Source code for galsim.config.stamp

# Copyright (c) 2012-2023 by the GalSim developers team on GitHub
# This file is part of GalSim: The modular galaxy image simulation toolkit.
# GalSim is free software: redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
# conditions are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
#    list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the accompanying LICENSE
#    file.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#    this list of conditions, and the disclaimer given in the documentation
#    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

import logging
import numpy as np
import math
import traceback

from .util import LoggerWrapper, GetRNG, UpdateNProc, MultiProcess, SetupConfigRNG, RemoveCurrent
from .input import SetupInput
from .gsobject import UpdateGSParams, SkipThisObject
from .gsobject import BuildGSObject
from .value import ParseValue, CheckAllParams
from .noise import CalculateNoiseVariance, AddSky, AddNoise
from .wcs import BuildWCS
from .photon_ops import BuildPhotonOps
from ..errors import GalSimConfigError, GalSimConfigValueError
from ..image import Image
from ..wcs import PixelScale
from ..position import PositionD, PositionI
from ..bounds import _BoundsI
from ..celestial import CelestialCoord
from ..angle import arcsec
from ..gsobject import GSObject
from ..convolve import Convolve, Convolution
from import Pixel
from ..chromatic import ChromaticObject
from ..bandpass import Bandpass

# This file handles the building of postage stamps to place onto a larger image.
# There is only one type of stamp currently, called Basic, which builds a galaxy from
# config['gal'] and a PSF from config['psf'] (either but not both of which may be absent),
# colvolves them together, and draws onto a postage stamp.  This is the default functionality
# and is typically not specified explicitly.  But there are hooks in place to allow for other
# options, either in future versions of GalSim or through user modules.

# This module-level dict will store all the registered stamp types.
# See the RegisterStampType function at the end of this file.
# The keys are the (string) names of the output types, and the values will be builder objects
# that will perform the different stages of processing to build each stamp image.
valid_stamp_types = {}

[docs]def BuildStamps(nobjects, config, obj_num=0, xsize=0, ysize=0, do_noise=True, logger=None): """ Build a number of postage stamp images as specified by the config dict. Parameters: nobjects: How many postage stamps to build. config: A configuration dict. obj_num: If given, the current obj_num. [default: 0] xsize: The size of a single stamp in the x direction. [default: 0, which means to look first for config.stamp.xsize, then for config.image.stamp_xsize, and if neither are given, then use automatic sizing.] ysize: The size of a single stamp in the y direction. [default: 0, which means to look first for config.stamp.ysize, then for config.image.stamp_ysize, and if neither are given, then use automatic sizing.] do_noise: Whether to add noise to the image (according to config['noise']). [default: True] logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: the tuple (images, current_vars). Both are themselves tuples. """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) logger.debug('image %d: BuildStamps nobjects = %d: obj = %d', config.get('image_num',0),nobjects,obj_num) if nobjects == 0: logger.warning("No stamps were built, since nstamps == 0.") return (), () # Figure out how many processes we will use for building the stamps: if nobjects > 1 and 'image' in config and 'nproc' in config['image']: nproc = ParseValue(config['image'], 'nproc', config, int)[0] # Update this in case the config value is -1 nproc = UpdateNProc(nproc, nobjects, config, logger) else: nproc = 1 if 'image' in config and 'timeout' in config['image']: timeout = ParseValue(config['image'], 'timeout', config, float)[0] else: timeout = 900 jobs = [] for k in range(nobjects): kwargs = { 'obj_num' : obj_num + k, 'xsize' : xsize, 'ysize' : ysize, 'do_noise' : do_noise, } jobs.append(kwargs) def done_func(logger, proc, k, result, t): if result[0] is not None: # Note: numpy shape is y,x image = result[0] ys, xs = image.array.shape if proc is None: s0 = '' else: s0 = '%s: '%proc obj_num = jobs[k]['obj_num'] + 'Stamp %d: size = %d x %d, time = %f sec', obj_num, xs, ys, t) def except_func(logger, proc, k, e, tr): if proc is None: s0 = '' else: s0 = '%s: '%proc obj_num = jobs[k]['obj_num'] logger.error(s0 + 'Exception caught when building stamp %d', obj_num) logger.debug('%s',tr) logger.error('Aborting the rest of this image') # Convert to the tasks structure we need for MultiProcess. # Each task is a list of (job, k) tuples. tasks = MakeStampTasks(config, jobs, logger) results = MultiProcess(nproc, config, BuildStamp, tasks, 'stamp', logger=logger, timeout=timeout, done_func=done_func, except_func=except_func) images, current_vars = zip(*results) logger.debug('image %d: Done making stamps',config.get('image_num',0)) if all(im is None for im in images): logger.warning('No stamps were built. All objects were skipped.') return images, current_vars
