x_interpolant=interpolant,
_force_stepk=stepk, _force_maxk=maxk)
def _ii(self):
if self._finalized:
return self._real_ii
return self._dummy_ii
def kcrit(self):
"""The critical Fourier scale being used for this object.
return self._kcrit
def fft_sign(self):
"""The sign (+/-) to use in the exponent of the Fourier kernel when evaluating the Fourier
optics PSF.
return self._fft_sign
def screen_kmax(self):
"""The maximum k value to use in the screen. Typically `kcrit`/r0.
r0_500 = self._screen_list.r0_500_effective
if r0_500 is None:
return np.inf
r0 = r0_500 * (self.lam/500)**(6./5)
return self.kcrit / r0
def second_kick(self):
"""Make a SecondKick object based on contents of screen_list and aper.
if self._second_kick is None:
r0_500 = self._screen_list.r0_500_effective
if r0_500 is None: # No AtmosphericScreens in list
return Airy(lam=self.lam, diam=self.aper.diam,
obscuration=self.aper.obscuration, gsparams=self._gsparams)
r0 = r0_500 * (self.lam/500.)**(6./5)
return SecondKick(
self.lam, r0, self.aper.diam, self.aper.obscuration,
kcrit=self.kcrit, scale_unit=self.scale_unit,
return self._second_kick
def flux(self):
"""The flux of the profile.
return self._flux
def screen_list(self):
"""The `PhaseScreenList` being used for this object.
return self._screen_list
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withGSParams(self, gsparams=None, **kwargs):
if gsparams == self.gsparams: return self
gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams, self.gsparams, **kwargs)
aper = self.aper.withGSParams(gsparams)
ret = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
# Make sure we generate fresh versions of any attrs that depend on gsparams
for attr in ['second_kick', '_real_ii', '_dummy_ii']:
ret.__dict__.pop(attr, None)
ret._gsparams = gsparams
ret.aper = aper
# Make sure we mark that we need to recalculate any previously finalized InterpolatedImage
ret._finalized = False
ret._img = None
return ret
def __str__(self):
return ("galsim.PhaseScreenPSF(%s, lam=%s, exptime=%s)" %
(self._screen_list, self.lam, self.exptime))
def __repr__(self):
outstr = ("galsim.PhaseScreenPSF(%r, lam=%r, exptime=%r, flux=%r, aper=%r, theta=%r, "
"interpolant=%r, scale_unit=%r, fft_sign=%r, gsparams=%r)")
return outstr % (self._screen_list, self.lam, self.exptime, self.flux, self.aper,
self.theta, self.interpolant, self.scale_unit,
self._fft_sign, self.gsparams)
def __eq__(self, other):
# Even if two PSFs were generated with different sets of parameters, they will act
# identically if their img, interpolant, stepk, maxk, pad_factor, fft_sign and gsparams
# match.
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, PhaseScreenPSF) and
self._screen_list == other._screen_list and
self.lam == other.lam and
self.aper == other.aper and
self.t0 == other.t0 and
self.exptime == other.exptime and
self.time_step == other.time_step and
self._flux == other._flux and
self.interpolant == other.interpolant and
self._force_stepk == other._force_stepk and
self._force_maxk == other._force_maxk and
self._ii_pad_factor == other._ii_pad_factor and
self._fft_sign == other._fft_sign and
self.gsparams == other.gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.PhaseScreenPSF", tuple(self._screen_list), self.lam, self.aper,
self.t0, self.exptime, self.time_step, self._flux, self.interpolant,
self._force_stepk, self._force_maxk, self._ii_pad_factor, self._fft_sign,
def _prepareDraw(self):
# Trigger delayed computation of all pending PSFs.
def _step(self):
"""Compute the current instantaneous PSF and add it to the developing integrated PSF."""
