Config Stamp Field

The stamp field defines some properties about how to draw the postage-stamp images of each object. It is often unneccessary to explicitly include this top-level field. The default stamp type, called ‘Basic’, is often what you want.

Stamp Field Attributes

Some attributes that are allowed for all stamp types are:

  • draw_method = str_value (default = ‘auto’) Valid options are:

    • ‘auto’ The default is normally equivalent to ‘fft’. However, if the object being rendered is simple (no convolution) and has hard edges (e.g. a Box or a truncated Moffat or Sersic), then it will switch to ‘real_space’, since that is often both faster and more accurate in these cases (due to ringing in Fourier space).

    • ‘fft’ This method will convolve by the pixel (as well as convolving the galaxy and PSF if you have both) using a fast Fourier transform.

    • ‘real_space’ This uses real-space integration to integrate over the pixel. This is only possible if there is only _either_ a PSF or galaxy, not both. Also, it cannot involve a Convolution internally. If GalSim is unable to do the real-space integration, this will revert to ‘fft’.

    • ‘phot’ Use photon shooting, which treats the profile as a probability distribution, draws photons from that distribution, and then “shoots” them at the image. The flux of each photon is added to whichever pixel it hits. This automatically handles the integration over the pixel, but it cannot be used with Deconvolutions (including RealGalaxy objects) and the result will necessarily have Poisson noise from the finite number of photons being shot.

      • max_extra_noise = float_value (optional) If the image is sky noise dominated, then it is efficient to stop shooting photons when the photon noise of the galaxy is much less than the sky noise. This parameter specifies how much extra noise, as a fraction of the sky noise, is permissible in any pixel.

      • n_photons = int_value (optional; default is to assume the object flux is given in photons and use that) Specifies the total number of photons to shoot as a hard, fixed number. If both n_photons and max_extra_noise are specified in the options, max_extra_noise is ignored and a warning is generated.

      • poisson_flux = bool_value (default = True, unless n_photons is given, in which case the default is False) Whether to allow the total object flux to vary according to Poisson statistics for the number of photons being shot.

    • ‘no_pixel’ This will not integrate the flux over the pixel response. Rather, it just samples the surface brightness distribution at the pixel centers and multiplies by the pixel area. This is appropriate if the PSF already has the pixel response included (e.g. from an observed image of a PSF).

    • ‘sb’ This is similar to ‘no_pixel’, except that the image values will simply be the sampled surface brightness, not multiplied by the pixel area. This does not correspond to any real observing scenario, but it could be useful if you want to view the surface brightness profile of an object directly, without including the pixel integration.

  • offset = pos_value (optional) An offset in chip coordinates (i.e. pixel units) to apply when drawing the object on the postage stamp.

  • gsparams = dict (optional) A dict of (non-default) GSParams items that you want applied to the constructed object.

  • retry_failures = int_value (default = 0) How many times to retry the construction of a GSObject if there is any kind of failure. For example, you might have a random shear value that technically may come back with \(|g| > 1\), but it should be very rare. So you might set it to retry once or twice in that case. If this is > 0, then after a failure, the code will try again up to this many times.

  • skip_failures = bool_value (default = False) Whether to skip an object if some aspect of the processing failes (i.e. an exception is raised). This is similar in spirit to the above retry_failures, but more appropriate when the input is not a random value that sometimes causes problems, but rather an input catalog that might have invalid values.

  • world_pos = pos_value or sky_value (only one of world_pos and image_pos is allowed) The position in world coordinates at which to center the object. This is often defined in the image field, but it can be overridden in the stamp field.

  • image_pos = pos_value (only one of world_pos and image_pos is allowed) The position on the full image at which to center the object. This is often defined in the image field, but it can be overridden in the stamp field. Note: the object is always centered as nearly as possible on the postage stamp being drawn (unless an explicit offset is given), but the image_pos or world_pos determines where in the larger image this stamp is placed.