# A list of keys that really belong in stamp, but are allowed in image both for convenience # and backwards-compatibility reasons. Any of these present will be copied over to # config['stamp'] if they exist in config['image']. stamp_image_keys = ['offset', 'retry_failures', 'gsparams', 'draw_method', 'dtype', 'n_photons', 'max_extra_noise', 'poisson_flux', 'obj_rng']
[docs]def SetupConfigObjNum(config, obj_num, logger=None): """Do the basic setup of the config dict at the stamp (or object) processing level. Includes: - Set config['obj_num'] = obj_num - Set config['index_key'] = 'obj_num' - Make sure config['stamp'] exists - Set default config['stamp']['type'] to 'Basic' - Copy over values from config['image'] that are allowed there, but really belong in config['stamp']. - Set config['stamp']['draw_method'] to 'auto' if not given. Parameters: config: A configuration dict. obj_num: The current obj_num. logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) config['obj_num'] = obj_num config['index_key'] = 'obj_num' # Make config['stamp'] exist if it doesn't yet. if 'stamp' not in config: config['stamp'] = {} stamp = config['stamp'] if '_done' in stamp: return # Everything after here only needs to be done once. if not isinstance(stamp, dict): raise GalSimConfigError("config.stamp is not a dict.") if 'type' not in stamp: stamp['type'] = 'Basic' if 'file_num' not in config: config['file_num'] = 0 if 'image_num' not in config: config['image_num'] = 0 # Copy over some things from config['image'] if they are given there. # These are things that we used to advertise as being in the image field, but now that # we have a stamp field, they really make more sense here. But for backwards compatibility, # or just because they can make sense in either place, we allow them to be in 'image' still. if 'image' in config: image = config['image'] for key in stamp_image_keys: if key in image and key not in stamp: stamp[key] = image[key] else: config['image'] = {} if 'draw_method' not in stamp: stamp['draw_method'] = 'auto' # In case this hasn't been done yet. SetupInput(config, logger) # Mark this as done, so later passes can skip a lot of this. stamp['_done'] = True
[docs]def SetupConfigStampSize(config, xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos, logger=None): """Do further setup of the config dict at the stamp (or object) processing level reflecting the stamp size and position in either image or world coordinates. Note: This is now a StampBuilder method. So this function just calls StampBuilder.locateStamp. Parameters: config: A configuration dict. xsize: The size of the stamp in the x-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] ysize: The size of the stamp in the y-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] image_pos: The position of the stamp in image coordinates. [may be None] world_pos: The position of the stamp in world coordinates. [may be None] logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] """ stamp = config.get('stamp',{}) stamp_type = stamp.get('type','Basic') builder = valid_stamp_types[stamp_type] builder.locateStamp(stamp, config, xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos, logger)
# Ignore these when parsing the parameters for specific stamp types: stamp_ignore = ['xsize', 'ysize', 'size', 'image_pos', 'world_pos', 'sky_pos', 'offset', 'retry_failures', 'gsparams', 'draw_method', 'dtype', 'n_photons', 'max_extra_noise', 'poisson_flux', 'photon_ops', 'skip', 'reject', 'min_flux_frac', 'min_snr', 'max_snr', 'quick_skip', 'obj_rng', 'index_key', 'rng_index_key', 'rng_num'] valid_draw_methods = ('auto', 'fft', 'phot', 'real_space', 'no_pixel', 'sb')
[docs]def BuildStamp(config, obj_num=0, xsize=0, ysize=0, do_noise=True, logger=None): """ Build a single stamp image using the given config file Parameters: config: A configuration dict. obj_num: If given, the current obj_num [default: 0] xsize: The xsize of the stamp to build (if known). [default: 0] ysize: The ysize of the stamp to build (if known). [default: 0] do_noise: Whether to add noise to the image (according to config['noise']). [default: True] logger: If given, a logger object to log progress. [default: None] Returns: the tuple (image, current_var) """ from .extra import ProcessExtraOutputsForStamp logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) SetupConfigObjNum(config, obj_num, logger) stamp = config['stamp'] stamp_type = stamp['type'] if stamp_type not in valid_stamp_types: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid stamp.type.", stamp_type, list(valid_stamp_types.keys())) builder = valid_stamp_types[stamp_type] if builder.quickSkip(stamp, config): ProcessExtraOutputsForStamp(config, True, logger) return None, 0 builder.setupRNG(stamp, config, logger) if 'skip_failures' in stamp: skip_failures = ParseValue(stamp, 'skip_failures', config, bool)[0] else: skip_failures = False if 'retry_failures' in stamp: ntries = ParseValue(stamp,'retry_failures',config,int)[0] if skip_failures and ntries: # pragma: no cover # This is definitely covered by the tests. # I can't figure out why codecov doesn't think so. raise GalSimConfigValueError( "Cannot use retry_failures when skip_failures=True", ntries) # This is how many _re_-tries. Do at least 1, so ntries is 1 more than this. ntries = ntries + 1 elif ('reject' in stamp or 'min_flux_frac' in stamp or 'min_snr' in stamp or 'max_snr' in stamp): # Still impose a maximum number of tries to prevent infinite loops. ntries = 20 else: ntries = 1 itry = 0 while True: itry += 1 # itry increases from 1..ntries at which point we just reraise