# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# https://github.com/GalSim-developers/GalSim
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
# list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
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# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
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__all__ = [ 'BaseWCS', 'PixelScale', 'ShearWCS', 'JacobianWCS',
'OffsetWCS', 'OffsetShearWCS', 'AffineTransform',
'UVFunction', 'RaDecFunction', ]
import numpy as np
import math
import pickle
import types, marshal, base64
from .position import Position, PositionD, _PositionI, _PositionD
from .celestial import CelestialCoord
from .shear import Shear
from .errors import GalSimError, GalSimIncompatibleValuesError, GalSimNotImplementedError
from .errors import GalSimValueError
from ._utilities import doc_inherit, lazy_property, math_eval
from .angle import AngleUnit, radians, arcsec
[docs]class BaseWCS:
"""The base class for all other kinds of WCS transformations.
All the functions the user will typically need are defined here. Most subclasses just
define helper functions to implement each particular WCS definition. So this base
class defines the common interface for all WCS classes.
There are several types of WCS classes that we implement. The basic class hierarchy is::
--- `EuclideanWCS`
--- `UniformWCS`
--- `LocalWCS`
--- `CelestialWCS`
These base classes are not constructible. They do not have __init__ defined.
1. `LocalWCS` classes are those which really just define a pixel size and shape.
They implicitly have the origin in image coordinates correspond to the origin
in world coordinates. They are primarily designed to handle local transformations
at the location of a single galaxy, where it should usually be a good approximation
to consider the pixel shape to be constant over the size of the galaxy.
Currently we define the following `LocalWCS` classes::
- `PixelScale`
- `ShearWCS`
- `JacobianWCS`
2. `UniformWCS` classes have a constant pixel size and shape, but they have an arbitrary origin
in both image coordinates and world coordinates. A `LocalWCS` class can be turned into a
non-local `UniformWCS` class when an image has its bounds changed, e.g. by the commands
`Image.setCenter`, `Image.setOrigin` or `Image.shift`.
Currently we define the following non-local, `UniformWCS` classes::
- `OffsetWCS`
- `OffsetShearWCS`
- `AffineTransform`
3. `EuclideanWCS` classes use a regular Euclidean coordinate system for the world coordinates,
using `PositionD` for the world positions. We use the notation (u,v) for the world
coordinates and (x,y) for the image coordinates.
Currently we define the following non-uniform, `EuclideanWCS` class::
- `UVFunction`
4. `CelestialWCS` classes are defined with their world coordinates on the celestial sphere
in terms of right ascension (RA) and declination (Dec). The pixel size and shape are
always variable. We use `CelestialCoord` for the world coordinates, which helps
facilitate the spherical trigonometry that is sometimes required.
Currently we define the following `CelestialWCS` classes: (All but the first are defined
in the file fitswcs.py.)
- `RaDecFunction`
- `AstropyWCS` -- requires astropy.wcs python module to be installed
- `PyAstWCS` -- requires starlink.Ast python module to be installed
- `WcsToolsWCS` -- requires wcstools command line functions to be installed
- `GSFitsWCS` -- native code, but has less functionality than the above
There are also a few factory functions in fitswcs.py intended to act like class initializers:
- `FitsWCS` tries to read a fits file using one of the above classes and returns an instance of
whichever one it found was successful. It should always be successful, since its final
attempt uses `AffineTransform`, which has reasonable defaults when the WCS key words are not
in the file, but of course this will only be a very rough approximation of the true WCS.
- `TanWCS` constructs a simple tangent plane projection WCS directly from the projection
parameters instead of from a fits header.
- `FittedSIPWCS` constructs a TAN-SIP WCS by fitting to a list of reference celestial and image
Some things you can do with a WCS instance:
- Convert positions between image coordinates and world coordinates (sometimes referred
to as sky coordinates)::
>>> world_pos = wcs.toWorld(image_pos)
>>> image_pos = wcs.toImage(world_pos)
Note: the transformation from world to image coordinates is not guaranteed to be
implemented. If it is not implemented for a particular WCS class, a NotImplementedError
will be raised.
The ``image_pos`` parameter should be a `PositionD`. However, ``world_pos`` will
be a `CelestialCoord` if the transformation is in terms of celestial coordinates
(if ``wcs.isCelestial() == True``). Otherwise, it will be a `PositionD` as well.
- Convert a `GSObject` that is defined in world coordinates to the equivalent profile defined
in terms of image coordinates (or vice versa)::
>>> image_profile = wcs.toImage(world_profile)
>>> world_profile = wcs.toWorld(image_profile)
For non-uniform WCS types (for which ``wcs.isUniform() == False``), these need either an
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos`` parameter to say where this conversion should happen::
>>> image_profile = wcs.toImage(world_profile, image_pos=image_pos)
- Construct a local linear approximation of a WCS at a given location::
>>> local_wcs = wcs.local(image_pos = image_pos)
>>> local_wcs = wcs.local(world_pos = world_pos)
If ``wcs.toWorld(image_pos)`` is not implemented for a particular WCS class, then a
NotImplementedError will be raised if you pass in a ``world_pos`` argument.
The returned ``local_wcs`` is usually a `JacobianWCS` instance, but see the doc string for
`local` for more details.
- Construct a full affine approximation of a WCS at a given location::
>>> affine_wcs = wcs.affine(image_pos = image_pos)
>>> affine_wcs = wcs.affine(world_pos = world_pos)
This preserves the transformation near the location of ``image_pos``, but it is linear, so
the transformed values may not agree as you get farther from the given point.
The returned ``affine_wcs`` is always an `AffineTransform` instance.
- Get some properties of the pixel size and shape::
>>> area = local_wcs.pixelArea()
>>> min_linear_scale = local_wcs.minLinearScale()
>>> max_linear_scale = local_wcs.maxLinearScale()
>>> jac = local_wcs.jacobian()
>>> # Use jac.dudx, jac.dudy, jac.dvdx, jac.dvdy
Non-uniform WCS types also have these functions, but for them, you must supply either
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``. So the following are equivalent::
>>> area = wcs.pixelArea(image_pos)
>>> area = wcs.local(image_pos).pixelArea()
- Query some overall attributes of the WCS transformation::
>>> wcs.isLocal() # is this a local WCS?
>>> wcs.isUniform() # does this WCS have a uniform pixel size/shape?
>>> wcs.isCelestial() # are the world coordinates on the celestial sphere?
>>> wcs.isPixelScale() # is this either a PixelScale or an OffsetWCS?
[docs] def toWorld(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convert from image coordinates to world coordinates.
There are essentially four overloaded versions of this function here.
1. The first converts a `Position` from image coordinates to world coordinates.
It returns the corresponding position in world coordinates as a `PositionD` if the WCS
is a `EuclideanWCS`, or a `CelestialCoord` if it is a `CelestialWCS`::
>>> world_pos = wcs.toWorld(image_pos)
Equivalent to `posToWorld`.
2. The second is nearly the same, but takes x and y values directly and returns
either u, v or ra, dec, depending on the kind of wcs being used. For this version,
x and y may be numpy arrays, in which case the returned values are also numpy
>>> u, v = wcs.toWorld(x, y) # For EuclideanWCS types
>>> ra, dec = wcs.toWorld(x, y, units=units) # For CelestialWCS types
Equivalent to `xyTouv` or `xyToradec`.
3. The third converts a surface brightness profile (a `GSObject`) from image
coordinates to world coordinates, returning the profile in world coordinates
as a new `GSObject`. For non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos`` to say where the profile is located, so the right
transformation can be performed. And optionally, you may provide a flux scaling
to be performed at the same time::
>>> world_profile = wcs.toWorld(image_profile, image_pos=None, world_pos=None,
flux_ratio=1, offset=(0,0))
Equivalent to `profileToWorld`.
4. The fourth converts a shear measurement (a `Shear`) from image coordinates to world
coordinates. As above, for non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``. If the wcs is a CelestialWCS, then the returned
shear follows the convention used by TreeCorr (among others) for shear on a sphere,
namely in the local coordinates where north is up and west is to the right.
>>> world_shear = wcs.toWorld(image_shear, image_pos=None, world_pos=None)
Equivalent to `shearToWorld`.
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], (gsobject.GSObject, chrom.ChromaticObject)):
return self.profileToWorld(*args, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(args[0], Shear):
return self.shearToWorld(*args, **kwargs)
return self.posToWorld(*args, **kwargs)
elif len(args) == 2:
if self._isCelestial:
return self.xyToradec(*args, **kwargs)
return self.xyTouv(*args, **kwargs)
raise TypeError("toWorld() takes either 1 or 2 positional arguments")
[docs] def posToWorld(self, image_pos, color=None, **kwargs):
"""Convert a position from image coordinates to world coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(image_pos)``.
image_pos: The position in image coordinates
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
project_center: (Only valid for `CelestialWCS`) A `CelestialCoord` to use for
projecting the result onto a tangent plane world system rather
than returning a `CelestialCoord`. [default: None]
projection: If project_center != None, the kind of projection to use. See
`CelestialCoord.project` for the valid options. [default: 'gnomonic']
if color is None: color = self._color
if not isinstance(image_pos, Position):
raise TypeError("image_pos must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
return self._posToWorld(image_pos, color=color, **kwargs)
[docs] def profileToWorld(self, image_profile, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None,
flux_ratio=1., offset=(0,0)):
"""Convert a profile from image coordinates to world coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(image_profile, ...)``.
image_profile: The profile in image coordinates to transform.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
flux_ratio: An optional flux scaling to be applied at the same time.
[default: 1]
offset: An optional offset to be applied at the same time. [default: 0,0]
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._profileToWorld(
image_profile, flux_ratio, PositionD(offset))
[docs] def shearToWorld(self, image_shear, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Convert a shear measured in image coordinates to world coordinates
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(shear, ...)``.
Specifically, the input shear is taken to be defined such that +e1 means elongated along
the x-axis, -e1 is along the y-axis, +e2 is along the y=x line, and -e2 is along y=-x.
If the WCS is a EuclideanWCS, then the returned shear is converted to the equivalent
shear in u-v coordinates. I.e. +e1 is along the u-axis, etc.