  • sky_pos = sky_value (default = world_pos) Normally this is just world_pos, but if you are using a Euclidean WCS, then this allows for the ability to specify a location on the sky in case some other type needs it for a calculation.

  • skip = bool_value (default = False) Skip this stamp.

  • quick_skip = bool_value (default = False) Skip this stamp before doing any work, even making the rng or calculating the position. (Usually used by some other part of the processing to precalculate objects that are not worth doing for some reason.)

  • obj_rng = bool_value (default = True) Whether to make a fresh random number generator for each object. If set to False, all objects will use the same rng, which will be the one used for image-level calculations.

  • photon_ops See Photon Operators List below.

Stamp Types

The default stamp type is ‘Basic’, which constructs a galaxy object based on the gal field (if present) and a PSF object from the psf field (again, if present), convolves them together, and draws the object onto a postage stamp. This is often what you need, but there is also a ‘Ring’ type, and you can define your own custom stamp type if you want to customize any aspect of the stamp-building process.

  • ‘Basic’ The postage stamp contains a single gal object convolved by a psf object, assuming both fields are given. If only one of the two is given, that one is drawn.

    • size = int_value (optional) If you want square postage stamps for each object (common), you just need to set this one value and the images will be size x size. The default is for GalSim to automatically determine a good size for the image that will encompass most of the flux of the object, but note that the image type may define the stamp size (e.g. ‘Tiled’), in which case that will be used.

    • xsize = int_value (default = size) If you want non-square postage stamps, you can specify xsize and ysize separately instead. It is an error for only one of them to be non-zero.

    • ysize = int_value (default = size)

    • min_flux_frac = float_value (optional) If the rendered stamp (before noise is applied) has less than this fraction of the nominal flux of the object, reject it and start over (presumably choosing new random values for size, flux, etc.). This counts as a “failure” for the purpose of the retry_failures count.

    • min_snr = float_value (optional) If the measured signal-to-noise ratio (using the optimal matched filter definition of S/N, measured using the signal on the stamp before noise is applied) is less than this, then reject it and start over. This counts as a “failure” for the purpose of the retry_failures count.

    • max_snr = float_value (optional) If the measured signal-to-noise ratio is higher than this, then reject it and start over. This counts as a “failure” for the purpose of the retry_failures count.

    • reject = bool_value (optional) If this evaluates to true, then reject the current stamp and start over. Typically, this would be a custom function that would perform some measurement on the pre-noise image. See cgc.yaml for an examples of such a custom function. This counts as a “failure” for the purpose of the retry_failures count.

  • ‘Ring’ Generate galaxies in a ring for a ring test. (Use num=2 to get pairs of 90 degree rotated galaxies.)

    • size, xsize, ysize = int_value (optional) Same meaning as for ‘Basic’ type.

    • num = int_value (required) How many objects to include in the ring.

    • full_rotation = angle_value (default = 180 degrees) What angle should be spanned by the full rotation? The default of 180 degrees is appropriate for the typical case of a rotationally symmetric galaxy (e.g. a sheared Exponential), but if the first profile does not have rotational symmetry, then you probably want to set this to 360 degrees.

    • index = int_value (default = ‘Sequence’ from 0 to num-1) Which item in the Ring is this.

    • min_flux_frac = float_value (optional) Equivalent to Basic, but only applies to the first stamp in the ring.

    • min_snr = float_value (optional) Equivalent to Basic, but only applies to the first stamp in the ring.

    • max_snr = float_value (optional) Equivalent to Basic, but only applies to the first stamp in the ring.

    • reject = bool_value (optional) Equivalent to Basic, but only applies to the first stamp in the ring.

    • shear = shear_value (optional) Shear the galaxy profile by a given shear. Normally shear goes in the gal field. But for ring simulations, where we rotate the base galaxy by some amount, one typically wants the shear to be applied after the rotation. So any shear (or other transformation) item that is in the gal field is applied before the ring rotation. Then any shear (or again, any other transformation) that is in the stamp field is applied after the ring rotation.