the exception. # The rest of the stamp generation stage is wrapped in a try/except block. # If we catch an exception, we continue the for loop to try again. # On the last time through, we reraise any exception caught. # If no exception is thrown, we simply break the loop and return. try: # Do the necessary initial setup for this stamp type. xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos = builder.setup( stamp, config, xsize, ysize, stamp_ignore, logger) # Determine the stamp size and location builder.locateStamp(stamp, config, xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos, logger) # Get the global gsparams kwargs. Individual objects can add to this. gsparams = {} if 'gsparams' in stamp: gsparams = UpdateGSParams(gsparams, stamp['gsparams'], config) # Note: Skip is different from Reject. # Skip means we return None for this stamp image and continue on. # Reject means we retry this object using the same obj_num. # This has implications for the total number of objects as well as # things like ring tests that rely on objects being made in pairs. # # Skip is also different from prof = None. # If prof is None, then the user indicated that no object should be # drawn on this stamp, but that a noise image is still desired. if builder.getSkip(stamp, config, logger): raise SkipThisObject('') # Build the object to draw psf = builder.buildPSF(stamp, config, gsparams, logger) prof = builder.buildProfile(stamp, config, psf, gsparams, logger) # Make an empty image im = builder.makeStamp(stamp, config, xsize, ysize, logger) # Determine which draw method to use method = builder.getDrawMethod(stamp, config, logger) # Determine the net offset (starting from config['stamp_offset'] typically. offset = builder.getOffset(stamp, config, logger) # At this point, we may want to update whether the object should be skipped # based on other information about the profile and location. if builder.updateSkip(prof, im, method, offset, stamp, config, logger): raise SkipThisObject('') # Draw the object on the postage stamp im = builder.draw(prof, im, method, offset, stamp, config, logger) # Store the final version of the current profile for reference. config['current_prof'] = prof # Update the drawn image according to the SNR if desired. scale_factor = builder.getSNRScale(im, stamp, config, logger) im, prof = builder.applySNRScale(im, prof, scale_factor, method, logger) # Set the origin appropriately builder.updateOrigin(stamp, config, im) # Store the current stamp in the base-level config for reference config['current_stamp'] = im # This is also information that the weight image calculation needs config['do_noise_in_stamps'] = do_noise # Check if this object should be rejected. reject = builder.reject(stamp, config, prof, psf, im, logger) if reject: if itry < ntries: logger.warning('Object %d: Rejecting this object and rebuilding', obj_num) builder.reset(config, logger) continue else: raise GalSimConfigError( "Rejected an object %d times. If this is expected, " "you should specify a larger stamp.retry_failures."%(ntries)) ProcessExtraOutputsForStamp(config, False, logger) # We always need to do the whiten step here in the stamp processing current_var = builder.whiten(prof, im, stamp, config, logger) if current_var != 0.: logger.debug('obj %d: whitening noise brought current var to %f', config.get('obj_num',0),current_var) # Sometimes, depending on the image type, we go on to do the rest of the noise as well. if do_noise: im, current_var = builder.addNoise(stamp,config,im,current_var,logger) except SkipThisObject as e: if e.msg != '': logger.debug('obj %d: Caught SkipThisObject: e = %s',obj_num,e.msg)'Skipping object %d %s', obj_num, e.msg) # If xsize, ysize != 0, then this makes a blank stamp for this object. # Otherwise, it's just None here. im = builder.makeStamp(stamp, config, xsize, ysize, logger) ProcessExtraOutputsForStamp(config, True, logger) return im, 0. except Exception as e: if skip_failures:'Object %d: Caught exception %s',obj_num,str(e)) tr = traceback.format_exc() logger.debug('obj %d: Traceback = %s',obj_num,tr)'Skipping this object') # Now same as SkipThisObject case above. im = builder.makeStamp(stamp, config, xsize, ysize, logger) ProcessExtraOutputsForStamp(config, True, logger) return im, 0. elif itry >= ntries: # Then this was the last try. Just re-raise the exception.'Object %d: Caught exception %s',obj_num,str(e)) if ntries > 1: logger.error( 'Object %d: Too many exceptions/rejections for this object. Aborting.', obj_num) raise else:'Object %d: Caught exception %s',obj_num,str(e))'This is try %d/%d, so trying again.',itry,ntries) tr = traceback.format_exc() logger.debug('obj %d: Traceback = %s',obj_num,tr) # Need to remove the "current"s from the config dict. Otherwise, # the value generators will do a quick return with the cached value. builder.reset(config, logger) continue else: # No exception. return im, current_var
[docs]def MakeStampTasks(config, jobs, logger): """Turn a list of jobs into a list of tasks. See the doc string for galsim.config.MultiProcess for the meaning of this distinction. For the Basic stamp type, there is just one job per task, so the tasks list is just:: tasks = [ [ (job, k) ] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ] But other stamp types may need groups of jobs to be done sequentially by the same process. cf. stamp type=Ring. Parameters: config: The configuration dict jobs: A list of jobs to split up into tasks. Each job in the list is a dict of parameters that includes 'obj_num'. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: a list of tasks """ stamp = config.get('stamp', {}) stamp_type = stamp.get('type', 'Basic') return valid_stamp_types[stamp_type].makeTasks(stamp, config, jobs, logger)