If the WCS is a CelestialWCS, then the returned shear is converted to sky coordinates where
North is up and West is to the right (as appropriate for looking up into the sky from Earth).
I.e. +e1 is E-W, -e1 is N-S, +e2 is NW-SE, and -e2 is NE-SW. This is the convention used
by many, but not all, codes and catalogs that use or report shears on the spherical sky.
image_shear: The shear in image coordinates to convert.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
world_shear: The shear in world coordinates.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._shearToWorld(image_shear)
[docs] def toImage(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Convert from world coordinates to image coordinates
There are essentially three overloaded versions of this function here.
1. The first converts a position from world coordinates to image coordinates.
If the WCS is a `EuclideanWCS`, the argument may be either a `PositionD` or `PositionI`
argument. If it is a `CelestialWCS`, then the argument must be a `CelestialCoord`.
It returns the corresponding position in image coordinates as a `PositionD`::
>>> image_pos = wcs.toImage(world_pos)
Equivalent to `posToImage`.
2. The second is nearly the same, but takes either u and v values or ra and dec values
(depending on the kind of wcs being used) directly and returns x and y values.
For this version, the inputs may be numpy arrays, in which case the returned values
are also numpy arrays::
>>> x, y = wcs.toImage(u, v) # For EuclideanWCS types
>>> x, y = wcs.toImage(ra, dec, units=units) # For CelestialWCS types
Equivalent to `uvToxy` or `radecToxy`.
3. The third converts a surface brightness profile (a `GSObject`) from world
coordinates to image coordinates, returning the profile in image coordinates
as a new `GSObject`. For non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos`` to say where the profile is located so the right
transformation can be performed. And optionally, you may provide a flux scaling
to be performed at the same time::
>>> image_profile = wcs.toImage(world_profile, image_pos=None, world_pos=None,
flux_ratio=1, offset=(0,0))
Equivalent to `profileToImage`.
4. The fourth converts a shear measurement (a `Shear`) from image coordinates to world
coordinates. As above, for non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either
``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``. If the wcs is a CelestialWCS, then the returned
shear follows the convention used by TreeCorr (among others) for shear on a sphere,
namely in the local coordinates where north is up and west is to the right.
>>> world_shear = wcs.toWorld(image_shear, image_pos=None, world_pos=None)
Equivalent to `shearToImage`.
if len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], (gsobject.GSObject, chrom.ChromaticObject)):
return self.profileToImage(*args, **kwargs)
elif isinstance(args[0], Shear):
return self.shearToImage(*args, **kwargs)
return self.posToImage(*args, **kwargs)
elif len(args) == 2:
if self._isCelestial:
return self.radecToxy(*args, **kwargs)
return self.uvToxy(*args, **kwargs)
raise TypeError("toImage() takes either 1 or 2 positional arguments")
[docs] def posToImage(self, world_pos, color=None):
"""Convert a position from world coordinates to image coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toImage(world_pos)``.
world_pos: The world coordinate position
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
if color is None: color = self._color
if self._isCelestial and not isinstance(world_pos, CelestialCoord):
raise TypeError("world_pos must be a CelestialCoord argument")
elif not self._isCelestial and not isinstance(world_pos, Position):
raise TypeError("world_pos must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
return self._posToImage(world_pos, color=color)
[docs] def profileToImage(self, world_profile, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None,
flux_ratio=1., offset=(0,0)):
"""Convert a profile from world coordinates to image coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toImage(world_profile, ...)``.
world_profile: The profile in world coordinates to transform.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
flux_ratio: An optional flux scaling to be applied at the same time.
[default: 1]
offset: An optional offset to be applied at the same time. [default: 0,0]
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._profileToImage(
world_profile, flux_ratio, PositionD(offset))
[docs] def shearToImage(self, world_shear, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Convert a shear measured in world coordinates to image coordinates
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toImage(shear, ...)``.
This reverses the process described in `shearToWorld`.
world_shear: The shear in world coordinates to convert.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
image_shear: The shear in image coordinates.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._shearToImage(world_shear)
[docs] def pixelArea(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the area of a pixel in arcsec**2 (or in whatever units you are using for
world coordinates if it is a `EuclideanWCS`).
For non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either ``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``
to say where the pixel is located.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
pixel area. [default: None]
the pixel area in arcsec**2.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._pixelArea()
[docs] def minLinearScale(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the minimum linear scale of the transformation in any direction.
This is basically the semi-minor axis of the Jacobian. Sometimes you need a
linear scale size for some calculation. This function returns the smallest
scale in any direction. The function maxLinearScale() returns the largest.
For non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either ``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``
to say where the pixel is located.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
scale. [default: None]
the minimum pixel area in any direction in arcsec.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._minScale()
[docs] def maxLinearScale(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the maximum linear scale of the transformation in any direction.
This is basically the semi-major axis of the Jacobian. Sometimes you need a
linear scale size for some calculation. This function returns the largest
scale in any direction. The function minLinearScale() returns the smallest.
For non-uniform WCS transforms, you must provide either ``image_pos`` or ``world_pos``
to say where the pixel is located.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
scale. [default: None]
the maximum pixel area in any direction in arcsec.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._maxScale()
[docs] def isPixelScale(self):
"""Return whether the WCS transformation is a simple `PixelScale` or `OffsetWCS`.
These are the simplest two WCS transformations. `PixelScale` is local and `OffsetWCS`
is non-local. If an `Image` has one of these WCS transformations as its WCS, then
``im.scale`` works to read and write the pixel scale. If not, ``im.scale`` will raise a
TypeError exception.
``wcs.isPixelScale()`` is shorthand for ``isinstance(wcs, (galsim.PixelScale,
return self._isPixelScale
def _isPixelScale(self):
return False # Overridden by PixelScale and OffsetWCS
[docs] def isLocal(self):
"""Return whether the WCS transformation is a local, linear approximation.
``wcs.isLocal()`` is shorthand for ``isinstance(wcs, galsim.LocalWCS)``.
return self._isLocal
def _isLocal(self):
return False # Overridden by LocalWCS
def _isUniform(self):
return False # Overridden by UniformWCS
[docs] def isCelestial(self):
"""Return whether the world coordinates are `CelestialCoord` (i.e. ra,dec).
``wcs.isCelestial()`` is shorthand for ``isinstance(wcs, galsim.CelestialWCS)``.
return self._isCelestial
def _isCelestial(self):
return False # Overridden by CelestialWCS
[docs] def local(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the local linear approximation of the WCS at a given point.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
local WCS. [default: None]
a `LocalWCS` instance.
if color is None: color = self._color
if world_pos is not None:
if image_pos is not None:
raise GalSimIncompatibleValuesError(
"Only one of image_pos or world_pos may be provided",
image_pos=image_pos, world_pos=world_pos)
image_pos = self.posToImage(world_pos, color)
if image_pos is not None and not isinstance(image_pos, Position):
raise TypeError("image_pos must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
return self._local(image_pos, color)
[docs] def jacobian(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the local `JacobianWCS` of the WCS at a given point.
This is basically the same as local(), but the return value is guaranteed to be a
`JacobianWCS`, which can be useful in some situations, since you can access the values
of the 2x2 Jacobian matrix directly::
>>> jac = wcs.jacobian(image_pos)
>>> x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,32,1), np.arange(0,32,1))
>>> u = jac.dudx * x + jac.dudy * y
>>> v = jac.dvdx * x + jac.dvdy * y
>>> # ... use u,v values to work directly in world coordinates.
If you do not need the extra functionality, then you should use local()
instead, since it may be more efficient.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
local jacobian. [default: None]
a `JacobianWCS` instance.
if color is None: color = self._color
return self.local(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)._toJacobian()
[docs] def affine(self, image_pos=None, world_pos=None, color=None):
"""Return the local `AffineTransform` of the WCS at a given point.
This returns a linearized version of the current WCS at a given point. It
returns an `AffineTransform` that is locally approximately the same as the WCS in
the vicinity of the given point.
It is similar to jacobian(), except that this preserves the offset information
between the image coordinates and world coordinates rather than setting both
origins to (0,0). Instead, the image origin is taken to be ``image_pos``.
For non-celestial coordinate systems, the world origin is taken to be
``wcs.toWorld(image_pos)``. In fact, ``wcs.affine(image_pos)`` is really just
shorthand for::
>>> wcs.jacobian(image_pos).withOrigin(image_pos, wcs.toWorld(image_pos))
For celestial coordinate systems, there is no well-defined choice for the
origin of the Euclidean world coordinate system. So we just take (u,v) = (0,0)
at the given position. So, ``wcs.affine(image_pos)`` is equivalent to::
>>> wcs.jacobian(image_pos).withOrigin(image_pos)
You can use the returned `AffineTransform` to access the relevant values of the 2x2
Jacobian matrix and the origins directly::
>>> affine = wcs.affine(image_pos)
>>> x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,32,1), np.arange(0,32,1))
>>> u = affine.dudx * (x-affine.x0) + jac.dudy * (y-affine.y0) + affine.u0
>>> v = affine.dvdx * (x-affine.x0) + jac.dvdy * (y-affine.y0) + affine.v0
>>> # ... use u,v values to work directly in sky coordinates.
As usual, you may provide either ``image_pos`` or ``world_pos`` as you prefer to
specify the location at which to approximate the WCS.
image_pos: The image coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
world_pos: The world coordinate position (for non-uniform WCS types)
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term for which to evaluate the
local affine transform. [default: None]
an `AffineTransform` instance
if color is None: color = self._color
jac = self.jacobian(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)
# That call checked that only one of image_pos or world_pos is provided.
if world_pos is not None:
image_pos = self.toImage(world_pos, color=color)
elif image_pos is None:
# Both are None. Must be a local WCS
image_pos = _PositionD(0,0)
if self._isCelestial:
return jac.withOrigin(image_pos)
if world_pos is None:
world_pos = self.toWorld(image_pos, color=color)
return jac.withOrigin(image_pos, world_pos, color=color)
[docs] def shiftOrigin(self, origin, world_origin=None, color=None):
"""Shift the origin of the current WCS function, returning the new WCS.