Custom Stamp Types

To define your own stamp type, you will need to write an importable Python module (typically a file in the current directory where you are running galsim, but it could also be something you have installed in your Python distro) with a class that will be used to build the stamp.

The class should be a subclass of galsim.config.StampBuilder, which is the class used for the default ‘Basic’ type. There are a number of class methods, and you only need to override the ones for which you want different behavior than that of the ‘Basic’ type.

class galsim.config.StampBuilder[source]

A base class for building stamp images of individual objects.

The base class defines the call signatures of the methods that any derived class should follow. It also includes the implementation of the default stamp type: Basic.

addNoise(config, base, image, current_var, logger)[source]

Add the sky level and the noise to the stamp.

Note: This only gets called if the image type requests that the noise be added to each

stamp individually, rather than to the full image and the end.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • image – The current image.

  • current_var – The current noise variance present in the image already.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the new values of image, current_var

applySNRScale(image, prof, scale_factor, method, logger)[source]

Apply the scale_factor from getSNRScale to the image and profile.

The default implementaion just multiplies each of them, but if prof is not a regular GSObject, then you might need to do something different.

  • image – The current image.

  • prof – The profile that was drawn.

  • scale_factor – The factor by which to scale both image and prof.

  • method – The method used by drawImage.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


image, prof (after being properly scaled)

buildPSF(config, base, gsparams, logger)[source]

Build the PSF object.

For the Basic stamp type, this builds a PSF from the base[‘psf’] dict, if present, else returns None.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • gsparams – A dict of kwargs to use for a GSParams. More may be added to this list by the galaxy object.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the PSF

buildProfile(config, base, psf, gsparams, logger)[source]

Build the surface brightness profile (a GSObject) to be drawn.

For the Basic stamp type, this builds a galaxy from the base[‘gal’] dict and convolves it with the psf (if given). If either the psf or the galaxy is None, then the other one is returned as is.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • psf – The PSF, if any. This may be None, in which case, no PSF is convolved.

  • gsparams – A dict of kwargs to use for a GSParams. More may be added to this list by the galaxy object.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the final profile

draw(prof, image, method, offset, config, base, logger)[source]

Draw the profile on the postage stamp image.

  • prof – The profile to draw.

  • image – The image onto which to draw the profile (which may be None).

  • method – The method to use in drawImage.

  • offset – The offset to apply when drawing.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the resulting image

getDrawMethod(config, base, logger)[source]

Determine the draw method to use.

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress.

@returns method

getOffset(config, base, logger)[source]

Determine the offset to use.

The base class version adds the stamp_offset, which comes from calculations related to world_pos and image_pos, to the field stamp.offset if any.

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress.

@returns offset

getSNRScale(image, config, base, logger)[source]

Calculate the factor by which to rescale the image based on a desired S/N level.

Note: The default implementation does this for the gal or psf field, so if a custom

stamp builder uses some other way to get the profiles, this method should probably be overridden.

  • image – The current image.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.



getSkip(config, base, logger)[source]

Initial check of whether to skip this object based on the stamp.skip field.

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param logger A logger object to log progress.

@returns skip

locateStamp(config, base, xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos, logger)[source]

Determine where and how large the stamp should be.

The base class version does the followin:

  • If given, set base[‘stamp_xsize’] = xsize

  • If given, set base[‘stamp_ysize’] = ysize

  • If only image_pos or world_pos is given, compute the other from base[‘wcs’]

  • Set base[‘index_pos’] = image_pos

  • Set base[‘world_pos’] = world_pos

  • Calculate the appropriate value of the center of the stamp, to be used with the command: stamp_image.setCenter(stamp_center). Save this as base[‘stamp_center’]

  • Calculate the appropriate offset for the position of the object from the center of the stamp due to just the fractional part of the image position, not including any base[‘stamp’][‘offset’] item that may be present in the base dict. Save this as base[‘stamp_offset’]

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param xsize The size of the stamp in the x-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] @param ysize The size of the stamp in the y-dimension. [may be 0 if unknown] @param image_pos The position of the stamp in image coordinates. [may be None] @param world_pos The position of the stamp in world coordinates. [may be None] @param logger A logger object to log progress.

makeStamp(config, base, xsize, ysize, logger)[source]

Make the initial empty postage stamp image, if possible.