[docs]def DrawBasic(prof, image, method, offset, config, base, logger, **kwargs): """The basic implementation of the draw command This function is provided as a free function, rather than just the base class implementation in StampBuilder to make it easier for classes derived from StampBuilder to use to help implement their draw functions. The base class, StampBuilder, just calls this function for its draw method. This version also allows for additional kwargs, which are passed on to the drawImage function. e.g. you can add add_to_image=True or setup_only=True if these are helpful. Parameters: prof: The profile to draw. image: The image onto which to draw the profile (which may be None). method: The method to use in drawImage. offset: The offset to apply when drawing. config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. **kwargs: Any additional kwargs are passed along to the drawImage function. Returns: the resulting image """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) # Setup the kwargs to pass to drawImage # (Start with any additional kwargs given as extra kwargs to DrawBasic and add to it.) kwargs['image'] = image kwargs['offset'] = offset kwargs['method'] = method if 'wcs' not in kwargs and 'scale' not in kwargs: kwargs['wcs'] = base['wcs'].local(image_pos = base['image_pos']) sensor = base.get('sensor',None) if (method == 'phot' or sensor is not None) and 'rng' not in kwargs: # Note: use the image.noise rng_num, in case stamp is doing a non-standard cadence. # The cadence specified in the noise field is what to use for photon shooting. noise = base.get('image',{}).get('noise',{}) noise = noise if isinstance(noise, dict) else {} rng = GetRNG(noise, base, logger, "method='phot'") kwargs['rng'] = rng # Check validity of extra phot options: max_extra_noise = None if 'n_photons' in config and 'n_photons' not in kwargs: if method != 'phot': raise GalSimConfigError('n_photons is invalid with method != phot') if 'max_extra_noise' in config: logger.warning( "Both 'max_extra_noise' and 'n_photons' are set in config dict, " "ignoring 'max_extra_noise'.") kwargs['n_photons'] = ParseValue(config, 'n_photons', base, int)[0] elif 'max_extra_noise' in config: max_extra_noise = ParseValue(config, 'max_extra_noise', base, float)[0] if method != 'phot' and max_extra_noise is not None: raise GalSimConfigError('max_extra_noise is invalid with method != phot') if 'poisson_flux' in config and 'poisson_flux' not in kwargs: if method != 'phot': raise GalSimConfigError('poisson_flux is invalid with method != phot') kwargs['poisson_flux'] = ParseValue(config, 'poisson_flux', base, bool)[0] if max_extra_noise is not None and 'max_extra_noise' not in kwargs: if max_extra_noise < 0.: raise GalSimConfigError("image.max_extra_noise cannot be negative") if 'image' in base and 'noise' in base['image']: noise_var = CalculateNoiseVariance(base) else: raise GalSimConfigError("Need to specify noise level when using max_extra_noise") if noise_var < 0.: raise GalSimConfigError("noise_var calculated to be < 0.") max_extra_noise *= noise_var kwargs['max_extra_noise'] = max_extra_noise bandpass = base.get('bandpass', None) if bandpass is not None: kwargs['bandpass'] = bandpass elif isinstance(prof, ChromaticObject): raise GalSimConfigError("Drawing chromatic object requires specifying bandpass") if 'photon_ops' in config: kwargs['photon_ops'] = BuildPhotonOps(config, 'photon_ops', base, logger) if sensor is not None: sensor.updateRNG(rng) kwargs['sensor'] = sensor if image is None: kwargs['dtype'] = ParseDType(config, base) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # Don't output the full image array. Use str(image) for that kwarg. And Bandpass. alt_kwargs = dict([(k, str(kwargs[k]) if isinstance(kwargs[k],(Image,Bandpass)) else kwargs[k]) for k in kwargs]) logger.debug('obj %d: drawImage kwargs = %s',base.get('obj_num',0), alt_kwargs) logger.debug('obj %d: prof = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),prof) try: image = prof.drawImage(**kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.debug('obj %d: prof = %r', base.get('obj_num',0), prof) raise logger.debug('obj %d: added_flux = %s',base.get('obj_num',0), image.added_flux) return image
[docs]def ParseWorldPos(config, param_name, base, logger): """A helper function to parse the 'world_pos' value. The world_pos can be specified either as a regular RA, Dec (which in GalSim is known as a CelestialCoord) or as Euclidean coordinates in the local tangent plane relative to the image center (a PositionD). 1. For the RA/Dec option, the world_pos field should use the type RADec, which includes two values named ra and dec, each of which should be an Angle type. e.g.:: world_pos: type : RADec ra : 37 hours dec: -23 degrees Technically, any other type that results in a CelestialCoord is valid, but RADec is the only one that is defined natively in GalSim. 2. For the relative position in the local tangent plane (where 0,0 is the position of the image center), you can use any PositionD type. e.g.:: world_pos: type : RandomCircle radius : 12 # arcsec inner_radius : 3 # arcsec Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. param_name: The name of the field in the config dict to parse as a world_pos. Normally, this is just 'world_pos'. base: The base configuration dict. Returns: either a CelestialCoord or a PositionD instance. """ param = config[param_name] wcs = base.get('wcs', PixelScale(1.0)) # should be here, but just in case... if wcs._isCelestial: return ParseValue(config, param_name, base, CelestialCoord)[0] else: return ParseValue(config, param_name, base, PositionD)[0]