u = self.aper.u_illuminated
v = self.aper.v_illuminated
# This is where I need to make sure the screens are instantiated for FFT.
wf = self._screen_list._wavefront(u, v, None, self.theta)
expwf = np.exp((2j*np.pi/self.lam) * wf)
expwf_grid = np.zeros_like(self.aper.illuminated, dtype=np.complex128)
expwf_grid[self.aper.illuminated] = expwf
# Note fft is '-' and ifft is '+' below
if self._fft_sign == '+':
ftexpwf = fft.ifft2(expwf_grid, shift_in=True, shift_out=True)
ftexpwf = fft.fft2(expwf_grid, shift_in=True, shift_out=True)
if self._img is None:
self._img = np.zeros(self.aper.illuminated.shape, dtype=np.float64)
self._img += np.abs(ftexpwf)**2
def _finalize(self):
"""Take accumulated integrated PSF image and turn it into a proper GSObject."""
self._img *= self._flux / self._img.sum(dtype=float)
b = _BoundsI(1,self.aper.npix,1,self.aper.npix)
self._img = _Image(self._img, b, PixelScale(self.scale))
self._finalized = True
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
# The SBProfile is picklable, but it is pretty inefficient, due to the large images being
# written as a string. Better to pickle the image and remake the InterpolatedImage.
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
if not self._finalized:
def _maxk(self):
return self._ii.maxk
def _stepk(self):
return self._ii.stepk
def _centroid(self):
return self._ii.centroid
def _positive_flux(self):
if self._geometric_shooting:
return self._flux
return self._ii.positive_flux
def _negative_flux(self):
if self._geometric_shooting:
return 0.
return self._ii.negative_flux
def _flux_per_photon(self):
if self._geometric_shooting:
return 1.
return self._calculate_flux_per_photon()
def _max_sb(self):
return self._ii.max_sb
def _xValue(self, pos):
return self._ii._xValue(pos)
def _kValue(self, kpos):
return self._ii._kValue(kpos)
def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.):
self._ii._drawReal(image, jac, offset, flux_scaling)
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
if not self._geometric_shooting:
return self._ii._shoot(photons, rng)
if not photons.hasAllocatedPupil():
self.aper.samplePupil(photons, rng)
if not photons.hasAllocatedTimes():
TimeSampler(self.t0, self.exptime).applyTo(photons, rng=rng)
u = photons.pupil_u
v = photons.pupil_v
t = photons.time
n_photons = len(photons)
# This is where the screens need to be instantiated for drawing with geometric photon
# shooting.
self._screen_list.instantiate(kmax=self.screen_kmax, check='phot')
nm_to_arcsec = 1.e-9 * radians / arcsec
if self._fft_sign == '+':
nm_to_arcsec *= -1
photons.x, photons.y = self._screen_list._wavefront_gradient(u, v, t, self.theta)
photons.x *= nm_to_arcsec
photons.y *= nm_to_arcsec
photons.flux = self._flux / n_photons
if self.second_kick:
p2 = PhotonArray(len(photons))
self.second_kick._shoot(p2, rng)
photons.convolve(p2, rng)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
self._ii._drawKImage(image, jac)
def img(self):
from .deprecated import depr
depr('img', 2.1, '', "This functionality has been removed.")
return self._img
def finalized(self):
from .deprecated import depr
depr('finalized', 2.1, "This functionality has been removed.")
return self._finalized
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withFlux(self, flux):
if self._finalized:
# Then it's probably not faster to rebuild with a different flux.
return self.withScaledFlux(flux / self.flux)
return PhaseScreenPSF(self._screen_list, lam=self.lam, exptime=self.exptime, flux=flux,
aper=self.aper, theta=self.theta, interpolant=self.interpolant,
scale_unit=self.scale_unit, gsparams=self.gsparams)
[docs]class OpticalPSF(GSObject):
"""A class describing aberrated PSFs due to telescope optics. Its underlying implementation
uses an InterpolatedImage to characterize the profile.