If we don’t know xsize, ysize, return None, in which case the stamp will be created automatically by the drawImage command based on the natural size of the profile.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • xsize – The xsize of the image to build (if known).

  • ysize – The ysize of the image to build (if known).

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the image

makeTasks(config, base, jobs, logger)[source]

Turn a list of jobs into a list of tasks.

For the Basic stamp type, there is just one job per task, so the tasks list is just:

tasks = [ [ (job, k) ] for k, job in enumerate(jobs) ]

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • jobs – A list of jobs to split up into tasks. Each job in the list is a dict of parameters that includes ‘obj_num’.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


a list of tasks

quickSkip(config, base)[source]

Check whether this object should be skipped before doing any work.

The base class looks for stamp.quick_skip and returns True if it is preset and evaluates to True.

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict.

@returns skip

reject(config, base, prof, psf, image, logger)[source]

Check to see if this object should be rejected.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • prof – The profile that was drawn.

  • psf – The psf that was used to build the profile.

  • image – The postage stamp image. No noise is on it yet at this point.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


whether to reject this object

reset(base, logger)[source]

Reset some aspects of the config dict so the object can be rebuilt after rejecting the current object.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.

setup(config, base, xsize, ysize, ignore, logger)[source]

Do the initialization and setup for building a postage stamp.

In the base class, we check for and parse the appropriate size and position values in config (aka base[‘stamp’] or base[‘image’].

Values given in base[‘stamp’] take precedence if these are given in both places (which would be confusing, so probably shouldn’t do that, but there might be a use case where it would make sense).

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • xsize – The xsize of the image to build (if known).

  • ysize – The ysize of the image to build (if known).

  • ignore – A list of parameters that are allowed to be in config that we can ignore here. i.e. it won’t be an error if these parameters are present.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


xsize, ysize, image_pos, world_pos

setupRNG(config, base, logger)[source]

Setup the RNG for this object.

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict.

updateOrigin(config, base, image)[source]

Update the image origin to be centered at the right place

@param config The configuration dict for the stamp field. @param base The base configuration dict. @param image The postage stamp image.

updateSkip(prof, image, method, offset, config, base, logger)[source]

Before drawing the profile, see whether this object can be trivially skipped.

The base method checks if the object is completely off the main image, so the intersection bounds will be undefined. In this case, don’t bother drawing the postage stamp for this object.

  • prof – The profile to draw.

  • image – The image onto which to draw the profile (which may be None).

  • method – The method to use in drawImage.

  • offset – The offset to apply when drawing.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


whether to skip drawing this object.

whiten(prof, image, config, base, logger)[source]

If appropriate, whiten the resulting image according to the requested noise profile and the amount of noise originally present in the profile.

  • prof – The profile to draw.

  • image – The image onto which to draw the profile.

  • config – The configuration dict for the stamp field.

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – A logger object to log progress.


the variance of the resulting whitened (or symmetrized) image.

The base parameter is the original full configuration dict that is being used for running the simulation. The config parameter is the local portion of the full dict that defines the stamp being built, which would typically be base['stamp'].

Then, in the Python module, you need to register this function with some type name, which will be the value of the type attribute that triggers the use of this Builder object:

galsim.config.RegisterStampType('CustomStamp', CustomStampBuilder())

Note that we register an instance of the class, not the class itself. This opens up the possibility of having multiple stamp types use the same class instantiated with different initialization parameters. This is not used by the GalSim stamp types, but there may be use cases where it would be useful for custom stamp types.