def ParseDType(config, base): dtype = config.get('dtype', None) if isinstance(dtype, str): try: try: dtype = np.dtype(dtype).type except Exception: gdict = globals().copy() exec('import numpy', gdict) exec('import numpy as np', gdict) dtype = eval(dtype, gdict) except Exception: raise GalSimConfigValueError( "dtype = %s is invalid."%dtype, Image.valid_dtypes) from None if dtype is None and base.get('current_image', None) is not None: dtype = base['current_image'].dtype return dtype
[docs]class StampBuilder: """A base class for building stamp images of individual objects. The base class defines the call signatures of the methods that any derived class should follow. It also includes the implementation of the default stamp type: Basic. """
[docs] def setup(self, config, base, xsize, ysize, ignore, logger): """ Do the initialization and setup for building a postage stamp. In the base class, we check for and parse the appropriate size and position values in config (aka base['stamp'] or base['image']. Values given in base['stamp'] take precedence if these are given in both places (which would be confusing, so probably shouldn't do that, but there might be a use case where it would make sense). Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. xsize: The xsize of the image to build (if known). ysize: The ysize of the image to build (if known). ignore: A list of parameters that are allowed to be in config that we can ignore here. i.e. it won't be an error if these parameters are present. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos """ # Check for spurious parameters CheckAllParams(config, ignore=ignore) # Update the size if necessary image = base['image'] if 'xsize' in config: xsize = ParseValue(config,'xsize',base,int)[0] elif 'size' in config: xsize = ParseValue(config,'size',base,int)[0] elif 'stamp_xsize' in image: xsize = ParseValue(image,'stamp_xsize',base,int)[0] elif 'stamp_size' in image: xsize = ParseValue(image,'stamp_size',base,int)[0] # else use the input xsize if 'ysize' in config: ysize = ParseValue(config,'ysize',base,int)[0] elif 'size' in config: ysize = ParseValue(config,'size',base,int)[0] elif 'stamp_ysize' in image: ysize = ParseValue(image,'stamp_ysize',base,int)[0] elif 'stamp_size' in image: ysize = ParseValue(image,'stamp_size',base,int)[0] # else use the input ysize # Determine where this object is going to go: if 'image_pos' in config: image_pos = ParseValue(config, 'image_pos', base, PositionD)[0] elif 'image_pos' in image: image_pos = ParseValue(image, 'image_pos', base, PositionD)[0] else: image_pos = None if 'world_pos' in config: world_pos = ParseWorldPos(config, 'world_pos', base, logger) elif 'world_pos' in image: world_pos = ParseWorldPos(image, 'world_pos', base, logger) else: world_pos = None return xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos
[docs] def quickSkip(self, config, base): """Check whether this object should be skipped before doing any work. The base class looks for stamp.quick_skip and returns True if it is preset and evaluates to True. @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @returns skip """ return ('quick_skip' in config and ParseValue(config, 'quick_skip', base, bool)[0])
[docs] def setupRNG(self, config, base, logger): """Setup the RNG for this object. @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. """ if 'obj_rng' in config: if not ParseValue(config,'obj_rng',base,bool)[0]: # Just use the image_num rng(s). base['obj_num_rngs'] = base.get('image_num_rngs',None) base['obj_num_rng'] = base.get('image_num_rng',None) return # Add 1 to the seed here so the first object has a different rng than the file or image. seed = SetupConfigRNG(base, seed_offset=1, logger=logger) logger.debug('obj %d: seed = %d',base.get('obj_num',0),seed)
[docs] def locateStamp(self, config, base, xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos, logger): """Determine where and how large the stamp should be. The base class version does the followin: - If given, set base['stamp_xsize'] = xsize - If given, set base['stamp_ysize'] = ysize - If only image_pos or world_pos is given, compute the other from base['wcs'] - Set base['index_pos'] = image_pos - Set base['world_pos'] = world_pos - Calculate the appropriate value of the center of the stamp, to be used with the command: stamp_image.setCenter(stamp_center). Save this as base['stamp_center'] - Calculate the appropriate offset for the position of the object from the center of the stamp due to just the fractional part of the image position, not including any base['stamp']['offset'] item that may be present in the base dict. Save this as base['stamp_offset'] @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param xsize The size of the stamp in the x-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] @param ysize The