The diffraction effects are characterized by the diffraction angle, which is a function of the
ratio lambda / D, where lambda is the wavelength of the light and D is the diameter of the
telescope. The natural unit for this value is radians, which is not normally a convenient
unit to use for other `GSObject` dimensions. Assuming that the other sky coordinates you are
using are all in arcsec (e.g. the pixel scale when you draw the image, the size of the galaxy,
etc.), then you should convert this to arcsec as well::
>>> lam = 700 # nm
>>> diam = 4.0 # meters
>>> lam_over_diam = (lam * 1.e-9) / diam # radians
>>> lam_over_diam *= 206265 # Convert to arcsec
>>> psf = galsim.OpticalPSF(lam_over_diam, ...)
To make this process a bit simpler, we recommend instead providing the wavelength and diameter
separately using the parameters ``lam`` (in nm) and ``diam`` (in m). GalSim will then convert
this to any of the normal kinds of angular units using the ``scale_unit`` parameter::
>>> psf = galsim.OpticalPSF(lam=lam, diam=diam, scale_unit=galsim.arcsec, ...)
When drawing images, the scale_unit should match the unit used for the pixel scale or the WCS.
e.g. in this case, a pixel scale of 0.2 arcsec/pixel would be specified as ``pixel_scale=0.2``.
Input aberration coefficients are assumed to be supplied in units of wavelength, and correspond
to the Zernike polynomials in the Noll convention defined in
Noll, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 66, 207-211(1976). For a brief summary of the polynomials, refer to
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zernike_polynomials#Zernike_polynomials. By default, the
aberration coefficients indicate the amplitudes of _circular_ Zernike polynomials, which are
orthogonal over a circle. If you would like the aberration coefficients to instead be
interpretted as the amplitudes of _annular_ Zernike polynomials, which are orthogonal over an
annulus (see Mahajan, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 71, 1 (1981)), set the ``annular_zernike`` keyword
argument to True.
There are two ways to specify the geometry of the pupil plane, i.e., the obscuration disk size
and the areas that will be illuminated outside of it. The first way is to use keywords that
specify the size of the obscuration, and the nature of the support struts holding up the
secondary mirror (or prime focus cage, etc.). These are taken to be rectangular obscurations
extending from the outer edge of the pupil to the outer edge of the obscuration disk (or the
pupil center if ``obscuration = 0.``). You can specify how many struts there are (evenly spaced
in angle), how thick they are as a fraction of the pupil diameter, and what angle they start at
relative to the positive y direction.
The second way to specify the pupil plane configuration is by passing in an image of it. This
can be useful for example if the struts are not evenly spaced or are not radially directed, as
is assumed by the simple model for struts described above. In this case, keywords related to
struts are ignored; moreover, the ``obscuration`` keyword is used to ensure that the images are
properly sampled (so it is still needed), but the keyword is then ignored when using the
supplied image of the pupil plane. Note that for complicated pupil configurations, it may be
desireable to increase ``pad_factor`` for more fidelity at the expense of slower running time.
The ``pupil_plane_im`` that is passed in can be rotated during internal calculations by
specifying a ``pupil_angle`` keyword.
If you choose to pass in a pupil plane image, it must be a square array in which the image of
the pupil is centered. The areas that are illuminated should have some value >0, and the other
areas should have a value of precisely zero. Based on what the OpticalPSF class thinks is the
required sampling to make the PSF image, the image that is passed in of the pupil plane might be
zero-padded during internal calculations. The pixel scale of the pupil plane can be specified
in one of three ways. In descending order of priority, these are:
1. The ``pupil_plane_scale`` keyword argument (units are meters).
2. The ``pupil_plane_im.scale`` attribute (units are meters).
3. If (1) and (2) are both None, then the scale will be inferred by assuming that the
illuminated pixel farthest from the image center is at a physical distance of self.diam/2.