Finally, to use this custom type in your config file, you need to tell the config parser the name of the module to load at the start of processing. e.g. if this function is defined in the file, then you would use the following top-level modules field in the config file:

    - my_custom_stamp

This modules field is a list, so it can contain more than one module to load if you want. Then before processing anything, the code will execute the command import my_custom_stamp, which will read your file and execute the registration command to add the builder to the list of valid stamp types.

Then you can use this as a valid stamp type:

    type: CustomStamp

For examples of custom stamps, see

which use custom stamp types Blend and BlendSet defined in .

It may also be helpful to look at the GalSim implementation of the include Ring type: (click on the [source] link):

class galsim.config.stamp_ring.RingBuilder[source]

Bases: StampBuilder

This performs the tasks necessary for building a Ring stamp type.

It uses the regular Basic functions for most things. It specializes the setup, buildProfile, reject, and makeTasks functions.

Photon Operators List

When drawing with method='phot', there are a number of operators you can apply to the photon array before accumulating the photons on the sensor. You can specify these using photon_ops in the stamp field. This directive should be a list of dicts, each specifying a PhotonOp in the order in which the operators should be applied to the photons.

The photon operator types defined by GalSim are:

  • ‘WavelengthSampler’ assigns wavelengths to the photons based on an SED and the current Bandpass.

    • sed = SED (required) The SED to use. To use the galaxy SED (which would be typical), you can use @gal.sed for this.

    • npoints = int_value (optional) The number of points DistDeviate should use for its interpolation table.

  • ‘FRatioAngles’ assigns incidence angles (in terms of their tangent, dxdz and dydz) to the photons randomly given an f/ratio and an obscuration.

    • fratio = float_vale (required) The f/ratio of the telescope.

    • obscuration = float_value (default = 0.0) The linear dimension of the central obscuration as a fraction of the aperture size.

  • ‘PhotonDCR’ adjusts the positions of the photons according to the effect of differential chromatic refraction in the atmosphere. There are several ways one can define the parallactic angle needed to compute the DCR effect. One of the following is required.

    1. zenith_angle and parallactic_angle

    2. zenith_angle alone, implicitly taking parallactic_angle = 0.

    3. zenith_coord along with either sky_pos in the stamp field or using a CelestialWCS so GalSim can determine the sky position from the image coordinates.

    4. HA and latitude along with either sky_pos in the stamp field or using a CelestialWCS so GalSim can determine the sky position from the image coordinates.

    • base_wavelength = float_value (required) The wavelength (in nm) for the fiducial photon positions.

    • scale_unit = str_value (default = ‘arcsec’) The scale unit for the photon positions.

    • alpha = float_value (default = 0.0) A power law index for wavelength-dependent seeing. This should only be used if doing a star-only simulation. It is not correct when drawing galaxies.

    • zenith_angle = angle_value (optional; see above) the angle from the object to zenith.

    • parallactic_angle = angle_value (option; see above) the parallactic angle.

    • zenith_coord = sky_value (optional; see above) the celestial coordinates of the zenith.

    • HA = angle_value (optional; see above) the local hour angle.

    • latitude = angle_value (optional; see above) the latitude of the telescope.

    • pressure = float_value (default = 69.328) the pressure in kPa.

    • temperature = float_value (default = 293.15) the temperature in Kelvin.

    • H2O_pressure = float_value (default = 1.067) the water vapor pressure in kPa.

  • ‘FocusDepth’ adjusts the positions of the photons at the surface of the sensor to account for the nominal focus being either above or below the sensor surface. The depth value is typically negative, since the best focus is generally somewhere in the bulk of the sensor (although for short wavelengths it is often very close to the surface).

    • depth = float_value (required) The distance above the surface where the photons are nominally in focus. A negative value means the focus in below the surface of the sensor.

  • ‘Refraction’ adjusts the incidence angles to account for refraction at the surface of the sensor.