size of the stamp in the y-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] @param image_pos The position of the stamp in image coordinates. [may be None] @param world_pos The position of the stamp in world coordinates. [may be None] @param logger A logger object to log progress. """ logger = LoggerWrapper(logger) # Make sure we have a valid wcs in case image-level processing was skipped. if 'wcs' not in base: base['wcs'] = BuildWCS(base['image'], 'wcs', config, logger) wcs = base['wcs'] if xsize: base['stamp_xsize'] = xsize if ysize: base['stamp_ysize'] = ysize # If we have either image_pos or world_pos, calculate the other. if image_pos is not None and world_pos is None: world_pos = wcs.toWorld(image_pos) elif world_pos is not None and image_pos is None: image_pos = wcs.toImage(world_pos) # If the world_pos is a CelestialCoord, then we also call it sky_pos. # If the world_pos is not celestial, or the user wants to override it for some reason, # then the user may optionally define a sky_pos value, which gets saved as base['sky_pos']. # This may be useful for things that need to know where in the sky the pointing is, # even if the WCS is not a CelestialWCS. if 'sky_pos' in config: base['sky_pos'] = ParseValue(config, 'sky_pos', base, CelestialCoord)[0] elif isinstance(world_pos, CelestialCoord): base['sky_pos'] = world_pos # Sometimes we need a "world" position as flat position, rather than a CelestialCoord. # This is called uv_pos. If the WCS is a EuclideanWCS, then uv_pos = world_pos. # If the WCS is a CelestialWCS, then sky_pos = world_pos, and we calculate uv_pos as # the tangent-plane projection. if isinstance(world_pos, CelestialCoord): # Then project this position relative to the image center. world_center = base.get('world_center', wcs.toWorld(base['image_center'])) u, v = world_center.project(world_pos, projection='gnomonic') base['uv_pos'] = PositionD(u/arcsec, v/arcsec) else: base['uv_pos'] = world_pos if image_pos is not None: # The image_pos refers to the location of the true center of the image, which is # not necessarily the nominal center we need for adding to the final image. In # particular, even-sized images have their nominal center offset by 1/2 pixel up # and to the right. # N.B. This works even if xsize,ysize == 0, since the auto-sizing always produces # even sized images. nominal_x = image_pos.x # Make sure we don't change image_pos, which is nominal_y = image_pos.y # stored in base['image_pos']. if xsize % 2 == 0: nominal_x += 0.5 if ysize % 2 == 0: nominal_y += 0.5 stamp_center = PositionI(int(math.floor(nominal_x+0.5)), int(math.floor(nominal_y+0.5))) stamp_offset = PositionD(nominal_x-stamp_center.x, nominal_y-stamp_center.y) else: stamp_center = None stamp_offset = PositionD(0.,0.) # Set the image_pos to the image center in case the wcs needs it. Probably, if # there is no image_pos or world_pos defined, then it is unlikely a # non-trivial wcs will have been set. So anything would actually be fine. image_pos = PositionD( (xsize+1.)/2, (ysize+1.)/2 ) base['stamp_center'] = stamp_center base['stamp_offset'] = stamp_offset base['image_pos'] = image_pos base['world_pos'] = world_pos if xsize: logger.debug('obj %d: xsize,ysize = %s,%s',base.get('obj_num',0),xsize,ysize) logger.debug('obj %d: image_pos = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),image_pos) if world_pos: logger.debug('obj %d: world_pos = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),world_pos) if stamp_center: logger.debug('obj %d: stamp_center = %s',base.get('obj_num',0),stamp_center)
[docs] def getSkip(self, config, base, logger): """Initial check of whether to skip this object based on the stamp.skip field. @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress. @returns skip """ if 'skip' in config: skip = ParseValue(config, 'skip', base, bool)[0] if skip: logger.debug("obj %d: stamp.skip = True",base.get('obj_num',0)) else: skip = False return skip
[docs] def buildPSF(self, config, base, gsparams, logger): """Build the PSF object. For the Basic stamp type, this builds a PSF from the base['psf'] dict, if present, else returns None. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. gsparams: A dict of kwargs to use for a GSParams. More may be added to this list by the galaxy object. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the PSF """ return BuildGSObject(base, 'psf', gsparams=gsparams, logger=logger)[0]
[docs] def buildProfile(self, config, base, psf, gsparams, logger): """Build the surface brightness profile (a GSObject) to be drawn. For the Basic stamp type, this builds a galaxy from the base['gal'] dict and convolves it with the psf (if given). If either the psf or the galaxy is None, then the other one is returned as is. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. psf: The PSF, if any. This may be None, in which case, no PSF is convolved. gsparams: A dict of kwargs to use for a GSParams. More may be added to this list by the galaxy object. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the final profile """ gal = BuildGSObject(base, 'gal', gsparams=gsparams, logger=logger)[0] if psf: if gal: return Convolve(gal,psf) else: return psf else: if gal: return gal elif 'gal' in base or 'psf' in base: return None else: raise GalSimConfigError( "At least one of gal or psf must be specified in config. " "If you really don't want any object, use gal type = None.")