This function creates a new WCS instance (always a non-local WCS) that shifts the
origin by the given amount. In other words, it treats the image position ``origin``
the same way the current WCS treats (x,y) = (0,0).
If the current WCS is a local WCS, this essentially declares where on the image
you want the origin of the world coordinate system to be. i.e. where is (u,v) = (0,0).
So, for example, to set a WCS that has a constant pixel size with the world coordinates
centered at the center of an image, you could write::
>>> wcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale).shiftOrigin(im.center)
This is equivalent to the following::
>>> wcs = galsim.OffsetWCS(scale, origin=im.center)
For non-local WCS types, the origin defines the location in the image coordinate system
should mean the same thing as (x,y) = (0,0) does for the current WCS. The following
example should work regardless of what kind of WCS this is::
>>> world_pos1 = wcs.toWorld(PositionD(0,0))
>>> wcs2 = wcs.shiftOrigin(new_origin)
>>> world_pos2 = wcs2.toWorld(new_origin)
>>> # world_pos1 should be equal to world_pos2
Furthermore, if the current WCS is a `EuclideanWCS` (wcs.isCelestial() == False) you may
also provide a ``world_origin`` argument which defines what (u,v) position you want to
correspond to the new origin. Continuing the previous example::
>>> wcs3 = wcs.shiftOrigin(new_origin, new_world_origin)
>>> world_pos3 = wcs3.toWorld(new_origin)
>>> # world_pos3 should be equal to new_world_origin
origin: The image coordinate position to use for what is currently treated
as (0,0).
world_origin: The world coordinate position to use at the origin. Only valid if
wcs.isCelestial() == False. [default: None]
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use in the connection
between the current origin and world_origin. [default: None]
the new shifted WCS
if color is None: color = self._color
if not isinstance(origin, Position):
raise TypeError("origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
return self._shiftOrigin(origin, world_origin, color)
def withOrigin(self, origin, world_origin=None, color=None):
from .deprecated import depr
depr('withOrigin', 2.3, 'shiftOrigin')
return self.shiftOrigin(origin, world_origin, color)
[docs] def fixColor(self, color):
"""Fix the color to a particular value.
This changes a color-dependent WCS into the corresponding color-independent WCS
for the given color.
color: The value of the color term to use.
the new color-independent WCS
ret = self.copy()
ret._color = color
return ret
[docs] def makeSkyImage(self, image, sky_level, color=None):
"""Make an image of the sky, correctly accounting for the pixel area, which might be
variable over the image.
Note: This uses finite differences of the wcs mapping to calculate the area of each
pixel in world coordinates. It is usually pretty accurate everywhere except
within a few arcsec of the north or south poles.
image: The image onto which the sky values will be put.
sky_level: The sky level in ADU/arcsec^2 (or whatever your world coordinate
system units are, if not arcsec).
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use for making the
sky image. [default: None]
if color is None: color = self._color
self._makeSkyImage(image, sky_level, color)
# A lot of classes will need these checks, so consolidate them here
def _set_origin(self, origin, world_origin=None):
if origin is None:
self._origin = _PositionD(0,0)
if not isinstance(origin, Position):
raise TypeError("origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
self._origin = origin
if world_origin is None:
self._world_origin = _PositionD(0,0)
if not isinstance(world_origin, Position):
raise TypeError("world_origin must be a PositionD argument")
self._world_origin = world_origin
# Our class hierarchy is:
# BaseWCS
# --- EuclideanWCS
# --- UniformWCS
# --- LocalWCS
# --- CelestialWCS
# Here we define the rest of these classes (besides BaseWCS that is), and implement some
# functionality that is common among the subclasses of these when possible.
[docs]class EuclideanWCS(BaseWCS):
"""A EuclideanWCS is a `BaseWCS` whose world coordinates are on a Euclidean plane.
We usually use the notation (u,v) to refer to positions in world coordinates, and
they use the class `PositionD`.
# All EuclideanWCS classes must define origin and world_origin.
# Sometimes it is convenient to access x0,y0,u0,v0 directly.
def x0(self):
"""The x component of self.origin.
return self.origin.x
def y0(self):
"""The y component of self.origin.
return self.origin.y
def u0(self):
"""The x component of self.world_origin (aka u).
return self.world_origin.x
def v0(self):
"""The y component of self.world_origin (aka v).
return self.world_origin.y
[docs] def xyTouv(self, x, y, color=None):
"""Convert x,y from image coordinates to world coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(x,y)``.
It is also equivalent to ``wcs.posToWorld(galsim.PositionD(x,y))`` when x and y are scalars;
however, this routine allows x and y to be numpy arrays, in which case, the calculation
will be vectorized, which is often much faster than using the pos interface.
x: The x value(s) in image coordinates
y: The y value(s) in image coordinates
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
ra, dec
if color is None: color = self._color
return self._xyTouv(x, y, color=color)
[docs] def uvToxy(self, u, v, color=None):
"""Convert u,v from world coordinates to image coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(u,v)``.
It is also equivalent to ``wcs.posToImage(galsim.PositionD(u,v))`` when u and v are scalars;
however, this routine allows u and v to be numpy arrays, in which case, the calculation
will be vectorized, which is often much faster than using the pos interface.
u: The u value(s) in world coordinates
v: The v value(s) in world coordinates
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
if color is None: color = self._color
return self._uvToxy(u, v, color)
# Simple. Just call _u, _v.
def _posToWorld(self, image_pos, color):
x = image_pos.x - self.x0
y = image_pos.y - self.y0
return _PositionD(self._u(x,y,color), self._v(x,y,color)) + self.world_origin
def _xyTouv(self, x, y, color):
x = x - self.x0 # Not -=, since don't want to modify the input arrays in place.
y = y - self.y0
u = self._u(x,y,color)
v = self._v(x,y,color)
u += self.u0
v += self.v0
return u,v
# Also simple if _x,_y are implemented. However, they are allowed to raise a
# NotImplementedError.
def _posToImage(self, world_pos, color):
u = world_pos.x - self.u0
v = world_pos.y - self.v0
return _PositionD(self._x(u,v,color),self._y(u,v,color)) + self.origin
def _uvToxy(self, u, v, color):
u = u - self.u0
v = v - self.v0
x = self._x(u,v,color)
y = self._y(u,v,color)
x += self.x0
y += self.y0
return x, y
# Each subclass has a function _newOrigin, which just calls the constructor with new
# values for origin and world_origin. This function figures out what those values
# should be to match the desired behavior of shiftOrigin.
def _shiftOrigin(self, origin, world_origin, color):
# Current u,v are:
# u = ufunc(x-x0, y-y0) + u0
# v = vfunc(x-x0, y-y0) + v0
# where ufunc, vfunc represent the underlying wcs transformations.
# The _newOrigin call is expecting new values for the (x0,y0) and (u0,v0), so
# we need to figure out how to modify the parameters given the current values.
# Use (x1,y1) and (u1,v1) for the new values that we will pass to _newOrigin.
# Use (x2,y2) and (u2,v2) for the values passed as arguments.
# If world_origin is None, then we want to do basically the same thing as in the
# non-uniform case, except that we also need to pass the function the current value of
# wcs.world_pos to keep it from resetting the world_pos back to None.
if world_origin is None:
if not self._isLocal:
origin += self.origin
world_origin = self.world_origin
return self._newOrigin(origin, world_origin)
# But if world_origin is given, it isn't quite as simple.
# u' = ufunc(x-x1, y-y1) + u1
# v' = vfunc(x-x1, y-y1) + v1
# We want to have:
# u'(x2,y2) = u2
# ufunc(x2-x1, y2-y1) + u1 = u2
# We don't have access to ufunc directly, just u, so
# (u(x2-x1+x0, y2-y1+y0) - u0) + u1 = u2
# If we take
# x1 = x2
# y1 = y2
# Then
# u(x0,y0) - u0 + u1 = u2
# => u1 = u0 + u2 - u(x0,y0)
# And similarly,
# v1 = v0 + v2 - v(x0,y0)
if not isinstance(world_origin, Position):
raise TypeError("world_origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
if not self._isLocal:
world_origin += self.world_origin - self._posToWorld(self.origin, color=color)
return self._newOrigin(origin, world_origin)
# If the class doesn't define something else, then we can approximate the local Jacobian
# from finite differences for the derivatives. This will be overridden by UniformWCS.
def _local(self, image_pos, color):
if image_pos is None:
raise TypeError("origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
# Calculate the Jacobian using finite differences for the derivatives.
x0 = image_pos.x - self.x0
y0 = image_pos.y - self.y0
# Use dx,dy = 1 pixel for numerical derivatives
dx = 1
dy = 1
xlist = np.array([ x0+dx, x0-dx, x0, x0 ], dtype=float)
ylist = np.array([ y0, y0, y0+dy, y0-dy ], dtype=float)
u = self._u(xlist,ylist,color)
v = self._v(xlist,ylist,color)
dudx = 0.5 * (u[0] - u[1]) / dx
dudy = 0.5 * (u[2] - u[3]) / dy
dvdx = 0.5 * (v[0] - v[1]) / dx
dvdy = 0.5 * (v[2] - v[3]) / dy
return JacobianWCS(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
# The naive way to make the sky image is to loop over pixels and call pixelArea(pos)
# for that position. This is extremely slow. Here, we use the fact that the _u and _v
# functions might work with numpy arrays. If they do, this function is quite fast.
# If not, we still get some gain from calculating u,v for each pixel and sharing some
# of those calculations for multiple finite difference derivatives. But the latter
# option is still pretty slow, so it's much better to have the _u and _v work with
# numpy arrays!
def _makeSkyImage(self, image, sky_level, color):
b = image.bounds
nx = b.xmax-b.xmin+1 + 2 # +2 more than in image to get row/col off each edge.
ny = b.ymax-b.ymin+1 + 2
x,y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(b.xmin-1,b.xmax+1,nx),
np.linspace(b.ymin-1,b.ymax+1,ny) )
x -= self.x0
y -= self.y0
u = self._u(x.ravel(),y.ravel(),color)
v = self._v(x.ravel(),y.ravel(),color)
u = np.reshape(u, x.shape)
v = np.reshape(v, x.shape)
# Use the finite differences to estimate the derivatives.
dudx = 0.5 * (u[1:ny-1,2:nx] - u[1:ny-1,0:nx-2])
dudy = 0.5 * (u[2:ny,1:nx-1] - u[0:ny-2,1:nx-1])
dvdx = 0.5 * (v[1:ny-1,2:nx] - v[1:ny-1,0:nx-2])
dvdy = 0.5 * (v[2:ny,1:nx-1] - v[0:ny-2,1:nx-1])
area = np.abs(dudx * dvdy - dvdx * dudy)
image.array[:,:] = area * sky_level
# Each class should define the __eq__ function. Then __ne__ is obvious.
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class LocalWCS(UniformWCS):
"""A LocalWCS is a `UniformWCS` in which (0,0) in image coordinates is at the same place
as (0,0) in world coordinates
[docs] def withOrigin(self, origin, world_origin=None, color=None):
"""Recenter the current WCS function at a new origin location, returning the new WCS.