Note that if the scale is specified by either (1) or (2) above (which always includes specifying
the pupil_plane_im as a filename, since the default scale then will be 1.0), then the
lam_over_diam keyword must not be used, but rather the lam and diam keywords are required
separately. Finally, to ensure accuracy of calculations using a pupil plane image, we recommend
sampling it as finely as possible.
As described above, either specify the lam/diam ratio directly in arbitrary units::
>>> optical_psf = galsim.OpticalPSF(lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, defocus=0., ...)
or, use separate keywords for the telescope diameter and wavelength in meters and nanometers,
>>> optical_psf = galsim.OpticalPSF(lam=lam, diam=diam, defocus=0., ...)
Either of these options initializes ``optical_psf`` as an OpticalPSF instance.
lam_over_diam: Lambda / telescope diameter in the physical units adopted for ``scale``
(user responsible for consistency). Either ``lam_over_diam``, or
``lam`` and ``diam``, must be supplied.
lam: Lambda (wavelength) in units of nanometers. Must be supplied with
``diam``, and in this case, image scales (``scale``) should be
specified in units of ``scale_unit``.
diam : Telescope diameter in units of meters. Must be supplied with
``lam``, and in this case, image scales (``scale``) should be
specified in units of ``scale_unit``.
tip: Tip in units of incident light wavelength. [default: 0]
tilt: Tilt in units of incident light wavelength. [default: 0]
defocus: Defocus in units of incident light wavelength. [default: 0]
astig1: Astigmatism (like e2) in units of incident light wavelength.
[default: 0]
astig2: Astigmatism (like e1) in units of incident light wavelength.
[default: 0]
coma1: Coma along y in units of incident light wavelength. [default: 0]
coma2: Coma along x in units of incident light wavelength. [default: 0]
trefoil1: Trefoil (one of the arrows along y) in units of incident light
wavelength. [default: 0]
trefoil2: Trefoil (one of the arrows along x) in units of incident light
wavelength. [default: 0]
spher: Spherical aberration in units of incident light wavelength.
[default: 0]
aberrations: Optional keyword, to pass in a list, tuple, or NumPy array of
aberrations in units of reference wavelength (ordered according to
the Noll convention), rather than passing in individual values for each
individual aberration. Note that aberrations[1] is piston (and not
aberrations[0], which is unused.) This list can be arbitrarily long to
handle Zernike polynomial aberrations of arbitrary order.
annular_zernike: Boolean indicating that aberrations specify the amplitudes of annular
Zernike polynomials instead of circular Zernike polynomials.
[default: False]
aper: `Aperture` object to use when creating PSF. [default: None]
circular_pupil: Adopt a circular pupil? [default: True]
obscuration: Linear dimension of central obscuration as fraction of pupil linear
dimension, [0., 1.). This should be specified even if you are providing
a ``pupil_plane_im``, since we need an initial value of obscuration to
use to figure out the necessary image sampling. [default: 0]
interpolant: Either an Interpolant instance or a string indicating which interpolant
should be used. Options are 'nearest', 'sinc', 'linear', 'cubic',
'quintic', or 'lanczosN' where N should be the integer order to use.
[default: galsim.Quintic()]
oversampling: Optional oversampling factor for the InterpolatedImage. Setting
``oversampling < 1`` will produce aliasing in the PSF (not good).
Usually ``oversampling`` should be somewhat larger than 1. 1.5 is
usually a safe choice. [default: 1.5]
pad_factor: Additional multiple by which to zero-pad the PSF image to avoid folding
compared to what would be employed for a simple `Airy`. Note that
``pad_factor`` may need to be increased for stronger aberrations, i.e.
those larger than order unity. [default: 1.5]
ii_pad_factor: Zero-padding factor by which to extend the image of the PSF when
creating the ``InterpolatedImage``. See the ``InterpolatedImage``
docstring for more details. [default: 1.5]
suppress_warning: If ``pad_factor`` is too small, the code will emit a warning telling you
its best guess about how high you might want to raise it. However,
you can suppress this warning by using ``suppress_warning=True``.