[docs] def makeStamp(self, config, base, xsize, ysize, logger): """Make the initial empty postage stamp image, if possible. If we don't know xsize, ysize, return None, in which case the stamp will be created automatically by the drawImage command based on the natural size of the profile. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. xsize: The xsize of the image to build (if known). ysize: The ysize of the image to build (if known). logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the image """ if xsize and ysize: dtype = ParseDType(config, base) bounds = _BoundsI(1,xsize,1,ysize) # Set the origin appropriately stamp_center = base['stamp_center'] if stamp_center: bounds = bounds.shift(stamp_center - else: bounds = bounds.shift(base.get('image_origin',PositionI(1,1)) - PositionI(1,1)) im = Image(bounds=bounds, dtype=dtype, init_value=0) return im else: return None
[docs] def getDrawMethod(self, config, base, logger): """Determine the draw method to use. @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress. @returns method """ method = ParseValue(config,'draw_method',base,str)[0] if method not in valid_draw_methods: raise GalSimConfigValueError("Invalid draw_method.", method, valid_draw_methods) return method
[docs] def getOffset(self, config, base, logger): """Determine the offset to use. The base class version adds the stamp_offset, which comes from calculations related to world_pos and image_pos, to the field stamp.offset if any. @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress. @returns offset """ offset = base['stamp_offset'] if 'offset' in config: offset += ParseValue(config, 'offset', base, PositionD)[0] logger.debug('obj %d: stamp_offset = %s, offset = %s',base.get('obj_num',0), base['stamp_offset'], offset) return offset
[docs] def updateSkip(self, prof, image, method, offset, config, base, logger): """Before drawing the profile, see whether this object can be trivially skipped. The base method checks if the object is completely off the main image, so the intersection bounds will be undefined. In this case, don't bother drawing the postage stamp for this object. Parameters: prof: The profile to draw. image: The image onto which to draw the profile (which may be None). method: The method to use in drawImage. offset: The offset to apply when drawing. config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: whether to skip drawing this object. """ if isinstance(prof,GSObject) and base.get('current_image',None) is not None: if image is None: prof = base['wcs'].toImage(prof, image_pos=base['image_pos']) prof = prof._shift(-0.5+offset.x, -0.5+offset.y) if method in ('auto', 'fft', 'real_space'): prof = Convolution(prof, Pixel(1.)) N = prof.getGoodImageSize(1.) bounds = _BoundsI(1,N,1,N) # Set the origin appropriately stamp_center = base['stamp_center'] if stamp_center: bounds = bounds.shift(stamp_center - else: bounds = bounds.shift(base.get('image_origin',PositionI(1,1)) - PositionI(1,1)) else: bounds = image.bounds overlap = bounds & base['current_image'].bounds if not overlap.isDefined():'obj %d: skip drawing object because its image will be entirely off ' 'the main image.', base.get('obj_num',0)) return True return False
[docs] def draw(self, prof, image, method, offset, config, base, logger): """Draw the profile on the postage stamp image. Parameters: prof: The profile to draw. image: The image onto which to draw the profile (which may be None). method: The method to use in drawImage. offset: The offset to apply when drawing. config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the resulting image """ if prof is None: return image else: return DrawBasic(prof,image,method,offset,config,base,logger)
[docs] def whiten(self, prof, image, config, base, logger): """If appropriate, whiten the resulting image according to the requested noise profile and the amount of noise originally present in the profile. Parameters: prof: The profile to draw. image: The image onto which to draw the profile. config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the variance of the resulting whitened (or symmetrized) image. """ # If the object has a noise attribute, then check if we need to do anything with it. current_var = 0. # Default if not overwritten if isinstance(prof,GSObject) and prof.noise is not None: if 'image' in base and 'noise' in base['image']: noise = base['image']['noise'] whiten = symmetrize = False if 'whiten' in noise: whiten = ParseValue(noise, 'whiten', base, bool)[0] if 'symmetrize' in noise: symmetrize = ParseValue(noise, 'symmetrize', base, int)[0] if whiten and symmetrize: raise GalSimConfigError('Only one of whiten or symmetrize is allowed') if whiten or symmetrize: # In case the galaxy was cached, update the rng rng = GetRNG(noise, base, logger, "whiten") prof.noise.rng.reset(rng) if whiten: current_var = prof.noise.whitenImage(image) if symmetrize: current_var = prof.noise.symmetrizeImage(image, symmetrize) return current_var
[docs] def getSNRScale(self, image, config, base, logger): """Calculate the factor by which to rescale the image based on a desired S/N level. Note: The default implementation does this for the gal or psf field, so if a custom stamp builder uses some other way to get the profiles, this method should probably be overridden. Parameters: image: The current image. config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: scale_factor """ if 'gal' in base and 'signal_to_noise' in base['gal']: key = 'gal' elif 'gal' not in base and 'psf' in base and 'signal_to_noise' in base['psf']: key = 'psf' else: return 1. if 'flux' in base[key]: raise GalSimConfigError( 'Only one of signal_to_noise or flux may be specified for %s'%key) if 'image' in base and 'noise' in base['image']: noise_var = CalculateNoiseVariance(base) else: raise GalSimConfigError( "Need to specify noise level when using %s.signal_to_noise"%key) sn_target = ParseValue(base[key], 'signal_to_noise', base, float)[0] # Now determine what flux we need to get our desired S/N # There are lots of definitions of S/N, but here is the one used by Great08 # We use a weighted integral of the flux: # S = sum W(x,y) I(x,y) / sum W(x,y) # N^2 = Var(S) = sum W(x,y)^2 Var(I(x,y)) / (sum W(x,y))^2 # Now we assume that Var(I(x,y)) is dominated by the sky noise, so # Var(I(x,y)) = var # We also assume that we are using a matched filter for W, so W(x,y) = I(x,y). # Then a few things cancel and we find that # S/N = sqrt( sum I(x,y)^2 / var ) sn_meas = math.sqrt( np.sum(image.array**2, dtype=float) / noise_var ) # Now we rescale the flux to get our desired S/N scale_factor = sn_target / sn_meas return scale_factor