This function creates a new WCS instance (a non-local WCS) with the same local
behavior as the current WCS, but with the given origin. In other words, you are
declaring where on the image you want the new origin of the world coordinate
system to be. i.e. where is (u,v) = (0,0).
So, for example, to set a WCS that has a constant pixel size with the world coordinates
centered at the center of an image, you could write::
>>> wcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale).withOrigin(im.center)
This is equivalent to the following::
>>> wcs = galsim.OffsetWCS(scale, origin=im.center)
You may also provide a ``world_origin`` argument which defines what (u,v) position you
want to correspond to the new origin.
>>> wcs2 = galsim.PixelScale(scale).withOrigin(new_origin, new_world_origin)
>>> world_pos2 = wcs2.toWorld(new_origin)
>>> assert world_pos2 == new_world_origin
.. note::
This is equivalent to `shiftOrigin`, but for for local WCS's, the shift is also
the new location of the origin, so `withOrigin` is a convenient alternate name
for this action. Indeed the `shiftOrigin` function used to be named `withOrigin`,
but that name was confusing for non-local WCS's, as the action in that case is really
shifting the origin, not setting the new value.
origin: The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
world_origin: The world coordinate position to use as the origin. [default: None]
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use in the connection
between the current origin and world_origin. [default: None]
the new recentered WCS
if not isinstance(origin, Position):
raise TypeError("origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
if not isinstance(world_origin, (Position, type(None))):
raise TypeError("world_origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
return self._newOrigin(origin, world_origin)
def _isLocal(self):
return True
# The origins are definitionally (0,0) for these. So just define them here.
def origin(self):
"""The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
return _PositionD(0,0)
def world_origin(self):
"""The world coordinate position to use as the origin.
return _PositionD(0,0)
# For LocalWCS, there is no origin to worry about.
def _posToWorld(self, image_pos, color):
x = image_pos.x
y = image_pos.y
return _PositionD(self._u(x,y),self._v(x,y))
def _xyTouv(self, x, y, color):
return self._u(x,y), self._v(x,y)
# For LocalWCS, there is no origin to worry about.
def _posToImage(self, world_pos, color):
u = world_pos.x
v = world_pos.y
return _PositionD(self._x(u,v),self._y(u,v))
def _uvToxy(self, u, v, color):
return self._x(u,v), self._y(u,v)
# For LocalWCS, this is of course trivial.
def _local(self, image_pos, color):
return self
[docs]class CelestialWCS(BaseWCS):
"""A CelestialWCS is a `BaseWCS` whose world coordinates are on the celestial sphere.
We use the `CelestialCoord` class for the world coordinates.
def _isCelestial(self):
return True
# CelestialWCS classes still have origin, but not world_origin.
def x0(self):
"""The x coordinate of self.origin.
return self.origin.x
def y0(self):
"""The y coordinate of self.origin.
return self.origin.y
[docs] def xyToradec(self, x, y, units=None, color=None):
"""Convert x,y from image coordinates to world coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toWorld(x,y, units=units)``.
It is also equivalent to ``wcs.posToWorld(galsim.PositionD(x,y)).rad`` when x and y are
scalars if units is 'radians'; however, this routine allows x and y to be numpy arrays,
in which case, the calculation will be vectorized, which is often much faster than using
the pos interface.
x: The x value(s) in image coordinates
y: The y value(s) in image coordinates
units: (Only valid for `CelestialWCS`, in which case it is required)
The units to use for the returned ra, dec values.
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
ra, dec
if color is None: color = self._color
if units is None:
raise TypeError("units is required for CelestialWCS types")
elif isinstance(units, str):
units = AngleUnit.from_name(units)
elif not isinstance(units, AngleUnit):
raise GalSimValueError("units must be either an AngleUnit or a string", units,
return self._xyToradec(x, y, units, color)
[docs] def radecToxy(self, ra, dec, units, color=None):
"""Convert ra,dec from world coordinates to image coordinates.
This is equivalent to ``wcs.toImage(ra,dec, units=units)``.
It is also equivalent to ``wcs.posToImage(galsim.CelestialCoord(ra * units, dec * units))``
when ra and dec are scalars; however, this routine allows ra and dec to be numpy arrays,
in which case, the calculation will be vectorized, which is often much faster than using
the pos interface.
ra: The ra value(s) in world coordinates
dec: The dec value(s) in world coordinates
units: The units to use for the input ra, dec values.
color: For color-dependent WCS's, the color term to use. [default: None]
if color is None: color = self._color
if isinstance(units, str):
units = AngleUnit.from_name(units)
elif not isinstance(units, AngleUnit):
raise GalSimValueError("units must be either an AngleUnit or a string", units,
return self._radecToxy(ra, dec, units, color)
# This is a bit simpler than the EuclideanWCS version, since there is no world_origin.
def _shiftOrigin(self, origin, world_origin, color):
# We want the new wcs to have wcs.toWorld(x2,y2) match the current wcs.toWorld(0,0).
# So,
# u' = ufunc(x-x1, y-y1) # In this case, there are no u0,v0
# v' = vfunc(x-x1, y-y1)
# u'(x2,y2) = u(0,0) v'(x2,y2) = v(0,0)
# x2 - x1 = 0 - x0 y2 - y1 = 0 - y0
# => x1 = x0 + x2 y1 = y0 + y2
if world_origin is not None:
raise TypeError("world_origin is invalid for CelestialWCS classes")
origin += self.origin
return self._newOrigin(origin)
# If the class doesn't define something else, then we can approximate the local Jacobian
# from finite differences for the derivatives of ra and dec. Very similar to the
# version for EuclideanWCS, but convert from dra, ddec to du, dv locally at at the given
# position.
def _local(self, image_pos, color):
if image_pos is None:
raise TypeError("origin must be a PositionD or PositionI argument")
x0 = image_pos.x - self.x0
y0 = image_pos.y - self.y0
# Use dx,dy = 1 pixel for numerical derivatives
dx = 1
dy = 1
xlist = np.array([ x0, x0+dx, x0-dx, x0, x0 ], dtype=float)
ylist = np.array([ y0, y0, y0, y0+dy, y0-dy ], dtype=float)
ra, dec = self._radec(xlist,ylist,color)
# Wrap ra to be near ra[0]
ra[ra < ra[0]-np.pi] += 2*np.pi
ra[ra > ra[0]+np.pi] -= 2*np.pi
# Note: our convention is that ra increases to the left!
# i.e. The u,v plane is the tangent plane as seen from Earth with +v pointing
# north, and +u pointing west.
# That means the du values are the negative of dra.
cosdec = np.cos(dec[0])
dudx = -0.5 * (ra[1] - ra[2]) / dx * cosdec
dudy = -0.5 * (ra[3] - ra[4]) / dy * cosdec
dvdx = 0.5 * (dec[1] - dec[2]) / dx
dvdy = 0.5 * (dec[3] - dec[4]) / dy
# These values are all in radians. Convert to arcsec as per our usual standard.
factor = radians / arcsec
return JacobianWCS(dudx*factor, dudy*factor, dvdx*factor, dvdy*factor)
# This is similar to the version for EuclideanWCS, but uses dra, ddec.
# Again, it is much faster if the _radec function works with numpy arrays.
def _makeSkyImage(self, image, sky_level, color):
b = image.bounds
nx = b.xmax-b.xmin+1 + 2 # +2 more than in image to get row/col off each edge.
ny = b.ymax-b.ymin+1 + 2
x,y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(b.xmin-1,b.xmax+1,nx),
np.linspace(b.ymin-1,b.ymax+1,ny) )
x -= self.x0
y -= self.y0
ra, dec = self._radec(x.ravel(),y.ravel(),color)
ra = np.reshape(ra, x.shape)
dec = np.reshape(dec, x.shape)
# Use the finite differences to estimate the derivatives.
cosdec = np.cos(dec[1:ny-1,1:nx-1])
dudx = -0.5 * (ra[1:ny-1,2:nx] - ra[1:ny-1,0:nx-2])
dudy = -0.5 * (ra[2:ny,1:nx-1] - ra[0:ny-2,1:nx-1])
# Check for discontinuities in ra. ra can jump by 2pi, so when it does
# add (or subtract) pi to dudx, which is dra/2
dudx[dudx > 1] -= np.pi
dudx[dudx < -1] += np.pi
dudy[dudy > 1] -= np.pi
dudy[dudy < -1] += np.pi
# Now account for the cosdec factor
dudx *= cosdec
dudy *= cosdec
dvdx = 0.5 * (dec[1:ny-1,2:nx] - dec[1:ny-1,0:nx-2])
dvdy = 0.5 * (dec[2:ny,1:nx-1] - dec[0:ny-2,1:nx-1])
area = np.abs(dudx * dvdy - dvdx * dudy)
factor = radians / arcsec
image.array[:,:] = area * sky_level * factor**2
# Simple. Just call _radec.
def _posToWorld(self, image_pos, color, project_center=None, projection='gnomonic'):
x = image_pos.x - self.x0
y = image_pos.y - self.y0
ra, dec = self._radec(x,y,color)
coord = CelestialCoord(ra*radians, dec*radians)
if project_center is None:
return coord
u,v = project_center.project(coord, projection=projection)
return _PositionD(u/arcsec, v/arcsec)
def _xyToradec(self, x, y, units, color):
x = x - self.x0 # Not -=, since don't want to modify the input arrays in place.