[default: False]
geometric_shooting: If True, then when drawing using photon shooting, use geometric
optics approximation where the photon angles are derived from the
phase screen gradient. If False, then first draw using Fourier
optics and then shoot from the derived InterpolatedImage.
[default: False]
flux: Total flux of the profile. [default: 1.]
nstruts: Number of radial support struts to add to the central obscuration.
[default: 0]
strut_thick: Thickness of support struts as a fraction of pupil diameter.
[default: 0.05]
strut_angle: `Angle` made between the vertical and the strut starting closest to it,
defined to be positive in the counter-clockwise direction; must be an
`Angle` instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
pupil_plane_im: The GalSim.Image, NumPy array, or name of file containing the pupil
plane image, to be used instead of generating one based on the
obscuration and strut parameters. [default: None]
pupil_angle: If ``pupil_plane_im`` is not None, rotation angle for the pupil plane
(positive in the counter-clockwise direction). Must be an `Angle`
instance. [default: 0. * galsim.degrees]
pupil_plane_scale: Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In
most cases, it's a good idea to leave this as None, in which case
GalSim will attempt to find a good value automatically. The
exception is when specifying the pupil arrangement via an image, in
which case this keyword can be used to indicate the sampling of that
image. See also ``pad_factor`` for adjusting the pupil sampling scale.
[default: None]
pupil_plane_size: Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array. In most cases, it's
a good idea to leave this as None, in which case GalSim will attempt
to find a good value automatically. See also ``oversampling`` for
adjusting the pupil size. [default: None]
scale_unit: Units to use for the sky coordinates when calculating lam/diam if these
are supplied separately. Should be either a `galsim.AngleUnit` or a
string that can be used to construct one (e.g., 'arcsec', 'radians',
etc.). [default: galsim.arcsec]
fft_sign: The sign (+/-) to use in the exponent of the Fourier kernel when
evaluating the Fourier optics PSF. As of version 2.3, GalSim uses a
plus sign by default, which we believe to be consistent with, for
example, how Zemax computes a Fourier optics PSF on DECam. Before
version 2.3, the default was a negative sign. Input should be either
the string '+' or the string '-'. [default: '+']
gsparams: An optional `GSParams` argument. [default: None]
_opt_params = {
"diam": float,
"defocus": float,
"astig1": float,
"astig2": float,
"coma1": float,
"coma2": float,
"trefoil1": float,
"trefoil2": float,
"spher": float,
"annular_zernike": bool,
"circular_pupil": bool,
"obscuration": float,
"oversampling": float,
"pad_factor": float,
"suppress_warning": bool,
"interpolant": str,
"flux": float,
"nstruts": int,
"strut_thick": float,
"strut_angle": Angle,
"pupil_plane_im": str,
"pupil_angle": Angle,
"pupil_plane_scale": float,
"pupil_plane_size": float,
"scale_unit": str,
"fft_sign": str}
_single_params = [{"lam_over_diam": float, "lam": float}]
_has_hard_edges = False
_is_axisymmetric = False
_is_analytic_x = True
_is_analytic_k = True
_default_iipf = 1.5 # The default ii_pad_factor, since we need to check it for the repr
def __init__(self, lam_over_diam=None, lam=None, diam=None, tip=0., tilt=0., defocus=0.,
astig1=0., astig2=0., coma1=0., coma2=0., trefoil1=0., trefoil2=0., spher=0.,
aberrations=None, annular_zernike=False,
aper=None, circular_pupil=True, obscuration=0., interpolant=None,
oversampling=1.5, pad_factor=1.5, ii_pad_factor=None, flux=1.,
nstruts=0, strut_thick=0.05, strut_angle=0.*radians,
pupil_plane_im=None, pupil_plane_scale=None, pupil_plane_size=None,
pupil_angle=0.*radians, scale_unit=arcsec, fft_sign='+', gsparams=None,
_force_stepk=0., _force_maxk=0.,
suppress_warning=False, geometric_shooting=False):
if fft_sign not in ['+', '-']:
raise GalSimValueError("Invalid fft_sign", fft_sign, allowed_values=['+','-'])
if isinstance(scale_unit, str):
scale_unit = AngleUnit.from_name(scale_unit)