[docs] def applySNRScale(self, image, prof, scale_factor, method, logger): """Apply the scale_factor from getSNRScale to the image and profile. The default implementaion just multiplies each of them, but if prof is not a regular GSObject, then you might need to do something different. Parameters: image: The current image. prof: The profile that was drawn. scale_factor: The factor by which to scale both image and prof. method: The method used by drawImage. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: image, prof (after being properly scaled) """ if scale_factor != 1.0: if method == 'phot': logger.warning( "signal_to_noise calculation is not accurate for draw_method = phot") image *= scale_factor prof *= scale_factor return image, prof
[docs] def updateOrigin(self, config, base, image): """Update the image origin to be centered at the right place @param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param image The postage stamp image. """ stamp_center = base['stamp_center'] if stamp_center: image.setCenter(stamp_center) else: image.setOrigin(base.get('image_origin',PositionI(1,1)))
[docs] def reject(self, config, base, prof, psf, image, logger): """Check to see if this object should be rejected. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. prof: The profile that was drawn. psf: The psf that was used to build the profile. image: The postage stamp image. No noise is on it yet at this point. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: whether to reject this object """ # Early exit if no profile if prof is None: return False if 'reject' in config: if ParseValue(config, 'reject', base, bool)[0]:'obj %d: reject evaluated to True',base.get('obj_num',0)) return True if 'min_flux_frac' in config: if not isinstance(prof, GSObject): raise GalSimConfigError( "Cannot apply min_flux_frac for stamp types that do not use " "a single GSObject profile.") expected_flux = prof.flux measured_flux = np.sum(image.array, dtype=float) min_flux_frac = ParseValue(config, 'min_flux_frac', base, float)[0] logger.debug('obj %d: flux_frac = %f', base.get('obj_num',0), measured_flux / expected_flux) if measured_flux < min_flux_frac * expected_flux: logger.warning('Object %d: Measured flux = %f < %s * %f.', base.get('obj_num',0), measured_flux, min_flux_frac, expected_flux) return True if 'min_snr' in config or 'max_snr' in config: if not isinstance(prof, GSObject): raise GalSimConfigError( "Cannot apply min_snr for stamp types that do not use " "a single GSObject profile.") var = CalculateNoiseVariance(base) sumsq = np.sum(image.array**2, dtype=float) snr = np.sqrt(sumsq / var) logger.debug('obj %d: snr = %f', base.get('obj_num',0), snr) if 'min_snr' in config: min_snr = ParseValue(config, 'min_snr', base, float)[0] if snr < min_snr: logger.warning('Object %d: Measured snr = %f < %s.', base.get('obj_num',0), snr, min_snr) return True if 'max_snr' in config: max_snr = ParseValue(config, 'max_snr', base, float)[0] if snr > max_snr: logger.warning('Object %d: Measured snr = %f > %s.', base.get('obj_num',0), snr, max_snr) return True return False
[docs] def reset(self, base, logger): """Reset some aspects of the config dict so the object can be rebuilt after rejecting the current object. Parameters: base: The base configuration dict. logger: A logger object to log progress. """ # Clear current values out of psf, gal, and stamp if they are not safe to reuse. # This means they are either marked as safe or indexed by something other than obj_num. for field in ('psf', 'gal', 'stamp'): if field in base: RemoveCurrent(base[field], keep_safe=True, index_key='obj_num')
[docs] def addNoise(self, config, base, image, current_var, logger): """ Add the sky level and the noise to the stamp. Note: This only gets called if the image type requests that the noise be added to each stamp individually, rather than to the full image and the end. Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. image: The current image. current_var: The current noise variance present in the image already. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: the new values of image, current_var """ base['current_noise_image'] = base['current_stamp'] AddSky(base,image) current_var = AddNoise(base,image,current_var,logger) return image, current_var
[docs] def makeTasks(self, config, base, jobs, logger): """Turn a list of jobs into a list of tasks. For the Basic stamp type, there is just one job per task, so the tasks list is just: tasks = [ [ (job, k) ] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ] Parameters: config: The configuration dict for the stamp field. base: The base configuration dict. jobs: A list of jobs to split up into tasks. Each job in the list is a dict of parameters that includes 'obj_num'. logger: A logger object to log progress. Returns: a list of tasks """ return [ [(job, k)] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ]
def RegisterStampType(stamp_type, builder): """Register an image type for use by the config apparatus. Parameters: stamp_type: The name of the type in config['stamp'] builder: A builder object to use for building the stamp images. It should be an instance of StampBuilder or a subclass thereof. """ valid_stamp_types[stamp_type] = builder RegisterStampType('Basic', StampBuilder())