y = y - self.y0
ra, dec = self._radec(x,y,color)
ra *= radians / units
dec *= radians / units
return ra, dec
# Also simple if _xy is implemented. However, it is allowed to raise a NotImplementedError.
def _posToImage(self, world_pos, color):
ra = world_pos.ra.rad
dec = world_pos.dec.rad
x, y = self._xy(ra,dec,color)
return _PositionD(x,y) + self.origin
def _radecToxy(self, ra, dec, units, color):
ra = ra * (units / radians)
dec = dec * (units / radians)
x, y = self._xy(ra,dec,color)
x += self.origin.x
y += self.origin.y
return x, y
# Each class should define the __eq__ function. Then __ne__ is obvious.
def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
# Local WCS classes are those where (x,y) = (0,0) corresponds to (u,v) = (0,0).
# We have the following local WCS classes:
# PixelScale
# ShearWCS
# JacobianWCS
# They must define the following:
# origin attribute or property returning the origin
# world_origin attribute or property returning the world origin
# _u function returning u(x,y)
# _v function returning v(x,y)
# _x function returning x(u,v)
# _y function returning y(u,v)
# _profileToWorld function converting image_profile to world_profile
# _profileToImage function converting world_profile to image_profile
# _pixelArea function returning the pixel area
# _minScale function returning the minimum linear pixel scale
# _maxScale function returning the maximum linear pixel scale
# _toJacobian function returning an equivalent JacobianWCS
# _writeHeader function that writes the WCS to a fits header.
# _readHeader static function that reads the WCS from a fits header.
# _newOrigin function returning a non-local WCS corresponding to this WCS
# copy return a copy
# __eq__ check if this equals another WCS
# __repr__ convert to string
[docs]class PixelScale(LocalWCS):
"""This is the simplest possible WCS transformation. It only involves a unit conversion
from pixels to arcsec (or whatever units you want to take for your world coordinate system).
The conversion functions are:
u = x * scale
v = y * scale
A PixelScale is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.PixelScale(scale)
scale: The pixel scale, typically in units of arcsec/pixel.
_req_params = { "scale" : float }
def __init__(self, scale):
self._color = None
self._scale = float(scale)
# Help make sure PixelScale is read-only.
def scale(self):
"""The pixel scale
return self._scale
def _invscale(self):
return 1./self._scale
def _isPixelScale(self):
return True
def _u(self, x, y, color=None):
return x * self._scale
def _v(self, x, y, color=None):
return y * self._scale
def _x(self, u, v, color=None):
return u * self._invscale
def _y(self, u, v, color=None):
return v * self._invscale
def _profileToWorld(self, image_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
# In the usual case of GSObject, it's more efficient to use the _Transform version.
# else, it's a ChromaticObject, and we need to use the regular Transform function.
Transform = (transform._Transform if isinstance(image_profile, gsobject.GSObject)
else transform.Transform)
if self._scale == 1.:
j = None
j = np.array(((self._scale, 0.), (0., self._scale)))
return Transform(image_profile, j, flux_ratio=self._invscale**2 * flux_ratio,
offset=(offset.x, offset.y))
def _profileToImage(self, world_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
Transform = (transform._Transform if isinstance(world_profile, gsobject.GSObject)
else transform.Transform)
if self._scale == 1.:
j = None
j = np.array(((self._invscale, 0.), (0., self._invscale)))
return Transform(world_profile, j, flux_ratio=self._scale**2 * flux_ratio,
offset=(offset.x, offset.y))
def _shearToWorld(self, image_shear):
# These are trivial for PixelScale.
return image_shear
def _shearToImage(self, world_shear):
return world_shear
def _pixelArea(self):
return self._scale**2
def _minScale(self):
return self._scale
def _maxScale(self):
return self._scale
def _inverse(self):
return PixelScale(self._invscale)
def _toJacobian(self):
return JacobianWCS(self._scale, 0., 0., self._scale)
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("PixelScale", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_SCALE"] = (self.scale, "GalSim image scale")
return self.affine()._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
scale = header["GS_SCALE"]
return PixelScale(scale)
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return OffsetWCS(self._scale, origin, world_origin)
def copy(self):
return PixelScale(self._scale)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, PixelScale) and
self.scale == other.scale))
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.PixelScale(%r)"%self.scale
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class ShearWCS(LocalWCS):
"""This WCS is a uniformly sheared coordinate system.
The shear is given as the shape that a round object has when observed in image coordinates.
The conversion functions in terms of (g1,g2) are therefore:
x = (u + g1 u + g2 v) / scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2)
y = (v - g1 v + g2 u) / scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2)
or, writing this in the usual way of (u,v) as a function of (x,y):
u = (x - g1 x - g2 y) * scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2)
v = (y + g1 y - g2 x) * scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2)
A ShearWCS is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.ShearWCS(scale, shear)
scale: The pixel scale, typically in units of arcsec/pixel.
shear: The shear, which should be a `Shear` instance.
The Shear transformation conserves object area, so if the input ``scale == 1`` then the
transformation represented by the ShearWCS will conserve object area also.
_req_params = { "scale" : float, "shear" : Shear }
def __init__(self, scale, shear):
self._color = None
self._scale = float(scale)
self._shear = shear
self._g1 = shear.g1
self._g2 = shear.g2
self._gsq = self._g1**2 + self._g2**2
self._gfactor = 1. / math.sqrt(1. - self._gsq)
# Help make sure ShearWCS is read-only.
def scale(self):
"""The pixel scale.
return self._scale
def shear(self):
"""The applied `Shear`.
return self._shear
def _u(self, x, y, color=None):
u = x * (1.-self._g1) - y * self._g2
u *= self._gfactor * self._scale
return u
def _v(self, x, y, color=None):
v = y * (1.+self._g1) - x * self._g2
v *= self._gfactor * self._scale
return v
def _x(self, u, v, color=None):
x = u * (1.+self._g1) + v * self._g2
x *= self._gfactor / self._scale
return x
def _y(self, u, v, color=None):
y = v * (1.-self._g1) + u * self._g2
y *= self._gfactor / self._scale
return y
def _profileToWorld(self, image_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
return image_profile.dilate(self._scale).shear(-self.shear).shift(offset) * flux_ratio
def _profileToImage(self, world_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
return world_profile.dilate(1./self._scale).shear(self.shear).shift(offset) * flux_ratio
def _shearToWorld(self, image_shear):
# This isn't worth customizing. Just use the jacobian.
return self._toJacobian()._shearToWorld(image_shear)
def _shearToImage(self, world_shear):
return self._toJacobian()._shearToImage(world_shear)
def _pixelArea(self):
return self._scale**2
def _minScale(self):
# min stretch is (1-|g|) / sqrt(1-|g|^2)
return self._scale * (1. - math.sqrt(self._gsq)) * self._gfactor
def _maxScale(self):
# max stretch is (1+|g|) / sqrt(1-|g|^2)
return self._scale * (1. + math.sqrt(self._gsq)) * self._gfactor
def _inverse(self):
return ShearWCS(1./self._scale, -self._shear)
def _toJacobian(self):
return JacobianWCS(
(1.-self._g1) * self._scale * self._gfactor,
-self._g2 * self._scale * self._gfactor,
-self._g2 * self._scale * self._gfactor,
(1.+self._g1) * self._scale * self._gfactor)
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("ShearWCS", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_SCALE"] = (self.scale, "GalSim image scale")
header["GS_G1"] = (self.shear.g1, "GalSim image shear g1")
header["GS_G2"] = (self.shear.g2, "GalSim image shear g2")
return self.affine()._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
scale = header["GS_SCALE"]
g1 = header["GS_G1"]
g2 = header["GS_G2"]
return ShearWCS(scale, Shear(g1=g1, g2=g2))
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return OffsetShearWCS(self._scale, self._shear, origin, world_origin)
def copy(self):
return ShearWCS(self._scale, self._shear)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, ShearWCS) and
self.scale == other.scale and
self.shear == other.shear))
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.ShearWCS(%r, %r)"%(self.scale,self.shear)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class JacobianWCS(LocalWCS):
"""This WCS is the most general local linear WCS implementing a 2x2 Jacobian matrix.
The conversion functions are:
u = dudx x + dudy y
v = dvdx x + dvdy y
A JacobianWCS has attributes dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy that you can access directly if that
is convenient. You can also access these as a NumPy array directly with::
>>> J = jac_wcs.getMatrix()
Also, JacobianWCS has another method that other WCS classes do not have. The call::
>>> scale, shear, theta, flip = jac_wcs.getDecomposition()
will return the equivalent expansion, shear, rotation and possible flip corresponding to
this transformation. See the docstring for that method for more information.
