Source code for galsim.roman.roman_backgrounds

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Part of the Roman Space Telescope module.  This file includes any routines needed to define the
background level, for which the main contribution is zodiacal light.

import numpy as np
import os

from .. import degrees, radians, CelestialCoord
from .. import GalSimValueError

[docs]def getSkyLevel(bandpass, world_pos=None, exptime=None, epoch=2025, date=None): """ Get the expected sky level for a Roman ST observation due to zodiacal light for this bandpass and position. This routine requires Bandpass objects that were loaded by galsim.roman.getBandpasses(). That routine will have stored tables containing the sky background as a function of position on the sky for that bandpass. This routine then interpolates between the values in those tables to arbitrary positions on the sky. The numbers that are stored in the Bandpass object ``bandpass`` are background level in units of e-/s/arcsec^2. Multiplying by the exposure time gives a result in e-/arcsec^2. The result can either be multiplied by the approximate pixel area to get e-/pix, or the result can be used with wcs.makeSkyImage() to make an image of the sky that properly includes the actual pixel area as a function of position on the detector. The source of the tables that are being interpolated is Chris Hirata's publicly-available Roman exposure time calculator (ETC): Using the throughput files loaded into the ``bandpass`` object, the calculation nominally returns photons/s/arcsec^2, but the input bandpasses used internally by the ETC code include the quantum efficiency, to effectively convert to e-/s/arcsec^2. Note that in general results will depend on the adopted model for zodiacal light, and these are uncertain at the ~10% level. One must also better sample the integration in the zodiacal light calculation to match the output tables used by GalSim here. Positions should be specified with the ``world_pos`` keyword, which must be a CelestialCoord object. If no ``world_pos`` is supplied, then the routine will use a default position that looks sensibly away from the sun. Parameters: bandpass: A Bandpass object. world_pos: A position, given as a CelestialCoord object. If None, then the routine will use an ecliptic longitude of 90 degrees with respect to the sun position (as a fair compromise between 0 and 180), and an ecliptic latitude of 30 degrees with respect to the sun position (decently out of the plane of the Earth-sun orbit). [default: None] exptime: Exposure time in seconds. If None, use the default Roman exposure time. [default: None] epoch: The epoch to be used for estimating the obliquity of the ecliptic when converting ``world_pos`` to ecliptic coordinates. This keyword is only used if ``date`` is None, otherwise ``date`` is used to determine the ``epoch``. [default: 2025] date: The date of the observation, provided as a python datetime object. If None, then the conversion to ecliptic coordinates assumes the sun is at ecliptic coordinates of (0,0), as it is at the vernal equinox. [default: None] Returns: the expected sky level in e-/arcsec^2. """ if exptime is None: from . import exptime # Check for cached sky level information for this filter. If not, raise exception if not hasattr(bandpass, '_sky_level'): raise GalSimValueError("Only bandpasses returned from galsim.roman.getBandpasses() are " "allowed here!", bandpass) # Check for proper type for position, and extract the ecliptic coordinates. if world_pos is None: # Use our defaults for the case of unspecified position. ecliptic_lat = 30.*degrees ecliptic_lon = 90.*degrees else: if not isinstance(world_pos, CelestialCoord): raise TypeError("world_pos must be supplied as a CelestialCoord.") if date is not None: epoch = date.year ecliptic_lon, ecliptic_lat = world_pos.ecliptic(epoch=epoch, date=date) # Check the position in our table, and make sure to take advantage of the latitude / longitude # symmetries: # The table only includes positive values of latitude, because there is symmetry about zero. So # we take the absolute value of the input ecliptic latitude. # The table only includes longitude in the range [0, 180] because there is symmetry in that a # negative longitude in the range[-180, 0] should have the same sky level as at the positive # value of longitude (given that the Sun is at 0). ecliptic_lon = ecliptic_lon.wrap() ecliptic_lon = abs(ecliptic_lon.rad)*radians ecliptic_lat = abs(ecliptic_lat.rad)*radians sin_ecliptic_lat = np.sin(ecliptic_lat) # Take the lookup table, and turn negative numbers (indicating failure because of proximity to # sun) to large positive values so that we can identify them as bad after interpolation. max_sky = np.max(bandpass._sky_level) sky_level = bandpass._sky_level.copy() sky_level[sky_level<0] = 1.e6 # Interpolate in 2d on the table. s = sky_level.reshape(46,42).transpose() xlat = sin_ecliptic_lat*41 xlon = abs(ecliptic_lon.wrap() / degrees)/4. ilat = int(xlat) ilon = int(xlon) xlat -= ilat xlon -= ilon sky_val = (s[ilat, ilon] * (1.-xlat)*(1.-xlon) + s[ilat, ilon+1] * (1.-xlat)*xlon + s[ilat+1, ilon] * xlat*(1.-xlon) + s[ilat+1, ilon+1] * xlat*xlon) # If the result is too large, then raise an exception: we should not look at this position! if sky_val > max_sky: raise GalSimValueError("world_pos is too close to sun. Would not observe here.", world_pos) # Now, convert to the right units, and return. (See docstring for explanation.) # Multiply by exposure time. sky_val *= exptime # The result is now the sky level in e-/arcsec^2. return sky_val