Fourier Transforms

In the C++ layer we use FFTW for our 2D Fourier transforms. This package is generally faster than numpy fft functions. So for at least a subset of the functionality available in the numpy versions, we have implemented python functions that call out to the backend C++ FFTW functions.

These should be drop in replacements for np.fft.* functions. e.g.:

>>> karray = galsim.fft.fft2(xarray)

is functionally equivalent to:

>>> karray = np.fft.fft2(xarray)

but should be a bit faster.


The GalSim versions often only implement the normal use case without many of the advanced options available with the numpy functions. This is mostly laziness on our part – we only implemented the functions that we needed. If your usage requires some option available in the numpy version, feel free to post a feature request on our GitHub page.

galsim.fft.fft2(a, shift_in=False, shift_out=False)[source]

Compute the 2-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform.

For valid inputs, the result is equivalent to numpy.fft.fft2(a), but usually faster.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.fft2(a)
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.fft2(a)

Restrictions on this version vs the numpy version:

  • The input array must be 2-dimensional.

  • The size in each direction must be even. (Ideally 2^k or 3*2^k for speed, but this is not required.)

  • If it has a real dtype, it will be coerced to numpy.float64.

  • If it has a complex dtype, it will be coerced to numpy.complex128.

The returned array will be complex with dtype numpy.complex128.

If shift_in is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the input.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.fft2(numpy.fft.fftshift(a))
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.fft2(a, shift_in=True)

If shift_out is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the output.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.fft2(a))
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.fft2(a, shift_out=True)
  • a – The input array to be transformed

  • shift_in – Whether to shift the input array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]

  • shift_out – Whether to shift the output array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]


a complex numpy array

galsim.fft.ifft2(a, shift_in=False, shift_out=False)[source]

Compute the 2-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier Transform.

For valid inputs, the result is equivalent to numpy.fft.ifft2(a), but usually faster.:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.ifft2(ka)
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.ifft2(ka)

Restrictions on this version vs the numpy version:

  • The array must be 2-dimensional.

  • The size in each direction must be even. (Ideally 2^k or 3*2^k for speed, but this is not required.)

  • The array is assumed to be Hermitian, which means the k values with kx<0 are assumed to be equal to the conjuate of their inverse. This will always be the case if a is an output of fft2 (with a real input array). i.e.

    • for kx >= N/2, ky > 0: a[ky, kx] == a[N-ky, N-kx].conjugate()

    • for kx >= N/2, ky = 0: a[0, kx] == a[0, N-kx].conjugate()

    Only the elements a[:,0:N/2+1] are accessed by this function.

  • If it has a real dtype, it will be coerced to numpy.float64.

  • If it has a complex dtype, it will be coerced to numpy.complex128.

The returned array will be complex with dtype numpy.complex128.

If shift_in is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the input:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.ifft2(numpy.fft.fftshift(ka))
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.ifft2(ka, shift_in=True)

If shift_out is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the output:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.ifft2(ka))
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.ifft2(ka, shift_out=True)
  • a – The input array to be transformed

  • shift_in – Whether to shift the input array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]

  • shift_out – Whether to shift the output array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]


a complex numpy array

galsim.fft.rfft2(a, shift_in=False, shift_out=False)[source]

Compute the one-dimensional discrete Fourier Transform for real input.

For valid inputs, the result is equivalent to numpy.fft.rfft2(a), but usually faster.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.rfft2(a)
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.rfft2(a)

Restrictions on this version vs the numpy version:

  • The input array must be 2-dimensional.

  • If it does not have dtype numpy.float64, it will be coerced to numpy.float64.

  • The size in each direction must be even. (Ideally 2^k or 3*2^k for speed, but this is not required.)

The returned array will be complex with dtype numpy.complex128.

If shift_in is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the input.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.rfft2(numpy.fft.fftshift(a))
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.rfft2(a, shift_in=True)

If shift_out is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the output.:

>>> ka1 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.rfft2(a),axes=(0,))
>>> ka2 = galsim.fft.rfft2(a, shift_out=True)
  • a – The input array to be transformed

  • shift_in – Whether to shift the input array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]

  • shift_out – Whether to shift the output array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]


a complex numpy array

galsim.fft.irfft2(a, shift_in=False, shift_out=False)[source]

Compute the 2-dimensional inverse FFT of a real array.

For valid inputs, the result is equivalent to numpy.fft.irfft2(a), but usually faster.:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.irfft2(ka)
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.irfft2(ka)

Restrictions on this version vs the numpy version:

  • The array must be 2-dimensional.

  • If it does not have dtype numpy.complex128, it will be coerced to numpy.complex128.

  • It must have shape (M, N/2+1).

  • The size M must be even. (Ideally 2^k or 3*2^k for speed, but this is not required.)

The returned array will be real with dtype numpy.float64.

If shift_in is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the input.:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.irfft2(numpy.fft.fftshift(a, axes=(0,)))
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.irfft2(a, shift_in=True)

If shift_out is True, then this is equivalent to applying numpy.fft.fftshift to the output.:

>>> a1 = numpy.fft.fftshift(numpy.fft.irfft2(a))
>>> a2 = galsim.fft.irfft2(a, shift_out=True)
  • a – The input array to be transformed

  • shift_in – Whether to shift the input array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]

  • shift_out – Whether to shift the output array so that the center is moved to (0,0). [default: False]


a real numpy array