A JacobianWCS is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.JacobianWCS(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
dudx: du/dx
dudy: du/dy
dvdx: dv/dx
dvdy: dv/dy
_req_params = { "dudx" : float, "dudy" : float, "dvdx" : float, "dvdy" : float }
def __init__(self, dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy):
self._color = None
self._dudx = float(dudx)
self._dudy = float(dudy)
self._dvdx = float(dvdx)
self._dvdy = float(dvdy)
self._det = dudx * dvdy - dudy * dvdx
# Help make sure JacobianWCS is read-only.
def dudx(self):
return self._dudx
def dudy(self):
return self._dudy
def dvdx(self):
return self._dvdx
def dvdy(self):
return self._dvdy
def _u(self, x, y, color=None):
return self._dudx * x + self._dudy * y
def _v(self, x, y, color=None):
return self._dvdx * x + self._dvdy * y
def _x(self, u, v, color=None):
# J = ( dudx dudy )
# ( dvdx dvdy )
# J^-1 = (1/det) ( dvdy -dudy )
# ( -dvdx dudx )
return (self._dvdy * u - self._dudy * v)*self._invdet
def _y(self, u, v, color=None):
return (-self._dvdx * u + self._dudx * v)*self._invdet
def _profileToWorld(self, image_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
# In the usual case of GSObject, it's more efficient to use the _Transform version.
# else, it's a ChromaticObject, and we need to use the regular Transform function.
Transform = (transform._Transform if isinstance(image_profile, gsobject.GSObject)
else transform.Transform)
j = np.array(((self._dudx, self._dudy), (self._dvdx, self._dvdy)))
return Transform(image_profile, j, flux_ratio=flux_ratio*abs(self._invdet),
offset=(offset.x, offset.y))
def _profileToImage(self, world_profile, flux_ratio, offset):
Transform = (transform._Transform if isinstance(world_profile, gsobject.GSObject)
else transform.Transform)
j = np.array(((self._dvdy, -self._dudy), (-self._dvdx, self._dudx))) * self._invdet
return Transform(world_profile, j, flux_ratio=flux_ratio*abs(self._det),
offset=(offset.x, offset.y))
def _shearToWorld(self, image_shear):
# Code from https://github.com/rmjarvis/DESWL/blob/y3a1-v23/psf/run_piff.py#L691
e1 = image_shear.e1
e2 = image_shear.e2
M = np.array([[1+e1, e2], [e2, 1-e1]])
J = self.getMatrix()
M = J.dot(M).dot(J.T)
e1 = (M[0,0] - M[1,1]) / (M[0,0] + M[1,1])
e2 = (2.*M[0,1]) / (M[0,0] + M[1,1])
return Shear(e1=e1, e2=e2)
def _shearToImage(self, world_shear):
# Same as above but inverse J matrix.
return self._inverse()._shearToWorld(world_shear)
def _invdet(self):
return 1./self._det
except ZeroDivisionError:
raise GalSimError("Transformation is singular")
def _pixelArea(self):
return abs(self._det)
[docs] def getMatrix(self):
"""Get the Jacobian as a NumPy matrix:
numpy.array( [[ dudx, dudy ],
[ dvdx, dvdy ]] )
return np.array([[ self._dudx, self._dudy ],
[ self._dvdx, self._dvdy ]], dtype=float)
[docs] def getDecomposition(self):
"""Get the equivalent expansion, shear, rotation and possible flip corresponding to
this Jacobian transformation.
A non-singular real matrix can always be decomposed into a symmetric positive definite
matrix times an orthogonal matrix:
M = P Q
In our case, P includes an overall scale and a shear, and Q is a rotation and possibly
a flip of (x,y) -> (y,x).
( dudx dudy ) = scale/sqrt(1-g1^2-g2^2) ( 1+g1 g2 ) ( cos(theta) -sin(theta) ) F
( dvdx dvdy ) ( g2 1-g1 ) ( sin(theta) cos(theta) )
where F is either the identity matrix, ( 1 0 ), or a flip matrix, ( 0 1 ).
( 0 1 ) ( 1 0 )
If there is no flip, then this means that the effect of::
>>> prof.transform(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
is equivalent to::
>>> prof.rotate(theta).shear(shear).expand(scale)
in that order. (Rotation and shear do not commute.)
The decomposition is returned as a tuple: (scale, shear, theta, flip), where scale is a
float, shear is a `Shear`, theta is an `Angle`, and flip is a bool.
# First we need to see whether or not the transformation includes a flip. The evidence
# for a flip is that the determinant is negative.
if self._det == 0.:
raise GalSimError("Transformation is singular")
elif self._det < 0.:
flip = True
scale = math.sqrt(-self._det)
dudx = self._dudy
dudy = self._dudx
dvdx = self._dvdy
dvdy = self._dvdx
flip = False
scale = math.sqrt(self._det)
dudx = self._dudx
dudy = self._dudy
dvdx = self._dvdx
dvdy = self._dvdy
# A small bit of algebraic manipulations yield the following two equations that let us
# determine theta:
# (dudx + dvdy) = 2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2) cos(t)
# (dvdx - dudy) = 2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2) sin(t)
C = dudx + dvdy
S = dvdx - dudy
theta = math.atan2(S,C) * radians
# The next step uses the following equations that you can get from a bit more algebra:
# cost (dudx - dvdy) - sint (dudy + dvdx) = 2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2) g1
# sint (dudx - dvdy) + cost (dudy + dvdx) = 2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2) g2
factor = C*C+S*S # factor = (2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2))^2
C /= factor # C is now cost / (2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2))
S /= factor # S is now sint / (2 scale/sqrt(1-g^2))
g1 = C*(dudx-dvdy) - S*(dudy+dvdx)
g2 = S*(dudx-dvdy) + C*(dudy+dvdx)
return scale, Shear(g1=g1, g2=g2), theta, flip
def _minScale(self):
# min scale is scale * (1-|g|) / sqrt(1-|g|^2)
# We could get this from the decomposition, but some algebra finds that this
# reduces to the following calculation:
# NB: The unit tests test for the equivalence with the above formula.
h1 = math.sqrt( (self._dudx + self._dvdy)**2 + (self._dudy - self._dvdx)**2 )
h2 = math.sqrt( (self._dudx - self._dvdy)**2 + (self._dudy + self._dvdx)**2 )
return 0.5 * abs(h1 - h2)
def _maxScale(self):
# min scale is scale * (1+|g|) / sqrt(1-|g|^2)
# which is equivalent to the following:
# NB: The unit tests test for the equivalence with the above formula.
h1 = math.sqrt( (self._dudx + self._dvdy)**2 + (self._dudy - self._dvdx)**2 )
h2 = math.sqrt( (self._dudx - self._dvdy)**2 + (self._dudy + self._dvdx)**2 )
return 0.5 * (h1 + h2)
def _inverse(self):
return JacobianWCS(self._dvdy*self._invdet, -self._dudy*self._invdet,
-self._dvdx*self._invdet, self._dudx*self._invdet)
def _toJacobian(self):
return self
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("JacobianWCS", "GalSim WCS name")
return self.affine()._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
dudx = header.get("CD1_1",1.)
dudy = header.get("CD1_2",0.)
dvdx = header.get("CD2_1",0.)
dvdy = header.get("CD2_2",1.)
return JacobianWCS(dudx, dudy, dvdx, dvdy)
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return AffineTransform(self._dudx, self._dudy, self._dvdx, self._dvdy, origin,
def copy(self):
return JacobianWCS(self._dudx, self._dudy, self._dvdx, self._dvdy)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, JacobianWCS) and
self.dudx == other.dudx and
self.dudy == other.dudy and
self.dvdx == other.dvdx and
self.dvdy == other.dvdy))
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.JacobianWCS(%r, %r, %r, %r)"%(
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
# Non-local UniformWCS classes are those where (x,y) = (0,0) does not (necessarily)
# correspond to (u,v) = (0,0).
# We have the following non-local UniformWCS classes:
# OffsetWCS
# OffsetShearWCS
# AffineTransform
# They must define the following:
# origin attribute or property returning the origin
# world_origin attribute or property returning the world origin
# _local_wcs property returning a local WCS with the same pixel shape
# _writeHeader function that writes the WCS to a fits header.
# _readHeader static function that reads the WCS from a fits header.
# _newOrigin function returning the saem WCS, but with new origin, world_origin
# copy return a copy
# __repr__ convert to string
[docs]class OffsetWCS(UniformWCS):
"""This WCS is similar to `PixelScale`, except the origin is not necessarily (0,0) in both
the image and world coordinates.
The conversion functions are:
u = (x-x0) * scale + u0
v = (y-y0) * scale + v0
An OffsetWCS is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.OffsetWCS(scale, origin=None, world_origin=None)
scale: The pixel scale, typically in units of arcsec/pixel.
origin: Optional origin position for the image coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD` or `PositionI`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
world_origin: Optional origin position for the world coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD`.
[default: galsim.PositionD(0., 0.)]
_req_params = { "scale" : float }
_opt_params = { "origin" : PositionD, "world_origin": PositionD }
def __init__(self, scale, origin=None, world_origin=None):
self._color = None
self._set_origin(origin, world_origin)
self._scale = scale
self._local_wcs = PixelScale(scale)
def scale(self):
"""The pixel scale.
return self._scale
def origin(self):
"""The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._origin
def world_origin(self):
"""The world coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._world_origin
def _isPixelScale(self):
return True
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("OffsetWCS", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_SCALE"] = (self.scale, "GalSim image scale")
header["GS_X0"] = (self.origin.x, "GalSim image origin x")
header["GS_Y0"] = (self.origin.y, "GalSim image origin y")
header["GS_U0"] = (self.world_origin.x, "GalSim world origin u")
header["GS_V0"] = (self.world_origin.y, "GalSim world origin v")
return self.affine()._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
scale = header["GS_SCALE"]
x0 = header["GS_X0"]
y0 = header["GS_Y0"]
u0 = header["GS_U0"]
v0 = header["GS_V0"]
return OffsetWCS(scale, _PositionD(x0,y0), _PositionD(u0,v0))
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return OffsetWCS(self._scale, origin, world_origin)
def copy(self):
return OffsetWCS(self._scale, self.origin, self.world_origin)
def __repr__(self): return "galsim.OffsetWCS(%r, %r, %r)"%(
self.scale, self.origin, self.world_origin)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
[docs]class OffsetShearWCS(UniformWCS):
"""This WCS is a uniformly sheared coordinate system with image and world origins
that are not necessarily coincident.