    If this is combined with FocusDepth, then the order of the two operators is important. If FocusDepth is before Refraction, then the depth refers to the distance the sensor would need to move for the bundle to be in focus at the surface. If FocusDepth is after Refraction, then the depth refers to the physical distance below the surface of the sensor where the photons actually come to a focus.

    • index_ratio = float_value (required) The ratio of the index of refraction of the sensor material to that of the air.

  • ‘PupilImageSampler’ assigns pupil positions to the photons randomly given an image of the pupil plane.

    • diam = float_value (required) The diameter of the pupil aperture.

    • lam = float_value (optional). The wavelength in nanometers.

    • circular_pupil = bool_value (default = True) Whether the pupil should be circular (True, the default) or square (False).

    • obscuration = float_value (default = 0) The linear dimension of a central obscuration as a fraction of the pupil linear dimension.

    • oversampling = float_value (default = 1.5) How much oversampling of the internal image is needed relative to the Nyquist scale of the corresponding Airy profile. The more aberrated the PSF, the higher this needs to be.

    • pad_factor = float_value (default = 1.5) How much padding to put around the edge of the internal image of the PSF.

    • nstruts = int_value (default = 0) How many support struts to include.

    • strut_thick = float_value (default = 0.05) How thick the struts should be as a fraction of the pupil diameter.

    • strut_angle = angle_value (default = 0 degrees) The counter-clockwise angle between the vertical and one of the struts. The rest will be spaced equally from there.

    • pupil_plane_im = str_value (optional) Instead of using strut-related parameters to define the pupil plane geometry, you can use this parameter to specify a file-name containing an image of the pupil plane.

    • pupil_angle = angle_value (default = 0 degrees) When specifying a pupil_plane_im, use this parameter to rotate it by some angle defined counter-clockwise with respect to the vertical.

    • pupil_plane_scale = float_value (optional) Sampling interval in meters to use for the pupil plane array.

    • pupil_plane_size = float_value (optional) Size in meters to use for the pupil plane array.

  • ‘PupilAnnulusSampler’ assigns pupil positions to the photons randomly within an annular entrance pupil.

    • R_outer = float_value (required) The outer radius of the pupil annulus in meters.

    • R_inner = float_value (default = 0) The inner radius in meters.

  • ‘TimeSampler’ gives the photons random time values uniformly within some interval.

    • t0 = float_value (default = 0) The nominal start time of the observation in seconds.

    • exptime = float_value (default = 0) The exposure time in seconds.

You may also define your own custom PhotonOp type in the usual way with an importable module where you define a custom Builder class and register it with GalSim. The class should be a subclass of galsim.config.PhotonOpBuilder.

class galsim.config.PhotonOpBuilder[source]

A base class for building PhotonOp objects.

The base class defines the call signatures of the methods that any derived class should follow.

buildPhotonOp(config, base, logger)[source]

Build the PhotonOp based on the specifications in the config dict.

Note: Sub-classes must override this function with a real implementation.

  • config – The configuration dict for the PhotonOp

  • base – The base configuration dict.

  • logger – If provided, a logger for logging debug statements.


the constructed PhotonOp object.

Then, as usual, you need to register this type using:

galsim.config.RegisterPhotonOpType('CustomPhotonOp', CustomPhotonOpBuilder())
galsim.config.RegisterPhotonOpType(photon_op_type, builder, input_type=None)[source]

Register a photon_op type for use by the config apparatus.

  • photon_op_type – The name of the config type to register

  • builder – A builder object to use for building the PhotonOp object. It should be an instance of a subclass of PhotonOpBuilder.

  • input_type – If the PhotonOp builder utilises an input object, give the key name of the input type here. (If it uses more than one, this may be a list.) [default: None]

and tell the config parser the name of the module to load at the start of processing.

    - my_custom_photon_op

Then you can use this as a valid photon operator type:

            type: CustomPhotonOp