# Need to handle lam/diam vs. lam_over_diam here since lam by itself is needed for
# OpticalScreen.
if lam_over_diam is not None:
if lam is not None or diam is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"If specifying lam_over_diam, then do not specify lam or diam",
lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, lam=lam, diam=diam)
# For combination of lam_over_diam and pupil_plane_im with a specified scale, it's
# tricky to determine the actual diameter of the pupil needed by Aperture. So for now,
# we just disallow this combination. Please feel free to raise an issue at
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim/issues if you need this functionality.
if pupil_plane_im is not None:
if isinstance(pupil_plane_im, basestring):
# Filename, therefore specific scale exists.
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"If specifying lam_over_diam, then do not specify pupil_plane_im as "
"as a filename.",
lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, pupil_plane_im=pupil_plane_im)
elif isinstance(pupil_plane_im, Image) and pupil_plane_im.scale is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"If specifying lam_over_diam, then do not specify pupil_plane_im "
"with definite scale attribute.",
lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, pupil_plane_im=pupil_plane_im)
elif pupil_plane_scale is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"If specifying lam_over_diam, then do not specify pupil_plane_scale. ",
lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, pupil_plane_scale=pupil_plane_scale)
lam = 500. # Arbitrary
diam = lam*1.e-9 / lam_over_diam * radians / scale_unit
if lam is None or diam is None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"If not specifying lam_over_diam, then specify lam AND diam",
lam_over_diam=lam_over_diam, lam=lam, diam=diam)
# Make the optical screen.
self._screen = OpticalScreen(
diam=diam, defocus=defocus, astig1=astig1, astig2=astig2, coma1=coma1, coma2=coma2,
trefoil1=trefoil1, trefoil2=trefoil2, spher=spher, aberrations=aberrations,
obscuration=obscuration, annular_zernike=annular_zernike, lam_0=lam)
# Make the aperture.
if aper is None:
aper = Aperture(
diam, lam=lam, circular_pupil=circular_pupil, obscuration=obscuration,
nstruts=nstruts, strut_thick=strut_thick, strut_angle=strut_angle,
oversampling=oversampling, pad_factor=pad_factor,
pupil_plane_im=pupil_plane_im, pupil_angle=pupil_angle,
pupil_plane_scale=pupil_plane_scale, pupil_plane_size=pupil_plane_size,
self.obscuration = obscuration
self.obscuration = aper.obscuration
# Save for pickling
self._lam = float(lam)
self._flux = float(flux)
self._interpolant = interpolant
self._scale_unit = scale_unit
self._gsparams = GSParams.check(gsparams)
self._suppress_warning = suppress_warning
self._geometric_shooting = geometric_shooting
self._aper = aper
self._force_stepk = _force_stepk
self._force_maxk = _force_maxk
self._ii_pad_factor = ii_pad_factor if ii_pad_factor is not None else self._default_iipf
self._fft_sign = fft_sign
def _psf(self):
psf = PhaseScreenPSF(PhaseScreenList(self._screen), lam=self._lam, flux=self._flux,
aper=self._aper, interpolant=self._interpolant,
scale_unit=self._scale_unit, fft_sign=self._fft_sign,
_force_stepk=self._force_stepk, _force_maxk=self._force_maxk,
psf._prepareDraw() # No need to delay an OpticalPSF.