The conversion functions are:
x = ( (1+g1) (u-u0) + g2 (v-v0) ) / scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2) + x0
y = ( (1-g1) (v-v0) + g2 (u-u0) ) / scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2) + y0
u = ( (1-g1) (x-x0) - g2 (y-y0) ) * scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2) + u0
v = ( (1+g1) (y-y0) - g2 (x-x0) ) * scale / sqrt(1-g1**2-g2**2) + v0
An OffsetShearWCS is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.OffsetShearWCS(scale, shear, origin=None, world_origin=None)
scale: The pixel scale, typically in units of arcsec/pixel.
shear: The shear, which should be a `Shear` instance.
origin: Optional origin position for the image coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD` or `PositionI`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
world_origin: Optional origin position for the world coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
_req_params = { "scale" : float, "shear" : Shear }
_opt_params = { "origin" : PositionD, "world_origin": PositionD }
def __init__(self, scale, shear, origin=None, world_origin=None):
self._color = None
self._set_origin(origin, world_origin)
# The shear stuff is not too complicated, but enough so that it is worth
# encapsulating in the ShearWCS class. So here, we just create one of those
# and we'll pass along any shear calculations to that.
self._local_wcs = ShearWCS(scale, shear)
def scale(self):
"""The pixel scale.
return self._local_wcs.scale
def shear(self):
"""The applied `Shear`.
return self._local_wcs.shear
def origin(self):
"""The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._origin
def world_origin(self):
"""The world coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._world_origin
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("OffsetShearWCS", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_SCALE"] = (self.scale, "GalSim image scale")
header["GS_G1"] = (self.shear.g1, "GalSim image shear g1")
header["GS_G2"] = (self.shear.g2, "GalSim image shear g2")
header["GS_X0"] = (self.origin.x, "GalSim image origin x coordinate")
header["GS_Y0"] = (self.origin.y, "GalSim image origin y coordinate")
header["GS_U0"] = (self.world_origin.x, "GalSim world origin u coordinate")
header["GS_V0"] = (self.world_origin.y, "GalSim world origin v coordinate")
return self.affine()._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
scale = header["GS_SCALE"]
g1 = header["GS_G1"]
g2 = header["GS_G2"]
x0 = header["GS_X0"]
y0 = header["GS_Y0"]
u0 = header["GS_U0"]
v0 = header["GS_V0"]
return OffsetShearWCS(scale, Shear(g1=g1, g2=g2), _PositionD(x0,y0), _PositionD(u0,v0))
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return OffsetShearWCS(self.scale, self.shear, origin, world_origin)
def copy(self):
return OffsetShearWCS(self.scale, self.shear, self.origin, self.world_origin)
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.OffsetShearWCS(%r, %r, %r, %r)"%(
self.scale, self.shear, self.origin, self.world_origin)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
# Non-uniform WCS classes are those where the pixel size and shape are not necessarily
# constant across the image. There are two varieties of these, EuclideanWCS and CelestialWCS.
# Here, we have the following non-uniform WCS classes: (There are more in fitswcs.py)
# UVFunction is a EuclideanWCS
# RaDecFunction is a CelestialWCS
# They must define the following:
# origin attribute or property returning the origin
# _writeHeader function that writes the WCS to a fits header.
# _readHeader static function that reads the WCS from a fits header.
# _newOrigin function returning the saem WCS, but with new origin
# copy return a copy
# __eq__ check if this equals another WCS
# __repr__ convert to string
# Non-uniform EuclideanWCS classes must define the following:
# world_origin attribute or property returning the world origin
# _u function returning u(x,y)
# _v function returning v(x,y)
# _x function returning x(u,v) (May raise a NotImplementedError)
# _y function returning y(u,v) (May raise a NotImplementedError)
# CelestialWCS classes must define the following:
# _radec function returning (ra, dec) in _radians_ at position (x,y)
# Ideally, the above functions would work with NumPy arrays as inputs.
# Some helper functions for serializing arbitrary functions. Used by both UVFunction and
# RaDecFunction.
def _writeFuncToHeader(func, letter, header):
if isinstance(func, str):
# If we have the string version, then just write that
s = func
first_key = 'GS_'+letter+'_STR'
elif func is not None:
# Otherwise things get more interesting. We have to serialize a python function.
# I got the starting point for this code from:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1253528/
# In particular, marshal can serialize arbitrary code. (!)
if type(func) == types.FunctionType:
code = marshal.dumps(func.__code__)
name = func.__name__
defaults = func.__defaults__
closure = func.__closure__
# Functions may also have something called closure cells. If there are any, we need
# to include them as well. Help for this part came from:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573569/
if closure:
closure_list = []
for c in closure:
if isinstance(c.cell_contents, types.ModuleType):
# Can't really pickle the modules. e.g. math if they use math functions.
# The modules just need to be loaded on the other side. But we still need
# to make a cell for the module closure item, so just use its name and
# mark it as a module so we can recover it correctly.
closure_list.append( 'module_'+c.cell_contents.__name__ )
closure_list.append( c.cell_contents )
closure_list = None
all = (0,code,name,defaults,closure_list)
# For things other than regular functions, we can try to pickle it directly, but
# it might not work. Let pickle raise the appropriate error if it fails.
# The first item in the tuple is what I'm calling a type_code to indicate what to
# do with the results of unpickling. So far I just have 0 = function, 1 = other,
# but this could be extended if we find a good reason to.
all = (1,func)
# Now we can use pickle to serialize the full thing.
s = pickle.dumps(all)
# Fits can't handle arbitrary strings. Shrink to a base-64 alphabet that is printable.
# (This is like UUencoding for those of you who remember that...)
s = base64.b64encode(s).decode()
first_key = 'GS_'+letter+'_FN'
# Nothing to write.
# Fits header strings cannot be more than 68 characters long, so split it up.
fits_len = 68
n = (len(s)-1)//fits_len + 1
s_array = [ s[i*fits_len:(i+1)*fits_len] for i in range(n) ]
# The total number of string splits is stored in fits key GS_U_N.
header["GS_" + letter + "_N"] = n
for i in range(n):
# Use key names like GS_U0000, GS_U00001, etc. for the function versions
# and like GS_SU000, GS_SU001, etc. for the string versions.
if i == 0: key = first_key
else: key = 'GS_%s%04d'%(letter,i)
header[key] = s_array[i]
def _makecell(value): # pragma: no cover
# (codecov gets confused, because the lambda function is never called.)
# This is a little trick to make a closure cell.
# We make a function that has the given value in closure, then then get the
# first (only) closure item, which will be the closure cell we need.
return (lambda : value).__closure__[0]
def _readFuncFromHeader(letter, header):
# This undoes the process of _writeFuncToHeader. See the comments in that code for details.
if 'GS_'+letter+'_STR' in header:
# Read in a regular string
n = header["GS_" + letter + "_N"]
s = ''
for i in range(n):
if i == 0: key = 'GS_'+letter+'_STR'
else: key = 'GS_%s%04d'%(letter,i)
s += header[key]
return s
elif 'GS_'+letter+'_FN' in header:
# Read in an encoded function
n = header["GS_" + letter + "_N"]
s = ''
for i in range(n):
if i == 0: key = 'GS_'+letter+'_FN'
else: key = 'GS_%s%04d'%(letter,i)
s += header[key]
s = base64.b64decode(s)
all = pickle.loads(s)
type_code = all[0]
if type_code == 0:
code_str, name, defaults, closure_items = all[1:]
code = marshal.loads(code_str)
if closure_items is None:
closure = None
closure = []
for value in closure_items:
if isinstance(value,str) and value.startswith('module_'):
module_name = value[7:]
closure = tuple(closure)
func = types.FunctionType(code, globals(), name, defaults, closure)
return func
return all[1]
return None
[docs]class UVFunction(EuclideanWCS):
"""This WCS takes two arbitrary functions for u(x,y) and v(x,y).
The ufunc and vfunc parameters may be:
- python functions that take (x,y) arguments
- python objects with a __call__ method that takes (x,y) arguments
- strings which can be parsed with eval('lambda x,y: '+str)
You may also provide the inverse functions x(u,v) and y(u,v) as xfunc and yfunc.
These are not required, but if you do not provide them, then any operation that requires
going from world to image coordinates will raise a NotImplementedError.
Note: some internal calculations will be faster if the functions can take NumPy arrays
for x,y and output arrays for u,v. Usually this does not require any change to your
function, but it is worth keeping in mind. For example, if you want to do a sqrt, you
may be better off using ``numpy.sqrt`` rather than ``math.sqrt``.
A UVFunction is initialized with the command::
>>> wcs = galsim.UVFunction(ufunc, vfunc, origin=None, world_origin=None)
ufunc: The function u(x,y)
vfunc: The function v(x,y)
xfunc: The function x(u,v) (optional)
yfunc: The function y(u,v) (optional)
origin: Optional origin position for the image coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD` or `PositionI`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
world_origin Optional origin position for the world coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
uses_color: If True, then the functions take three parameters (x,y,c) or (u,v,c)
where the third term is some kind of color value. (The exact meaning
of "color" here is user-defined. You just need to be consistent with
the color values you use when using the wcs.) [default: False]
_req_params = { "ufunc" : str, "vfunc" : str }
_opt_params = { "xfunc" : str, "yfunc" : str,
"origin" : PositionD, "world_origin": PositionD }
def __init__(self, ufunc, vfunc, xfunc=None, yfunc=None, origin=None, world_origin=None,
self._color = None
self._set_origin(origin, world_origin)
# Keep these to use in copies, etc.
self._orig_ufunc = ufunc
self._orig_vfunc = vfunc
self._orig_xfunc = xfunc
self._orig_yfunc = yfunc
self._uses_color = uses_color
# Turn these into the real functions
def _initialize_funcs(self):
global galsim # Because if a user's function used galsim, it's probably at global scope.
import galsim
if isinstance(self._orig_ufunc, str):
if self._uses_color:
self._ufunc = math_eval('lambda x,y,c : ' + self._orig_ufunc)
self._ufunc = math_eval('lambda x,y : ' + self._orig_ufunc)
self._ufunc = self._orig_ufunc
if isinstance(self._orig_vfunc, str):
if self._uses_color:
self._vfunc = math_eval('lambda x,y,c : ' + self._orig_vfunc)
self._vfunc = math_eval('lambda x,y : ' + self._orig_vfunc)
self._vfunc = self._orig_vfunc
if isinstance(self._orig_xfunc, str):
if self._uses_color:
self._xfunc = math_eval('lambda u,v,c : ' + self._orig_xfunc)
self._xfunc = math_eval('lambda u,v : ' + self._orig_xfunc)
self._xfunc = self._orig_xfunc
if isinstance(self._orig_yfunc, str):
if self._uses_color:
self._yfunc = math_eval('lambda u,v,c : ' + self._orig_yfunc)
self._yfunc = math_eval('lambda u,v : ' + self._orig_yfunc)
self._yfunc = self._orig_yfunc
def ufunc(self):
"""The input ufunc
return self._ufunc
def vfunc(self):
"""The input vfunc
return self._vfunc
def xfunc(self):
"""The input xfunc
return self._xfunc
def yfunc(self):
"""The input yfunc
return self._yfunc
def origin(self):
"""The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._origin
def world_origin(self):
"""The world coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._world_origin
def _u(self, x, y, color=None):
if self._uses_color:
return self._ufunc(x,y,color)
except Exception as e:
# If that didn't work, we have to do it manually for each position. :( (SLOW!)
return np.array([self._ufunc(x1,y1,color) for [x1,y1] in zip(x,y)])
except Exception:
raise e from None # Raise the original if this fails, since it's probably more relevant.
return self._ufunc(x,y)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._ufunc(x1,y1) for [x1,y1] in zip(x,y)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
def _v(self, x, y, color=None):
if self._uses_color:
return self._vfunc(x,y,color)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._vfunc(x1,y1,color) for [x1,y1] in zip(x,y)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
return self._vfunc(x,y)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._vfunc(x1,y1) for [x1,y1] in zip(x,y)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
def _x(self, u, v, color=None):
if self._xfunc is None:
raise GalSimNotImplementedError(
"World -> Image direction not implemented for this UVFunction")
if self._uses_color:
return self._xfunc(u,v,color)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._xfunc(u1,v1,color) for [u1,v1] in zip(u,v)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
return self._xfunc(u,v)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._xfunc(u1,v1) for [u1,v1] in zip(u,v)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
def _y(self, u, v, color=None):
if self._yfunc is None:
raise GalSimNotImplementedError(
"World -> Image direction not implemented for this UVFunction")
if self._uses_color:
return self._yfunc(u,v,color)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._yfunc(u1,v1,color) for [u1,v1] in zip(u,v)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
return self._yfunc(u,v)
except Exception as e:
return np.array([self._yfunc(u1,v1) for [u1,v1] in zip(u,v)])
except Exception:
raise e from None
def _newOrigin(self, origin, world_origin):
return UVFunction(self._orig_ufunc, self._orig_vfunc, self._orig_xfunc, self._orig_yfunc,
origin, world_origin, self._uses_color)
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("UVFunction", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_X0"] = (self.origin.x, "GalSim image origin x")
header["GS_Y0"] = (self.origin.y, "GalSim image origin y")
header["GS_U0"] = (self.world_origin.x, "GalSim world origin u")
header["GS_V0"] = (self.world_origin.y, "GalSim world origin v")
header["GS_COLOR"] = (int(self._uses_color), "GalSim wcs uses color?")
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_ufunc, 'U', header)
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_vfunc, 'V', header)
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_xfunc, 'X', header)
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_yfunc, 'Y', header)
return self.affine(bounds.true_center)._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
x0 = header["GS_X0"]
y0 = header["GS_Y0"]
u0 = header["GS_U0"]
v0 = header["GS_V0"]
uses_color = bool(header["GS_COLOR"])
ufunc = _readFuncFromHeader('U', header)
vfunc = _readFuncFromHeader('V', header)
xfunc = _readFuncFromHeader('X', header)
yfunc = _readFuncFromHeader('Y', header)
return UVFunction(ufunc, vfunc, xfunc, yfunc, _PositionD(x0,y0),
_PositionD(u0,v0), uses_color)
def copy(self):
return UVFunction(self._orig_ufunc, self._orig_vfunc, self._orig_xfunc, self._orig_yfunc,
self.origin, self.world_origin, self._uses_color)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, UVFunction) and
self._orig_ufunc == other._orig_ufunc and
self._orig_vfunc == other._orig_vfunc and
self._orig_xfunc == other._orig_xfunc and
self._orig_yfunc == other._orig_yfunc and
self.origin == other.origin and
self.world_origin == other.world_origin and
self._uses_color == other._uses_color))
def __repr__(self):
return ("galsim.UVFunction(%r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r, %r)")%(
self._orig_ufunc, self._orig_vfunc, self._orig_xfunc, self._orig_yfunc,
self.origin, self.world_origin, self._uses_color)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['_ufunc']
del d['_vfunc']
del d['_xfunc']
del d['_yfunc']
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
[docs]class RaDecFunction(CelestialWCS):
"""This WCS takes an arbitrary function for the Right Ascension (ra) and Declination (dec).
In many cases, it can be more convenient to calculate both ra and dec in a single function,
since there will typically be intermediate values that are common to both, so it may be more
efficient to just calculate those once and thence calculate both ra and dec. Thus, we
provide the option to provide either a single function or two separate functions.
The function parameters used to initialize an RaDecFunction may be:
- a python functions that take (x,y) arguments
- a python object with a __call__ method that takes (x,y) arguments
- a string which can be parsed with eval('lambda x,y: '+str)
The return values, ra and dec, should be given in _radians_.
The first argument is called ``ra_func``, but if ``dec_func`` is omitted, then it is assumed
to calculate both ra and dec. The two values should be returned as a tuple (ra,dec).
We don't want a function that returns `Angle` instances, because we want to allow for the
possibility of using NumPy arrays as inputs and outputs to speed up some calculations. The
function isn't _required_ to work with NumPy arrays, but it is possible that some things
will be faster if it does. If it were expected to return `Angle` instances, then it definitely
couldn't work with arrays.
An RaDecFunction is initialized with either of the following commands::
>>> wcs = galsim.RaDecFunction(radec_func, origin=None)
>>> wcs = galsim.RaDecFunction(ra_func, dec_func, origin=None)
ra_func: If ``dec_func`` is also given: A function ra(x,y) returning ra in radians.
If ``dec_func=None``: A function returning a tuple (ra,dec), both in radians.
dec_func: Either a function dec(x,y) returning dec in radians, or None (in which
case ``ra_func`` is expected to return both ra and dec. [default: None]
origin: Optional origin position for the image coordinate system.
If provided, it should be a `PositionD` or `PositionI`.
[default: PositionD(0., 0.)]
_req_params = { "ra_func" : str, "dec_func" : str }
_opt_params = { "origin" : PositionD }
def __init__(self, ra_func, dec_func=None, origin=None):
self._color = None
# Keep these to use in copies, etc.
self._orig_ra_func = ra_func
self._orig_dec_func = dec_func
# Turn these into the real functions
def _initialize_funcs(self):
global galsim # Because if a user's function used galsim, it's probably at global scope.
import galsim
if self._orig_dec_func is None:
if isinstance(self._orig_ra_func, str):
self._radec_func = math_eval('lambda x,y : ' + self._orig_ra_func)
self._radec_func = self._orig_ra_func
if isinstance(self._orig_ra_func, str):
ra_func = math_eval('lambda x,y : ' + self._orig_ra_func)
ra_func = self._orig_ra_func
if isinstance(self._orig_dec_func, str):
dec_func = math_eval('lambda x,y : ' + self._orig_dec_func)
dec_func = self._orig_dec_func
self._radec_func = lambda x,y : (ra_func(x,y), dec_func(x,y))
def radec_func(self):
"""The input radec_func
return self._radec_func
def origin(self):
"""The image coordinate position to use as the origin.
return self._origin
def _radec(self, x, y, color=None):
return self._radec_func(x,y)
except Exception as e:
world = [ self._radec(x1,y1) for (x1,y1) in zip(x,y) ]
except Exception:
raise e from None # Raise the original one if this fails, since it's probably more relevant.
ra = np.array([ w[0] for w in world ])
dec = np.array([ w[1] for w in world ])
return ra, dec
def _xy(self, ra, dec, color=None):
raise GalSimNotImplementedError(
"World -> Image direction not implemented for RaDecFunction")
def _newOrigin(self, origin):
return RaDecFunction(self._orig_ra_func, self._orig_dec_func, origin)
def _writeHeader(self, header, bounds):
header["GS_WCS"] = ("RaDecFunction", "GalSim WCS name")
header["GS_X0"] = (self.origin.x, "GalSim image origin x")
header["GS_Y0"] = (self.origin.y, "GalSim image origin y")
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_ra_func, 'R', header)
_writeFuncToHeader(self._orig_dec_func, 'D', header)
return self.affine(bounds.true_center)._writeLinearWCS(header, bounds)
def _readHeader(header):
x0 = header["GS_X0"]
y0 = header["GS_Y0"]
ra_func = _readFuncFromHeader('R', header)
dec_func = _readFuncFromHeader('D', header)
return RaDecFunction(ra_func, dec_func, _PositionD(x0,y0))
def copy(self):
return RaDecFunction(self._orig_ra_func, self._orig_dec_func, self.origin)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self is other or
(isinstance(other, RaDecFunction) and
self._orig_ra_func == other._orig_ra_func and
self._orig_dec_func == other._orig_dec_func and
self.origin == other.origin))
def __repr__(self):
return "galsim.RaDecFunction(%r, %r, %r)"%(
self._orig_ra_func, self._orig_dec_func, self.origin)
def __hash__(self): return hash(repr(self))
def __getstate__(self):
d = self.__dict__.copy()
del d['_radec_func']
return d
def __setstate__(self, d):
self.__dict__ = d
[docs]def compatible(wcs1, wcs2):
A utility to check the compatibility of two WCS. In particular, if two WCS are consistent with
each other modulo a shifted origin, we consider them to be compatible, even though they are not
if wcs1._isUniform and wcs2._isUniform:
return wcs1.jacobian() == wcs2.jacobian()
return wcs1 == wcs2.shiftOrigin(wcs1.origin, wcs1.world_origin)
# Put these at the bottom to avoid circular import errors.
from . import transform
from . import gsobject
from . import chromatic as chrom