return psf
def __str__(self):
screen = self._screen
s = "galsim.OpticalPSF(lam=%s, diam=%s" % (screen.lam_0, self._aper.diam)
if any(screen.aberrations):
s += ", aberrations=[" + ",".join(str(ab) for ab in screen.aberrations) + "]"
if self._aper._pupil_plane_im is None:
s += self._aper._geometry_str()
if screen.annular_zernike:
s += ", annular_zernike=True"
s += ", obscuration=%r"%self.obscuration
if self._flux != 1.0:
s += ", flux=%s" % self._flux
s += ")"
return s
def __repr__(self):
screen = self._screen
s = "galsim.OpticalPSF(lam=%r, diam=%r" % (self._lam, self._aper.diam)
s += ", aper=%r"%self._aper
if any(screen.aberrations):
s += ", aberrations=[" + ",".join(repr(ab) for ab in screen.aberrations) + "]"
if screen.annular_zernike:
s += ", annular_zernike=True"
s += ", obscuration=%r"%self.obscuration
if self._interpolant != None:
s += ", interpolant=%r"%self._interpolant
if self._scale_unit != arcsec:
s += ", scale_unit=%r"%self._scale_unit
if self._fft_sign != '+':
s += ", fft_sign='-'"
if self._gsparams != GSParams():
s += ", gsparams=%r"%self._gsparams
if self._flux != 1.0:
s += ", flux=%r" % self._flux
if self._force_stepk != 0.:
s += ", _force_stepk=%r" % self._force_stepk
if self._force_maxk != 0.:
s += ", _force_maxk=%r" % self._force_maxk
if self._ii_pad_factor != OpticalPSF._default_iipf:
s += ", ii_pad_factor=%r" % self._ii_pad_factor
s += ")"
return s
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, OpticalPSF) and
self._lam == other._lam and
self._aper == other._aper and
self._screen == other._screen and
self._flux == other._flux and
self._interpolant == other._interpolant and
self._scale_unit == other._scale_unit and
self._force_stepk == other._force_stepk and
self._force_maxk == other._force_maxk and
self._ii_pad_factor == other._ii_pad_factor and
self._fft_sign == other._fft_sign and
self._gsparams == other._gsparams))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(("galsim.OpticalPSF", self._lam, self._aper, self._screen,
self._flux, self._interpolant, self._scale_unit, self._force_stepk,
self._force_maxk, self._ii_pad_factor, self._fft_sign, self._gsparams))
def __getstate__(self):
# The SBProfile is picklable, but it is pretty inefficient, due to the large images being
# written as a string. Better to pickle the psf and remake the PhaseScreenPSF.
d = self.__dict__.copy()
d.pop('_psf', None)
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
def _maxk(self):
return self._psf.maxk
def _stepk(self):
return self._psf.stepk
def _centroid(self):
return self._psf.centroid
def _positive_flux(self):
return self._psf.positive_flux
def _negative_flux(self):
return self._psf.negative_flux
def _flux_per_photon(self):
return self._psf._flux_per_photon
def _max_sb(self):
return self._psf.max_sb
def fft_sign(self):
return self._fft_sign
def _xValue(self, pos):
return self._psf._xValue(pos)
def _kValue(self, kpos):
return self._psf._kValue(kpos)
def _drawReal(self, image, jac=None, offset=(0.,0.), flux_scaling=1.):
self._psf._drawReal(image, jac, offset, flux_scaling)
def _shoot(self, photons, rng):
self._psf._shoot(photons, rng)
def _drawKImage(self, image, jac=None):
self._psf._drawKImage(image, jac)
[docs] @doc_inherit
def withFlux(self, flux):
screen = self._screen
return OpticalPSF(
lam=self._lam, diam=self._aper.diam, aper=self._aper,
aberrations=screen.aberrations, annular_zernike=screen.annular_zernike,
flux=flux, _force_stepk=self._force_stepk, _force_maxk=self._force_maxk,
ii_pad_factor=self._ii_pad_factor, fft_sign=self._fft_sign,
# Put this at the bottom to avoid circular import errors.
from .phase_screens import AtmosphericScreen, OpticalScreen